CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

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I just want to say THANK YOU for all the kind and flattering word said in response to my post about my "dark web" research :blushing: I was a little nervous about posting that, because most people react like I'm crazy when I tell them about this kind of stuff, but I should have known you guys would understand :floorlaugh: I love Websleuths!

I don't want to sidetrack too much, but I wanted to respond to one question because a few have and commented about it:

YES, the FBI absolutely does monitor the Deep Web. I’m sure they have an entire bureau dedicated to it, and there was quite a bit of paranoia on that forum I visited. Apparently 2 of their members were busted not long before I went there, and there was talk about a "war on pedophiles" and all of their favorite sites being shut down, the targets of DOS attacks (i.e. operation darknet, which I referenced upthread) they are definitely monitored and they know it. Don't be fooled by the moniker "hidden internet"-while these sites are “hidden” in the sense that you can’t access them from a regular internet browser, they are not difficult to find and the FBI certainly knows how to find them, and do undercover operations there all the time.

As to how the pages are allowed to exist in the first place-it is really too long and complicated to get into the logistics here, but basically they are not operating under any sovereign laws regarding content. If you go to the Tor website (which is legit and NOT illegal, BTW) you can get more information about how it all works. I do want to say for the record that there are legitimate uses for Tor, and it is unfortunate that the sick freaks of the world take advantage of their services and ruin it for everyone.

So, the problem with catching people USING Tor for illegal practices-i.e. viewing child *advertiser censored*-is that it is completely anonymized. It's not like a normal internet connection where they can trace your IP address, or work with your ISP to catch you. People who use tor are very secretive and don't tend to divulge anything about their identity. For transactions, they use something called bitcoins, which is an untraceable currency.

The FBI has had some success though-in particular in busting child *advertiser censored* rings. There are a few ways they do this-First, there are limited access CP forums, where the only way you can gain access is to produce your own “original content”. That way, the logic goes, only true pedophiles will be able to get into the “inner circle”-and obviously LE is not going to produce it’s own child *advertiser censored* to gain access. So it would seem like an insurmountable task, right? Well, the good thing is that there is always bound to be at least one person who gets sloppy. They will get busted for something, and faced with hard time they will cut a deal, giving LE access to their private little group-and from there, it is only a matter of time before everyone gets busted.

For people who manufacture child *advertiser censored*,they have a lot of different ways of doing it that I won't get into here-but they are very resourceful. But for an inside look into how one of these investigations worked, read this affidavit:!topic/alt.privacy/PyTV9wy-OS0

One of the things they do on occasion is take a still shot of the adults who star (puke) in these productions, and release them to the media. They did this recently and caught a couple of nasty child pornographers in Oregon:

In some rare occasions they will release an image of a child-only their face, of course. There was a case-I can't remember the exact details of it, but they took the rare step of releasing a picture of a child who was being sexually exploited to see if anyone could identify her. It only took a matter of days, IIRC, and once they found and rescued her they made sure that all photos of her were removed from the web to protect her privacy. There was also the famous "Disney Girl" case, where photos of a child who was NOT a victim but apparently a friend of hers who went along with her to Disney World. By identifying that child, they were able to locate her friend-a little girl adopted from Russia by a pedophile, who kept her as a virtual sex slave for years :( She was rescued and is now and is a wonderful advocate for children, very much in the public eye. Her name is Masha Allen-one of my shero's :heartbeat:

I do wish there was more we could do, as citizens, to help. One idea I have had for a long time is to create a database with pictures of all children who are used in child *advertiser censored*. Just their faces, obviously, maybe along with some pictures of identifiable objects in the background. Then allow access to this database by certain members of the public-teachers, day care workers, anyone who sees children in their line of work and may recognize a child who is being exploited. But I do have to say that the FBI, ICE, Interpol, and the other LE agencies are very proactive and do great investigative work. The stuff they are exposed to every day is horrific, but they are passionate about saving these children and bringing their abusers to justice. Go to the Innocent Images International Task Force on the FBI website to learn more about what they do-it may put your mind at ease:

(Sorry for the long winded and totally off-topic post, I'm just really passionate about this! Maybe I should write a book on it or something. Oh, wait....that's right, I am! :p)

Regarding this but not really, it seems the Dark Web isn't just bad things though. Read an article that it was used by the Syria dissident's against Assad, in Egypt when they shut down the internet and I'm sure that it's also being used in China.

