CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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NOV 1, 2019
Jury selected in Patrick Frazee trial, opening statements to begin Friday afternoon
A jury listened to opening statements Friday afternoon in the trial of Patrick Frazee, a Florissant man accused of bludgeoning his fiancée to death last year.


After the District Attorney restated the case, the defense denied Frazee had anything to do with Berreth's murder, comparing the case to a house lacking proper foundation.

"What you have not heard is the raw and unedited version," defense lawyer Ashley Porter said, addressing the jury.

"It looks good from the outside. It looks like it's all there. But when you really start hearing the evidence and hearing the facts, you are going to realize deep foundational issues with this case," Porter said.

NOV 1, 2019
Patrick Frazee trial: A look at the timeline of events


NOV 1, 2019 - Opening Statements
Posted: 10:36 AM, Updated: 6:40 PM
Prosecutor's opening statements outline Frazee's alleged attempts to solicit murder

Prosecutor Jennifer Viehman started strong by outlining a complicated relationship between Frazee and Kelsey Berreth, who never lived together despite having a child together and living in the same county. She claims Frazee consistently manipulated those around him by painting a picture of Berreth being a bad mom, alcoholic, and abusive to their infant daughter [Baby K].


...“All you gotta do is hit her in the head and put her in the trash can,” Viehman says, attributing to Frazee. When Kenney refused, Frazee is accused of telling her, “I guess I just care more about [Baby K] than you do, and if something happens to Kaylee, it’s on you Krystal,” per Viehman. The prosecution made a deal with Kenney to testify in the case. At some point, we expect to hear testimony about how she feared for her family's safety from Frazee.


“What they did not tell you is that Krystal did not go to police voluntarily. They had to track her down,” defense attorney Ashley Porter says. She pointed out Kenney’s lies to the FBI when she denies even knowing Berreth. Porter cites the second time the FBI meets Krystal at her home she has hired an attorney. “Before she says anything about this case, she cuts a deal, where she could spend zero days in jail,” Porter says.

Attorneys for Frazee argue he has no motive, no body has been recovered, and investigators have not recovered an alleged murder weapon. However, Kenney has admitted to bringing a full body protective suit, bleach, cleaning supplies, and borrowing her friend’s car to drive to Woodland Park to clean up the bloody scene at the townhome. Porter points out that despite the horrific scene Kenney describes, there are only tiny spots of blood found by investigators.

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Sam Kraemer on Twitter
Court is adjourned for the day. Some notes:
- Prosecutors focuses their opening statement on Patrick Frazee’s manipulative behavior, especially toward Krystal Kenney.
- “This face, this man, is a murderer.”
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
5:06 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Dramatic opening at #PatrickFrazee trial as prosecutor displays his face on screen: “This is the face of a cold, calculating manipulator!” @csgazette #KelseyBerreth
5:07 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
- Jennifer Viehman took a big swing out of the gates with emotion, using surveillance stills to show Frazee around Berreth’s home, contradicting his story to police.
- State points out between 11/25-12/4, Frazee called Kenney 46 times. He never tried Berreth.
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth
5:09 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
- Defense countered in saying the entire story told by the prosecution is polished & edited.
- Ashley Porter compared it to house shopping online. It may look nice from afar, but it has foundational issues.
- She points to Kenney as the biggest issue.
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth
5:11 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
- Porter acknowledges Kenney only tells police the story after she reaches a plea deal, emphasizing the fact it wasn’t voluntary.
- She then emphasized Kenney’s plea deal doesn’t carry a mandatory sentence.
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
5:13 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
She gave detailed overview of case: That #PatrickFrazee beat fiancee to death with bat and plotted cover-up with his mistress, Krystal Kenney, who is expected to testify.
5:10 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Cell phone records prove Frazee was alone during killing, and Kenney was in Idaho, prosecutor says. #PatrickFrazee took #KelseyBerreth's phone and tried to make it seem like she fled Colorado.
5:10 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Not so, says defense, comparing case against #PatrickFrazee to house with unseen foundational problems. Jury needs to hear "raw," "unedited" version, says Ashley Porter.
5:11 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Defense says Krystal Kenney has long track record of “lies” and told “tale” of murderous #PatrickFrazee only after taking plea deal that guaranteed no jail time.
5:12 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Attorney Ashley Porter: “It looks good from the outside. It looks like it’s all there. But when you really start hearing the evidence and hearing the facts you are going to realize deep foundational issues with this case.” #PatrickFrazee
5:13 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Defense didn’t say who they believe killed #KelseyBerreth. But they heavily emphasized role of Kenney in misleading investigators, in their characterization. #PatrickFrazee
5:13 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Today’s first witness was Cheryl Berreth, #KelseyBerreth’s mother. She said victim’s daughter Kaylee was “everything” to her and that #KelseyBerreth would never agree to give up custody, as #PatrickFrazee claimed when she went missing.
5:14 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Carol McKinley on Twitter
Cheryl Berreth breaks down on the stand as she describes the last time she spoke with #KelseyBerreth. #patrickfrazee met her eyes with no emotion when she pointed him out in court. Jury listens intently, takes notes. @ABC
5:09 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
- State called Cheryl Berreth to the stand as the first witness, which was emotional for her.
- She described coming to CO to look for Kelsey, noticing a list of things out of the ordinary at her home.
- Cheryl then assumed the worst.
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth
5:15 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
- As part of opening statements, Viehman showed photos of the blood spots left behind by Krystal Kenney. They are there, but as the defense points out, they are small.
- Other photos show clear streaks or wipe marks on the couch & TV in Berreth’s home.
@KOAA #KelseyBerreth
5:16 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer on Twitter
That’s about it for now. Have to get ready for our show. I’ll share some more later
5:17 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Soft-spoken and matter of fact, Cheryl Berreth choked up just once – describing text message she sent to #PatrickFrazee on day authorities say daughter was killed.
5:15 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
“I said something along the lines of ‘Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you’re feeling better.'
“He said, 'Happy thanksgiving to you, too,'” Cheryl Berreth said, swallowing hard and dabbing at eyes with a tissue. #PatrickFrazee
5:15 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Cheryl Berreth told jury how she went to investigate #KelseyBerreth's Woodland Park condo after days went by w/o answer from her.
5:17 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Cinnamon rolls were uncovered on table, "hard as rocks," Cheryl Berreth said. Also left out was bread #KelseyBerreth bought for Thanksgiving dessert dip. Her luggage was still there.
“When the sun was shining it looked like everything had been wiped.” #PatrickFrazee
5:19 PM - 1 Nov 2019
NOV 1, 2019
Mother testifies about strained relationship and concern for her missing daughter

