CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #1

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She attended the Northern Colorado Cowboy Church earlier that day.
They are on Facebook "Northern Colorado Cowboy Church" there is a post on there about Kayleah, but no clues.
17 year old boyfriend? Wow. My son is this age and is interested in 16 and 17 year old girls. What is wrong with this guy?
They don't feel she was a runaway OR abducted? :waitasec:

Family said LE is stupid.

What else is there??? Only thing I can think of she went on a vacation??? Or she never left her home.
when I read all of the LE interviews about this case I see them working this case like an abduction. Just my two cents.

Also, they have been right on the mark in terms of searching, calling in the fbi, and attempting to issue an amber alert on Monday. I personally would not call LE stupid in this case but that is just me. I can only imagine how scared the family is right now.
My husband and I were born, grew up in, and raised children in Greeley.

Alot has changed over the years. But there are some basics that I am going to give my OPINION about- that apply to Greeley.

Greeley has IMO 3 very distinct groups of people living in it. I apologize in advance as I am not going to be PC here, but this is how I think I can give you the best "feel" for the community. Greeley has a large portion of "white folks" that reside primarily in the west side of town. Greeley has a large portion of hispanics that reside primarily in the east/north side of town. Greeley has a large portion of college students that live in the east/central part of town. Now the living areas I know don't apply to everyone- but there truly is an invisble line of what some might call the wrong side of the tracks- depending on your skin color... There is definitely an air of racial division in the community. It is strong and I feel the tension has become extremely worse over the years. Over the last 10-15 years "gangs" have popped up. At first it was a "wannabe" type thing mirroring the "Bloods and the Crips" but now I think these gangs have evolved into their own namesakes and certainly have done their share of damage and violence in Greeley. It is a very sad thing to see the youth getting caught up in.

I know from my own personal knowledge that some of the apartments in that exact area that Kayleah lives do NOT run background checks and that a past with a sex offender conviction is not a problem to rent there. I will also add in that Weld County/Greeley court systems also have offered plea bargains that do not require convicted sex offenders to be listed in the registries. :furious: Don't get me started on that. Yes you may be required to check the convicted of a felony box on the rental agreement, but you might not be listed in the public registry for a sex crime-. I personally know of 2 invidividuals that this has happened to.

The area where Kayleah lived is in a lower income chunk of neighborhood of Greeley. It isn't "bad-bad" but I know of stories and people who have lived in the apartments that span 28th street and not all of them are positive. It is what it is and there is no judgement towards Kayleah's mother at all from me for thinking it would be safe for her to walk to the mall from where she was at. It generally is a busy & populated area with several businesses close by & the public often doesn't have the fear of kidnapping on their brain like so many of us at WS do.

I am not saying THIS is what happened, but I can speculate that when the police got the call they took the runaway "report" and didn't jump on the possibility of it being something different based on the area that Kayleah lived in, the outward appearance of the dynamics of her home living situation, *possibly* the previous foster care past, and the area of town that she was walking to/from, coupled with the knowledge of her having an older boyfriend. Sadly, I think it was easily brushed off as just a runaway situation. Do I think that Kayleah's mom should have done more protesting and demanding that they search NOW for Kayleah and not just put out a be on the lookout bulletin for Kayleah, YES, absolutely! Do I think the GPD should have done more right away because she IS only 12- YES, absolutely!

Based on some of the statements put out by the police department after the fact- Kayleah's good grades, unknown drug or gang involvement, no troubles at home, etc... I think that the GPD finally realized they potentially had a much bigger problem on their hands then just a "runaway." I still feel like if Kayleah lived on the "right side" of the invisible tracks with an "intact" family situation and a few donations in the right political campaigns bucket- this would have started off a lot differently and perhaps maybe evidence found and salvaged from the start.

I pray Kayleah is safe and ok, but each minute my heart sinks lower in my chest. I hate that another child may not come home. When Jonelle Matthews went missing- it affected me greatly and still does to this day. It is what makes me on guard, not so trusting, and definitely more aware of my surroundings and protection for my own children. Her disappearance is what sparked my interest in true crime and criminal justice. So I sit here on the edge waivering of jumping in head first into this case or stepping back because already it is tearing at me to think that another one of Greeley's children might not be coming home.

Anyway, I didn't mean to write a book. Just sharing a few heartfelt thoughts from my viewpoint.
I think I'm going to go see what kind of pics I can get of the area/search --


Can you get the frequency for Greeley police dispatch?

Do you have a local news radio station that we can listen to. TIA.
Sgt. Joe Tymkowych said 20 to 25 people are helping with a selective ground search and the investigation today. This is in the area of U.S. 34 bypass and between 17 and 35th Avenues.

