CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #63

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Ok so I checked it out, and the only friend of Kelsey's that has said a word is oddly vauge.
They were long time friends, lived together at one point in CO. yet she had this to say :

"Haywood says she never met Frazee and Berreth kept quiet about their relationship. She says the couple met online about two years ago and Frazee was the reason why Kelsey moved to Colorado.

That's strikes me as so odd for" best friends"...

Kelsey Berreth’s lifelong friend speaks out

Is this the friend she lived with in Grand Junction? If so, I'm wondering if she will take the stand to let everyone know how often PF visited through KB's pregnancy, and how often KB left to go to Flourissant.
Sometimes people are aligned with the defense in pretty much any case. They don't have to know the parties involved. Why that's a thing, I don't know.



At this point, it's hard to understand why anyone would feel the need to play devil's advocate in this case.

PF already has attorneys working for him, so that assignment has been filled already.

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I understand the most she can get is 18 months UNLESS as Dan May said there is Extreme Aggravating Factors. Is that the same as Extraordinary Risk of harm crimes?
Does anybody have any ideas of what would qualify as extreme aggravating factors in this case in order for KK to be sentenced to the whole three years?

Evidence of what? I think the defense destroyed KK's credibility on cross-examination. There has been no forensic evidence to support KK's claim the murder took place at the condo, that the murder weapon was a ball bat and that that the tooth was a human tooth and that it belonged to KB. That's the burden that the DA has to meet. I'm not even sure when the fire took place. The testimony from the ranch hands was vague about the specific date. For all I know, since they testified they placed the wood pallets in the rusted trough prior to Thanksgiving, PF may have started it the night of Thanksgiving or the day after.

That fire was in the works prior to Thanksgiving and KB was still very much alive. Ritchie testified the rusted horse trough was moved and the wooden palates placed inside of it before Thanksgiving. To me, it doesn't prove the purpose was to burn a body that wasn't dead yet.

There has been testimony that the DA provided KK with "bullet points" prior to her testimony. She also has embellished details she hadn't shared with LE previously. This woman is obsessed, delusional and there is no evidence at all that she has told the truth about anything at all.

Stiegerwald had Kenney admit she lied to the FBI the first time and noted again that she claimed she wanted to be caught. She testified that when agents came to her house, she said she would cooperate but said she did not tell them about any of the clues.

He again noted that the first time she talked to law enforcement was after she received the plea agreement and a letter and bullet points outlining what she needed to talk about, which she confirmed.

Stiegerwald then began to question her about things she testified about Wednesday and Thursday which he claimed was the first time she had discussed such matters.

She said that the story about Frazee fantasizing about having a son around with her was the first time she had told that story. She also said that she first told the story about giving Frazee a stuffed animal for Kaylee in court Wednesday and said she never told either story to law enforcement.

Stiegerwald asked if when she said that Frazee “wasn’t as excited as she hoped” about their unborn child, if she meant that Frazee was implying she should have an abortion, to which she responded she did not.
Kenney said she has told the truth for the past year, to which Stiegerwald ended his cross-examination:“For the past 10 hours, you’re telling the truth. And it just so happens to be what you needed to say to stay out of prison."


Frazee trial: Defense asks why Kenney didn't alert authorities

I rarely post here any more after the Lucas Hernandez case broke my heart, but I sure read all the time. I have followed this case from day one. I have seen your posts and I just can't hold it back any more. What is your theory? People here have asked and you have yet to give one. I am so curious to hear it. They don't just arrest people and charge them with murder based on hearsay and no evidence. You pick apart every little thing instead of seeing the whole. Puzzle piece after puzzle piece are being laid down and still you don't see it. You are so venomous toward KL that you refuse to see that truth in all of this testimony and I have to ask why. None of us like KL, she human waste, but my goodness. She DID NOT KILL KB!
I hope you are right but I wonder how much flack she's getting in her hometown and are the
newspapers still carrying this story?
Sometimes people move away from their hometown and start over where no one knows
their history.

It looks to be big news in her local newspaper and on the Boise TV news.

Here’s a couple of recent news articles from the Twin Falls Times, (Magic Valley) and KTVB-TV station in Boise, ID.

Girlfriend testifies at trial of man in death of his fiancee

Trial begins in Colorado mom's murder case; Twin Falls nurse expected to testify

Defense plans to point finger at Idaho nurse in Kelsey Berreth slaying
As it's Veteran's Day, just taking a moment here to publicly thank all of the WS members, guests, lurkers, etc., who served in the US military. Thank you for your bravery, your--- strength, and your willingness to defend our nation against the forces that would seek to harm us.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Today, we stand to salute all of you. --------------------------------------------------------------

Amen! I’m with you!!
IF stupid KK arrived at Kelsey's home, with a Caramel Macchiato, wouldn't Kelsey be suspicious, as to HOW KK was aware of Kelsey's favourite coffee?
Surely Kelsey questioned PF, and was suspicious.
BUT, then perhaps KK only brought a Kelsey a Coffee, nothing specific.

And KK showed up at Kelsey’s door at 9pm at night! Who wouldn’t be suspicious of a stranger showing up at your door with some story about your lost dog (when you didn’t even own a dog), offering you coffee and wanting to chat about your baby?

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I understand the most she can get is 18 months UNLESS as Dan May said there is Extreme Aggravating Factors. Is that the same as Extraordinary Risk of harm crimes?
How about Malice Aforethought. The amount of plotting,and planning is just mind blowing. Not to mention getting friends,and Lawyer's in on it.
I could be wrong, but I think KK worked in the OR. If so, she had even less opportunity than some nurses to steal patients' drugs. I agree with you, in a well-managed hospital, it isn't that easy for a nurse to steal drugs, although PF may have thought so and KK might not have chosen to clue him in.