...Cheryl describes her daughter's relationship with the Frazee family as never being good, with the family viewing Kelsey as a "hooker" because she would arrive at the family property late at night due to her work hours.

According to the mother, the relationship worsened after Kelsey told the family about her pregnancy in the summer of 2017. She explained how her daughter was thrown out of the house and forced to move in with a coworker.

Fast forward a year later when Frazee and Berreth's daughter had just turned one year old, and Cheryl Berreth describes her daughter visiting a clinic in California to help address mineral deficiency. Soon after, Kelsey started working less to spend more time with her child. She and Frazee continued to live separately.

Soon afterwards Patrick Frazee called Cheryl to inform her Kelsey had moved out, according to the testimony. The mother explained that was odd as she had heard nothing beforehand and maintained a close relationship with her daughter. Eventually the Berreth family decided to contact Woodland Park Police out of concern for Kelsey's well being. Officers never found anything out of the ordinary.

NOV 1, 2019
‘She was a great mom’: Mother of Kelsey Berreth testifies about daughter’s disappearance, death
The morning of Thanksgiving 2018, Kelsey Berreth called her mom twice. At one point, she had asked for a recipe for the family’s famous bread dip. The two of them had also discussed how Kelsey Berreth hadn’t gotten much sleep since she had made an early morning trip to the grocery store to buy her fiance medicine.


After Cheryl Berreth hung up the phone, she said she texted her daughter’s fiance — Patrick Frazee — and told him she hoped he’d get well soon. She said he responded with “Happy Thanksgiving.”


“She was a great mom,” Cheryl Berreth said, adding that Kelsey Berreth’s life revolved around taking care of her and Frazee’s child.


Cheryl Berreth said she immediately called Frazee, who told her he and Kelsey Berreth had broken up. On the witness stand, Cheryl Berreth said her daughter had told her no such thing. The next day, she and her son got on a plane to Colorado and took an Uber to her daughter’s condo.

“I already had a gut feeling that something bad had happened,” Cheryl Berreth said.

...Cheryl Berreth said she and her son couldn’t sleep so they made a list of everything that seemed odd. That list was ultimately a page and a half long.

The ingredients for bread dip sat undisturbed in the kitchen. There was a pan of cold cinnamon rolls sitting on the stove, and what appeared to be wipe marks on the TV. All of Kelsey Berreth’s makeup and luggage was still in the house.


Both the prosecution and defense presented opening statements before Cheryl Berreth’s testimony. The prosecution argued that Frazee is a cold manipulator who made the people around him think Kelsey Berreth was an abusive mother, and who tried to persuade his mistress to kill her before doing it himself.


Prosecutors claimed that Frazee spoke to Lee on the phone dozens of times after Berreth’s phone was destroyed, but never once tried to call his fiancee and see if she was ok.


Cheryl Berreth’s testimony will resume on Monday morning at the Teller County Courthouse in Cripple Creek.
Posted: 1:01 PM, Nov 01, 2019 Updated: 8:22 PM, Nov 01, 2019
Patrick Frazee murder trial: Opening statements

In October 2017, they had a child named [Baby k]. They were still living apart. Between the new baby, commuting to Pueblo for work and a new home, she was exhausted and it was "just not working well for her," Viehman said.

