CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #9

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You might also look at his regular .com page and look at portfolios, Landscapes II. The third photo a strong resemblance.
Also check out the pic of his GF sitting on the fallen dead tree listed under Alpine Paradise. It isnt the same tree but looks just like it. Besides fallen trees, I notice he also likes to photograph abandoned shacks, barns, etc. Its not easy for me to decide this is coincidental.
On the FB page there is a link to his pics. The second pic I see is a beautiful pic of an open field with an old shack that looks very much like the area where Jessica was found.

I am completely creeped out by this.

Can anyone else see and FEEL the resemblence?

The barn with the mountains in the back? THat's a very famous location in the Tetons ... Mormon Row. If you read his comments, he was with a bunch of other photographers that day. There are a couple of barns, hugely popular for wedding photography.

Upper photo is the Jessica Ridgeway crime scene (I mirror/flipped it)
Lower photo is one of Woyming suspects photos
It is number 3 photo in this link:


I do NOT belive thise two photos is of the same trees/locations, what I belive is possible is that the killer choose a dumping location that "spoke to him" possibly due to that he previously had created a piece of art of two simelar "fallen trees".
Looking at his photos it seems that he has a thing for dead and fallen trees, not to mention abandoned cabins, mountains and open spaces...
When I go to sleep tonight, I already know what I am going to dream. I am going to dream that tomorrow they will announce that they have the abductor from WY, and that he is also responsible for Jessica, and Lyric and Elizabeth. And I will be able to rest much better from then on. I know it's not going to happen, but it can't hurt to hope.
I'm speechless. I can't think of a better fit than this Cody WY suspect. I was checking out his photos, and I thought, "This is the wrong guy - he's too professional, too 'normal', etc." Then I looked at the sketch and wow - looks just like him, right down to the description of the strawberry blonde hair. And the tan baseball cap - he's wearing one in the photos on his 'About' page, on the dunes.

When was the Cody WY abduction? If it's the same guy, then that's one lucky girl.

Columbus Day; Monday 10/08/2012, 3 days after Jessica Ridgeway was abducted on Friday 10/05/2012....

Upper photo is the Jessica Ridgeway crime scene (I mirror/flipped it)
Lower photo is one of Woyming suspects photos
It is number 3 photo in this link: ][/quote] Dang, that is creepy!!!!
If he is responsible for Jessica's death, his camera could be his downfall. The metadata can show date, time stamp, and possibly GPS tagging for each photo. Not to mention the photos themselves could reveal his location. As a matter of fact, he could be tied to other rapes based on photos downloaded to his computer.
Another thing that I have not heard yet is where exactly she was last seen that morning. Her mom and or her grandma apparently saw her leave the front door and begin her walk, but did any of the neighbors see her leave the yard, the driveway, the street and make it to the next block? I am wondering because I wonder if something happened very close to home. Is there a next door neighbor who has been watching her? Or the father of a school friend, who knows the routine she has each day? Or does Mom or Auntie have a boyfriend, who may have popped up that morning to offer her a ride?

LE said fairly early on that they had a potential witness to seeing Jessica on her way to the park. Unless I have missed something, they have not said where the witness saw Jessica or even if the witness has been corroborated (witness could have been mistaken as to child, which day, etc).
I have had workmen in my house all day and have not been able to devote much time to the website. Would somone please recap?

Are we thinking that the guy arrested in the WY case is the one who is involved in the JR case. and is it the photographer everyone is talking about. Hate to be a pain, but I am so confused. tia
What a creep he is, and I agree, you would never guess by looking at him that he would be capable of doing what he has done. They had better make sure he is never free again. What a loser.
Also check out the pic of his GF sitting on the fallen dead tree listed under Alpine Paradise. It isnt the same tree but looks just like it. Besides fallen trees, I notice he also likes to photograph abandoned shacks, barns, etc. Its not easy for me to decide this is coincidental.

You guys, this is what Western photographers take pictures of.

I could upload a million pictures of dead trees and barns in wide vistas. I'm not saying that this isn't the guy, because I think it's a possibility, but that's not the standard. If you are out here and need to dump a body, half of the world looks like this.
What a creep he is, and I agree, you would never guess by looking at him that he would be capable of doing what he has done. They had better make sure he is never free again. What a loser.

Or looking at his work. He is amazingly talented. What a waste.
Also check out the pic of his GF sitting on the fallen dead tree listed under Alpine Paradise. It isnt the same tree but looks just like it. Besides fallen trees, I notice he also likes to photograph abandoned shacks, barns, etc. Its not easy for me to decide this is coincidental.


