CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #18

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Originally Posted by OneLove
Sorry, haven't read back through every post, but have his "sanpaku" eyes been mentioned yet?

OMG first thing I noticed. I read about that here once and now I'm fixated on looking at everyone's eyeballs.

I noticed too - have you noticed George Clooney has those type of eyes too? It's probably why I never liked Clooney. Those eyes bother me a lot.
Just to clarify, Minecraft is a perfectly fine game. It's not like a shoot em up/violent game. My son (14) plays it as do many of my friends' kids. It's a very fun (addicting) game that appeals to very young kids to adults.

Not this game, there's other game sites he was on...
And to keep going with the German angle and his name. if you take the last part of it, and google .. you'll find that there are people that say it means "thou". So if you change it to the correct spelling in German (I'm guessing maybe he sounded it out or the name was taken some how, so he made a variation), It's Du Hast Thou which I looked up and a hymn came up 2nd thing down. It pulled up a wikipedia link to: Herzliebster Jesu and a translation of where that is taken from

"Beloved Jesus, what have you done wrong
that they have pronounced so hard a sentence?
What is your guilt, into what sort of misdeeds
have you fallen?"

Rather weird and interesting. Although I really think he was using the Rammstein song, it IS eerie.
At this point in time, I don't even believe the junior high school guidance counsellor who raped me when I was 12 was evil. I have come to see him as a human being who was not able to cope with his attraction to pre-pubescent girls (I was a late developer, didn't go through menarche until I was almost 16).

What he did was wrong but I don't see it as caused by some supernatural force.

:hug:Hugs for what you went thru at what is uch an already difficult age for females anyway:hug:

I don't believe it is a "supernatural" force but rather a very real void of the true warmth core of what our soul is...and that in that void it is often times intentionally filled with dark, depraved, and evil wants, needs, and desires.. The evil is the actual individual themselves and not a supernatural being that forces an individual to do heinous and wickedly sadistic actions to others..

Now, dont get me wrong i absolutely believe there is demonic possession(which I guess one may label as "supernatural" of sorts)..but demonic possession is a whole other issue entirely..

As far as this individual I do not have near enough information to even begin to speculate what was the driving force of his commintting such heinous crimes on an innocent child.. I do not believe he is possessed and cannot even say for absolute certain that he is evil..his actions imo have strong indications of evil but nonetheless with the little known at this point there is no way to know anything for certain about this soecific individual..
I really disagree with the similarities between him and the guy from Twilight (who I don't find attractive anyway). This guy is scary looking. The link to his Instagram has more pictures that make him look... disturbing. IMOO
Huh? I am reading. But I can't possibly read 1,000+ posts to try to find an answer. I was hoping someone could clear it up for those of us who haven't read every post and don't understand why there are TWO murder charges.

Trevor explained it at the end of the news conference. The entire news conference is up and live at if you want to watch yourself.

Basically if you look at the Dark Knight case and this's how they do things in Colorado.
Heck, I get excited about snow, and I'm 30! (But I guess you should not be surprised, because I'm a penguin with a human avatar lol.) Last year was my best Halloween ever - I had a party planned, but it was postponed because it snowed (less cool that it knocked out the power).

For Cluciano and other kitty lovers...I present these pictures :D ...

:cat: Love your snowy Halloween kitty, Jane! :great:
WE need to be careful with assumptions because I think there are TWO Austin Siggs posting on You-tube. One of the links posted back on page 20 or so, was an Austin Siggs posting video of himself playing running back on his High School football team. It was dated 2012, but the arrestee had already dropped out of school by then.

So some poor kid has the same name, and I hope we are not posting his links here instead of the suspects.
I really disagree with the similarities between him and the guy from Twilight (who I don't find attractive anyway). This guy is scary looking. The link to his Instagram has more pictures that make him look... disturbing. IMOO

Thank You!
If I could "guess". I'd say
he has a distinctive writing style, one that would be precise, to the point and listed. Think MLA format in college, something you learn your freshman year. If you're taking med classes you write distinctive in another fashion; APA format. It's very hard to break that habit when talking to people online. I'm sure anyone he's spoken to online noted how rigid his interactions were.

I'm guess him to be heavily involved in her "search / rescue", most likely online.

I do not think a person with schizo-affective disorders would be able to be this cunning. I speak from experience in the field. If you look at cases of dismemberment and this disorder, the person who does it - is dazed and doesn't know to clean up or behave in a manner to hide their crime. It happens during a psychosis. That maybe hard for people to understand in the sense that a psychotic would only do something like this. But being psychotic doesn't mean a person has a chemical imbalance.

(hope that made some sense).

This is all too much like the film "We need to talk about Kevin" and I highly recommend everyone read the book, wiki it or look on Youtube. This might help people understand the minds of a sociopath, which is the type that does this sort of thing.

He had an agenda and probably had access to a lab, given his academics and right now is midterms. People are on campus at all odd hours (Im currently a med student so I see people at 4am cramming for studies). Seeing him around wouldn't be odd this time of year. I mean, at least I wouldn't think a kid who's trying to be the next Doogie Houser would be odd spending days off at school. And I believe in the time she was missing, his school calendar might reflect a fall break or some other break. I wasn't out for Columbus day but our fall break was the next week. Something to think about.

