CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #9

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I've been here four years and I haven't seen a suspect post. FWIW.

I have seen people connected to the family post. We do have quite a few family members that are WS members.

I have seen people hired by lawyers post (to create havoc generally).

But to answer your question, no I have not seen a suspect in a murder come on WS and post. JMHO

ETA: I was contacted by a suspect who was later cleared who tracked me through WS, but that person did not contact me on WS, the contact was through social media.

What about Dee Dee Moore? She goes on trial next month for the murder of lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare.
The owner of WS or the admins would verify. They vet and verify family members of missing persons and victims of crimes that have threads here.

I still don't understand, sorry, maybe I'm missing something. If the perpetrator of a crime wanted to read and post here, what is stopping them from registering under an assumed identity?

ETA: I am NOT talking about anyone in particular who is posting. I have no suspicions of this myself. I have no reason to think it is happening.
There was a case in Florida of a man who had won the lottery or got a large inheritance and he was killed. One of the people arrested for his murder was a woman who posted here, IIRC. Or she posted here but pretended to be someone else.....does anyone remember that case? I hope so....or, I'm going to feel really, really foolish! :blushing:

[ame=""]Abraham Shakespeare Jan. 26th 2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Note: it's against TOS to talk about other posters. So if a member has concerns about another member---do not discuss that member on threads. Period. You can be banned. Toeing the TOS line and making veiled references to concerns are a no-no too. If that's the case---alert a mod so that your concerns can be looked into by the owner or admins.
I've been following this case since the day Jessica went missing. I have merely lurked on all of these threads until now, primarily because I've been waiting until I feel I have something worthwhile to contribute to the discussion. You guys have definitely covered most, if not all, of the aspects of this case, and I have read many plausible and well thought out theories. I will try to keep my thoughts as short as possible.

This case has kept me up for several nights now, just wondering WHO was so sick and pathetic to have done this. Statistically speaking, it is a white male. In my personal opinion, it is either a bona fide serial killer (organized), who has the experience and drive to evade the FBI and the police, because he wants to continue his sick career (I think these types of killers pride themselves on how well they do their "job" ... examples, BTK, Bundy ... experimenting with the variables of the crime, learning from their past mistakes, etc)

OR I think it could be a man who has a history of sex offenses, probably of a violent nature, or has committed petty crimes. However he has never murdered until now. Think John Gardener. He may have had some sort of mental breakdown (for lack of a better term) before or while committing the crime, hence the terrible nature and extreme amount of violence. This breakdown could have come on by life events such as divorce or ending a relationship, getting fired from a job, caught violating parole, etc.
But, even though it was impulsive, like Gardener he won't be able to stop now that he has killed.

For the organized killer I described, I think it will be someone who has a job or position in the community where he is managing/in control of others OR working with children, the mental health profession, even volunteering with the disadvantaged. He may even be a doctor, considering that poor child was dismembered, I'm not sure how much knowledge of anatomy that would require. Remember, BTK worked in security, and Bundy at one point was taking suicide hotline calls. My point is, this type of killer will get off on pretending to "help" others, being the wolf in sheeps clothing - he may be a teacher, counselor, psychologist. He may work in law enforcement or security. This person lives alone or with a wife, maybe even kids. He wears a mask of normalcy and that is why he alludes police so well. He is accepted by society and raises no red flags. It really freaks me out that this person might very well be law enforcement ... maybe in a different jurisdiction?

The disorganized killer may still live with family, or be dependent on family financially. If he has a job, it is not rewarding work ... general labor or entry level. He will blame the world for his problems. If he has any history of opposite sex relationships, they will be short lived, maybe violent. I think Brandon Lavergne fits this type, too.

As for if this person is a pedophile, it's my personal opinion that this guy may have adult victims as well. To psychopaths that hate women (which I think this monster obviously does), age isn't as big of a consideration as gender and opportunity. I'm reminded of Polly Klaas' killer who said, "I didn't kill that little broad". They don't see what we see - a child, a teenager, a woman ... they only see a representation of what is female, what they want to take their sick and twisted rage out on.

ETA: Hopefully the FBI has enough evidence to be able to do a lot of profiling work on this guy.

I hope this post wasn't too long, I'm looking forward to reading your replies.

So essentially, it could be many people who would not immediately be suspected.
A sick individual sometimes blends well enough into society. But in my opinion, there would be some tells, which is why LE asks the public to look for some indicators.

This very enraged killer could have hidden the remains better, if he chose, IMHO. He wanted her found. He wanted the backpack found. And perhaps he wanted a few other things which LE, in its wisdom, hasn't provided.

I feel fairly certain that the killer will be found. And maybe that is exactly what the killer wants, too.

Where does this rage and perversion come from? And how can society overcome it?
Not necessarily. Yes, it was ex, but maybe he wanted the kid to ring her doorbell so she could open the door and he could serenade her sweetly in hopes to win her heart again. Or ask her to Homecoming. Or shoot her. We do not know.

I did so much idiotic stuff from a broken heart. Heaven help me if we'd had FB and smart phones in those days. We just have to be cautious when labeling something an abduction attempt. And by 'we' I mean the media/LE and the ilk. :)
On another forum posters were speculating that her clothes were found in her backpack, and that's why LE told people not to consider what she was wearing when keeping an eye out for her. Has this been mentioned here yet?