Meanwhile, Frazee was "poisoning" almost everybody he knew against Berreth, Viehman said. He was telling people — including Kenney — that Berreth was a bad mom, an alcoholic and abusive to the baby. He told people Berreth abandoned the baby and left the child with him, Viehman said.


At the end of the prosecution's opening statement, Viehman said the jury will understand why Frazee is guilty of murder by the end of the trial.

"We’re going to ask you to hold him accountable for all he did," she said.


Stephanie (Butzer) Rose on Twitter
In addition, the prosecutors brought Cheryl Berreth, Kelsey’s mother, to the stand as their first witness this afternoon.
That will be added to the article shortly. I’m currently fighting car sickness and going through those notes, so hold tight.
7:26 PM - 1 Nov 2019
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Posted: Nov 1, 2019 / 11:04 AM MDT / Updated: Nov 1, 2019 / 07:34 PM MDT
Jury seated, opening statements heard in Patrick Frazee trial

She said the move caused conflict, however, because Frazee continued to live with his mother in Florissant, and Berreth, with no job, had to get her own apartment.

Frazee and Berreth continued to live apart. They had a daughter together in 2017, but prosecutors described a stressful, deteriorating relationship, saying Frazee manipulated people to believe his fiance was a negligent and abusive parent and partner.

They say Kenney, in particular, fell victim to that manipulation, detailing how Frazee lied about Berreth’s abuse to convince Kenney to help him kill her. Prosecutors say he even went so far as to threaten Kenney’s daughter if she didn’t comply.

But, Viehman said, Kenney couldn’t do it.


In the days after Berreth was reported missing, prosecutors say Frazee made 46 phone calls to Kenney, and none to his fiance.


...Berreth moved to Colorado in 2016, after Frazee said he wanted to marry her.


Cheryl Berreth also told the court the Frazee family wasn’t accepting of Berreth when she arrived. In fact, Frazee’s mother, Sheila, kicked her out after finding out she was pregnant, thinking Berreth hid her pregnancy on purpose.

Cheryl Berreth said her daughter moved to several different places in Colorado, but continued trying to make the relationship with Frazee work.


Cheryl Berreth broke into tears recalling the last time she spoke to her daughter...

Members of the Berreth family, including Kelsey’s brother, Clint, held back tears. There was no reaction from Frazee during that testimony.

Stephanie (Butzer) Rose on Twitter
After the opening statements today, prosecutors brought forward their first witness: Cheryl Berreth, Kelsey’s mother. She described the growing panic last December as the days passed with no sign of her daughter. More: #PatrickFrazee #KelseyBerreth
10:58 PM - 1 Nov 2019

Patrick Frazee murder trial: Opening statements
Prosecutors call Berreth's mother as first witness


That move happened in May 2016. Frazee, Berreth and her parents loaded a trailer with her possessions and the couple drove from Washington to Florissant. Frazee had purchased Berreth a studio appointment, where she lived when she first moved there. Berreth and Frazee never lived together at any point in their relationship, though Berreth would often visit for weekends, Cheryl said.

However, before moving in, Berreth spent a night at Frazee’s home, which he shared with his mother, because they had driven into Colorado late in the evening and decided they’d unpack everything the following day, Cheryl said. Based on what Berreth had told her later, Frazee’s mother had accused her of being a hooker the following morning, Cheryl said.

She said she believes Berreth and Frazee’s mother were able to work past the incident, but the feelings didn’t go away, she said.


Come early October 2018, Berreth’s parents flew out to Colorado to celebrate Kaylee’s first birthday. Berreth, her parents and Frazee spent the day together in her condo. Cheryl said their stay was short — they planned to visit for Christmas too. They were not planning on visiting around Thanksgiving Day.


Cheryl confirmed that her daughter made no mention of an argument or unusual behavior from Frazee. She said she was sure Berreth would have said something to her if their relationship had hit a rocky patch. But the opposite seemed true — Berreth had been looking to purchase a ranch in the area and had even looked at places with Frazee and Cheryl, her mother said.


When she asked Frazee to go to the Woodland Park condo to check on Berreth, Frazee said he had to check on his cows, but would go over afterward, though “she wouldn’t want to see him,” Cheryl said. She said she didn’t care about that — she just wanted to know if Berreth or her car was at the condo.

The only things they noticed were missing were her purse, keys and iPhone.

The prosecutors brought up three pictures of the condo at this time:
  • The first showed her kitchen table, with stale bread, sparkling cider, live flowers, some papers and a laptop on it.
  • The second showed the view from the front door. The living room area was very sparse with little furniture. A wooden chest she had used as a footstool had been pushed up against the fireplace, which Cheryl said she thought was odd. They also noticed smears all over the apartment, from the loveseat to the stove. The toys Cheryl and her husband had bought for Kaylee for her birthday were also missing.
  • The third photo showed the four stale cinnamon buns on the stove, along with a plug-in candle that was still on.
Friday’s trial period ended after the prosecutors showed this final picture. It will continue Monday morning.

