Found Deceased CO - Kiaya Campbell, 10, Thornton, 7 June 2017 *Arrest*

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True, sadly.
My fear is that he will be released by about 21 yrs.old (who knows-- maybe given a new identity ?), and will continue to harm children.
And what if that state says he's being "monitored" ?
John Gardeners' "monitoring" was sloppy and inefficient ; imo.

That is my fear as well. Most states have limits on sentences for juveniles. That is why I hope he is tried as an adult. At the least I hope he gets a real life without parole sentence, anything less and he may be freed at some point to possibly do more horrific things.
40 years before parole sounds "harsh". So does brutal murder.
I think this monster deserves the death penalty.

15 years old is old enough to know damn well what you're doing, fgs !

He does not need to be coddled and asked by psychiatrists if his accommodations are satisfactory, or if his meals are to his specification.
At the very least-- he needs to be thrown into a cell and never allowed to be free.

Why should he ever get to have a life ?
Kiaya will never see a beautiful sunset or laugh with friends.

This 15 year old is an unspeakable filth who knew exactly what he was doing. He could have stopped at any time and let her live !!!!!!


I couldn't agree are we even already concerned about this monster's life when he CHOSE to take another's? Did Kiaya CHOOSE to never be able to experience another day? No, he chose that for her. 15 years old-don't tell me you don't know right or wrong and what it means to take a life. I'm sorry but give me a break..40 years would be getting off easy IMO.

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Whoa, full stop.
Not every STATE has the death penalty.
Also, just because other Western countries don't offer the death penalty as an option for vile offenders doesn't mean their citizens might not wish they could.

As a current resident of one such Western country, I can attest that this is, indeed, true.
There's not much difference between a 10 year old and a 15 year old in the big picture. They are both children who have not yet developed into adults with adult level cognitive development.

It is important to remember that all Western countries view "an eye for an eye" death penalty punishment as barbaric - except the USA. The USA is aligned with the Middle East regarding vengeance for murder.

Because of that thinking our prisons are overpopulated, our crime rates are astounding, and we are not safe. Our children will continue to die.

Swift justice is an effective deterrent. Passive consequences with long drawn out appeals is not.
From the pictures of the area where she was found, it looks like it was not that far from some houses...Did the crime take place there? With a beating, it seems that there would have been some screaming that would have gotten people's attention. And if it happened at the house, wouldn't it have been difficult to transport her body to that location? Not sure if vehicles had access or not...Could the 15 year old drive? Did he have help? Any thoughts?

You are more optimistic than I am ! :)
There are probably cases in history where a juvenile offender was treated " successfully " ; only for the treatment to backfire due to the subject being allowed to roam freely, meds not being monitored, etc.

I am more pessimistic about a child murderer --- will they be able to live a free, normal life amongst the rest of us ? There's no clear answer.

Also fearful for anyone this 15 year old encounters later in life. What if he has a girlfriend, and they procreate.... and their children make him angry ? Will he kill them, too ?
Yeah, like...oh,I don't know...maybe ED KEMPER?! That didn't workout so well,if I remember correctly.
Has anyone seen any reports of did Kiaya actually live in the home with Dad, girlfriend and her 15 year old son. I read that a sister of Kiaya's called the police. <modsnip> Do we know anything about who was actually at the house and/or if the Dad and dad's girlfriend were even home at the time?
Has anyone seen any reports of did Kiaya actually live in the home with Dad, girlfriend and her 15 year old son. I read that a sister of Kiaya's called the police. I've also read that the 15 year old she went to the store with that night may be a twin but I'm not finding anything in actual media to state for sure. Do we know anything about who was actually at the house and/or if the Dad and dad's girlfriend were even home at the time?

"A bouquet of a dozen pink roses was left near the large duplex owned by Kiaya&#8217;s stepmother. The girl&#8217;s father moved into the home a few months ago and Kiaya visited occasionally, neighbors said."
If there is no SA involved, I'm wondering if this kid was just angry at the fact that his mother's boyfriend moved in. Obviously, there had to be anger issues before this, but I can tell you when my parents divorced and my mother moved in her boyfriend and eventually his kids I was an angry little girl. I fought constantly with my step brother and was mad for a long time at my mother. I'm just thinking out loud here, all my opinions and ramblings are just that, ramblings. There is no sense to make of it, so sad all the way around.
I didn't say 'evil'. If that's your opinion, you're entitled to believe that. I disagree and so do a lot of medical studies. Psychopaths are either born that way or it's a combination of genes and nurture. People might not be born 'evil', but they can be born with a predisposition for lack of inhibition/impulse control or empathy...none of which can be fixed. Same goes if someone fell off their bike or got hit by a car and sustained frontal lobe damage (which can have similar effects to what I wrote above) and commit violent crime. Neither can be fixed unfortunately