Yes, and possibly her glasses, as they mentioned something about that too.
I've been here four years and I haven't seen a suspect post. FWIW.

I have seen people connected to the family post. We do have quite a few family members that are WS members.

I have seen people hired by lawyers post (to create havoc generally).

But to answer your question, no I have not seen a suspect in a murder come on WS and post. JMHO

ETA: I was contacted by a suspect who was later cleared who tracked me through WS, but that person did not contact me on WS, the contact was through social media.

We have had suspects post at WS. DeeDee Moore was one of them.
This makes me wonder about his living situation... how he was able to hold onto the backpack for that long with nobody noticing.

I can't help but think about my home. We only have one car, and no garage, though (and on the edge of a city), so that obviously makes it rather difficult for anyone to do anything without anyone noticing.

That makes me think that the person who did this, if they have a family, maybe does have more than one car... maybe even one that is his own, that only he drives, or a work car, and a garage. He has a lot of time to be alone and move about alone doing things, like moving backpacks around without anyone noticing.

I thnk it would be extremely easy to do if you happen to live in a very private area. There is really no one to notice anything.
Try Disabling Flash in your Browser.
I'm using an iPhone and on either safari or chrome I sometimes get this problem. Last night it was happening with the Steve Jobs ad at the top of the page. Nothing else displays and I can't navigate because page numbers don't even show up. But today it is working.
I'm not Syra but I did a search and grossed myself out from the implications associated with dismemberment. The psychological reasoning for this act goes way beyond concealment in many cases and to me was horrifying.

I'm sorry for so many posts at the same time... trying to catch up again!

Yes, I was thinking along the same lines. He's in Colorado, fercryinoutloud! There's so many wide open spaces, out in the middle of nowhere, that he could have taken her to. It doesn't take a particularly deviant mind to think, hey, if I wanted to hide something where nobody would find it, where would I go. Out here in the Pac NW, we have a similar situation, but just a whole s*#(load of trees. It's very easy, and relatively fast, too, to drive 30 minutes to an hour and take yourself (or anything you wanted to hide) and dispose of it discreetly and where, if someone did find it, it would be a very long time and there would be very little evidence left.

The tremendous effort --- physical and mental --- put forth to dismember a human being is not commensurate with his choice of disposal site.

So either this guy's a complete and total idiot, or utterly mentally handicapped, or it is more sinister.

And I hesitate to take the idiot and/or mentally handicapped angle, because I don't think an idiot or someone who has a bona fide mental handicap would have the wherewithall or focus or grit to actually accomplish something like dismemberment.
The owner of WS or the admins would verify. They vet and verify family members of missing persons and victims of crimes that have threads here.

How would admin verify a suspect/perp posting here? I don't think the suspect would allow admin to call them up and get all their personal info.
I'm pretty sure, according to the FBI profile, that this quack is following the media coverage carefully.... in all forms. This includes internet coverage, and this thread is one of the first things that pop up when JR is googled. If he hasn't posted here, he's reading. That is, if he's actually smart enough to read.
I thnk it would be extremely easy to do if you happen to live in a very private area. There is really no one to notice anything.

Oh, I should have clarified... I meant, his partner/spouse noticing what he was up to... i.e. carrying around a strange backpack, or wearing bloody clothes, etc.
How would admin verify a suspect/perp posting here? I don't think the suspect would allow admin to call them up and get all their personal info.

In this day and age, if it requires power of some sort and transmits, it's trackable. Everything leaves a signature of sorts.
I'm still not convinced about the luring yesterday. The street name where the body was found and attempted luring took place - Quaker- is too much coincidence for me. considering the message in the street names where the backpack was found.

Those places (backpack and Golden luring) are both cul de sac's on the edge of neighborhoods - nearby open spaces. Hard to find and very risky as far as being kinda obvious in a quiet neighborhood where people prob know each other. I think the street names are a message and important enough to risk the intimate locations.
I think Witt elementary is part of the message. Wit - intellect. Alpha/Andrew/Superior - strong and smart - better than others. Quaker - ????? dunno. Quake - to shake in fear? or as in the religon? or oatmeal????

If the suspect lives in the Arvada/Superior area, Golden is a bit far. BUT, if he's using street names to convey a message, going far enough to find the right street name would make sense.
I'm pretty sure, according to the FBI profile, that this quack is following the media coverage carefully.... in all forms. This includes internet coverage, and this thread is one of the first things that pop up when JR is googled. If he hasn't posted here, he's reading. That is, if he's actually smart enough to read.

I thought that WS came up first because of my browsing history. I wonder if it does when you use a computer you've never used before?
they do investigate reported posts and questionable posts. If the suspect wants attention and to taunt people, he may allow this contact.

How would admin verify a suspect/perp posting here? I don't think the suspect would allow admin to call them up and get all their personal info.
Was it just her school that was on lockout/lockdown (can't remember exactly which one)? Are they currently still like that? Any of the surrounding schools doing this also, or just her particular school?

I believe a few schools were on lockout. meaning kids not allowed outside. I think to keep them out of LE's way.

Was it just her school that was on lockout/lockdown (can't remember exactly which one)? Are they currently still like that? Any of the surrounding schools doing this also, or just her particular school?

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