NOV 1, 2019
Frazee murder trial opens with focus on defendant's mistress
The defense, which did not seek the court’s authorization to name an alternate killer, did not offer a theory of the crime, except to say Frazee wasn’t involved.


Using a slideshow for assistance, Viehman gave an overview of cellphone evidence, surveillance imagery and blood found in Berreth’s condo to build the picture of a murder conspiracy by Frazee.

First, he poisoned everyone in his life against Berreth, Viehman charged, none more so than Kenney, with whom he’d had a decadelong, on-again, off-again fling.

Frazee sought to convince Kenney that Berreth was an abusive mother who had to be “taken care of” before harm befell [Baby K]. Prosecutors say his claims that Berreth burned the girl and hit her on the head were fabrications meant to secure Kenney’s cooperation and silence.


Defending Kenney, Viehman said much of the evidence in the case, including the area of his Florissant ranch where authorities say Frazee burned Berreth’s remains, wouldn’t have been found without her assistance.

When investigators dug into the burn scar, they found evidence of accelerants and a possible human tooth, Viehman said.


Cheryl Berreth is expected to be cross-examined by the defense when testimony resumes on Monday morning.
We were lucky to have someone in court yesterday @GoJacks

Still Missing - CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #58
Posts start at 9:28pm
Note- synopsis begins page 55 - it’s very good reporting
Okay from today opening statements:

Viehman starts out with a picture of PF from ENT ...(baby carrier present in passenger seat) says in a few short minutes after this was taken this guy brutally murders KB. "This face, this guy, he's a murderer." (points at PF....looking just like he always does)
*Shows picture of the black tote in the back of truck from ENT.
*later showed on the neighbors security camera of the truck passing by (after they believe the murder to have taken place) the tote was flipped the opposite way.

Some side notes: They have pictures of KB and Patrick going into her condo from that day. KB has poinsettias in her hands. No, PF didn't buy them for her. It's what she purchased at Safeway that day. (now we know)

The neighbors security camera literally faces her door. (This was confusing to me) They have pictures also of PF leaving and coming back later that day. Can't say he looks like he brutally murdered someone. No change of clothes, doesn't look to be covered in blood. (defense also pointed this out). Also no pictures of him leaving with a black totes or anything, unless of course these are coming later.

A lot of talk of the cellular activity of PF/KBs phone after this. Zoned out at this part. Basically all of what you can read online.
Between Nov 25-Dec. 4 46 calls to KK and zero to KB (even after police & CB had contacted him about KB being missing)

Also mentioned was that KK and PF had affair for YEARS. The night before KK married CL, PF begged her not to go through with it
KK found out through a mutual friend that PF had a child.

When they searched PF's house he had literally written a note to himself about what he did Nov. 22nd. (I assume so he could keep his story straight).
It included: Running errands, picking up baby, etc and in what order

*sorry if this is all scrambled, my notes are probably like PF's notes....non existent.

JMO but I thought Viehman made KK sound wayyyyy too nice and like a freaking gift to god. I know this is to ultimately show that she had nothing to do with the actual murder. Still made my skin crawl though.

Pretty short. Basically related this case to seeing a house you want to buy on the internet. Looks great, until you see it in person and there's a lot of cracks in the foundation.
Going to place the blame on KK. Somewhere other than the KB condo. Said her house wasn't a murder scene like they claim. KK didn't go to the police, she only talked once offered a plea ETC.

I'll add if I remember anymore from opening statements.

*Ma waited at the door and watched him walked in.
Do not believe she was in court.

Yesterday at 10:26 PMReport
MassGuy said:
Thanks! Could you see those images clearly? And is there any way the defense can claim that PF didn’t return to the house?

Basically, is it clearly PF?
@GoJacks response
Pictures are VERY clear and close. Obvious it's PF and in same clothes he's in at ENT.

Also forgot some major part.
Yes they showed pictures of the tooth fragment from the fire pit.
KK claims the fire took so long she tried to sleep in her car during it.
Got frustrated and left after this.

Some confusion I had.
I thought they said he burned her inside that black tote, but they showed a picture of the black tote they found at his property.
Also showed pictures of where the tote was at Nash Ranch. The hay is stained a dark red/black color.
okay now onto CB.....which was very eye opening.