I just read through this entire thread page for page, post per post as it unfolded (sadly the way we all thought it would).
and ITA with your thoughts quoted above. Although as Otto states "babies aren't born evil" is true enough, because they obviously do not have the cognitive brain developed yet and evil is based on actions. However I absolutely do believe some people are born with their brain hardwired incorrectly. It may be some type of birth defect, a genetic inherited component or a combo of both, of for other reasons we do not understand yet, and maybe never will. And when these people age, the malformation or defect continues to grow as well through maturity. I do not believe they can ever be fixed the way in which a chemical imbalance causing depression type conditions can be. Much like you cant go find a large 100 yr old crooked Oak tree in the forest and try to make it stand straight.. I also believe you cannot rehab sexual predators by mere castration as some people believe. They still would have their hands, head, mouth, brain etc to continue to commit evil crimes with to their victims. Unless you give them a lobotomy and leaving them in an incapacitated vegetative state, that is the only way I believe you can stop one of these types short of euthanizing them. I am very strongly for the death penalty of these types.

I know we do not know if this is the type of perp involved in Kiaya's murder but since people were discussing this topic in general I thought I would put in my 2 cents.

May Kiaya rest in peace, sweet baby girl. My heart goes out to her family and loved ones.
If there is no SA involved, I'm wondering if this kid was just angry at the fact that his mother's boyfriend moved in. Obviously, there had to be anger issues before this, but I can tell you when my parents divorced and my mother moved in her boyfriend and eventually his kids I was an angry little girl. I fought constantly with my step brother and was mad for a long time at my mother. I'm just thinking out loud here, all my opinions and ramblings are just that, ramblings. There is no sense to make of it, so sad all the way around.

This was so much more than anger. 50% of households are divorced/single parents ... my parents included. Murders are committed all the time for no apparent reason such as anger. People can use anger to overcome challenges and propel themselves to greatness (Chevy Chase is one example). When anger has a dark, violent underbelly, animals and smaller people are not safe. Especially disturbing is that this has probably been on his mind for some time.
A child is easiest to work with in terms of modifying behavior, easier than any other age group. Psychiatrists and psychologists hang their shingles with the foundational claim that they are able to modify behavior through counselling, therapies, and/or drugs. If the legal response to abnormal behavior in a child is to incarcerate for up to 40 years, then there appears to be a large gap between what psychologists and psychiatrists claim they can do, and how society actually treats children who present with extremely abnormal behavior. Given societal/legal response to abnormal behavior in a child, it appears that society already has no faith in psychologies and psychiatrists.

I've read all sorts of comments suggesting that because the victim was another child, and there should be vengeance. I don't understand this perspective. At this time, the focus should be on the 15 year accused, and the question of what happened in this child's life such that he responds to others with extreme violence. I think we can assume that this is not the first time he expressed violence towards another child, so what went wrong, and it is possible to put him back on track.
Well firstly I agree that his life experiences and/trauma that may have led up to this IS important.

Secondly when one person kills someone else the law takes over. I'm not really sure what your point is actually. Even if the law doesn't agree in the value of psychology that doesnt mean it isn't good

I also wanted to say that psychology is about more then behavior. Its about thought patterns and feelings as well. Especially then medicine part is more about feelings then behavior

You were seeming to demeen the value of and question the validity of all psychological science. That's where I came into this because I strongly dissagree.
From the pictures of the area where she was found, it looks like it was not that far from some houses...Did the crime take place there? With a beating, it seems that there would have been some screaming that would have gotten people's attention. And if it happened at the house, wouldn't it have been difficult to transport her body to that location? Not sure if vehicles had access or not...Could the 15 year old drive? Did he have help? Any thoughts?

I wonder if he has a learner's permit? My guess at this time is that they walked to this location.. maybe he said "I want to show you something over here...".
Thanks for the update! 40 years before parole eligibility is still rather gruesome, inhumane treatment for child:

"9NEWS legal analyst Scott Robinson said for charges like this, someone under 18 at the time of the crime cannot be sentenced to life without parole. The death penalty is also not an option.

The most severe punishment the teen could receive if convicted, Robinson says, could be a life sentence with the possibility of parole after 40 years."

Yea no. Sorry. Gruesome and inhumane are the things he knowingly did TO a child. They can't even determine a COD. He took a while and he murdered her over and over again. He is a lost cause and it is a shame nobody identified it before this happened. 40 years is the minimum I'd like to see him locked away for.
From the pictures of the area where she was found, it looks like it was not that far from some houses...Did the crime take place there? With a beating, it seems that there would have been some screaming that would have gotten people's attention. And if it happened at the house, wouldn't it have been difficult to transport her body to that location? Not sure if vehicles had access or not...Could the 15 year old drive? Did he have help? Any thoughts?

She was 10 but also the size of some adult women. I would guess it happened where they found her. I can barely carry my sleeping toddler. No way he carried her there, even if it was after dark.
Yea no. Sorry. Gruesome and inhumane are the things he knowingly did TO a child. They can't even determine a COD. He took a while and he murdered her over and over again. He is a lost cause and it is a shame nobody identified it before this happened. 40 years is the minimum I'd like to see him locked away for.

How do you know it took a long time and murdered her over and over?

I'm just wondering where people are getting this info from.
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