He's disciplined, brazen and most likely the next Ted Bundy but stopped. The only reason that jogger escaped is because he doesn't have the gull to really push with an adult, she was a threat to him in the end but a child? Easier. (JMO). This also explains the chemicals, he most likely used embalming fluid and that would be the "smell".

This is all me speculating and I do not think this is his first kill, however, if there are others they would be near by. I would think it's mostly animals though, ones he's dissected to learn. I know people are hung up on the cross bit (no pun intended there), he's at an age where most of us were looking into all sorts of faiths and trying to learn. I know at that age I was curious about everything the world held. He might have had a faith that was a mixture of two. Say... Jewish/Christian. *I'm a Jew, and there's reasons why I'm bringing up that part*. His fixation it seemed with #'s, relation to 3 and maybe even his online names will give away his inspiration and where his head is at. See, at that age he THINKS he knows everything but he has no experience as a criminal or how to survive much. He did live at home, so I bet he left an online trail. He's too analytical, meticulous, daring and curious to just abandon her case and not try to help. I bet he offered help in all sorts of ways, tossing out "idea" of the killer, but not exposing who he was directly. If he was doing that then I'm sure he also did red herrings and pushed false information and leads that were debunked, to thwart the conversation but still keep engaged.

If they look at his online activity, I'm sure a lot will be answered.

BUT THIS IS JUST MY OPNION and I'm not LE, or anything. Just an observer.

(Respectfully) There are many things that you post that are factually incorrect. Get verified as a medical or mental health expert or post links to your statements instead of posting "I have experience in this field." Thank you.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
He only lived a mile away.

Jessica was "looking forward to becoming a teenager", by which I guess she was like me at that age, boy crazy.

If so, it's not unlikely she would have known the location of an older boy who lived a mile away and looked just like Edward from Twilight.

I guarantee he knew of his own likeness and played on it.

This could be what the police meant when they said "non random"...maybe he'd made contact with her somehow before. Maybe at the park while she was walking her dog, maybe at the local video store...but LE knew they knew each other somehow.

There was some earlier connection, even if it was just that she knew who he was.


But LE said "not random" on 10/8, even before her body was found. So I think that was because they had not yet cleared her immediate circle other than perhaps her parents. And did not want to start a panic. They changed over to predator as soon as she was located.
It is definitely not allowed to call a member out or sleuth them. We were already warned about this. Please STOP.
He is beside the fellow in the hat, I believe, thanks to the WSer who was able to get this pic to load upthread, and pointed this out, can't find your post now, quick pace on these threads:



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So I broke up his name Dohastvath "Do Hast Vath" and then I went "oh wait.." and changed it to German "Du Hast Vath". I sometimes live in Berlin and immediately recognized it. This is also "Du Hast" a Rammstein song. It means you have or you hate. (vath isn't a word but I'm looking to see if I can change a letter out).

"Du hast was" = literally "you have something" in the sense "you have a certain vibe" (that is hard to put in words/capture), usually said in a positive sense, for example "du hast was, was mir gefällt".

If that is the intended meaning of the name it's very weird indeed, maybe chosen to sound mysterious?

ETA: "you hate" would be "du hasst" with a double "s".
I really disagree with the similarities between him and the guy from Twilight (who I don't find attractive anyway). This guy is scary looking. The link to his Instagram has more pictures that make him look... disturbing. IMOO

Can't keep up with the pages but soooo happy they caught this guy and made an arrest. I could not get on Websleuths and in my heart I knew them something big had happened.

Such a sad story all around. This does not bring Jessica back and now his mother has to live with this. I could not imagine being either mother.
hmmm. went to college in Littleton? Even though it is out of his way could he go from home to college by way of Pattrick Park? from his home to Pattrick Park to college, makes another triangle...
Thanks to you and all the other posters who have chimed in for all of us -ex and current goths/alternative folks. I was "goth" about the same time as you, but we didn't call it that then, not sure we had a name for it. :). We listened to a lot of the Cure, the Smiths, Bauhaus, Pixies, and later grunge. And I still rock my black boots and skirts! But none of us would have done a thing like this, in fact goths were pretty much the gentlest folks I knew, though some in our crowd did have a flair for romance-related drama. :innocent:

My DD who is a young teen pretty much looks and dresses thhe goth part, lots of long skirts with boots, black clothes, and pink hair. Mostly you'll find her studying, reading, or baking cookies/cupcakes/pastries. Not hurting anyone.

It makes me sad to see stereotyping going on. And while both my DD and I would run screaming if we ever found ourselves in a pentacostal church, it wouldn't be because we are bad people in the clutches of Satan!! :giggle:

tee hee, I was one of those annoying prep/jocks -- who also listened to Joy Division and the Cure etc.... I admit that Bauhaus was often a little too much ... but yes, the boys in their pink polos and the girls in their matching Esprit outfits ... I think we were even weirder than you. ;-)
What a mix of emotions. We have a murdered 10 year old, a (likely) 17 year old killer and two mothers with broken hearts. So pointless and so very sad.
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