CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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I wonder where Patrick came up with the idea to use Krystal to help get rid of Kelsey.

I've speculated that he knew some secret about her that she didn't want to get out.

We see that she went along with him to do this, tried on three occasions, but didn't go through with them. I still think she did poison the coffee and was upset that Kelsey didn't die then. I think she panicked, because after telling Patrick that she knew exactly what to put in the coffee to kill Kelsey, and it appears Kelsey didn't drink it, she made the flimsy excuse that she just couldn't do it. To which he said something along the lines of "next time". Because there was no evidence of this coffee being poisoned, she knew she could get away with a lie saying she didn't poison it after all, as there was no evidence of it.

Amazingly, she drives again from Idaho to kill Kelsey with a steel rod, couldn't do it, drops it back off at Ma's ranch, and drives back to Idaho.

Then she drives a third time with a baseball bat, doesn't go through with it, drives back to Idaho.

I think she was hoping the first chance worked- less mess to clean up, no blood. Yes, she is a nurse and is used to seeing blood, but it's quite different seeing a patient's blood from testing, surgery or an accident, versus the blood from a murder either you committed or your boyfriend. For most people, even being in the medical profession, that would make you sick to your stomach, knowing that another human being suffered at someone else's hands- especially your boyfriend!

Then on Thanksgiving, she gets a call to come and clean up his mess. And she does it! Drives all the way back from Idaho to do this. Just how did this woman get so much time off from work to do all of this driving to Colorado to attempt murder? I mean, didn't co-workers, family, friends, notice any change in her- jumpy, upset, scared, irritated, or did they assume she was going through peri-menopause or menopause? Especially after Thanksgiving- when she came back from cleaning up, she didn't act any different? She went and partied in LV afterwards?

This certainly doesn't sound like a woman groomed to me. She either wanted PF bad enough to do whatever it took to get him, or he had some secret he held over her head, and she helped to silence him. She did this for selfish reasons, in my opinion.
And I would have to find where I read it but how they discussed various scenarios and ways. She is so much a part of this. imho.
There was also a time in late October where she drove down from ID with an aluminum baseball bat, waited in KB's parking lot/alley for her to return from dropping off Baby K with PF. PF told KK to wait for her and attack her with the bat. She chickened out, left to head to PF's ranch, and passed KB on the way.
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But wouldn't one ask? I mean the smell of human flesh is pretty discernible I'm guessing. Like it's probably obviously not wood or trash.

That woman knew her son suddenly turned up with the grandchild for several days with the odd story that KB abandoned the child to visit relatives or whatever. And there's her son burning something that smells like meat, on a bonfire?
The baby was at the F house when these mf desecrated KB’s body. There is no end to the cruelty.
What I do not understand....PF gets bullet proof vest.....what not KK when she is in town, testifying etc. I think people would hate her just as much. So why vest for PF not KK unless there are other reasons not related to,the case? Just thinking out loud.

With that, the fact KK is “free”, she could run, dose she have an ankle monitor, is she under protection, in hiding, guarded 24 hours? What gives with this one? KK just disappears from court and poof she is one reports seeing her about her town. One would think some media would be hanging out for that one picture.

Something seems off to me.
PF is in the custody of the sheriff’s department, and the vest is part of their protocol for high profile cases.

As KK was not in their custody, it’s not their concern.

She’s likely hiding out at someone’s home.
^^ Respectfully BBM

I thought so too, but look what I bumped into today. Some CSI work. Unbelievable!

<snip> But, Slater said Kenney also claimed she left some blood behind -- one of the multiple clues she hoped to leave investigators, even as she helped Frazee cover up his crime.

According to Slater, when investigators returned to Berreth’s apartment with Kenney, she was able to point them to blood spatters they hadn’t seen before.

CBI: Idaho nurse claimed Patrick Frazee fatally beat Kelsey Berreth, burned her body

Disgusts me. I am starting to think she was hoping for a book, a movie and infamy. Couldn't stand her high point in life was rodeo queen and her first love did not work out. She then found life, working and children made her not the focus or special to all so she risked everything but ended up with a mug shot. But he** she is still hoping and competing for that payment, notoriety, infamy. I mean she *gots herself a deal of sorts* (purporseful grammar)

I mean who could even make up this stuff and add in a friend who is a paralegal and a law firm? None of who FOREWARNED Wow. What a story

With very real victims who are who we care about. I hope the others rot.

Forgive my venting. I am starting to realize it is a normal process.

Hope I stayed within rules.
Hey guys- I’m at work and trying to keep up so I hope I didn’t miss this.

Does the arrest affidavit make it appear that PF’s brother didn’t tell the truth about PF’s whereabouts on thanksgiving?

I thought he said PF was at the house around the same time he was seen on camera at Walmart.
Except for the results of crime scene testing, that has not been disclosed yet because it has not been completed.

