CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #7

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That google image may be years old with people moving all the time...Plus the google image of my parent's house shows my car there and me in the yard, but I don't live there

The google map of my house shows a vehicle that i traded in years ago!
Yes, why leave the bag and risk touch DNA or car fibers getting on the bag? Also, as I understand, dogs tracked the bag from a local school to the drop off point. Why risk lurking around the neighborhood late at night to drop the bag? It seems like he just didn't throw it out of the car window or whatever.

Why leave the bag at all? I get that maybe he wanted to throw off detectives in the opposite direction, but he could have done that with just leaving her water bottle or one specific item with her name on it. Why the whole bag, risking exposure?

It would seem odd too if the perp did not touch something in the bag. I mean, did he wear gloves when he handled the bag and its contents? If so that would indicate a very well, planned out attack and not something done as a crime of opportunity.

he could have easily discarded the bag in the trash somewhere or even burned its contents. He wanted the bag to be found but why? Maybe it is the case that the perp is nearby and wanted to throw off LE to get away from tne neighborhood?

Sadly's not out of the realm of possibility that he had Jessica herself put the bag there in an attempt to lure LE the wrong way. We have no idea how long before the crime happened that he kept her alive (assuming of course that the body found is hers). Once he had her under his control (however he did it) he could have very easily forced her to put that bag there in the dark.
It is all soo sad .... and yet so "unpreventable" in so many ways .... if a predator decides that this is the day to take his prey then it is almost inevitable that he will find the way to do so ... no parent ...... no matter how protective or observant (or whatever you wish to phrase it) can ever be with their child 24/7 ... nor should they be ... talk about inhibiting their natural need to grow and become independent functioning individuals ... we should never, in cases like this, ever put even the slightest blame upon the parents who have been cleared by the police as being 100% not involved .... even if the phone had been answered ... what then? The sadistic monster still has grabbed the child .... and gone ..... it happens in a second and even the most doting of parents can lose their children to these monsters!!!!! what is the answer? ..... yes walking in groups would be good, screaming,kicking and fighting whenever anyone (other than direct family) try to take them anywhere, however the predator may still win out.... my daughter (20) was stalked and abducted by a supposedly professional coworker ... she died a terrible death (after only 20 days of knowing the individual) ... was tortured for hours ... she knew Judo, she had been taught "stranger danger" ... and yet no-one could have foreseen this evil..... how can a normal good hearted individual ever know and truly see evil ... they cloak it to fit in and in the end if they decide they wish to kill they will do so.... dear beautiful Jessica, her lovely family and fiends are simply victims of this monster ... if not dear Jessica then he/she would have found someone else. My heart is with hear dear sweet mother and father who raised such a lovely vibrant girl, with her friends and family, as are my prayers!!!

I am so sorry for you. And yes you are right, it can happen anywhere, anytime, by anyone. My daughter is 28 and insist it will never happen to her.
Tells me to stop watching and reading true crime etc. I can not drill what I said above into her head enough.
She lives in Westminster and this really has her thinking but yes, it can happen and does as we all know.
I'll look thru the neighborhood.

Also..if anyone can help me recall something from early on. I recall talk that I thought was here at WS.. of a neighbor with a work/utility vehicle with a company logo/name on it..and that it was subsequently driven away with an RV or camper of some sort? If anyone recalls talk like this and can direct me? If this post is out of line...please advise or remove. tia

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CO CO - AMBER ALERT: Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #1[/ame]
CAn a local tell me if homes in the area (on average) have basements?
Please excuse graphic comment...
The extensive time it is taking to identify the remains, leads me to believe that they are having to use DNA, which probably means, the head, hands and feet may be missing (unless they have been recovered and her prints are not on file...which is hard to believe considering her prints had to be in the house) or it was set on fire. Either way it takes a great deal of privacy to do either. The suspect probably lives alone or has some type of secluded area either at home or maybe where he works to have been able to do this.
Authorities shift focus, seek apparent kidnapper

Searching for the criminal » Police list clues that could indicate a person could be a perpetrator.