"We didn't know which path she took, but we did have officers go out to the area," Tymkowych said. "We did do specific searches near her house, had she gone across the highway, which is a pretty dangerous thing to do."

Detectives also plan to reinterview witnesses and try to develop new ones. Tymkowych says there is a lot of traffic in the area with shops and restaurants.

"We're hoping someone saw or heard something," Tymkowych said.
I just looked up J. Matthews missing person case that you mentioned above. So sad, never found her taken right from her home.

LE should take a missing persons report if they are a CHILD. They take stolen car reports right away and put into NYSPIN...Why not a 12yo child. The law has to change..
LE doesn't think she is a runaway, nor abducted: to me that screams that LE may think that her missing status is due to someone or something familiar to her personal little world.
Just watched channel 7 news and they are out searching and nothing has shown up on any videos so far, they are checking inside of some homes today and said the ex boyfriend is bieng questioned but they feel he is cooperating with them and not a suspect. I am feeling very uneasy about Kayleah and I too was very much affected by Jonelle Mathew's I searched for her for a long time and for some reason kept getting you must have a key to see and blue ford mustang so I went to auto salvages and down by the river but found nothing, every time I went by JJ'S Auto salvage or the river something inside of we wanted to scream to this day it still gets to me. This amber alert criteria has got to change we know how crucial the first few hours are. Praying for a miracle and for the eyes of all to be opened to how precious our children are and how unsafe they are in this world, we guard and protect them I have been sick and done so much crying at what I am seeing our innocent children abused and murdered and thrown away like trash. My heart cries out so loud IT HAS GOT TO STOP. No parent or loved one should have to endure the pain and guilt and pure torture they are living, I spent all day saturday praying and watching Amber's memorial it was a beautiful tribute but to see those 4 families and what they have and are enduring broke me and I will be a voice for the children but how do we make our lawmakers listen and act upon a missing child immediatly John Walsh, Mark Klass and many others have tried to no avail and I am so angry they protect animals more then our children Save the whales NO SAVE THE CHILDREN!! Sorry for my rant but I am at breaking point needed to vent. I want to thank all of you for all your dedicated work for the lost and missing. I have read for a long time but just started posting cause you all feel like my family.
LE doesn't think she is a runaway, nor abducted: to me that screams that LE may think that her missing status is due to someone or something familiar to her personal little world.

IMO this throws suspicion onto her family. Do we know for certain that she left the house to go to the party?
It is always strange when LE says things like not an abduction and not a runaway, if this is what they are saying, as it does not leave much else besides the possibility of meeting up with harm at home...
What are the family dynamics, if anyone knows? Is this a 2-parent household, without the "boyfriend" that so often figures into tragidies? Just curious and going by the numbers...not suggesting that 2-parent homes are always perfect or single parent homes can't be...
IMO this throws suspicion onto her family. Do we know for certain that she left the house to go to the party?

Reading this article, it does not look to me like LE is suspicious of her family.

When LE says no evidence of abduction sufficient for an amber alert, it's my understanding that it means they have no description of a person or a car seen taking the child away, for example in Caylee Anthony's case.

I don't see that LE is saying there's no abduction - but that there's no evidence of abduction sufficient for an amber alert.

Let's keep an eye on LE's statements today.
It is always strange when LE says things like not an abduction and not a runaway, if this is what they are saying, as it does not leave much else besides the possibility of meeting up with harm at home...
What are the family dynamics, if anyone knows? Is this a 2-parent household, without the "boyfriend" that so often figures into tragidies? Just curious and going by the numbers...not suggesting that 2-parent homes are always perfect or single parent homes can't be...

If all the news articles can be trusted :innocent: Kayleah lived at home with her mother, grandmother, older brother M, and younger 4 year old brother. Dad appears to live in CA (FB page) but some have said he is in jail in CA. ???

Older brother M. has a different last name than Kayleah.

Did anyone watch the oddball video I posted the link of last night? Did anyone find what G. said in it disturbing at all? :waitasec:
If all the news articles can be trusted :innocent: Kayleah lived at home with her mother, grandmother, older brother M, and younger 4 year old brother. Dad appears to live in CA (FB page) but some have said he is in jail in CA. ???

Older brother M. has a different last name than Kayleah.

Did anyone watch the oddball video I posted the link of last night? Did anyone find what G. said in it disturbing at all? :waitasec:
do you know kai.... I went back thru looking for that 'oddball' video and couldn't find it for the life of me! Do you still have the link for it? tia
I feel she was abducted by someone either she knew or someone she didn't know. But thats JMO. I don't her mom had anything to do with her missing.

Im furious they released a violent sexual predator in Greeley, had a town meeting letting everyone know and they never put out missing person alarm or AMBER ALERT. :furious:
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