CO CO - Kayleah Wilson, 12, Greeley, 28 March 2010 - #5

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Police: Body In Ditch Was Kayleah Wilson; She Was Killed

We can't guarantee that it's not a stranger who killed her. We have a wide range of people of interest in this case,” Garner said.​

Investigation Begins On Who Could Have Killed Kayleah

7NEWS confirmed that three registered sex offenders live within a mile of Kayleah's apartment. We contacted two of them and they confirmed they had been contacted by police investigators and had to provide a written alibis of where they were on the day Kayleah went missing.​

Where And When Was Body Left?

Police are trying to determine where the body first entered the canal. The area where the body was found had been searched at least twice and the theory is that heavy rains flooded the canal, dislodging the body from another point upstream.
The canal goes underground for some distance just upstream from where the body was found. It is more than a mile west of the Greeley Mall, where surveillance video captured someone, believed to be Kayleah, walking across the parking lot on the day she disappeared.​

Not like he said it once - every time I read an article, opened a link, saw a spot on TV, stepdad was making the suggestion of Kayleah running off to her dad in California. At first I thought - jealous? I than started thinking - guilty? LE stated it making it easy for all others to join the runaway parade. Meanwhile, poor Kayleah lay murdered in some ditch nearby. I was furious then and still furious. moo mho and all that stuff

Oh my. I didn't realize it was the stepfather saying that. Very interesting indeed.
I suppose they did ring around to friends to see if she was there first....which is logical....but still I am alarmed even at this.......she was only 12......maybe for a teen of 16 but 12 year old wandering around after 8 pm.......

another was she supposed to get home from the party???? I truly hope she was not suppose to be walking home at this time of night......

I think I would just be a bit more protective of a 12 year old girl....well in fact I know I stepdaughter is 17 now and I wouldnt like her walking the streets after 8 pm....especially alone......

I wonder if anyone was suppose to walk home with her??

I agree. My daughter is 14 and walks no where at night. She has a cell phone and I check with her frequently when she goes any where. And I am a single mom and it stretches my budget but gives me peace of mind. If she is 5 minutes late and I can't reach her I freak out. When my older daughter would come home at night on the bus I met her at the bus stop even though it was only a block away. I am probably over protective but my kids are my life.
My heart breaks for Kayleah's mother. It is every mother's worse nightmare.
Does the stepfather live in the area? I take it he and the mother are no longer together...and haven't been for a while? Wonder why he should even have an opinion in the matter if he had not seen her since she was 8? That seems very odd to me.
Not like he said it once - every time I read an article, opened a link, saw a spot on TV, stepdad was making the suggestion of Kayleah running off to her dad in California. At first I thought - jealous? I than started thinking - guilty? LE stated it making it easy for all others to join the runaway parade. Meanwhile, poor Kayleah lay murdered in some ditch nearby. I was furious then and still furious. moo mho and all that stuff

Steer the investigation in a different direction came to my mind. His comments came across weird to me since he supposedly hadn't seen her in four years.
I think LE will be taking another look at everyone in Kayleah's life. They have to be able to rule out friends and family before they go any further, unless they have tips or evidence taking them in another direction. It may not be the case here, but the percentages show that most murders of any age group are commited by someone the victim knew on some level. Random stranger -on- stranger murders really are not as common as media reports make them out to be; we just hear more about those than we do the family crimes as they are more sensational, sadly. Regardless, Kayleah losing her life in this way is beyond comprehension, just as the murders of all children are.
As far as the manhole discussion, don't you have to have some kind of "key" to get them off? Otherwise, people would be ripping them off all of the time, and I have never heard of that.

But I don't know. I have noticed in my city that they have beautiful designs, and I have wondered why somebody doesn't steal them.

So, I figured that you need a key.
Steer the investigation in a different direction came to my mind. His comments came across weird to me since he supposedly hadn't seen her in four years.


That was my thinking too.
As far as the manhole discussion, don't you have to have some kind of "key" to get them off? Otherwise, people would be ripping them off all of the time, and I have never heard of that.