I know this guy may not be involved with Jessica at all. But if he is, I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach... really sick...
You know, I didn't think they were the same person at all until I saw those pictures Theforeigner posted. Now, I am still not sure but... it gave me pause. And the chills.

I am sure they are looking at hime for a lot of crimes right about now. If he's guilty of anything, it is going to be revealed and there will probably be pictures of it.
If you scroll down JS's fb page, you'll see a set of photos titled "Seeing Red" posted on Feb 13. It is creepy!
Any murderer that wants to delay, or prevent, the identification of a body is going to remove hands and head with the hopes that when the body is discovered, there will only be scattered bones, and that the identifying features will never be found. I'm not sure how this aspect of murder implies anything.
Above BBM for specific emphasis..

This aspect of murder is quite likely the entire motivator and driving force behind why the perpatrator abducted and murdered Jessica..

Imo the dismemberment is a huge factor of meaning to the perpatrator.. What imo lends credence to this possibility is LE specifying the fact this murderer falls within the classification of "organized"..moo is the organized factor is one of the main keys of characterizing the perpatrator of jessica's abduction and murder..

Anyone interested can research just a bit via google or otherwise the key words "organized lust killer, murder" It'll shed light on some of the traits/characteristics of these specific type murders and those that perpatrated these murders.. As any will see the act of dismemberment for killers that fall into this classification..dismemberment can be THE ULTIMATE stimulus for sexual arousal and gratification..this act replaces what typical sexual intercourse does for "normal" individuals...(crazy, I know)..but so very sadly organized lust killers are alive&well and live amongst us as our neighbors, our co-workers, our acquaintances, and yes, even some of our very own family such common characteristic is their social flourish..their charming&engaging demeanor.. Sadly many times they are masters at manipulating and allows them to live undetected amongst us..

All jmo, tho..

I've typed this out I don't know how many times, but have felt a bit wary about posting it.

We all seem to be going down the lines that this was a paedophile. But what if his primary motive was not sexual? I know this seems to be quite rare, but there are some who torture and murder for kicks, and the fact she was 'not intact' may lead toward this alternative type of person. They may be a trophy collector too.

I can't actually think of many well known historical cases. Ed Gein comes to mind, but I am sure there are others.

If this is the case, then the fact Jessica was a child may not have been that important to him. Are there any other cold cases in the area where 'not leaving the body intact' has been key?

I agree with you that imo there is just as much chance that the perperator is NOT a "pedophile" as there is in him actually being a classified "pedophile".. I have been of this opinion since discovery of jessica's remains due to the fact that just as you touched on in your above post my opinion is that motive/driving force is not pedophilia but rather an organized lust offender..therefor Jessica's age imo was of very little, if any meaning whatsoever to the perp..

Also as you mention sexual "assault" may not be the motivator either and I agree with you on that specifically, but my opinion slightly differs in that no, its not a sexual assault in the context of what we see in typical sexually motivated crimes where the sex act itself and the power over the victim both physically and emotionally is where the perp receives gratification(and then if followed by murder it is simlply a means to an end of covering his tracks)..the act of murder is not the driving force, nor the act from which he is merely is a necessity to conceal the true motivating factor for why the perp offended.

This case imo is different than typical pedo predator cases, sexual assault/rape cases, etc due to the fact that it is not necessarily the actual act of sexual intercourse or the power wielded in perpatrating the sexual assault that is the driving force motivating the crime..the gratification imo is absolutely 100+% sexual but not in a typical way but rather the arousal and eventual gratification is stimulated by various different violent actions toward the victim(again imo age of victim is absolutely irrelevant and imo quite possibly even the gender of the victim as well may be irrelevant)..this due to the fact that again the perpatrator is not engaging in standard intercourse with the victim to satifisy his need for gratification..

Its the sadism that arouses the is infliction of terror and exceeding thresholds of pain onto the victim that serves as the stimulus to which he is aroused..

For an organized lust killer imo the action that creates THE ULTIMATE sexual response and gratification would be an act such as dismemberment...and imo I believe it is very likely that Jessica's killer will fall into this classification and his traits/characteristics will be similar in nature to what I have extremely briefly, barely touched on above..
Jmo, tho.

