CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #63

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I respectfully disagree that being convicted of a felony, losing your job, and having to testify to your many abominable dirty deeds in court is "getting a pass". She may not spend much if any time in an actual jail, but this will affect her for life. She will be hated and gossiped about everywhere she goes. MOO

Start anew: move, change name by deed poll.
KK may find that quite exciting, starting a new life, KNOWING where she made mistakes in the past.
NEW men, another job perhaps traveling etc.
Another Country.
IF stupid KK arrived at Kelsey's home, with a Caramel Macchiato, wouldn't Kelsey be suspicious, as to HOW KK was aware of Kelsey's favourite coffee?
Surely Kelsey questioned PF, and was suspicious.
BUT, then perhaps KK only brought a Kelsey a Coffee, nothing specific.

KB told her Doss Aviation co-workers about the strange incident with KK at her door with coffee!! KB was indeed suspicious...
Was there any other drug ever mentioned except Ambien?


Yes, that is a simple solution. Sadly, the reporters even though they referenced that document, apparently took liberties with the information. You are right that it says no such thing. You'll see from my posting history that I found it hard to believe that she would actually have had them and only changed my view when presented with this evidence. Now that the evidence has been proven false, I'll return to my previous feelings on the matter (happily, I might add - it never made sense to me that she'd actually have them).

For others, on page 8 of Attachment A #63 it says:
Frazee Application and Affidavit for Arrest Warrant said:
Between the dates of approximately September 1, 2019, and November 22, 2018, Lee was solicited by Frazee on at least three separate occasions to murder Berreth. Lee took specific and significant steps towards accomplishing the murder. Lee stated she actually went to a Starbuck's coffee to Berreth's residence, and although she did not put anything in the coffee, Frazee wanted her to put Valium and Ambien in the coffee. On another occasion, Frazee provided Lee a metal pipe and again instructed her to go to Berreth's residence and hit her with the pipe. Lee did not go through with it, and returned the pipe to Frazee's residence.

Yes, that is a simple solution. Sadly, the reporters even though they referenced that document, apparently took liberties with the information. You are right that it says no such thing. You'll see from my posting history that I found it hard to believe that she would actually have had them and only changed my view when presented with this evidence. Now that the evidence has been proven false, I'll return to my previous feelings on the matter (happily, I might add - it never made sense to me that she'd actually have them).

For others, on page 8 of Attachment A #63 it says:
Yeah, everyone else got it right but that CBS affiliate.

Yet another issue with the whole decorum order thing. One screw up can cause problems.

This begs the (rhetorical to most) question: why would PF give a key to KKL?

That key is/was the property of KB. KB “knew” KKL as a coffee bearing faux neighbor. Hardly someone who was entitled to a key to HER home.

A picture of KK has not been presented, but there may be one.
DA may be holding that ace card. IMO they had pictorial proof KK was at the condo.
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I hope you are right but I wonder how much flack she's getting in her hometown and are the
newspapers still carrying this story?
Sometimes people move away from their hometown and start over where no one knows
their history.
I am not invested in what happens to KKL because I don't think she will ever commit another crime. But it's kind of hard to start over somewhere else when you have no job, no money of your own, and a felony conviction on your record. I personally think she might get back with her ex. She spoke highly of him in court. Anyway, I am only concerned with the jury finding PF guilty because, IMHO, that is one heartless, dangerous criminal.
IF stupid KK arrived at Kelsey's home, with a Caramel Macchiato, wouldn't Kelsey be suspicious, as to HOW KK was aware of Kelsey's favourite coffee?
Surely Kelsey questioned PF, and was suspicious.
BUT, then perhaps KK only brought a Kelsey a Coffee, nothing specific.
According to KB's co-worker's testimony, she WAS suspicious.
I think the "lost dog" was a bogus story completely fabricated by KK.

When KK went to KB's door to thank her for finding her lost dog - KB told her it wasn't her.
Well that makes a bit more sense. I was confused by the whole 'coffee' thing.

If kb had found someone's lost dog, she would have already met that someone, so it makes more sense that the story was a lie. (and also more believable cause kk & pf are better at lies than truths.)

And even so, I would have found it extremely odd, that some stranger showed up at my door to bring me a coffee.

And particularly wierd that said stranger would then try and arrange a 'play date'!

Did Kelsey have any friends at all that she could have called, texted, or even emailed about weird chit like this, or the problems she was facing in CO?

I know she was relatively new to the area, but surely she had friends from home... Maybe she was an introvert?

I would have expected at least some friends weighing in, (not just her boss from the new job).
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I found the video of PF training herding dogs chilling. The troughs, the voice, and his ease.... he took every opportunity to call his female dogs bi tches. Seems like he's made it his life's work to control his bi tches. If a shrill whistle doesn't do it, how about a baseball bat?

Frightening how little he values life outside of his own.

In KK he found someone he could control. She, for whatever sad reason, found it captivating. The thrown Gatorade bottle caused her to back away but not for long. Caught in the addiction of drama, IMO. She probably found her marriage to be plain, boring.... but PF, PF gave her the giddy ups.