Essentially, it's for people who want to communicate without it being tracked but obviously that includes very bad bad people. I'm wondering if terrorist also attempt to communicate this way.

Jessica's story in my local paper. Talks about the neighbors who live near Austin Sigg.

“I saw him every day. All the kids on the block know each other,” Miah Gutierrez, who lives five homes away from the Sigg house, said in an interview. He said his roommate’s daughter knew Sigg because the teenager supposedly had a crush on her friend’s sister. It all felt too close for comfort for the 25-year-old father.
I haven't seen any comments about specific body parts. Where are you seeing these details?

As far as I've read/seen everything regarding her death, body parts, evidence, etc had been sealed by the judge. In high profile cases like this, prosecutors aren't going to want to taint the jury pool by releasing the info and the defense team for darn sure wouldn't want it out. IMO any details regarding her death are most likely speculation (politically correct term for BS)
Are you talking about the deep web?

I would not know the difference in names. I know that discussing it can send some looking around.

I know that the nearly 20 years working for defense attorneys has taught me to not go there. It is very easy to go to the wrong place. It is very easy to get charged, much more difficult to get out of the charges.

That's all I have. Computers don't show intent, even if you can claim innocent looking. There are taps on all that bad stuff 24/7, so those worrying about that, do not. Federal Courts don't play to lose. Enough said on that.
Hey All,
I'm just wondering since I'm not in the US, what is the general timeline for a matter such as this to find its way to trial? Also, at what point would we expect details to begin to more readily emerge from LE / prosecutors regarding this case? If he pleads guilty, and there is no trial, will the details emerge at that point?

I can't imagine how the victim's family might be feeling, or even how the alleged perp's family might currently feel! I'm also feeling now for the victim of the attempted abduction who surely must be beside herself thinking that her fate could have been the same as Jessica's had she not been able to fight her way out of that situation!
Two things-

FIRST, I completely,sincerely apologize for referencing that possible removal of Jessica's body part. I thought it had come from a MSM link-I did not realize it was a rumor. I already removed it from my post and I'm seriously embarrassed. I should have taken the time to confirm. That post I made was in the heat of anger and I wasn't as cautious as I normally am. Sorry for any confusion or turmoil that may have caused here.

Second-PLEASE do not go on the darknet! I only went there after consulting an attorney and taking many, many precautions to ensure I didn't inadvertently do something illegal. Plus, TOR can seriously mess up your computer. Don't do it. I'm sorry if I put that idea in anyone's head!


Have to tell you, attorneys doing research on their own cases will freak out that the Feds will come for them when they visit. Even destroy the computers afterward. But, destruction of the computer does not destroy evidence that you were there......
The real estate site I checked both the father and the mother's houses on list them pretty much as you have said. The mother's house was at least $500,000 less than the father's home. The mother is in the process of filing Chapter 7 bankrupcy which widens the financial chasm B/W father and mother considerably.

Not making any excuse for this monster, but one might believe that AS was affected by also might believe that this (his crime) was a way to hurt his father or alleviate some of the hurt he might have been feeling for his mother and brother. LittleMissContrary posted a wiki link to an anime character that AS identified with via his myspace profile.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased CO - *ARREST!*Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #20

I'm no shrink, but something tells me that somewhere in his subconscious mind, if he indeed identified with this character, AS may have been acting out more than some morbid fantasy.

Not only will this crime stigmatize his whole family, but especially hurt his father and his business dealings.

