CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #10

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I believe what he said about Bella on the bed and Cece being strangled 2nd is what HE did. Waiting for hours, pacing frantically because Shanann's plane was so late.

Yes! When Chris talks about the baby monitor it’s what he was seeing while he waited for Shannan to get home. “Ghostown” The truth sleeps out within the lies.
This is my first post on here, so I hope I don't mess anything up!

From what I understand, as covered in this article and other studies, the timing of him killing the family on an August weekend is almost textbook family annihilator behavior. 1 in 5 of these cases happen in August and nearly half happen on a weekend. I imagine some of it is connected with school routines not being in session.
Welcome to Websleuths, Zella! :)
Also from the article: "This is partly because the father had access to his children in the middle of the school holidays when he is not at work," said Wilson. "There may also be a symbolic factor as estranged fathers know that by the end of the weekend they will have to hand their children back to the mother."

ETA: CW said the last thing Shanann told him was that she was going to a friend's.
By timing I meant why did he chose to kill them on that day vs some other time but your explanation is something i never thought of and I bet you are correct

I think that day was chosen because he had a weekend to himself with the girls. It seems either SW was with the girls or both CW and SW were on trips together.

He could dig graves and strangle babies w/o SW trying to stop him.

I don’t know exactly how the cadaver dogs work but what scent would they pick up on? If all 3 were strangled then there will be no blood, they were removed likely straight away so not decomposing smells, and they lived in the house so their scent would be expected. I don’t believe the dogs would have picked up on anything IMO

All it takes is ten minutes and a corpse releases a scent that cadavers dogs can smell. IMO it took at least that long for CW to move the bodies to the truck. The girls could have been dead in the house from before his wife got home. They also could have laid in the house between 2am and 5am.

There definitely would have been cadaver scents in the house and truck. And on the sheet found in the field.

Dummy didn't even have enough smarts to get rid of that sheet. That tells me he had no clue how to cover up a crime. And thank God for that. All he has are his lies.
Welcome to Websleuths, Zella! :)
Also from the article: "This is partly because the father had access to his children in the middle of the school holidays when he is not at work," said Wilson. "There may also be a symbolic factor as estranged fathers know that by the end of the weekend they will have to hand their children back to the mother."
Thank you! :)

Yep, I think it's an issue of access for more than anything.
I noticed that when I saw this interview early in the news cycle. I read it as emotionally and mentally "distancing" himself from his children, sort of a psychological defense mechanism. My strong feeling then was that he had killed them, we only had to wait for confirmation.
I think the "distancing" coincides with the beginning of the affair. My ex did that, it was unmistakable, like night and day. Just all of a sudden a wall is up, it's like they're a different person.
The previous owner of our house passed away. While not in the house, it was a very tragic way. She was a single mother with 3 children. Her mom told me that it would have made her very happy to see a family in it again. We also renovated the kitchen before we put it up for sale. Her mom told me that was one of the things that her daughter wanted to do. It made me feel happy knowing that we could help her happiness a little bit by doing some of the things her daughter talked about.

Aww, see... yeah, that is my thoughts on it. Bad things happen in a lot of amazing places.

IMO, and I can’t speak for the neighbors, but if I lived there, IMO knocking down their house and putting up a memorial would make me move out. I wouldn’t want to have to drive by or live next to a constant reminder of what happened because it would be hard to move past. I would focus on the sadness every time I saw it. Taking out their house in a fairly compact housing development would stand out and be such a constant reminder. It would be a visual reminder of something dark and sad.

Of course for awhile it will be known as the house where awful things occurred, but eventually as time goes on it will blend back into the neighborhood and just be someone’s happy home again.
I believe SW was supposed to be home around 10pm?
I think they were dead by then. He must have been livid when her flight was delayed.


Yes, agreed. He was probably feeling scared and worried that he would get caught because of the delay. He was probably so amped up by the time she got home that it was over quickly. Poor Shanann :( she had no idea what was waiting for her.
CW lied and obstructed from the moment NU called CW. He lied to LE, family, friends, and the public. He lied until he confessed. And we are supposed to believe he is suddenly telling the truth? SMH.
Chris Watts Seemed Like a Warm Family Man, Friend Says: 'His Entire Life Was Those Girls'

"I believed until the other day that his entire life was those girls, and that he would die for them," Kris Landon told People magazine.

But others have said Watts seemed distant. Michele Greer met the family while they were on vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, earlier this month. "He was just standing there," Greer told Inside Edition of Watts, adding that he appeared indifferent as his daughters happily bounced on a trampoline.

He is so much like my ex, who is diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. He is a sociopath. He just exists in a world where everyone else is living and feels nothing. Rules don’t apply to him and he is above the law. When he wants to though, he can turn it on and be so engaged that you’d think he was Father of the Year.
I believe SW was supposed to be home around 10pm?
I think they were dead by then. He must have been livid when her flight was delayed.