KB is different entirely. Does someone here have a date for when their relationship started? Online relationships, long-distance relationships are tricky because, speaking from personal experience, physical meetings are fewer and farther between than in a typical relationships, and that can push issues aside in favor of intimacy. You only get a couple days together, who wants to fight? The danger though is you miss a thousand opportunities to see that person in an accurate light. I know nothing of KK's background, but I'm assuming that KB grew up in a normal, healthy, nurturing home. She would have had no frame of reference for someone like PF. She's kind. She probably assumes people are kind. Speaking from more personal experience, you don't expect to meet a psycho/sociopath. When you see abusive behavior, you think you can fix it. Nurture it out of him. Only problem is, there are no rules. There's no way not to upset, no way to please. Seriously.... she had just delivered her baby (following a late term miscarriage???? Is this true??? When??? Was it PF's????? ).... so here she is, her baby girl is born, a lil preemie.... an especial miracle moment... and he ruins the moment, so concerned they get their time to bond, over the baby's need for additional care in the nursery, creating a scene, unable or unwilling to back down, to the point where CPS gets involved? That's how much he cares about KB getting to bond with her baby. Zilch. PF doesn't know HOW to love. He only knows how to control. Women. Nurses. Girl friends. Cattle dogs. MOO

Others here have said it, KB was an an empath... and when empaths and psychopaths collide, psychopaths don't usually stop until they've either exhausted or annihilated the other. In the world of a psychopath, he's probably upset he's gonna have to get another bat. He's not worried about the pain he's caused KB's family, he's not bothered by the pain he's caused that beautiful baby. In fact, he's probably brooding over what he'd call betrayal, by those testifying against him. He's probably seething when the occasional fact isn't represented "accurately".... lucky for him, his defense has managed to muzzle him. In the end, his mouth will be the end of him. He laid out his plan ahead of time ....

I'm just so sad for KB... that he belittled her, that he gaslit her, that he made life hard for her, and even that wasn't enough for him.

I hope there's a special ring of hell for burning a bible, burning a baby's toys, burning a life. Not just KB's. He forever took that precious baby's mother away from her. He should get a serving life sentence Judy for that.

I keep saying it, the trouble with evil is it shows up in regular shoes...

Please let us never lose sight of what is good in the world. The only way to confront evil is to overpower it with kindness.

In the end, KB was probably making sweet potatoes to send to a Thanksgiving dinner she was neither invited to nor welcome at... because it was her nature to be kind, to be giving....

I hope, in time, her family can find a way to celebrate the giving part of Thanksgiving, to honor KB.... and not allow that monster to take that too away from them.

Just my own thoughts and insights....

Thank you.
Loved your entire post, Megnut.:):):)
You described PF, KK and KB beautifully: the two evils, to put down the kind hearted lovely lady, KB.
Start anew: move, change name by deed poll.
KK may find that quite exciting, starting a new life, KNOWING where she made mistakes in the past.
NEW men, another job perhaps traveling etc.
Another Country.
I'm reminded that Karla Holmolka married her attorney's brother. Go figure. That still blows my mind. Who would want to start a life with that demon? Maybe Satan himself. :eek:
Ok so I checked it out, and the only friend of Kelsey's that has said a word is oddly vauge.
They were long time friends, lived together at one point in CO. yet she had this to say :

"Haywood says she never met Frazee and Berreth kept quiet about their relationship. She says the couple met online about two years ago and Frazee was the reason why Kelsey moved to Colorado.

That's strikes me as so odd for" best friends"...

Kelsey Berreth’s lifelong friend speaks out
Did KB ever "find KK's dogs"? I'd call 911 if some stranger offered me my favorite coffee drink at my door, because I found their dogs. When I hadn't.
I mean, maybe we spend too much time obsessing about true crime, but ME TOO! I probably know what this means about me, but I would go inside and freak out why the person knew my Starbucks drink and made up a lie about the dogs. I would be on my guard for weeks. I'm a suspicious crazy lady, though, whereas Kelsey was trusting and bestowing of the benefit of the doubt, which makes me even more furious at what those *advertiser censored******s were planning for her. A good soul who deserved a good life and not the horrors these scumbags perpetrated on her.
Why oh why are we still beating this dead horse???
Deleted Gif by me

KK is not trial here, PF IS....
KK did not KILL KB, PF DID....
Without PF in the equation, Kelsey LIVES....
With PF in the equation, Kelsey DIES

Is KK a horrible, selfish, lying, manipulating, scheming. twisted, mentally unstable human being, of course she is.

Is she an actual murderer, NO.

MOO <sorry for the shouty caps> :oops:
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Maybe because she could have put pf in prison and saved Kelsey's life but she chose not to ?

That makes her equally evil to some of us and if we feel like discussing that we will. If you object, or feel it's a "dead horse", feel free to scroll on by.
Maybe because she could have put pf in prison and saved Kelsey's life but she chose not to ?

That makes her equally evil to some of us and if we feel like discussing that we will. If you object, or feel it's a dead horse, feel free to scroll on by.
Half of Woodland Park could have and should have tipped off LE beforehand. This isn't their trial, it's PF's trial.
IF stupid KK arrived at Kelsey's home, with a Caramel Macchiato, wouldn't Kelsey be suspicious, as to HOW KK was aware of Kelsey's favourite coffee?
Surely Kelsey questioned PF, and was suspicious.

BUT, then perhaps KK only brought a Kelsey a Coffee, nothing specific.

Since KB mentioned this incident to a co-worker, it wouldn't surprise me at all if she had mentioned it to to PF, too, but we'll never know whether she did or not, because of course, he won't be admitting it.

KB definitely registered that encounter as being strange.
There was no reason for KB to have tied that bizarre encounter with KK to PF, though, so she wouldn't have had any reason to question him about it. She probably just thought it was some weirdo with no boundaries that moved into the neighborhood.

Yep, I think it's very possible that she mentioned that incident to PF.
If so, it sure would have been interesting to see how he reacted when KB brought it up with him.

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