CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #9

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Two men with their young sons found the WY girl that day. The perp dropped her off and she went running for about half an hour before the hunters found her. She thought it was the perp coming back for her so it is great that she did not hide bc otherwise she could have died from exposure.

But I get your point. Perhaps he just did not finish the job, so to speak. He was interrupted by something but I don't think it was those specific hunters bc it was a half hour lag.

He might also have had to be somewhere by a certain time. He took her at 4 and let her out 8:15.

About 4 days ago I was reading the thread about the little girl that was released by her attacker.One poster said that LE wasn't going to release what the girl did or said in order to get free.I do know that she struck him,but had the sense that there may have been something else that allowed her to be set free or escape.
No link as I have no idea if this info from the poster in that thread is even accurate,and would probably not be able to find that one post even if it were.

Any word on finding the car from the attempted abduction of the 13 yr old from last night?


Upper photo is the Jessica Ridgeway crime scene (I mirror/flipped it)
Lower photo is one of Woyming suspects photos
It is number 3 photo in this link:


That lower photo looks like one of the geyser basins in Yellowstone Park. So it could be coincidence.

I think there's no doubt he would be attracted to that open field and fallen tree, but I'm not convinced it means anything.
Does anyone know when Tricia's Radio show is posted to hear. During the live show I kept loosing sound and missed most of the talk about JR.
Please advise a site or link. TIA
I'm totally confused with all of this. I thought law enforecement cut down the tree when they found the body. Or was that bad information?
I'm totally confused with all of this. I thought law enforecement cut down the tree when they found the body. Or was that bad information?

Bad information, I think. There are photos that show it down from way before this.
I'm sorry but I don't believe in coincidence.

Those photos could be two interpretations of the same thing. Trees just don't lie about in the exact same formation as that, he's either looked hard for a similar one or he's recreated it. There is the same shape reflected in both pictures.
Some of you that have theories about the large shack near where Jessica's body was found. The years have not been kind to this structure.
So I've been thinking alot about the route the killer took. I have a question for the locals. Is it possible that he/she/it was travelling on Rt. 36, got off Rt. 36 to head to Jessica's neighborhood, took her to where she was found, and dropped off Jessica's backpack on he/she/it's way back to Rt. 36. Am I making any sense?
Is that the building #5 that the local poster "Zola" referred to? That it was special for some reason? I tried to look back, but it appears as if Zola has removed all the images from the photobucket they were linked from. :( I think it was in thread 4 near the beginning. Would have been helpful to compare.
About 4 days ago I was reading the thread about the little girl that was released by her attacker.One poster said that LE wasn't going to release what the girl did or said in order to get free.I do know that she struck him,but had the sense that there may have been something else that allowed her to be set free or escape.
No link as I have no idea if this info from the poster in that thread is even accurate,and would probably not be able to find that one post even if it were.

Any word on finding the car from the attempted abduction of the 13 yr old from last night?


1. THey didn't say exactly how she got free, but she said at one point she kicked him in the face and made his nose bleed.

2. Suspect turned himself in, it was a mistake. He was looking for an ex-girlfriend on that street. Questioned for many hours and let go. 18 years old
Ugh I feel like spiders are running over my skin.

As soon as I saw his FB pictures I cringed! They are his type, the type Jessica was found next to. If he killed her I pray to God they find a way to connect him. He seems the type who would not have DNA on file. Now I'm off to google him. They said at the conference this was done by someone who knew how to dissect~:what:
1. THey didn't say exactly how she got free, but she said at one point she kicked him in the face and made his nose bleed.

2. Suspect turned himself in, it was a mistake. He was looking for an ex-girlfriend on that street. Questioned for many hours and let go. 18 years old

Thanks,pinto.Glad it wasn't another child abductor but was hoping that it would lead to something to help in this case.
This evil thing held a gun on the 11 year old, took her to the woods, beat her, and raped her. He left her to die and the temps were like 20 degrees. Just because this thing didn't kill the 11 year old, he obviously didn't mean for her to live. He's sadistic and left her for bears and to die alone in the woods.