The Associated Press

First Published 25 minutes ago • Updated 17 minutes ago


Police search near an area where a body was found Wednesday in Parttridge Park, in Arvada, Colo., during the ongoing search for missing 10-year-old Jessica Ridgeway on Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. Police are not saying whether the body found is linked to the missing girl case and noted Thursday that officers are still searching for Ridgeway, who disappeared Oct. 5. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

More at the Source:
It is all soo sad .... and yet so "unpreventable" in so many ways .... if a predator decides that this is the day to take his prey then it is almost inevitable that he will find the way to do so ... no parent ...... no matter how protective or observant (or whatever you wish to phrase it) can ever be with their child 24/7 ... nor should they be ... talk about inhibiting their natural need to grow and become independent functioning individuals ... we should never, in cases like this, ever put even the slightest blame upon the parents who have been cleared by the police as being 100% not involved .... even if the phone had been answered ... what then? The sadistic monster still has grabbed the child .... and gone ..... it happens in a second and even the most doting of parents can lose their children to these monsters!!!!! what is the answer? ..... yes walking in groups would be good, screaming,kicking and fighting whenever anyone (other than direct family) try to take them anywhere, however the predator may still win out.... my daughter (20) was stalked and abducted by a supposedly professional coworker ... she died a terrible death (after only 20 days of knowing the individual) ... was tortured for hours ... she knew Judo, she had been taught "stranger danger" ... and yet no-one could have foreseen this evil..... how can a normal good hearted individual ever know and truly see evil ... they cloak it to fit in and in the end if they decide they wish to kill they will do so.... dear beautiful Jessica, her lovely family and fiends are simply victims of this monster ... if not dear Jessica then he/she would have found someone else. My heart is with her dear sweet mother and father who raised such a lovely vibrant girl, with her friends and family, as are my prayers!!! Rest in peace darling girl and dance amoung the angels!!!!

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I have been freaking myself out every time I think of my son and trying not to turn into an overbearing hovering parent that never lets him leave my sight. If I was Jessica's mother, I'd be hospitalized right now. I just can't imagine any of it.
But realize that from 8:30am - 4:23pm, it was unknown that she was missing. Because the backpack was only found Sunday morning does not have to mean it was dropped that day. I've said again and again that if there was anything interesting in it (food?), an animal could have easily dragged it to the neighborhood from the field off of McCaslin. The body and all evidence could have been discarded on Friday. It is a gutsy move in daylight, but not completely out there.

No, it's not completely out there. But the reports of the backpack, which are in previous threads, indicated the backpack was upright, not tossed or thrown. I doubt an animal dragged it and put it in place so nicely, LOL.

Anything's possible, but still think we're barking up the wrong tree about this. JMO, and everyone is entitled to bark at anything they want.


The next morning, the man said he noticed the bag was still there and he and a neighbor checked it out. He said the backpack appeared to have been placed deliberately in a standing-up position on the sidewalk rather than tossed haphazardly.

"Just like you'd set a bag down," he said.
Just a little factoid-Children are statistically much more likely to get injured or killed if they are driven to school by parents than if they walk there, even if they walk alone. The reason: Auto collisions.

Just some food for thought :)

Yeah, but we feel a greater sense of control and a lesser sense of horror about the possibility of a fatal car accident.

I agree. There was a 5 yr old girl in my neighborhood that was allowed to roam freely. One evening I saw her bopping up the sidewalk after 9PM and nearly dark..all by her lonesome. What more can you do besides keep an eye on them. I just watched her to make sure she made it home ok.

Call CPS. A 5 year old left to wander alone at 9:00 pm is the victim of neglect. That's what you can do.
I think the perp put her clothing in the backpack. Bragging, like "see what I did?" Because it was after the discovery of the backpack (I think) that LE emphasized that she could have on different clothing etc. I think he put her glasses in there also, to show that he had totally stripped her. Oh g-d, if I could get my hands on this monster :furious:

Very possible, callyn. If true, this would possibly indicate that the perp is retaliating against the Justice system for a prior perceived injustice, imo..
A friend, family member, or coworker would easily identify this perp if this info was shared by investigators, imo.
I think the perp put her clothing in the backpack. Bragging, like "see what I did?" Because it was after the discovery of the backpack (I think) that LE emphasized that she could have on different clothing etc. I think he put her glasses in there also, to show that he had totally stripped her. Oh g-d, if I could get my hands on this monster :furious:

Just sad/awful the thoughts we are left with when we read about children being snatched and murdered.
THIS! I personally do not have children of my own, but after being a member for a while now...there is ZERO way I am going to allow my children be unattended anywhere. They are not safe at school, on the way to school, at the Mall with friends, in your front or back yards...this world is a different place from what many of us grew up in.

