CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #36 *ARREST*

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There is no doubt in my mind that KK developed a hatred for KB as much as PF did.

KK's resentment of KB most likely centers around the fact her own marriage dissolved into failure and so her fantasies of rekindling and salvaging a past relationship with PF were, in her mind, ruined by KB being in the picture.

KB was an easy choice for KK to blame things on. KK could never admit her own failures in life to have the perfect Norman Rockwell family were her own fault. So she would be blaming everyone under the sun and she saw KB as an obstacle that got in her way. She also saw how helping PF would be a way to make PF feel he now owes her big time.

Unbenownst to KK, PF was likely never going to end up with KK long term. PF fooled KK as much as he fooled KB into thinking there was a chance for a long term happy ending.

PF's motives for getting rid of KB was much more sinister and devious. The thought of having to possibly pay KB money to support the child and the thought of having to share custody of the child were his main motives.
He considered it a major hassle that he didnt want to deal with anymore.

And especially as his Mom developed a bond for her grandchild he began to despise having to let the child go back to KB even if it was just part of the time. His selfish ways wanted none of that hassle.

The similarity to PF and Norman Bates is uncanny.

So the both PF and KK developed a shared hatred for KB for totally different reasons and the scary thing is how KB most likely had no idea how deep their evil hatred was getting.
KB was totally blindsided. Its a terrifying story how two people started scheming behind her back to the point she ended up dead.

No wonder we are upset. :(

This makes more sense than anything else in this case. I think you nailed it. God Bless KB. I hate that her beautiful life came to such a tragic end.
I cannot kill a spider because they will kill you first.

I agree.
We live in south midwest and have a serious problem with Fiddlebacks and Brown Recluse spiders. As spring approaches I always get on guard. Ive been bitten on two different occasions and both times I ended up having my foot swell up pretty bad and had to get antibiotics and antihistamines to get the swelling down.
This remains to be seen. Each of the crimes you mention has multiple elements to be met before a conviction can be secured by the DA. This is why I say we have to wait and see what exactly he had to work with in terms of her involvement and the evidence before we ask why he gave her the deal he did. And he hinted we’d know more by 2/19.

And he hinted in the presser more than once, that someone would need to file to have the sealed information unsealed. And that he would not object, yet defense might object and then there would be a ruling.
How anybody can still defend kk actions as somehow justified just blows me away.

1 she knew about a solicitation to commit murder by PF 2 months before the murder.

2 didn’t tell authorities or kB about these plans.

3 she by her own words found out about the murder on the 22nd yet still drove to Colorado 2 days later to help PF.

4 took a murder victims cell phone fully knowing this person had been murdered and knew exactly what she was doing by disposing of it hundreds of miles away.

5 Eventually returns home and acts like nothing happened until LE showed up at her place of work(based on local newspaper article).

If you have sympathy for a person that does something that’s so clearly evil, then imo you are part of the problem in this society. Moo

ETA: I’ll tell you who I have sympathy for Kelsey Berreth, her poor mom and family and her poor innocent now motherless little girl! Certainly not for kk and definitely not for PF!!!
Then consider yourself blown away. People get to have their opinions whether you agree or not. And it’s not like anyone is saying she is justified. What’s been said, by me for example, is that there is a lot we don’t know. Those of you with minds made up at this early point are entitled to have your mind made up and to express it. Lord knows, you’re doing that. But please don’t tell others what opinion to have, respectfully. JMO
Good morning @riolove77 :) What do you think the significance of her statement about the murder is, if any? KK didn't say "PF told me...." she said "I learned that there was"... tyia

Morning! Again, I wouldn’t read into it too much. I think the DA does not want more revealed before the 19th than he has to give up. If KK found out via text, for example, and that’s how the DA knows she wasn’t there, and that’s part of his case to prove PF was the sole murderer, he doesn’t want that coming out in her statement. Just a hypothetical.
I agree.
We live in south midwest and have a serious problem with Fiddlebacks and Brown Recluse spiders. As spring approaches I always get on guard. Ive been bitten on two different occasions and both times I ended up having my foot swell up pretty bad and had to get antibiotics and antihistamines to get the swelling down.
@Hatfield Oh dear! I can't even think of that!
Morning! Again, I wouldn’t read into it too much. I think the DA does not want more revealed before the 19th than he has to give up. If KK found out via text, for example, and that’s how the DA knows she wasn’t there, and that’s part of his case to prove PF was the sole murderer, he doesn’t want that coming out in her statement. Just a hypothetical.

