CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #9

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If you see a post that has blown the margins with a pic, could try not repost it/quote it. Fix it first. It's frustrating to keep reading this forum with blown margins.
I had a thought that could make the abductor sound a little more intelligent than I've been giving him credit for being. I'm wondering how many people knew that the crew would be going out there to pick up trash that day. It's possible that he wasn't thinking about wild animals tearing open the bag and/or messing with the body, and he just put her in a trash bag and dumped her there to be picked up with the trash. If it had worked, her body would have ended up at the landfill without him having to go near it, and with little to trace her back to him.

If that was his plan, then this was a major miscalculation on his part. If he made one mistake, he probably made others. Hopefully, it's just a matter of time before they catch up to him.MOO

That is actually a pretty interesting theory!
The forum on the Wyoming girl has a link where you can figure out the bookings for the jail in Montana if anyone wants to take a look. There is a booking for $2 million to "hold for Wyoming" on 10/13/12 11pm at night.

If you google the persons name it is interesting that a person of the same name has a photography website or business for photography in Montana, Colorado and Wyoming. Mountain landscapes and prairie lamdscapes mostly. This person also has a hiking book on Colorado.

The Facebook page for this person list Bozenan,Mt as their city which is where the arrest happened and the FB page mentions all the photography stuff above. He looks to be about 35-40 with strawberry blond hair hair. Blog has pictures of the girlfriend. Former addresses are Colorado Springs and Estes park, Co.

Also facebook page says he left on Sept 28 to go on extended vacation for a few weeks to take pictures and he did not know where he was going. Although now there are comments on the FB page attacking him, before there were lots of friendly posts so this person seems well liked.

Name is not that common but of course could just be someone sharing the same name as the person apparently arrested yesterday in MT on $2 million bail and being held for Wyoming (which would seem to be the WY suspect unless there was some other major crime in Wy)

Holy cannoli, he's a spot-on deadringer for the sketch, except not nearly as old! It's creepy. And he LOOKS TOTALLY FREAKING NORMAL!!!! Even nice. Even sorta cute. And what a perfect way to pass among the rest of us and not draw any sort of "creep" attention, while also doing something totally curious that may even lead to kids approaching him because he's doing something artistic and interesting. And looking through his FB photos... look at all those remote places he's been, including old buildings. That's just something else... :(
Holy cannoli, he's a spot-on deadringer for the sketch, except not nearly as old! It's creepy. And he LOOKS TOTALLY FREAKING NORMAL!!!! Even nice. Even sorta cute. And what a perfect way to pass among the rest of us and not draw any sort of "creep" attention, while also doing something totally curious that may even lead to kids approaching him because he's doing something artistic and interesting. And looking through his FB photos... look at all those remote places he's been, including old buildings. That's just something else... :(

His photos are gorgeous. Pisses me off even more, for some reason.
Yeah, apparently....This is really O/T, but I had thought of the man who abducted and sexually assaulted me when I was a teenager as a possible suspect because he lived in the area, until I Googled his name and found out that HE was actually murdered, in Aurora, in 2010 :what:

So glad you are a survivor and are able to share your story. I'm glad you don't have to worry about that evil person anymore! May peace be with you.
The Wy offender has strong links to Colorado, and we know he's transient.

What horrifies me is the Wy victim said his van had pictures of naked little girls everywhere.


If so, that's a huge indicator for me that they might be involved in Jessica's death as I think there may be two offenders in her case.

Just my opinion.

Nick McGurk
All day, people have been visiting memorial near where Jessica Ridgeway was found. Not a lot of talking. Lots of tears


I hope I don't blow the margins too bad. The photo shows a good perspective of the scene.

I have nothing to really base this on. I have a feeling the monster is not a big person, maybe slight built. He/she may have planned on placing her body inside the mining building but found her too heavy to carry uphill. This is dead weight like carrying a sleeping child. There is something wrong with her being placed so close to the road.IMO
Reporters have said the images from the chopper were too gruesome to show.

Media folks see a lot from their news choppers. This year I've seen two burned bodies. One in a field, one by a Dumpster. These media in Denver seem really devastated by what their newsrooms saw.

And those tones and words wouldn't have been imo because of coyotes.

I know you are in media, but don't you think that a child's body that had been mutilated in any way(animals, people) would be something shocking for anyone to see? Even LE must have been shocked.
I'm risking touching a button! Thanks for everyone's posts - I'm reading but don't want to freeze up again.

Food for thought ~ At 4:30 p.m. a call from Jessica's house made via the landline phone went to the man who claims it was Thursday and not Friday that his kid walked to school with J. In the morning, the man told LE a call came in at 7:30 a.m. and LE noted it was from a blocked number. Then, there was a casual comment that the call had been made using SR's cell phone. :waitasec:

Question ~ If several adults lived in the same house with Jessica and her mother, why wouldn't the school call the landline number? Why would S rely solely on her cell phone number? Also, had she turned the landline phone ringer down/off too?