Let's see if his father ponies up for a fancy lawyer for AS before the next court date. JMO

In his family the person I most feel for is his little brother. How would he be able to face this in his school or with his peers!
His story reminds me of the lies told by Brandon Lavergne, Mickey's killer. He also told some self serving version of the events, trying to make it seem a little less revolting than it was.
Siggs father's statement in an email;


‎"I ask also for your prayers and support for Austin's mother, whose courageous act ... unimaginably painful for any parent ... has put this tragedy on the path to resolution. I am hopeful that as the legal process unfolds, the Ridgeway family may come to know peace." Statement from Rob Sigg, father of Austin Reed Sigg
They just said on the news that even with him being tried as an adult, the maximum he can receive is 40 years. That is not enough! That is not justice! :banghead:

The more I hear and read about this all, the sicker I feel.

I'm way behind as usual and just jumping off this post to say that I read a recap of the court session this morning that said that it remains uncertain that A will be penalized as an adult. It seems they are stalling making that decision for some reason.
I think it's a leap to say watching *advertiser censored* will lead to an addiction to *advertiser censored* and/or will then lead to violence. Ditto video games and every other thing that gets brought up as people try to make sense of that which makes no sense. Does it happen sometimes? Yes. It happens in individuals who are predisposed to being violent anyway. If not one thing it would be another.

Everyone wants to know why, and wants to point a finger somewhere. It has to be someone's fault, just has to! But there are no simple or pat answers. You can't make sense of something like this. This kid has brain wiring and a structure and environment around him that created a perfect storm of evil. He is someone who will need to be studied by experts. It will never "make sense." I don't know how something like this can be prevented because most parents, most of the time, think their sons and daughters are wonderful and good and cannot conceive of this--that comes up over and over in cases where the perp is under 21.

As an aside, if this 17 year old were a murder victim instead of the perp, he'd be referred to as a "child" or a "baby" by many folks. I personally find that ironic.
What was the order of the despicable acts he committed on Jessica? I thought he strangled her right away and then he hogtied her after but while still in his vehicle. If this is so, why did he hogtie her? What was the point? Hogtie a dead girl? Was he into bondage fetish stuff on the internet? If so, then he is on the deep web, IMO. He has to be there.

So he kills and hogties her to get his kicks but that's not enough so he dismembers her. I call BS. He had every intention of defiling her body that day. Is he so brilliant that he could find a place to leave Jessica's body for awhile and then return to cut her up? It seems to me LE doesn't know where he dismembered her. Why is he not revealing that info to police? If they don't know yet, then he is not pleading guilty IMO. Where did this guy hang out? I'm not going to be shocked to find out that this guy hangs out in graveyards and he may have even stolen pieces of people's bodies from the cemetery. JMO

He said that he hog tied her and that she was strangled. I get the impression that he's claiming that she strangled herself.

I don't believe him. Any *advertiser censored* obsessed creep that first tried to abduct a woman by knocking her out with a chemical, and who then successfully abducted a 10 year old child, is not going to let his victim die as soon as he has her. There was an awful lot of planning and fantasizing that happened prior to the abduction ... he's not going to let it be over the minute he has someone in his control.

He has spent the last month reviewing scenarios that he could rely on to minimize his responsibility for his criminal activities ... like ... he hog tied her and she accidentally strangled herself while he was driving ... then, he panicked and mutilated her body out of fear. I don't think so!
The Dark Web. I have never heard of it or knew it even exsisted. I would be afraid to go
I am a person with crap luck and I can just see the feds knocking at my door as I sit here in my nightgown and bathrobe ready for bed because I have to get up at 3:45am to get ready for work.
Oh yea, I lead such an exciting life.
Siggs father's statement in an email;


‎"I ask also for your prayers and support for Austin's mother, whose courageous act ... unimaginably painful for any parent ... has put this tragedy on the path to resolution. I am hopeful that as the legal process unfolds, the Ridgeway family may come to know peace." Statement from Rob Sigg, father of Austin Reed Sigg

I think of Austin's mother and feel horrible. Truly horrible. :(
I think it's a leap to say watching *advertiser censored* will lead to an addiction to *advertiser censored* and/or will then lead to violence. Ditto video games and every other thing that gets brought up as people try to make sense of that which makes no sense. Does it happen sometimes? Yes. It happens in individuals who are predisposed to being violent anyway. If not one thing it would be another.