Viehman starts out by asking her to talk about Kelsey to us.
Talks about Kelseys love of aviation and knew from a young age that's what she wanted to do. Originally wanted to be a crop duster or something of the sort. CB chokes up a bit at the beginning and is very hard to hear for the first couple minutes.
They ask her about how PF and KB met. She goes onto explain how they met on the internet.
At this point they ask CB to point out in the court room who she believed her daughter to be dating. You could tell she was very hesitant to look at him. She pointed and they asked her again can you describe him. She said, the one in the blue shirt. (Just imagine every picture you've ever seen of PF and it was the same look on his face)

CB goes on explaining their relationship:
Met on internet, told her parents about him in December 2016~(2015? the dates kept getting scrambled)
In April of 2016(?) he came to Idaho and met them. At this time time she told her parents about their intentions to get married. A week after he left, she told them that she was moving to CO so she could really get to know him and be sure he is the one.
*PF told her not to worry about money and that she wouldn't need a job.
PF flew to KB and helped her pack up all her things a short time later.
This is where it gets very interesting
PF and KB headed back to CO and had an apt secured in Florrisant for her. They got back super late and didn't want to have to set anything up so PF told her she could just spend the night at 'ol Ma's house. OOFTA....bad decision.

Apparently SF woke up and was mad, called her a hooker and made her leave.
Didn't believe that KB actually had an apt*
CB mentioned that also whenever PF's sister was @ SF house, KB was forced to stay outside on the deck. (lovely family)

When KB got pregnant, PF never told his family. SF realized at some point in July and called her out on it. Threw her out of the house again at this point. (At this point she had moved to Grand Junction for a job after she realized money WAS an issue but was spending the weekends at SF's house).

It was around July/Aug 2017 that she was hired at Doss so was in the process of moving back when SF did this, so she found someone @ Doss who was renting out a room and moved in with them in Pueblo, I believe.
In Sept 2017, PF and KB were apparently going to look @ purchasing house, CB was going to help look. KB calls and says PF is pissed and he just wants her to rent something out and not buy.
CB came and helped her find a place to rent in woodland park, they decided woodland park would be best for relationship & job.
Oct 2017, KB has baby 3 weeks early. CB was there for birth.
KB's rental was only only going to be good through the winter, but the people let her extend it a little longer.
In May '18 CB and DB came back and helped her buy/move into the new place in the same complex.
During this visit she saw PF a few times. Also mentions that in a previous trip to CO she has met SF and ate dinner at her place 4~ times.

They talk about KB's first birthday party at KB's place. Only PF was present, no one else in his family came.

part 2 in a bit.

When they searched PF's house he had literally written a note to himself about what he did Nov. 22nd.
It included: Running errands, picking up baby, etc and in what order..)

@GoJacks response regarding presentation of note
Yup!! at first I thought they were presenting the note of how he wrote who would get custody of KB or whatever that note was, but nope. Just a daily reminder of what he did.
The picture was sideways (she apologized) but she read out what it said. I wanted to laugh.

Yesterday at 11:13 PM
Random things.
Not sure we can talk about the jury, so if not just let me know and I'll delete.
Mostly older jury, predominantly (if not all) white.
Most of the men looked like farmers. (JMO)

CC was in attendance. Actually walked right past me as I entered the court house (and um no they won't let you walk through the circus tent, guarding it like it's Area 51)
Was there ever a picture of RS released? From description, I'd say RS was sitting next to CC but i can't confirm, because I've never seen a picture of him to my knowledge.

I have no idea what PF's sister or brother really look like. So also don't know if they were there. Like I mentioned before, SF was waiting outside the court room and watched as PF walked in.
CB and DB sat front row, a couple other people next to them. Didn't recognize them.

Yesterday at 11:31 PM
CB mentioned today the only time KB talked about moving was Doss had mentioned they might be opening a new place in Idaho and KB said she would be interested in that. Something about how Doss in Pueblo was like a level 1 and this would be a level 2 and thus a better job?
It also wasn't confirmed at all that Doss was opening up a new place and just speculation.

Yesterday at 11:38 PM
okay part 2

Thanksgiving day.
CB talks to KB a couple times in the morning, probably around 9am. Mentions her and PF are going out to eat for thanksgiving, probably later in the day. Mentions she's tired because she was up all night because PF was sick. PF had stomach ulcers which caused him issues sometimes.
KB asked for recipe for bread dip? Family favorite. CB sent her a picture of the recipe.
Never mentioned any sort of argument with PF. Nothing unusual about relationship that day.
CB mentions that KB said she made cinnamon rolls but baby kb wanted honey nut cheerios instead.
Last convo CB had w/KB was about baby having poop explosions (lol)
CB actually TEXTED PF "happy thanksgiving I heard you're sick, hope you feel better" PF responded happy thanksgiving back. (cb very choked up during this part)

CB was with son and busy moving things from WA to ID during this time so didn't think much of not being in contact with KB
CB accidentally called KB on 11/24. got text back that said "ill call tom" never got a call or text after this.
CB mentioned KB worked long hours M,T,Th, so when she didn't hear from her she wasn't THAT concerned, became concerned on Friday because she knew KB wasn't working and it was unusual to go that long without talking to her.

Went through KB's fb friends list and messaged all her Doss employers. One responded saying KB took the week off, said she would be back on Mon.
She called PF, had a long 20~ min convo with him. PF explained they had been arguing a lot and KB wanted to go her separate way.
She found this odd because KB mentioned no such thing.
She said well will you at least go check on her. He said he was checking cows and KB wouldn't want to see him. CB said, I don't care if she doesn't want to see you I just want to know she is okay. It's at this time CB says she realizes where is baby. Asks PF, says he has baby and KB told him to keep baby until she figures things out.