But I don't know. I have noticed in my city that they have beautiful designs, and I have wondered why somebody doesn't steal them.

So, I figured that you need a key.

Manhole covers are being stolen in many towns right now, for their scrap-metal value. Insane, huh?

Here's a good article about manhole-cover-theft.
Yep I would like to know from any locals if they know if stepdad lives in the same town.....also did mum have a boyfriend???? One of the comments I read on one of the news site was that the person reckon the killer was "hightech".......I dont know why they said this.....

I find it very interesting that the police have now said they have new leads that have come in and that they are now investigating people who dont have a good alibi......

also remember the brother was telling everyone that she had "run away again"......I wonder why he was telling everyone that ......I am not saying that he is the killer and throwing off the investigation, but there must have been a reason behind them thinking she had run away.......

there is more to this one.....

poor little girl.
I have a daughter that is 12. I can not imagine her running away or even thinking she would want too. I have a 16 year old and a 20 year old. I can't imagine them running away but I could see where they might. I just can not see a 12 year old as a runaway. I'm not saying that a 12 year old has never run away but how often does that occur? I'm wondering why the stepdad would think much less tell the police that Kayleah went to california to visit her Dad.

It is mind boggling how many 10 year olds are running away now. We can barely keep up with posting them. Fact is, we no longer make banners until missing one week. We post just their photos and the info. Sad, isnt it? In my "day" anyone that ran away was 16 ...maybe 15. I don't even recall ever anyone from school running away younger than that! Read the Chicago papers and NYC...everyday 10, 11 year olds running away and gone for 3 or 4 days at a time. Many times...and this is mind boggling too...they are staying at a friends house. So where is the communication between parents? However, doesnt dismiss the fact that I believe the police failed here in the sense that everyone knows a 12 year old invited to a birthday party is going to go to a birthday party. Not showing up should have been a huge red flag. IF a kid is going to run away that young...believe me...they'll wait until after a birthday party on a boring day...not an exciting one.
I suppose they did ring around to friends to see if she was there first....which is logical....but still I am alarmed even at this.......she was only 12......maybe for a teen of 16 but 12 year old wandering around after 8 pm.......

another was she supposed to get home from the party???? I truly hope she was not suppose to be walking home at this time of night......

I think I would just be a bit more protective of a 12 year old girl....well in fact I know I stepdaughter is 17 now and I wouldnt like her walking the streets after 8 pm....especially alone......

I wonder if anyone was suppose to walk home with her??

I was thinking the same thing revanpz, she was only 12. I would never let my 12 year old walk home from a party at 8 PM, let alone at 10 PM. Also I would have had the phone number of the friend whose party it was. If my daughter was supposed to be home by 8 PM, by 8:30 I would be on the phone and looking for her. I thought it was 7 PM she was supposed to be home. Not to report a 12 year old missing until 10 PM, makes no sense to me.
Manhole covers are being stolen in many towns right now, for their scrap-metal value. Insane, huh?

Here's a good article about manhole-cover-theft.

quote from the article

"Stealing the covers is usually a two- or three-man operation, police say, in which the thieves yank the covers out of their holes with crowbars, throw them in the backs of vans or trucks, and take them to scrap metal yards, where they get only $10 to $20 per cover."

I don't think that putting her down a manhole is a viable option.
My heart goes out to the family. I know that they are living a nightmare and they still have to go through waiting for the killer to get caught and everything that goes with a trial when he does. It truly is a nightmare that you keep hoping you are going to wake up from.
Manhole covers are extremely heavy. They have to be because of presser from the sewers and other various reasons. Some years ago there were problems with people stealing them and one local TV channel showed how complicated the process could be because of their weight. They alerted people to be on the lookout for "multiple" people hanging around manholes. Of course, it's illegal to steal and sell those covers. Many of the ones in our areas are antique.