Thank you kindly for your input :)
Lol, I think she must have been livid to learn P not only met a new woman but that’s she was pregnant. Something makes me think sparks flew. Jmo
I guess we’ll never learn her full involvement. She’ll get slapped on the wrist & go on to live life in her quiet little ID town. Moo
I just can’t imagine what’s going to happen when P blames her, if he should.
I assume P will avoid trial. I’m sure his family prefer this to be over with already.
All moo
She can't avoid trial, she has to testify at his trial. Leaving her wide open for cross examination. She gets caught in any lie,and she's toast just as much as PF.
Then consider yourself blown away. People get to have their opinions whether you agree or not. And it’s not like anyone is saying she is justified. What’s been said, by me for example, is that there is a lot we don’t know. Those of you with minds made up at this early point are entitled to have your mind made up and to express it. Lord knows, you’re doing that. But please don’t tell others what opinion to have, respectfully. JMO

I don't believe I have ever said what somebody could or could not post, thats for moderators to decide and not me. Respectfully i was not responding to anybody directly and am sorry you feel I was attacking you. Lord knows you have made your views known as well and please feel free to do so as much as you like. This topic is one we obviously will never agree on, so this will be my last response to you on the subject. Have a blessed day and pray for justice for Kelsey Berreth The true victim who had her voice to be heard taken from her!
She can't avoid trial, she has to testify at his trial. Leaving her wide open for cross examination. She gets caught in any lie,and she's toast just as much as PF.

I think PF's lawyers are going roast her on the stand like a pig on a spit. This is what the plea deal really is. She will pay for her crimes by having to say things in public that will be out there eternally. These will be things that should have sent her to prison for the rest of her good years, but maybe that's the price to undo PF's story.

I really, really hope she has long, ugly, televised hours in front of the public
IMO they have history together some may be intimate and some may be heinous.
They may also have a business partnership. Didn't the Rs say they owned horses together? Not that I totally believe them. We really don't know exactly what their relationship was. KK's BFF "M" said that PF was KK's "boyfriend". Again, there was 800 miles between them. That is quite the long-distance relationship. How much time could they have been spending together? MOO
I agree I think they are a lot alike. Every time I look at her booking photo - I see MEAN/EVIL/DEFIANT in her. I would say it’s a “defensive” look but that doesn’t make sense to me because SHE knows she helped PF - so why would she think her actions were acceptable?
I hate when the BAD person has funding to hire great lawyers - it just doesn’t seem fair. It’s like saying you can be evil if you have money to hire good lawyers.
I really wish the Berreth’s would file a lawsuit against her. I have a feeling she’s already started her book, or been offered a deal for one. She should not be allowed to profit one cent IMO.
I think she does look pregnant, not just weight heavy. I guess we will find out IF she is ...:eek:

The Daily Mail surely would pay for photographs showing that if she is?
I’ve thought all along P would somehow pin it all on KKL.
I’m not pleased she’s getting off so easily but am confident it aint over, new charges can be added, I think, so once the entire story comes out, maybe things will change. Her current deal only deals with the one aspect, correct?
I'm behind, trying to catch up so forgive me if this has been covered.

My understanding is she could get a maximum 18 months jail time for the tampering charge, however, if "extraordinary aggravating factors" are revealed, she could serve up to 3 years.
My understanding based on other cases is only the discussions with his Laywers and any assistants from the lawyer staff would be confidential.

Everything else like personal visitors either in person or on the phone are always taped usually.

ETA - We have seen cases where the lawyer staff or their representatives can funnel inside or outside some things that the person behind bars wants done. Again going back to the Jodi Arias case, there were quite a few allegations of shady doings going on when she had lawyer representative staff visitors. She even managed to funnel out her personal art drawings and they ended up being sold online for money while she was behind bars.

Ah, I'll never forget the magazine that had different pages written with different words that, once put together, told a story to a person on the outside.

It was just by luck that Martinez was at the prison and they caught it.

I'll never forget nurmi at the table flipping through the magazine as if he did not know what was going on.
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I think PF's lawyers are going roast her on the stand like a pig on a spit. This is what the plea deal really is. She will pay for her crimes by having to say things in public that will be out there eternally. These will be things that should have sent her to prison for the rest of her good years, but maybe that's the price to undo PF's story.

I really, really hope she has long, ugly, televised hours in front of the public

bbm Me too. She seemed to really hate the cameras (video) as well as the mug shot.
I kind of wonder if PF started out just after noon of the 22nd, and did the "make it look like a burglary/murder/" scenario and then returned after dark to do the "get rid of body" part since this is a lot to accomplish in the company of a small child.
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