Brother convinces CB to call police. They tell her no sign her at apt but her cars are out front. CB and brother wait till Mon, if KB doesn't show up for work they have a flight scheduled to go to CO. KB doesn't show up for work.
CB & brother fly to CO (while at airport she was informed KB's phone pinged in ID), take an uber to her house thinking they won't need a rental car. PF had mentioned he gave her all her keys back so they believed they could just use one of her cars if they needed it. No keys of any sort at condo.
Found the house odd, cinnamon rolls left on counter uncovered. "hard as a rock" -cb
*Showed a picture of the infamous cinnamon rolls
her and brother went through KB's things, didn't notice anything missing. Said KB wouldn't leave the house without these things.
Mentioned that it looked like the house had been wiped down. Noticed it on the couch and stove when the light hit.

I think that's about where they ended it for the day.

*also this reminded me in opening statements they showed pictures of the floor panels tore up where they found blood and blood stains they found behind couch cushions.

Today at 12:09 AM
Was DA May in attendance?
He was there. Viehman is the only one to speak so far for prosecution.
Seemed like a friendly guy, saw him shaking some random peoples hands in the court room.
Believe he was sitting at the table, can't 100% say for sure. I aligned myself to get a nice view of PF but it made it so I couldn't see prosecution table.

Today at 12:21 AM
About the blood in the condo...
Don't quote me on this, but i believe they said KK had 4 bags of trash of things she couldn't get blood off of. Baby toys, curtains, etc.

Today at 12:28 AM
I probably forgot a lot of things.
So here's some random things I just remembered.

They showed pictures of the burn area. It had been covered by dirt, KK took them to exact spot. Able to find burn area because of this.

KK & PF are seen at the conoco together. drove up in separate cars. PF got gas in one of those small gas cans.

Also the amount of times Viehman mentioned PF lived at home W/ MOM made me laugh.

Today at 12:43 AM
Phones calls
They had a slide for each day. Left hand side was like
"PF calls to KK''
on Nov 26
9 calls
time and how long each call was
right hand side each day:
Calls to KB

Wow! Do you recall if the gas station fill up was on the night of the fire?!

Please say yes!

I believe it was same day as fire. Nov. 24th.

Today at 12:52 AM

I think her calling KB a hooker had more to do with her finding out she was pregnant. And of course because she just didn't like her. Imo

Nope, this was the day KB moved to CO. Many moons before SF found out she was pregnant.
Which leads you to believe, PF never told his mother about KB moving there/existing.

Today at 1:03 AM
Response about PF
Yes....He's also a lot taller than I expected. He's expression didn't change much, if at all. Maybe the most expression I saw out of him was when he poured himself a cup of coffee. He would lean up and take some notes (doodle on his paper, whatever). Then sit back for awhile. rinse, repeat.

Looks like he had just gotten a haircut. Nice and short, lol.
Pictures of the cinnamon rolls show them on the stove.

NO!!!! It's like PF's personal little entrance. Have it guarded. In fact, they have that road even blocked off where he gets to enter. Us normal folk must enter through the front.

Sorry if I missed anyone else's questions. Wasn't on purpose. Re-ask if I did.

Today at 1:20 AM
Yes, it was kind of wild because prosecution went on and on in opening statement. I was thinking in my head, at this rate they are never getting to the first witness. Defense got up and she spoke for like 5 mins. Vague....mostly talked about KK. Said condo wasn't a murder scene. And sat down. I was like, that's it???
Believe opening statement was from 2pm-3:10pm. Prosecution was most of that. We got a break from 3:10-3:25. Then CB took the stand from 3:30-5pm.

Today at 1:37 AM
Oh yah i forgot about that.
KK took the pipe back to SF house and left it at the gate entrance. SF found it.

I believe 2 of his ideas were for her to put her in the trash.

Also if anyone showed up...just run. yah where the heck is KK running to. nowhere.

They did bring up that PF told KK "people go missing all the time. One second your little girl might be at the playground and the next second, she might be gone"

PF also said: "You made a promise to a little girl and you need to keep that promise"
(PF told KK that KB was abusing baby and KK needed to save her from that harm)

Today at 1:44 AM
Don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere by media and I also forgot. KB was pregnant before, lost the baby around the previous Thanksgiving. CB mentioned it in her testimony. So, perhaps they were actually trying for baby.

I thought I heard that wrong in court. So yes, that was also part of the plan I see. I was thinking, I must have heard that wrong no way he wanted her to roll the trash down the street. I was imagining the garbage man opening the trash the next day like ???
Guess we'd have the body then.

Today at 3:28 AM
PF on camera
I believe the camera to literally be from the next door neighbor. faces right at KB door. I can't remember if the fencing blocks his bottom half or the camera only captures the top half. But from memory, I only remember top half. (sorry, I was so stunned that these picture existed that I probably didn't focus enough on them)

So perhaps you are right that this is how he got the tote out.

