CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

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My feeling is his confession is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do not believe him in my gut.

I have to leave for the day The Farm

:)seeya: everyone!)

I agreed with you and to be honest have had the same feeling pecking at the back of my mind like a little bird. I hope I'm just so jaded after following all of these cases that I'm just plain flatout wrong.

But...I got a feeling and I don't believe in my gut either. Not going to speculate though. I think we've had enough speculatin' on the thread today :D

Haha take care everyone!
Yes I do too. I couldn't make heads or tails out of that article this morning so that's why I didn't mention it until I saw what you posted.

But, I did think that if he did waive and his Mom was there for him to do so that his attn's might fight that in court since they vocalized that the waiver was revoked.

But then again who knows clu? I sure can't figure it out lol :)

IMO from what I've seen of LE in this case, they made sure they did everything by the book. Maybe he waived his rights initially, but during questioning you can change your mind and revoke the previous waiver. Maybe while he was confessing, Mom heard too much or realized what he was confessing to (i think i read she wasn't aware of what he did....only that he had did something "bad" at the time of the initial call) and told him to stop and asked for a lawyer. Either way whatever he confessed to before revoking the waiver...can be used in court.

He doesn't get to waive...start to confess...then when he changes his mind, try to erase what he said. Why LE always gives Miranda immediately before asking anything.
I just want to say THANK YOU for all the kind and flattering word said in response to my post about my "dark web" research :blushing: I was a little nervous about posting that, because most people react like I'm crazy when I tell them about this kind of stuff, but I should have known you guys would understand :floorlaugh: I love Websleuths!

I don't want to sidetrack too much, but I wanted to respond to one question because a few have and commented about it:

TCG -- In your research either primarily or after learning about the dark web, did you find much or anything at all about the FBI's monitoring of this "world"? Investigations? Stings? Arrests? Anything at all? I mean if they're posting pictures or stories and trying to prove to each other that they've legitimately done whatever the heck they've done .. other than just trading encouragement and stories... that crosses free speech. Some of what you described (which I snipped) sounds like obvious illegal activity. I can only imagine some of the more explicit stuff is CLEARLY illegal. You mentioned they move the sites around so it's hard to track but the FBI must have a beat on this... why are they not on this??? It seems like just from a research perspective you came across a landmine. And that's without giving us all of the details, thank heavens. I know when you cross a hacker with a derranged pedoperv it's a dangerous combonation, but the FBI has to have some ability to go after these creeps. Can you shed any light on this? Do you think they're doing alot more than we know and it's something they keep quiet in order to continue to apprehend? Now I want them to at least whisper to us "we're on it, don't tell the bad guys" so we can worry a little less... Because I'm FREAKING OUT!!

YES, the FBI absolutely does monitor the Deep Web. I’m sure they have an entire bureau dedicated to it, and there was quite a bit of paranoia on that forum I visited. Apparently 2 of their members were busted not long before I went there, and there was talk about a "war on pedophiles" and all of their favorite sites being shut down, the targets of DOS attacks (i.e. operation darknet, which I referenced upthread) they are definitely monitored and they know it. Don't be fooled by the moniker "hidden internet"-while these sites are “hidden” in the sense that you can’t access them from a regular internet browser, they are not difficult to find and the FBI certainly knows how to find them, and do undercover operations there all the time.

As to how the pages are allowed to exist in the first place-it is really too long and complicated to get into the logistics here, but basically they are not operating under any sovereign laws regarding content. If you go to the Tor website (which is legit and NOT illegal, BTW) you can get more information about how it all works. I do want to say for the record that there are legitimate uses for Tor, and it is unfortunate that the sick freaks of the world take advantage of their services and ruin it for everyone.

So, the problem with catching people USING Tor for illegal practices-i.e. viewing child *advertiser censored*-is that it is completely anonymized. It's not like a normal internet connection where they can trace your IP address, or work with your ISP to catch you. People who use tor are very secretive and don't tend to divulge anything about their identity. For transactions, they use something called bitcoins, which is an untraceable currency.