Everyone wants to know why, and wants to point a finger somewhere. It has to be someone's fault, just has to! But there are no simple or pat answers. You can't make sense of something like this. This kid has brain wiring and a structure and environment around him that created a perfect storm of evil. He is someone who will need to be studied by experts. It will never "make sense." I don't know how something like this can be prevented because most parents, most of the time, think their sons and daughters are wonderful and good and cannot conceive of this--that comes up over and over in cases where the perp is under 21.

As an aside, if this 17 year old were a murder victim instead of the perp, he'd be referred to as a "child" or a "baby" by many folks. I personally find that ironic.

I agree with your last sentence, it is ironic; the same teen who would be considered a child if a victim is instantly an adult, in most views, when the suspect.
The Dark Web. I have never heard of it or knew it even exsisted. I would be afraid to go
I am a person with crap luck and I can just see the feds knocking at my door as I sit here in my nightgown and bathrobe ready for bed because I have to get up at 3:45am to get ready for work.
Oh yea, I lead such an exciting life.

and saying "hey lady, step away from the mirror, hand over the curling iron and no one gets hurt!" Sorry, couldn't resist :blushing:
I would not know the difference in names. I know that discussing it can send some looking around.

I know that the nearly 20 years working for defense attorneys has taught me to not go there. It is very easy to go to the wrong place. It is very easy to get charged, much more difficult to get out of the charges.

That's all I have. Computers don't show intent, even if you can claim innocent looking. There are taps on all that bad stuff 24/7, so those worrying about that, do not. Enough said on that.

Yep. There have been many cases of people just going onto "the dark net" for curiosity sake and they have ended up with child *advertiser censored* charges, etc. All it takes is you clicking the wrong link, downloading the wrong folder (really shouldn't download anything as it could be ANYTHING).

I read about this somewhere but you should NEVER download folders full of jpegs/photos as many times LE organizations will "trace" certain photos (child *advertiser censored*, gore, violence, sex crimes, weapons, etc) and they will be distributed (not sure if correct term) randomly and may be in a folder you downloaded and you may have looked through some of the photos but never clicked on say a child *advertiser censored* image - on your computer it will show that you may have never opened it but the fact that it is ON your computer somewhere even if you "didn't know" you'll get slapped with a CP charge and be hauled off to jail. I read about a teenager who accidentally downloaded a folder of images that had 1 photo of CP in it (there was also a copy of it so it ended up being 2 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored*) even though he didn't know anything about it and now he is a register sex offender and there is no way to get out of it even though he could prove in court that he never actually viewed or opened the image in the first place.

but yeah like everyone is saying STAY OFF that part of the internet, leave it to the computer forensic experts/hackers to sleuth - they have more resources and know what they are doing. I would love to see more work done by "anonymous" to expose pedophiles and stop child *advertiser censored* from being distributed though.
He said that he hog tied her and that she was strangled. I get the impression that he's claiming that she strangled herself.

I don't believe him. Any *advertiser censored* obsessed creep that first tried to abduct a woman by knocking her out with a chemical, and who then successfully abducted a 10 year old child, is not going to let his victim die as soon as he has her. There was an awful lot of planning and fantasizing that happened prior to the abduction ... he's not going to let it be over the minute he has someone in his control.

He has spent the last month reviewing scenarios that he could rely on to minimize his responsibility for his criminal activities ... like ... he hog tied her and she accidentally strangled herself while he was driving ... then, he panicked and mutilated her body out of fear. I don't think so!

Exactly, I do not believe him.
Just wondering if anyone else noticed (and sorry if this has already been pointed out) that the purple heart ring was added to his wish list last January? It says so on the right side of the wish list. This makes me think it might have been something he placed on his list so he wouldn't forget about it or loose where he found it so he could order it later, perhaps for a girlfriend? I'm not convinced that it has anything to do with Jessica.

Maybe he thought it was a useful lure for young girls.
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