I'd love to see the pictures of KK entering and leaving with her bags of trash. They HAVE to exist.

Today at 3:38 AM
Wasn't mentioned, but CB basically confirmed that they bought the condo for KB so wouldn't be odd that they had keys.

SF noticed when she was pregnant with Kaylee.
This is how it got brought up.
CB was talking about SF finding out KB was pregnant
Viehman: Pregnant with Kaylee, correct?
CB: Yes, but KB was pregnant the year before but lost it around Thanksgiving.
No mention if SF knew about first pregnancy.

Today at 4:00 AM
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Kelsey Berreth - missing, presumed deceased, victim
Patrick Frazee - former boyfriend of Kelsey, defendant in murder trial

Krystal Jean Kenney Lee - former girlfriend of Frazee, guilty plea deal to felony tampering

Scott Sells - Judge
Dan May - District Attorney
Jennifer Viehman - prosecutor
Jeremy Loew - PF original defense attorney
Adam Steigerwald - PF current defense attorney
Ashley Porter - PF defense team

Cheryl Berreth - mother of KB
Darrell Berreth - father of KB
Clint Berreth - brother of PF
K Berreth ["Baby K"] - minor child of KB and PF
Ed Stanfill - KB uncle
Jodee Garretson - KB cousin

Merle Merriak - KB supervisor at Doss Aviation
Ashley Cogburn - KB Best friend
Amanda Smith - friend of KB
Nicole Haywood - friend of KB
Eric Lowe - KB former bf and Southwest pilot
Alvaro Sauza - pastor at Sandpoint Seventh Day Adventist Church

Sheila Frazee - PF mother
Sean Frazee - PF brother, police officer
Erin Frazee - PF sister

Vanessa Curie - PF former gf
Clinton Cline - friend of PF
Robert Slagle - best friend and “father figure” to PF
Elaine Slagle- wife of Robert

Chad Lee - ex husband of KK
Kristi - KK aunt, with KK for Starbucks and Vegas trips
Susie Runser - Wendell Idaho - 10 min from Malad Gorge
Meghan Garrison - friend of KK, switched cars for KK trip
Michelle Stein - friend of KK, former paralegal of Rockstahls
Laura Stutzman - friend of KK from rodeo circuit
Mark Pearson - received KB gun from KK

Agent Kevin Torres - interviewed PF at Five Guys restaurant
Chief Miles DeYoung - Woodland Park Police Chief
Corporal Currin - Woodland Park PD
Officer B Huber - Woodland Park PD
Agent Gregg Slater - CBI
Agent Kevin Torres - CBI
Tanya Atkinson - Crime scene investigator
Jerry Meams - arson investigator at Frazee ranch for burn area
Kevin Holland - FBI Cellular Analysis Survey Team
Corporal Koski - interviewed neighbor
Detective McDaniel - interviewed ENT bank manager
Commander Chris Adams - WPPD, reviewed Walmart video
Dispatcher Nina Allmond - reviewed Williams video
Mary Longmire - DHS Custody, interviewed PF in jail

KB townhome in Woodland Park
Frazee ranch in Florissant
Leslie Jackson - KB Neighbor with surveillance camera
Safeway in Woodland Park - last place KB seen, video evidence
Starbucks at Walmart - KK gets coffee late September 2018 to give to KB
Williams Log Furniture - surveillance camera
Walmart - PF visited 11/22 afternoon
Patricia Key - Woodland Park ENT Bank Manager
Conoco - gas station in Florissant with video of PF and KK filling jug
Sonic - Woodland Park fast food restaurant, video of KK at drive thru
Nash Ranch - allegation that PF stored KB body on hay
UPS driver that dropped of KB2 ornament gift after missing
Utility worker dropped off notice at KB home after missing
Sheila McCorkle Frazee - FB post during TV Wizard of Oz ‘witch is dead’
Michelle Bartlome - spokesperson at St Luke’s Health System in Idaho (KK nursing employer)
Nedley Clinic CA -KB admitted for depression /nutrition in August 2018
Joe Rockstahl - attorney and M Stein former employer, were told of plot
Patty Rockstahl - Wife of Joe, M Stein former employer
Thank you, Steeltowngirl! (I have edited minor's name) ;)
Sam Kraemer TV
FRAZEE TRIAL DAY 2: Good morning all. Today, Cheryl Berreth will retake the stand in the murder trial of Patrick Frazee. Prosecutors have used her testimony to suggest Kelsey Berreth was never accepted by the Frazee family, with Frazee’s mother Sheila reportedly calling her a “hooker” after she spent a night at the ranch.

It’s unclear who will testify after that. We’ve heard possibly Clint Berreth, Kelsey’s brother, could be next.

I’ll share updates around lunch & at the end of the day. Also, check back here for a Facebook live around 7:00 p.m. (MT) or so. I’ll run through my notes more extensively then.

#KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney KOAA 5
Kelsey Berreth's mother to continue testimony this morning during murder trial
Testimony is expected to continue Monday morning in the murder trial of Patrick Frazee at the Teller County Courthouse. The entire case is expected to wrap up before Thanksgiving week. Cameras and any live coverage of the trial are forbidden per judge's orders. News5 will bring you the latest on-air and online as it comes in during breaks in the proceedings.


Cameras and any live coverage of the trial are forbidden per judge's orders. News5's Sam Kraemer is covering the trial during breaks in proceedings. Be sure to follow him on social media for the latest.
Adam Atchison on Twitter
#HappeningToday: The trial for Patrick Frazee is set to begin. Kelsey Berreth's mom is expected to take the stand first.
5:13 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Dylan Scott‏ @DylanScottTV
Thankful for every beautiful sunrise. Have a great week! @CityofCOS @KOAA #goodmorningsun

5:21 AM - 4 Nov 2019 from Colorado Springs, CO

Mike Mallory on Twitter
It’s been almost a year since Kelsey Berreth was killed and today in Cripple Creek Colorado, trial begins for the man accused of her killing her. That story at 6:34 on #Local6TODAY

5:30 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Carol McKinley on Twitter
Cheryl Berreth, #KelseyBerreth's mom, will continue testimony today in the murder trial of #PatrickFrazee. Kelsey's brother, Clint, is in the courtrm to testify. Friday, Cheryl described Kelsey's last unhappy months as she tried to make her new family work. @ABC

5:54 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Ashley Franco on Twitter
HAPPENING TODAY: the trial continues for the man accused of killing his fiancé. Friday we heard testimony from #KelseyBerreth mom. That will continue today. I’ll have today’s as the day goes on. #PatrickFrazee @KKTV11News
5:55 AM - 4 Nov 2019

The Gazette on Twitter
The #PatrickFrazee trial continues today and we'll have full coverage. Here's a recap from Friday: … #KelseyBerreth
6:02 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Daniela Leon on Twitter (Video)
The trial against #PatrickFrazee resumes today. The first witness to testify Cheryl Berreth, Kelsey’s mom. On Friday her testimony ended in tears as she described talking to her daughter the night before she disappeared and wishing Frazee a Happy Thanksgiving.
6:11 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
FRAZEE TRIAL DAY 2: Good morning all. I’m headed into the courthouse shortly. Cheryl Berreth will retake the stand this morning. Prosecutors have used her testimony to show Kelsey wasn’t really respected by the Frazee family. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

6:47 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
I’ll share notes here around lunch & at the end of the day. I’ll also be posting a Facebook live later with a more extensive recap of my notes. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee #KrystalKenney
6:48 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
FRAZEE TRIAL: Cheryl Berreth to resume her place on the stand today — to face questions by attorneys for #PatrickFrazee. Her testimony began late Friday, when she described growing fears over missing daughter #KelseyBerreth. ⁦@csgazette

6:47 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
Prosecutors opened their case in grand fashion Friday, calling #PatrickFrazee a “cold, calculating manipulator” and “killer.” Defense says bogus claims by defendants mistress are only link to disappearance of #KelseyBerreth.
6:52 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Lance Benzel on Twitter
In her testimony, #KelseyBerreth’s mother described haunting moments she went looking for clues in her condo. No signs of trouble, but in the sunlight it looked like everything had been “wiped” — the aftermath of alleged effort by #PatrickFrazee ‘s mistress to erase evidence.
6:56 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Stephanie (Butzer) Rose on Twitter
#KelseyBerreth's mother is expected to continue her testimony this morning as the murder trial for #PatrickFrazee continues. The entire case is expected to wrap up before Thanksgiving week. Again, live coverage is not allowed.
7:59 AM - 4 Nov 2019

Denver7 News on Twitter
Kelsey Berreth's mother is expected to continue her testimony this morning as the murder trial for Patrick Frazee continues. The entire case is expected to wrap up before Thanksgiving week.
8:00 AM - 4 Nov 2019

The Gazette on Twitter
#KelseyBerreth's mother to resume testimony in #PatrickFrazee murder trial
8:03 AM - 4 Nov 2019
Last edited:
NOV 4, 2019
Kelsey Berreth's mother to resume testimony in Patrick Frazee murder trial
Testimony is scheduled to resume Monday morning in the first-degree murder trial of Patrick Frazee, a Florissant man accused of bludgeoning his fiancée, Kelsey Berreth, to death last Thanksgiving.

Berreth’s mother, Cheryl Berreth, who took the stand Friday as the prosecution’s first witness, is expected to resume her testimony Monday.

On Friday, Cheryl Berreth took aim at Frazee’s claims that his relationship with Kelsey had deteriorated in the days before her Thanksgiving Day disappearance, and rejected the idea that Kelsey would give up custody of their daughter, Kaylee, as Frazee had told police.

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