Just asking as our schools have always had several numbers on hand but, I believe, they'd leave a message on our landline. I know peeps don't always have landlines today but I read that J's house does. I didn't think much about this discrepancy until now.
Someone on the Wyoming girl forum posted the link to the arrests made in Mt. It is

You can search the records for last night. Most are for public intoxication. There is one at 11pm last night for $2 million bail and to hold for Wyoming. Wyoming media is reporting that a suspect for the Wyoming girl was arrested 11pm last night and since many of the other arrests (5 or 6 in total) are for drunks, DUI, etc, this is the only arrest that sticks out as being the person. Further most of the other arrests happened earlier in the day. I do not know much about bail,but $2 million seems like for a very serious crime.

Googling the name yields a lot of info and pictures.

Forgive me if someone has already mentioned this, but...

I just searched what you suggested. Found the guy, found the facebook page with the same name (a photographer)...

Found his photography blog...scrolled down....

(from blog) I stumbled onto this scene by chance three years ago, and was instantly struck the powerful juxtaposition of vitality and death. I called the tree &#8220;The Guardian&#8221;. This past October, I revisited the unassuming location and found that the tree had fallen. I&#8217;m glad to have found (and photographed) the tree while it stood in its stately repose.

Holy cannoli, he's a spot-on deadringer for the sketch, except not nearly as old! It's creepy. And he LOOKS TOTALLY FREAKING NORMAL!!!! Even nice. Even sorta cute. And what a perfect way to pass among the rest of us and not draw any sort of "creep" attention, while also doing something totally curious that may even lead to kids approaching him because he's doing something artistic and interesting. And looking through his FB photos... look at all those remote places he's been, including old buildings. That's just something else... :(

If he is responsible for the Cody abduction, he doesn't come across cute to me. Ugly is more like it.
I found his website but can nt find his picture?
ugh ugh.
reading this google+ profile...he posted last on the 10th. HE HAS BEEN BUSY TOO BUSY TO POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.


normal person blending in. has friends. nothing that screams "stay away from me".


are LE saying there is literally no connection?
Holy cannoli, he's a spot-on deadringer for the sketch, except not nearly as old! It's creepy. And he LOOKS TOTALLY FREAKING NORMAL!!!! Even nice. Even sorta cute. And what a perfect way to pass among the rest of us and not draw any sort of "creep" attention, while also doing something totally curious that may even lead to kids approaching him because he's doing something artistic and interesting. And looking through his FB photos... look at all those remote places he's been, including old buildings. That's just something else... :(

I think he is 37-38 because it mentions he would have graduated college in 1997 but took time off. If you look at the comments on his FB page before this happened there are tons of comments telling him to have a great trip, looking forward to seeing the photos, etc. seems well liked. I also read his photos were in ritz Carlton, backpacker, etc magazines so he is an accomplished photographer.

The fact that he set out on sept 28 for a trip to take photos ( and we know he takes photos in wy, co, mt) is weird for me. I am sure we will know soon enough if there is a connection to JR bc this person would have to account for whereabouts, w gas receipts, credit cards, etc.

And they have the car. jVM mentioned a white van following children the day before the abduction.

Since the wy girl kicked him in the nose making him bleed there could be DNA in the part of the car she did that in.

I agree w above poster that if there was another 30 something Woman in the car (which we don't know, or it is only wild speculation) a child would be much much less frightened and possibly talk to the person. But the girls in Wy did not report a woman so I think it would just be the man working alone. He was also gone for a few weeks so he probably would be alone bc no one could take that much time off from work.
LE probably has reason to believe the cases are not connected; what reason would they have to allow the public to believe they had their own local murderer if in fact they felt he had probably moved on?
There so much talk about DNA these days. I think that there should be a DNA profile done on every child that's born and put into a data base along with their finger prints and photo. I also think there should be chip embedded into every RSO so LE can track them better. Just the thought of what happened to Jessica sickens me. That poor little angel never had a chance to experience life. Prayers for Jessica and her loved ones.
[ame=",mod%3D0&q=denver+to+bozeman&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&ei=7T57UIrVJKbAigLVjYGAAQ&ved=0CAsQ_AUoAg"]Denver, CO to Bozeman, Mt - Google Maps[/ame]

Map of travel from Denver to Cody to Bozeman MT where Speers was arrested.

A 39-year-old Manhattan man was being held in Gallatin County jail Sunday on charges of kidnapping, jail officials told the Chronicle Sunday.
Jesse Speer was booked into the jail at about 11 p.m., Saturday and was being held for Wyoming authorities at the request of the FBI. He was being held on $2 million bail.
Attempts to reach the FBI were not successful Sunday, but Speer is apparently a suspect in and the abduction of an 11-year-old Cody, Wyo., girl earlier this month.
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