The FBI has had some success though-in particular in busting child *advertiser censored* rings. There are a few ways they do this-First, there are limited access CP forums, where the only way you can gain access is to produce your own “original content”. That way, the logic goes, only true pedophiles will be able to get into the “inner circle”-and obviously LE is not going to produce it’s own child *advertiser censored* to gain access. So it would seem like an insurmountable task, right? Well, the good thing is that there is always bound to be at least one person who gets sloppy. They will get busted for something, and faced with hard time they will cut a deal, giving LE access to their private little group-and from there, it is only a matter of time before everyone gets busted.

For people who manufacture child *advertiser censored*,they have a lot of different ways of doing it that I won't get into here-but they are very resourceful. But for an inside look into how one of these investigations worked, read this affidavit:!topic/alt.privacy/PyTV9wy-OS0

One of the things they do on occasion is take a still shot of the adults who star (puke) in these productions, and release them to the media. They did this recently and caught a couple of nasty child pornographers in Oregon:

In some rare occasions they will release an image of a child-only their face, of course. There was a case-I can't remember the exact details of it, but they took the rare step of releasing a picture of a child who was being sexually exploited to see if anyone could identify her. It only took a matter of days, IIRC, and once they found and rescued her they made sure that all photos of her were removed from the web to protect her privacy. There was also the famous "Disney Girl" case, where photos of a child who was NOT a victim but apparently a friend of hers who went along with her to Disney World. By identifying that child, they were able to locate her friend-a little girl adopted from Russia by a pedophile, who kept her as a virtual sex slave for years :( She was rescued and is now and is a wonderful advocate for children, very much in the public eye. Her name is Masha Allen-one of my shero's :heartbeat:

I do wish there was more we could do, as citizens, to help. One idea I have had for a long time is to create a database with pictures of all children who are used in child *advertiser censored*. Just their faces, obviously, maybe along with some pictures of identifiable objects in the background. Then allow access to this database by certain members of the public-teachers, day care workers, anyone who sees children in their line of work and may recognize a child who is being exploited. But I do have to say that the FBI, ICE, Interpol, and the other LE agencies are very proactive and do great investigative work. The stuff they are exposed to every day is horrific, but they are passionate about saving these children and bringing their abusers to justice. Go to the Innocent Images International Task Force on the FBI website to learn more about what they do-it may put your mind at ease:

(Sorry for the long winded and totally off-topic post, I'm just really passionate about this! Maybe I should write a book on it or something. Oh, wait....that's right, I am! :p)
Maybe I'm just overreacting but the fact that he has a purple heart on there makes me want to scream and break things.

I think I may need to take a breather...

Just wondering if anyone else noticed (and sorry if this has already been pointed out) that the purple heart ring was added to his wish list last January? It says so on the right side of the wish list. This makes me think it might have been something he placed on his list so he wouldn't forget about it or loose where he found it so he could order it later, perhaps for a girlfriend? I'm not convinced that it has anything to do with Jessica.
Can anyone knowledgeble on Colorado criminal law, elaborate on what they meant when the article state (can't remember which one) that as a juvenile "he is not eligible for the DP nor mandatory life without parole" I understand what they mean, but curious to know what the maximum sentence would be for him? Life w/parole? or is Life totally off the table?


This is my understanding from what I have seen on TV. He cannot be executed because of the US supreme court decision. He also cannot be automatically given a mandatory life sentence. He CAN however be sentenced on an individual basis to a life sentence with parole. (i.e. Judge can do that, but it isn't an automatic sentence). BUT I have also seen experts say he can't get over 40 years without chance of parole, but he can get more than that if he is charged with additional crimes. (like the one in Ketner park ... attempted kidnapping).

So I am also confused!
Please tell me he wasn't here too!

Here too? Who was here? I hadn't even heard of this site till a week ago. Didn't know this type of community even existed so I may not know other cases where people were on site following what people were saying?
:blushing: Desi's 'castle' is pinto's 'mcMansion' -- LOL

Some here don't get to see the visuals. It had been referred to as a home in a gated community. Sorry if I overdid the description in an effort to paint the picture! Anyway, it is big and sits on some acreage. Multiple buildings, like an 'estate.' Lots of vehicles.

(ETA: Zillow's estimate is $854K FWIW, down from $975K five years ago. It sold for $680K twelve years ago. Lot size is 218K sq ft.)