That said, I do recall thinking that if one was trying to 'poison' a straight person with drugs, Ambien and Valium seem odd choices. The 'plot' involving putting a sufficient quantity of drugs in KB's coffee and expecting her to not notice the taste was also ridiculous. She was home with Baby K. If KK had reported to PF that she had successfully fed KB a fatal dose of Ambien, how long did PF plan to leave Baby K home with a dying or dead mother?

One article I posted up thread said that KK was a pre-op nurse at St Luke’s Medical Center. As a pre-op nurse wouldn't she be dispensing drugs to patients to relax them prior to surgery? Possibly Valium?

How about Malice Aforethought. The amount of plotting,and planning is just mind blowing. Not to mention getting friends,and Lawyer's in on it.

Conspiracy to commit murder?

At least they didn't kill Baby K. Miss Psycho Rodeo KK Queen can continue her life of drama, as long as PF goes to prison for life.
I don't know. The judge could delay trial. But certainly that would be bad optics for PF, if his Momma SF is refusing to testify.
It's been bad optics for this devil from day 1, what's a couple more weeks? :p Just kidding, but just about the weeks. I want this done tomorrow and him gone for EVER!
Straight to Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200
I don't think anybody knows definitively if KK carried drugs on that particular September day or not but I can see why CBS preliminary hearing news reported that KK "carried the drugs she could use to poison the coffee."

What's obvious is that KB did not die from poisoned coffee.

Referencing Sam's tweet and Slater's testimony on 2/19/19,
I understand that PF wanted to poison KB, and KK suggested Ambien. I think KK suggested Ambien because she either had the Rx or access to it -- as testified by Slater:

Sam Kraemer@SamKraemerTV
Defense pointing out fact that Frazee never blatantly said he wanted Krystal to kill Kelsey Berreth. Slater agrees. Kenney felt like Frazee was just “pulling her chain”. Kenney is the one who suggested putting ambien in the macchiato. @KOAA #KrystalKenney #PatrickFrazee
An unknown here is, even if KKL had put drugs in the coffee, would there have been an unpleasant taste to the coffee and Kelsey might have taken a sip and spit it out and called the police.
2:54 PM - Feb 19, 2019


12:00 p.m.

Slater: Kenney said that Frazee suggested poisoning a Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks with Ambien and other drugs to kill Kelsey Berreth, she carried some of those drugs as a nurse. Kenney said she went to the Starbucks and drove to Berreth’s townhome on Sept. 23, 2018. That’s when Kenney told Slater she gave her the coffee, which she told investigators wasn’t drugged. Slater said Kenney told him she told Berreth that she was a neighbor and she wanted to thank Berreth for finding her dogs.



Blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing

ETA: Correcting KK suggested - not KB!
One article I posted up thread said that KK was a pre-op nurse at St Luke’s Medical Center. As a pre-op nurse wouldn't she be dispensing drugs to patients to relax them prior to surgery? Possibly Valium?


Ambien no. Valium possibly, but it would typically be given IV not orally. Not that she couldn't put IV valium into the coffee. Again, though, that's a very controlled setting for administering medications. It's not impossible to divert medications but it's not typically that easy, either.
One article I posted up thread said that KK was a pre-op nurse at St Luke’s Medical Center. As a pre-op nurse wouldn't she be dispensing drugs to patients to relax them prior to surgery? Possibly Valium?


Yes, but according to a nurse I know, there would be even less opportunity for her to steal drugs - and the nurse I know has never heard of ambien for pre-op. When I've been given a 'calm down' dose pre-op, it has always been through an IV.

If she's on the floor, she can keep a drug she's supposed to administer orally to a patient and when the patient complains about pain or lack of sleep, the assumption will be that the dosage was insufficient. If she withholds the relatively minor pre-op dose meant to calm someone and that someone starts freaking out going into the OR and it happens more than once, it's more likely to be noticed than with patients on the floor who are being treated by different nurses over multiple shifts.

I think KK knew it wouldn't work anyway but just went along with PF because it was easier than telling him that as a nurse she really didn't have easy access to fatal doses of potentially lethal drugs and that even if she did, it wasn't going to be that easy to administer them via a cup of coffee, where the taste might be a tip-off and it would be a challenge to maintain equal distribution of the drug throughout the drink.

Besides, in this instance, I think she wanted an excuse to see KB for herself, up close and personal.

Keep in mind, PF also told KK, a nurse, that a single blow to the back of the head would be sufficient to kill KB with a minimum of blood. You don't have to be a nurse to know that 1) skulls can be hard to crack and 2) scalp wounds, even relatively minor ones, are notoriously messy - as he apparently found out. Yet there's no evidence that KK tried to explain to PF that he was wrong on these points, and as a nurse, she certainly must have known better.
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@MassGuy cleared this up. The ranch hands said SF would have been able to see the fire from the porch. They themselves were NOT there during the evening of the bonfire.
During kk's testamony she said there were 2 ranch hands working on the ranch at the time of the fire. They had nothing to do with the fire but they WERE in the area. That's what i read.
I missed the relevance of such. Her mother specifically said that when she went to the condo she put the photos of KB and PF face down... that would mean that Krystal Lee would have seen all of them when cleaning. Of PF, KB and baby.
I had missed that earlier.... its a mute point now! Thanks!!
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