Peppermint Patty, thanks for the like. PF has been roping since at least high school, but his competition is limited to the small mountain rodeos. His mother grew up on a small ranch somewhere between Divide and Denver, but went to high school in Colorado Springs and studied nursing at Memorial Hospital where she has spent most, if not all, of her career. Her husband was from Kansas, but started building a place neat Florissant while serving in the Air Force. They raised their older kids less than two blocks away from her work, and he kept the house when they split. Cattle folk up there don't own land to run them on. They bid on high altitude BLM grazing permits and run a special strain of registered black angus. They graze at 7000 to 9500 feet where there are no fences, The cattlemen take turns acting as 24 hour drovers, like the original 1860's Texas vaquero's. They use cattle dogs extensively, which PF is one of the best at raising and training. His dogs go in the $2500 price range. The beef sale yard is at Divide, then I think it is quick butchered, flash-frozen and air freighted to Japan. The catttle are raised in groups and sold in groups. Individual owners have no say in when they go to market. If KB was truly waiting for PF's cattle market to come back, she was fooling herself. At the very least, her Mom was fooled.