The defense also said they were just given another 3300 pgs of discovery.

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV 20h20 hours ago
Judge finds proof evident for tampering with evidence too. He’ll be held without bond. Judge asked defense to set trial or arraignment. Defense asks for arraignment, saying the DA’s Office just emailed 3,300 pages of discovery to him. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

The whole case hasn’t been laid out, only enough to prove probable cause.
I'm not anything legal, and, I know gitana1 said this is all the info, but, I, too, understood the prelim is just enough to have the judge decide if there's cause to go to trial. If this is all, then, this is the trial, basically. Without test results.
No, there's no proof, it's just postulating based on KK's friend's statements about a round in the chamber and bullet missing from the gun in the car she lent to KK.

Who in the heck loans a car to somebody with a loaded fully loaded gun in the glove compartment. And the car is driven to another state and then to another state with expired tags.

I wish Karma had gotten her first and she had gotten pulled over with that expired tag that her friend's car had, and a fully loaded gun in the car without a concealed carry permit.

Where do these people without brains find each other? Or are all of them just hardened criminals posing as urban professionals? And this is a coworker at her Hospital! Or perhaps she's a former employee of that hospital also now?

What fodder for the gossip at that hospital for sure.
After reading the affidavit it struck me about the contents of KB’s purse, she carried mace. Does anyone know if KB’s neighborhood is fairly safe? Could have been random protection, but I’m wondering if she only got the mace after PF took her gun? She felt the need for protection, could just be because she was a female living and traveling to work alone, but part of me wonders if at any point she thought she would need protection from PF. I still can’t shake the feeling he was abusive to her prior to her murder. Just a hunch. MOO
Except for the results of crime scene testing, that has not been disclosed yet because it has not been completed.
No, @gitana said this was everything they have

The whole case hasn’t been laid out, only enough to prove probable cause.

The defense also said they were just given another 3300 pgs of discovery.

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV 20h20 hours ago
Judge finds proof evident for tampering with evidence too. He’ll be held without bond. Judge asked defense to set trial or arraignment. Defense asks for arraignment, saying the DA’s Office just emailed 3,300 pages of discovery to him. @KOAA #KelseyBerreth #PatrickFrazee

I'm not anything legal, and, I know gitana1 said this is all the info, but, I, too, understood the prelim is just enough to have the judge decide if there's cause to go to trial. If this is all, then, this is the trial, basically. Without test results.
No, @gitana said this was everything they have

Not exactly what I said. They typically lay out their most compelling evidence at a pre-limb. But there will be more that supports the entire case. A good example of this is the case of a little Cooper Harris. You can see the difference between what was presented at pre-limb and what was eventually seen a trial. There was some crucial evidence at trial that wasn't in the pre-limb that seem to really nail it. And it was a video o typically lay out there most compelling evidence at a pre-limb. But there will be more that supports the entire case. A good example of this is the case of a little Cooper Harris. You can see the difference between what was presented at pre-lim and what was eventually seen a trial.

What a jury actually sees as opposed to what a judge hears is powerful.
Yes but at a prelim they typically put forth the most important parts of their case.

I mean, there will be more but no smoking gun. Just more little nails for his coffin.

But IMO it's enough.

Thanks, g! Sorry if my post seemed to question you, it wasn't meant that way at all. Sometimes I like to play pretend like I know anything about law.
I think all of the above is true - context being whose eyes you're looking through.

Ex husband - "dated in collage" (~2004-2008) when they're ~18-20yr olds; she & Ex married 8yrs, so 2010 to 2018. "Sexual relationship 2016 and/or 2017" (she cheated on ex); start of separation proceedings thereafter. Divorce final in summer 2018.

KK's words - "romantic relationship ~March 2018" (final divorce pending, she's free to call it more than a hook-up).


A bit back I saw that Kelsey moved in 2016 w/ pf’s help. 2016 Kk&cl split but live in same residence. Pf & kk Still hooking up in 2017. Then kk divorced 2018. March 2018 romantic relationship.

It will be interesting to hear from Cheryl and what Kelsey had said to her about things.CB
OMG what if KB wasn't dead when she was in the tote and the gun was used by KK or PF to finish it? What if she laid there for two days dying??? I can hardly type this.

I have to say this thought crossed my mind as well. :oops::( But then I wondered why would they use KK's friend's gun/bullet when they had KB's gun that they already planned to get rid of as part of the lie that KB took off to commit suicide?
Hey guys- I’m at work and trying to keep up so I hope I didn’t miss this.

Does the arrest affidavit make it appear that PF’s brother didn’t tell the truth about PF’s whereabouts on thanksgiving?

I thought he said PF was at the house around the same time he was seen on camera at Walmart.
PF's brother said he was at Mommy's house at 2:30 and that PF arrived shortly after. <modsnip: insinuating family knowledge>
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