Also, if we believe the girls were dead before she got home (I do as well), that also adds hours of them being in the house which would definitely alert the dogs. If he intended to kill the girls before Shanann got home, he would have wanted them gone long before 10.
CW lied and obstructed from the moment NU called CW. He lied to LE, family, friends, and the public. He lied until he confessed. And we are supposed to believe he is suddenly telling the truth? SMH.
So how can he be believed as far as anything he says if he testifies in court or even if he doesn't, pertaining to anything about this case? At all?
I have trained dogs for many years, and based on the handlers commands, the dogs can do a silent "tell", and then have another signal to "bark".

I bet the police wanted the dogs to make a ruckus, just to unnerve CW even more. And when they are allowed to "bark", they are so darn excited, wiggling their tails, they can hardly contain their excitement, because they know they have done a good job.

I won't go into detail on training a dog for search and rescue, but they are trained for scenting dead bodies, and live ones, and to react differently based on the scent.
My response will not be a popular one. As I said in my post before, the photos and videos you see of Shanann are really how she was. Those aren't fake or posed, she genuinely was that happy and motivated! As far as Chris, I 100% believe he is guilty and deserves to pay for what he has done. However, Chris is not a sociopath. He is not the mindless "cardboard cut out of a man" people want to believe to explain how he could have done this. I do feel that for some reason he snapped. I am not saying I believe Shanann did what he is saying! But the Chris that did this is not the one I've spent time with. They legitimately were that couple everyone wanted to hate because they were so in love and affectionate like they worshipped the ground eachother walked on. The smiles and affection were real. She was so passionate about helping people feel better and become the best version of themselves they could be. Her life was about growing her business to give her family an amazing life and helping her team grow to do the same. She was an amazing woman and amazing leader who lit up any room she walked in. I won't pretend to know what happened behind closed doors except the say she WAS NOT in an abusive relationship. She and I had many talks about my own. If I had to make an assumption I would say that somewhere along the line he decided a.) He couldn't handle being in her shadow or b.) Decided that the fast paced highly public lifestyle of the business wasn't what he wanted and they grew apart. I'm sure it was a high stress situation and I'm sure it was a list of things unknown, including, his affair, that ended up with him snapping. I think after that he is to some degree emotionless but it was not always that way.
I can see this. Some of the happiest, most positive people that I have known are those who have fought a chronic, potentially fatal illness. They just do not see life the way most of us because they do not take time or life for granted and they appreciate every second of it.

One time of wife killer is the abandonment killer. I wonder if Chris felt abandoned when SW went to her parents. Some people cannot stand to be alone for a second. I get that impression from all of his talk about the house being so quiet. It would have been quiet when she and the girls were gone. Wonder if that is when he got involved with the AP? I wouldn't be surprised if their are others. Girls he met at the gym, or more likely, online encounters since that is how it worked. When SW got back and then left within a few days for a trip, he may have felt SW was abandoning him and growing apart from him.
Also, if we believe the girls were dead before she got home (I do as well), that also adds hours of them being in the house which would definitely alert the dogs. If he intended to kill the girls before Shanann got home, he would have wanted them gone long before 10.
I think I read their bedtime was 630 pm and that they had separate bedrooms. Maybe he did it then, otherwise I imagine the poor baby he wasn't strangling would have gotten in his way. Either scared and crying or thinking daddy is playing some fun game :(

Speculation only.
snipped from news article: Quotes from CW:
"If somebody has her and they're not safe, I want them back now. That's what is in my head. If they're safe right now, they're going to come back," Mr Watts said in a TV interview outside the family home in Frederick, Colorado.

Breaking down his first sentence ~ CW already knows that they are not safe and that no body has them. Therefore when CW says " IF " and "I want them back now" he is really feeling the opposite. It is all pinged on the word "IF".

The sentence "that's what is in my head", you would think a person who's family is missing would be speaking about what is in their heart not what is in their head. Telling words IMO

Third sentence:
There is that word again "IF". "If they're safe right now, they're going to come back,"
Again he knows they are not safe and therefore he knows they are not coming back.

"But if they're not safe right now, that's the not-knowing part. Last night I had every light in the house on, I was hoping that I would just get ran over by the kids just running in and barrel-rushing me, but it didn't happen. And it was just a traumatic night trying to be here."

His wording is very disjointed in the first sentence. He is trying to put forth to public two images of being a concerned father into one thought, but it does come off as being genuine in nature.

"I was hoping that I would just get ran over by the kids just running in etc etc. How come no mention of SW in that sentence or thought process?

The last sentence makes me think that if your family is missing, one would draw comfort from being in their home where presumably loving and happy memories would reside. Why would it be traumatic to be in their home. If anything he should remain hopeful that his family would return.


His story was that she told him she was going out for a play date....

But the house is TRAUMATIC for him... Because he knows exactly what the trauma is.

He knows she didnt walk off and leave him.

He contradicts himself about wanting those kids to return, yet he can't stand being in that house. Such a Tell
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