I'm sickened about poor Kayleah. I refuse to fault LE, but the Amber Alert needs to be examined and new guidelines put into place, although I don't believe an Amber Alert would have helped Kayleah alive, it certainly could have helped locate the perp if someone had actually seen her with someone. Of course, if that's the case, with all the publicity in that area, surely if anyone had seen her, they would have told authorities, even without an Amber Alert.

This makes me believe she went "willingly" because she knew the person, slightly or well, doesn't matter. How was a young girl to know there was danger from a "friend", a "familiar" person?

Although it could have been one of those SOs who likes teenagers and thought she was a teen because she doesn't look 12. Someone like the guy who grabbed Amber and Chelsea.

I don't know. I just know this is terrible. I've checked news reports for her frequently, although not posting much in her threads, because there just wasn't any news. This is just too, too sad. I hope she didn't suffer long. Her poor family. :grouphug:
It is mind boggling how many 10 year olds are running away now. We can barely keep up with posting them. Fact is, we no longer make banners until missing one week. We post just their photos and the info. Sad, isnt it? In my "day" anyone that ran away was 16 ...maybe 15. I don't even recall ever anyone from school running away younger than that! Read the Chicago papers and NYC...everyday 10, 11 year olds running away and gone for 3 or 4 days at a time. Many times...and this is mind boggling too...they are staying at a friends house. So where is the communication between parents? However, doesnt dismiss the fact that I believe the police failed here in the sense that everyone knows a 12 year old invited to a birthday party is going to go to a birthday party. Not showing up should have been a huge red flag. IF a kid is going to run away that young...believe me...they'll wait until after a birthday party on a boring day...not an exciting one.

I must fess up. When I was 8, I convinced my younger brother (by 2 years) to run away with me. We walked several blocks from our house into a wooded area, we were there several hours. By dinnertime, he wanted to go back, even though we had food. Although I was out for the adventure, we headed home. Low and behold, there was our mother, in her car, circling the neighborhood looking for us. She got out of the car and told us to go straight home while she followed. We did. Need I say that was last time I asked him to runaway? It wasn't pretty when we got home.

I should have prefaced this saying my mother was the meanest mother in town, in those days (decades ago), in my opinion at that time. :blushing: Looking back now, I have no idea what our plans were. I just wanted away!
In the linked article, they say that it can't be confirmed that video shows Kayleah at the mall. In other articles they say there are credible witnesses. Since it really impacts what may have happened, I really wish they'd get this straight. All the good intentions won't do a thing to help solve this, and that's something they need to finally get straight. I'm so gutted by how this played out, and moreso when I read things like that about the video.
Kayleah, I'm so sorry that things ended this way.

My heart is with those who loved you; my prayers are for a swift and righteous justice to those who harmed you.

Be at peace.
Yes RubyRed,
It's an almost instant notification/alert system using cells and email. It is an opt in service, which means that only those who are interested will get the information. It has been really helpful spread the word on both crimes and missing persons around here. Not all areas have it set up, but it's easy and free to do. If you live somewhere that isn't participating in using it, go talk to them, get them on board. It can really fill the gap where the Amber system can't be used. I am a firm believer that the Amber Alert needs to stay with the strict guidelines it has or it'll be ignored. But, by using Nixle you are targeting/reaching a group who WANTS to be notified of these things and will pay attention and it won't get ignored.

Bolded by me- this is a very good point. There are different systems used for different areas, but most people who are subscribed to them, need to seek them out. For example- here we have our own internal 'Rapid Runaway Response' alert (need to locate ASAP) as well as an 'Under 2 Under 12 Under 22' (likelihood of harm high) and a "AMP it Up' alert (adult missing person w/special needs).
People who ask to be subscribed via their cell or email, can do so- then choose to respond or not when they get the alert.This is good because it reaches people who WANT to help...but bad because it requires the initial effort be made on behalf of the individual, who may or may not be educated in seeking it out.

I wonder why we can't have something like this regionally- like a Citizen's BOLO, or a Community Cares BOLO?
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