(ETA#2: LOL, agreed, "celebrity compound" is a bit of a stretch. But... did you see the cars he had there? haha)

Wonder what kind of business he is in?
I am very sorry if this has been asked and answered already but how many years in jail is he facing? I read the death penalty can't be sought because he is under 18.

Do you think some kind of insanity defence might be sought if it is established that he his mentally ill? I can't see this happening or working though.

I just can't believe a young man with his whole life ahead of him would commit something so evil and horrific and throw his life and freedom away.

Is there any news about Jessica's funeral date yet I want to light a candle in church for her on the day at my local church? I know it might be too soon.
I agree - but WHY did the girl suspect him? Had he said something to her? Acted a particular way? What clued her in that he was the guilty party? And where was he walking by when the girl pointed him out to her mother - was he maybe walking around the Chelsea Park Memorial?

Just curious.

Maybe just a girl connected to her intuition. I read the statement being more like he's so creepy he had to be the one that did it.
My feeling is his confession is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do not believe him in my gut.

I said something along those lines in the Whitney thread. The question was posed as to why the perp would admit to killing Whitney but still insist she willingly allowed him into her vehicle.

And though I don't know the "why", I can tell you it happens all of the time. Some reaaaalllyyy sick tickets will admit to killing, dismembering, stalking, drugging, etc. and yet INSIST they never raped/sodomized/FB friended their victims. " You know, cuz I got standards. " :rolleyes:

I guess there are just some depravities that even the perps depraved mind cannot admit to. JMHO
Two things-

FIRST, I completely,sincerely apologize for referencing that possible removal of Jessica's body part. I thought it had come from a MSM link-I did not realize it was a rumor. I already removed it from my post and I'm seriously embarrassed. I should have taken the time to confirm. That post I made was in the heat of anger and I wasn't as cautious as I normally am. Sorry for any confusion or turmoil that may have caused here.

Second-PLEASE do not go on the darknet! I only went there after consulting an attorney and taking many, many precautions to ensure I didn't inadvertently do something illegal. Plus, TOR can seriously mess up your computer. Don't do it. I'm sorry if I put that idea in anyone's head!

This is my understanding from what I have seen on TV. He cannot be executed because of the US supreme court decision. He also cannot be automatically given a mandatory life sentence. He CAN however be sentenced on an individual basis to a life sentence with parole. (i.e. Judge can do that, but it isn't an automatic sentence). BUT I have also seen experts say he can't get over 40 years without chance of parole, but he can get more than that if he is charged with additional crimes. (like the one in Ketner park ... attempted kidnapping).

So I am also confused!

I can sleep a little easier knowing that it only means he gets to go before the parole board after 40 years. I was nervous that he couldn't get a life sentence at all, and was guaranteed to walk the streets again.
I agree - but WHY did the girl suspect him? Had he said something to her? Acted a particular way? What clued her in that he was the guilty party? And where was he walking by when the girl pointed him out to her mother - was he maybe walking around the Chelsea Park Memorial?

Just curious.

Beyond the obvious creepy feeling, you get when someone stares at you in an overt way.

Maybe this girl simply had a sixth sense perception about AS. My daughter felt this way about a neighbor, turns out she was right. He's a perv, according to several reliable sources.
Guys, stay off the dark side of the internet. Please.

If you go there, more than once (sometimes once is enough), regardless of your intentions, the Feds will latch onto you and try to see if you are looking at kiddie *advertiser censored*, murder films, and so forth. If you are selling, receiving, making and distributing. Just don't go.

If Sigg was there and any is to be found the Feds involved will have it. They really do NOT need us to do it. Nor do they need us to get charges, go to jail, go to Court, go back to jail, and forever be a registered sex offender.

Just say no. Lol.


Are you talking about the deep web?
Thank you very much. Answered my question perfectly. Here's to hoping the judge gives him the max.....and the parole board never says yes!

Thank you this has answered my question about jail time also please disregard my question sorry.
Here too? Who was here? I hadn't even heard of this site till a week ago. Didn't know this type of community even existed so I may not know other cases where people were on site following what people were saying?

But if he googled her name, he might have easily found himself reading here.
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