CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #47 *ARREST*

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My goodness. It appears that the number of people that were more than willing to help PF and KK just increased.

Especially the person that picked up the package for PF.

Then on Page 10, there is another person mentioned like E who joined RS and were hiding in the back of the press conference and tried to sneak out but LE spotted them. LOL

And on Page 20, another interesting phone call from an SR person in Idaho right after PF tried to phone KB's phone.

Poor KB never stood a chance against the army that was working against her. Search Warrant.pdf
Reading it, I had the impression that the older guy was being sarcastic. PF's asking questions about transactions/timelines, then asks about the car carrier and child. Prior to that, there was no reason for the bank clerk to think it was about anything other than perhaps someone using his card.

But after PF asks if Baby K was visible, the other guy basically says "Yo, dummy, why don't you just connect the dots for her and tell her it's about that missing mother, the mother of that baby you just asked about".

Dumb dumb dumb.
The level of stupid in all the players in this is just astounding. Makes the bank heist criminals in the true crime movie Masterminds look like Rocket Scientist.
All of you have done such great work trying to piece this together! I copied and pasted this bc there is a lot here that is troubling for me:

  • Berreth's fiance, Patrick Frazee, told investigators that on the eve of Nov. 21, Berreth told him during a phone call that she wanted them to go their separate ways because they had been growing apart. Frazee claimed he gave Berreth all of her things back, and they agreed to split custody of their 1-year-old daughter 50/50. Frazee said Berreth asked him to pick up their daughter on Nov. 22. When he got to her Woodland Park apartment, no one was home, so he told investigators he went to run errands. He spotted Berreth in the alley when he swung back by her home later, and he took their daughter. Nov. 22 is the last day Berreth was seen alive.
Search warrants released in Kelsey Berreth murder investigation

The 50/50 split? Not buying it. Also, the alley scene where he “sees” her? The search warrant stuff is obviously going to set the defense back bc they have to “explain” this away. I feel like KB found herself in some kind of crazy situation. And unfortunately for her sweet soul she had no idea that people are that crazy/crazy bad. Again, the more I read about this the more I wish we had all known KB and help her escape this. It reads like some kind of backwoods crazy people stuff. Sorry I don’t mean to detract from the good work you are all doing.i just want justice served and brutally for KB

'Baby Tooth Monster Dolls' Are Freaking Out the Internet -- but It's Not What People Think :D:D:D
What the actual hell?
I don’t agree that it’s ludicrous.

I’m in NO way trying to paint KB in a bad light, I believe she was a faith driven woman and a good one, but things happen.

She did get pregnant out of wedlock, which lots of people do, so we can’t say she waited to have sex until she was married.

To dismiss it as even a possibility is not something we can do, IMO


You may not be able to, but I certainly can, and have, dismissed it as a possibility.
I've never entertained that suggestion as even a remote possibility.

There is no information out there that I've seen to indicate that KB was involved in any other intimate relationships with any men other than PF at the time she became pregnant with Baby K.

Nobody is making the claim that KB waited until marriage to have sex. Clearly.

That doesn't mean that KB didn't maintain monogamous relationships.

IMO, it's a ludicrous suggestion that KB would order an Ancestry DNA kit to try to establish paternity for Baby K. when that's not at all what those kits are designed to do.

Unfortunately, it's even a little worse than that. Per MSM reports, KB's parents were the ones who found what they suspected to be blood visible in different locations at her townhome.

KB's parents then alerted LE to their concerns r/t suspected blood having been found....this after LE had already done a check of KB's place and found nothing amiss.

So, it wouldn't even have required Luminol to see that there was some potential blood evidence that was concerning. At least, it didn't take Luminol for KB's parents to see evidence of foul play, i.e, suspected blood, and to sound the alarm.

This really was an unfortunate oversight on LE's part. Any time a responsible, stable parent to an infant child goes missing leaving their infant behind, LE should treat that disappearance as suspicious and proceed w/ their investigation accordingly.

All of the Above: JMO.
I don't know as a matter of test procedure if DNA specimen collection should be done prior to Luminol testing. I would assume DNA is more sensitive and needs collection first. There is DNA to be collected from individuals and from the home and evidence including blood and other body fluids. There is a lot to do before techs can even get the scene.

You may not be able to, but I certainly can, and have, dismissed it as a possibility.
I've never entertained that suggestion as even a remote possibility.

There is no information out there that I've seen to indicate that KB was involved in any other intimate relationships with any men other than PF at the time she became pregnant with Baby K.

Nobody is making the claim that KB waited until marriage to have sex. Clearly.

That doesn't mean that KB didn't maintain monogamous relationships.

IMO, it's a ludicrous suggestion that KB would order an Ancestry DNA kit to try to establish paternity for Baby K. when that's not at all what those kits are designed to do.

I personally hope she was madly in love with a studly pilot that was crazy in love with her and the baby with plans to runaway to Paris.
I keep hoping the trial gives us a lot of information. But some trials bring out only as much as necessary to convict and the defense fights to keep so much hidden (as in the Jodi Arias trial). It’s frustrating.
I believe PF of course did the killing but I can readily agree KK May have planted the seed. That girl is crazy. I do hope everyone she comes in contact with avoids her like the plague.
Or doesn't accept coffee.
What the actual hell?
A "Fuggler".
Alrighty then. (Ewww !)

Seriously, how many people had a hand (albeit remotely) in Kelsey's murder ?
What compels anyone to assist in killing an innocent person ?
Even if PF said he wanted her to 'disappear'... wouldn't that make any normal person back away in disgust ?
And neither PF nor his family seem like the type of people one would want to risk everything for. Were people in fear of them ?
Doubt it was PF's 'magnetic' personality and charm.
Absolute insanity.
My goodness. It appears that the number of people that were more than willing to help PF and KK just increased.

Especially the person that picked up the package for PF.

Then on Page 10, there is another person mentioned like E who joined RS and were hiding in the back of the press conference and tried to sneak out but LE spotted them. LOL

And on Page 20, another interesting phone call from an SR person in Idaho right after PF tried to phone KB's phone.

Poor KB never stood a chance against the army that was working against her. Search Warrant.pdf
The Hills Have Eyes.
Emphasis mine

Apologies, I corrected the misspelling in my post.
Wouldn't it be interesting to know what PF communicated to his mother immediately after Kelsey's murder ?
I'd imagine LE can subpoena the phone conversations ?
I keep debating whether or not SF is truly a victim in all of this.
yes wouldn't we all like to be a fly on the wall for that one LK !
at the exact time PF called SF
Who was posting that meme in SF'name ?
Does she have other enemies ?
As to the Frazee's and PF in particular-- the only parts of that families' reputation that I'm aware of -- are from msm and posts here at WS.
They do not paint a flattering light.
What surprises me is how many were involved in Kelsey's murder and cover up. :(
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