<Respectfully snipped by me for space>

.. My point is, this type of killer will get off on pretending to "help" others, being the wolf in sheeps clothing - he may be a teacher, counselor, psychologist. He may work in law enforcement or security. This person lives alone or with a wife, maybe even kids. He wears a mask of normalcy and that is why he alludes police so well. He is accepted by society and raises no red flags. It really freaks me out that this person might very well be law enforcement ... maybe in a different jurisdiction?

As for if this person is a pedophile, it's my personal opinion that this guy may have adult victims as well. To psychopaths that hate women (which I think this monster obviously does), age isn't as big of a consideration as gender and opportunity. I'm reminded of Polly Klaas' killer who said, "I didn't kill that little broad". They don't see what we see - a child, a teenager, a woman ... they only see a representation

I hope this post wasn't too long, I'm looking forward to your replies.
Welcome and great first post.. I know there are several of us who are of a very similar opinion as to what you above described perfectly<that I respectfully snipped for space>.

Its my personal opinion at this time, with what very little that we know.. Im of the strong opinion that the perp would fall into the organized classification rather than the disorganized.. Moo is that its very likely that he at minimum is presently, or has been in a long term committed relationship..possibly even married with kids...

I believe he is of above average intelligence(but definitely no genius).. One trait that I feel very strongly about that would be a key defining characteristic is NARCISSISTIC.. IMO he likely believes himself to be extremely intelligent, a genius, and that authorities as well as all people in general are seen as lowly peons far beneath him, his intelligence, and superiority(ie. His overly inflated ego that masks the truth)..that truth likely being he is extremely dysfunctional, especially sexually ..

The organized lust killer(which imo is likely the classification that jessica's murderer would be) imo is one of the most dangerous of all for the obvious reasons that regularly allow these perpatrators, atleast for some period of time, to go undetected and quite possibily even get away with his crimes for some period of time..

All jmo.

<Respectfully snipped by me for space>

Where does this rage and perversion come from? And how can society overcome it?

I agree with much of your above post and in response to your last questions my opinion as to what contributes, if not even serves as a catalyst, a fuel to the fire if you will, my response I fully realize some/many/all will disagree with but nonetheless i personally am convinced at this point does absolutely serve as a contributing factor in not only many of the crimes we see, but also in other completely unrelated negative impacts and outcomes..

Imo tho, of course it is not the main component or genesis for what creates the "perfect storm" of dysfunction and defective mindset and make up of individuals who seek out to commit such heinous crimes as what we've seen here, but I have seen it almost always be found as a main fixture in many of these particular individuals lives..and for some it even being all consuming..

*advertiser censored*..

Again some may think thats just some chick who is prudish finding a way to put the blame on *advertiser censored*...
A) this chick(ie. Myself of is far from prudish or an extreme conservative.
B) I am not putting the "blame" on anything, not *advertiser censored*, nor anything other than exactly where the blame belongs..that being imo squarely on the shoulders of the perp.
C) at this point in time there are more than enough examples that imo prove the fact that *advertiser censored* does play a role(that role widely varying from case to case and perp to perp) in many sexually fueled crimes, including murder..

I dont even pretend to know or have the answers for what is the appropriate answer or anidote to what imo in some cases is a very real "poison" that in time spreads, consumes, and ruins an individuals mind, body, and soul.. I know there are some who have little knowledge with and/or are very unfamiliar with this day and age's overwhelming amount of so very readily and easily accessed *advertiser censored* in any format imaginable at EVERYONE'S fingertips..and that EVERYONE IS ABSOLUTELY ALL INCLUSIVE..meaning our innocent, impressionable, and malleable young children's minds are very much at risk and the risk appears to only increase rather than decrease or be better protected and shielded from something that imo so many believe to be irrelevant, unimportant, and not even a danger or threat to our impressionable children..

I will cut myself off here and leave it at that, but unfortunately I have seen what the effects(both short&long term effects) of *advertiser censored* and the very real addiction to various forms of *advertiser censored* have done to people, their mindset, their behavior, and the destructive wake thats left as a direct result of *advertiser censored* in personal, loving, connected relationships and families..

*advertiser censored* and its involvement in the criminal element is ONLY ONE OF THE MULTITUDE of negative impacts, outcomes, and very real consequences that I've seen proof positive has a very real existence in many different, yet always negative areas of our daily lives..

All jmo, tho.

*eta- my apologies for the extremely long winded post:blushing:..
Now that I'm caught up i promise the remainder of tonight I will limit myself to one per post..;)
Many times reality imitates art.. Serial killer Gary Michael Hilton said, "I am an artist, my life is my artwork"...
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