That tree photo is freaking me out. I don't know if this is the guy who killed Jessica, but he's just as evil. I do hope they take every photo he did and search the property for any evidence of past crimes. Also if there were any missing children in the area of them all.
There were a few posters on here who felt the person who murdered Jessica could be a hiker, outdoorman, cyclist, etc. The perp who raped and assaulted the girl from Cody is an outdoorsman, camper, hiker and photographer. It feels right and hopefully, as Clu posted, the police will make a statement about whether this man is related to Jessica's murder. He was on "vacation" during the time she was taken and is familiar with the Estes Park area of Colorado as per his interview on DeviantArt.

Yes, a few days ago a few posters noticed that perhaps the beauty of the landscape meant that the perp was a photographer and knew the area.

It is either the case that the WY guy is connected or else it is just very coincidental that there are two perps with similar profiles roaming around the west and striking within 3 days of each other. Wonder if this guy is talking and whether he can produce an alibi for last Friday.

They probably matched the serial number of the hood thing with his car so that is pretty ironclad connecting the hood w him (assuming car not stolen). Plus probably 2 eyewitness statements (the victim and friend). That, plus any DNA, etc, could prove a strong case.

Could it be that if the case from WY is strong, perp would agree to plead guilty (sparing child of turmoil) provided that not extradite to CO unless CO waives death penalty? ( assuming cases are linked). It might be giving perp too much credit but it could be a way of trying to avoid death penalty (or the perp thinking that they could avoid death penalty that way, even if it is not legally possible).

In any event, we should know this week if cases are linked, whether they have DNA or circumstantial evidence of the person being in CO, or perhaps photos of JR.
LE & everyone should be looking for someone who's housing mates (wife, GF, family) traveled on the 10/5-7 weekend and maybe other weekends this fall.

also, housing mates who've come home to an extra clean bathroom, garage, shed etc...
Columbus Day; Monday 10/08/2012, 3 days after Jessica Ridgeway was abducted on Friday 10/05/2012....

And when was the backpack found?
And when was the backpack found?

Was first seen Sunday morning at about 1AM.

ETA: Could have been left any time after about 7PM Saturday night, when the person who found the bag left his house (since it wasn't there then).
If this dude is not responsible for Jessica's murder, it is one of the strangest coincidences I have ever seen. I will be quite surprised if it turns out to not be the case.
The forum on the Wyoming girl has a link where you can figure out the bookings for the jail in Montana if anyone wants to take a look. There is a booking for $2 million to "hold for Wyoming" on 10/13/12 11pm at night.

If you google the persons name it is interesting that a person of the same name has a photography website or business for photography in Montana, Colorado and Wyoming. Mountain landscapes and prairie lamdscapes mostly. This person also has a hiking book on Colorado.

The Facebook page for this person list Bozenan,Mt as their city which is where the arrest happened and the FB page mentions all the photography stuff above. He looks to be about 35-40 with strawberry blond hair hair. Blog has pictures of the girlfriend. Former addresses are Colorado Springs and Estes park, Co.

Also facebook page says he left on Sept 28 to go on extended vacation for a few weeks to take pictures and he did not know where he was going. Although now there are comments on the FB page attacking him, before there were lots of friendly posts so this person seems well liked.

Name is not that common but of course could just be someone sharing the same name as the person apparently arrested yesterday in MT on $2 million bail and being held for Wyoming (which would seem to be the WY suspect unless there was some other major crime in Wy)

I'm catching up so apologies if this is repeat info but OMG this is frightening. I'm relieved he was found, whether or not it's the photographer guy... it sure is awfully coincidental on many levels. Freaking me out even more (BBM): the statement here was made by FBI agent Dave Joly.

I mean I'm sure they work on more than one missing child case at once but... same FBI agent in both cases?
Oh good, I found the rebroadcast of tonight's Tricia's radio show about JR is already available at the blogradio site. Sound is coming through good.
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