Praying for Jessica's family and wearing purple.

My kids have wanted to walk the neighborhood by themselves many times. I just can't let them do it. I always find a reason to go with them... usually I'll just say, "Oh, I need to walk the dog anyway" or "I need to go do this errand" or "Oh, let's do *advertiser censored* instead". They don't understand it, particularly my 13 yo son, as many of his friends are allowed to walk by themselves.

When I was 7, I used to walk home from my school bus stop with two other kids. My house was literally about .25 of a mile from the school bus stop, which was located right next to a rural corner market. One day, the kids that I walked home with decided to go into the market and buy some gum. I went with them and bought a pack of "Tidalwave" gum... remember that, all you 80s kids? It was grape and it tasted awesome. It was so awesome that I stopped walking so I could unwrap a couple more pieces... it was so tasty to bite into it and taste that grape flavor! :) Anyhow, while I was stopped a car pulled over with 4 men in it... two in the front, two in the back. It was one of those big, long 70s cars but it was a coupe. The man in the passenger seat got out and held the back seat up and told me "Here, get in, we'll give you a ride home". I just remember freezing and thinking, why does this guy want to give me a ride home when I live right there. But while I was thinking that, he reached out and grabbed my arm and started trying to push me into the car and I resisted. The kids I was walking with, who I'd fallen behind from when I was unwrapping my gum, came running back, shouting at the men. The older girl grabbed my other arm and her brother was yelling, "Come on, come on!". Thank goodness for that, because the man let go of me and jumped back in the car and they drove off.

What is really crazy about that is I never mentioned it to my mom for many years. It just didn't occur to me that it was anything sinister... I just remember thinking how odd it was that he was insisting that they give me a ride home. It was so surreal and illogical. I was just too young to understand their intentions. It wasn't until I was in middle school and we were talking about "strangers" that I connected the dots about what happened. I remember feeling shocked and going home and telling my mom and she just cried and cried.

So yeah, I just can't let go and let my kids walk anywhere. I feel bad sometimes, like I'm not letting them be "normal", but I just can't shake my fears. I just try to make sure I am not making them afraid, which is why I make reasons for myself to tag along, like walking the dog, etc.
Outside of the actual one in the public knows the exact spot she was abducted from. LE might not even know (yet). :(

Thanks I guess I got confused with the pics with the Xs saying her abduction site looked similar to the site where her backpack was placed. Thanks for clearing that up!
It is all soo sad .... and yet so "unpreventable" in so many ways .... if a predator decides that this is the day to take his prey then it is almost inevitable that he will find the way to do so ... no parent ...... no matter how protective or observant (or whatever you wish to phrase it) can ever be with their child 24/7 ... nor should they be ... talk about inhibiting their natural need to grow and become independent functioning individuals ... we should never, in cases like this, ever put even the slightest blame upon the parents who have been cleared by the police as being 100% not involved .... even if the phone had been answered ... what then? The sadistic monster still has grabbed the child .... and gone ..... it happens in a second and even the most doting of parents can lose their children to these monsters!!!!! what is the answer? ..... yes walking in groups would be good, screaming,kicking and fighting whenever anyone (other than direct family) try to take them anywhere, however the predator may still win out.... my daughter (20) was stalked and abducted by a supposedly professional coworker ... she died a terrible death (after only 20 days of knowing the individual) ... was tortured for hours ... she knew Judo, she had been taught "stranger danger" ... and yet no-one could have foreseen this evil..... how can a normal good hearted individual ever know and truly see evil ... they cloak it to fit in and in the end if they decide they wish to kill they will do so.... dear beautiful Jessica, her lovely family and fiends are simply victims of this monster ... if not dear Jessica then he/she would have found someone else. My heart is with her dear sweet mother and father who raised such a lovely vibrant girl, with her friends and family, as are my prayers!!! Rest in peace darling girl and dance amoung the angels!!!!

That is horrific for your daughter and your entire family and I am sorry that you have lost your baby. What disgusting creatures live here on earth. I pray that they all find themselves on a quick path straight to he**. There should be no forgiveness for such crimes. I hang on tight to my chidren, every single day, but there are times when I know that I have to give their ropes slack in order for them to grow. That is the hardest part of my job as a mother - the letting them go. I don't think a day goes by that I don't worry. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.
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