CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #10

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Wouldn't it be nice if either SW or CW's employer purchased the home, demolished it and created a playground or garden oasis with benches and memorials for SW, BW, CW, and NW.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in the home due to the horrors that happened inside.
I may be well off the mark but just a few thoughts;

We know that CW persuaded SW to have the 3rd child. The Weld County District Attorneys Office describe that SW “died as a result of the unlawful termination of the pregnancy”. This suggests he intentionally did something to harm the unborn baby. So what if potentially CW had some reason to believe that this 3rd child he wanted wasn’t his. He could of then started doubting wether the other children were his. This may explain sudden anger/resentment towards SW and children.

I also think he may be cleverer than people think. Maybe he wanted SW body to be found quickly - maybe their is something he wants to be found on her body (was this to be the case then I would be thinking that he had planted something for example under SW finger nails). He put the children’s bodies somewhere that would likely contaminate any evidence. But left SW body in a way that forensic evidence would be proserved and where it would be found quickly - even leaving the bed sheet in plain view to draw further attention to the site.
Not looking to place blame on her success. Clearly it is his insecurities. But IMO it is possible that CW felt her “working from home “ would be an extra income but not realizing the high profile life she would lead. I’m thinking he did not realize the amount of time it would take her away from him and the girls. I feel he thought it would be the opposite bc she quit another job I believe I read at a hospital. Is it possible she quit to stay home with kids this job being secondary ? CW worked and also now had to take up more duties at home. He could have resented she was Living a dream and he felt he was being taken advantage of . He is more of an introvert and maybe what mattered to him was her there more than her dream. This was not the marriage arrangement he signed up for ( in an insecure or old fashioned kinda guy thinking) so he felt betrayed and angry.
I can't find the link right now, but I thought there was an interview with LE that indicated they found the phone during the search of the house. Could be they found it but at that point had to ask his permission to take it.
Will have to go back to look for the news item. If he hesitated, its obvious why he did so.

In addition, the same news story noted her bag, purse, and I think shoes, etc. were found near the front door, at the bottom of the stairs. It sounded as if her phone was the only possession on her person that night that was found upstairs. I got the impression, JMO, she was sort of ambushed shortly after arriving home. Whatever happened, began and ended rather quickly. It wasn't like she went home, took a shower, got in her nightclothes, etc.

ETA: This info may be in one of the legal documents.
I added it in the file clip if you want to read it.
I made the mistake of watching the videos on Shannan’s Facebook last night. The girls were just so adorable. Watching Chris’s expressions when playing with them he looked so geniune. That’s what makes this case so difficult for me to comprehend.
I'm no doctor, and one couldn't diagnose over TV anyway, but I'll be shocked if CW isn't somewhere on the antisocial spectrum and they make excellent actors.

5 reasons why antisocials are great actors

That's what I find so scary about some comments defending him - I don't worry about the case, LE seems confident in their findings, but if people really think this guy just "snapped" and was suddenly capable of murder and dumping innocent babies in oil we'll just keep having SW's and Laci Peterson's. They should really teach a course in highschool.

He must have a psycho disorder. They are perfect as long as they are getting everything they want. Apparently he was tired of his family and wanted to move on. I think the motive was financial. He didn't want to pay child support for 3 children for years and years. And if SW was gone he could sell the possessions and property. At first I thought he killed them out of rage following an argument but now I think it was cold/calculated and premeditated. I can't figure out the timing tho

In terms of timing do you mean who he killed first? I think the only reasonable explanation is he killed the kids first. The flight delay put a real kink in his plans for hiding the bodies and evidence. He could easily have waited to do this until the following night. Everyone would be at home, no airport delays to deal with or worry about, and he could have just gone about his plan. The only reason he couldn’t have waited was if the kids were already dead when she got home.
Wouldn't it be nice if either SW or CW's employer purchased the home, demolished it and created a playground or garden oasis with benches and memorials for SW, BW, CW, and NW.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in the home due to the horrors that happened inside.

Eh, I’d live there. I’m not really superstitious or anything so it wouldn’t bother me.

Shanann had dreams of that being family home full of happiness, where kids felt safe and knew they were loved and cared for. She wanted it to be a home filled with cheer at holidays and where the happiest memories were made.

If I lived there I’d just go about returning that house to it’s intended purpose because I think Shanann would like that.
In terms of timing do you mean who he killed first? I think the only reasonable explanation is he killed the kids first. The flight delay put a real kink in his plans for hiding the bodies and evidence. He could easily have waited to do this until the following night. Everyone would be at home, no airport delays to deal with or worry about, and he could have just gone about his plan. The only reason he couldn’t have waited was if the kids were already dead when she got home.

This is what I think happened too. And its appalling to think of him outside grilling.

I can see hating your children’s father or mother. But your kids...... how, I can’t comprehend how this happens. THEY ARE YOUR CHILDREN! Your flesh and blood....just how does this happen?

This is what haunts me most. We were at the store last night and saw 2 little girls that were about Bella and Cece's age, laughing and chasing each other around their parents. Between that visual and reading the affidavit late again plus all of the "devil's advocate" discussions about how this could have happened, I had half-awake nightmares all night wondering just how - HOW?!

I tried to put myself in his position, in the position of someone who completely snapped. Walked through what that night could have been like for him, and for Shanann when she got home. I believe the girls were already dead when she walked in the door and he ambushed her fairly soon after.

Did she know her daughters had been murdered? Did he taunt her with that first? Did she beg for the life of their unborn son? How could he look into those precious faces and strangle the life out of those fragile little girls who adored him, as they struggled, confused and terrified? I believe what he said about Bella on the bed and Cece being strangled 2nd is what HE did. Waiting for hours, pacing frantically because Shanann's plane was so late.

How could he wrap their little bodies up and load them in his truck, regardless as to his lies and excuses as to what went on? How could he methodically dump them in OIL tanks? How... how, not in a panic but a 40 minute drive with 3 bodies, climbing climbing climbing up and down and up again, both of his little girls, and dumping them separately. 2 different tanks. Not even allowing the warped thought of "comfort" of them being together. HOW? How could he not immediately shove her off, start trying to breathe life into Cece at least, and call 911?

No. No. I'll never in a zillion lifetimes believe that she murdered her precious babies. Because snapped or not, once loving or not.... that would require BOTH of them being completely psychotic or sociopathic in some way, snapping at the same time, both reacting very inappropriately to the situation, and then both acting in a way that was fatal to their children then Shanann.

He's a liar and a coward and can't even admit what he did. Going for the pity, the clean break and the cash. I hope he rots.

Nicole is a hero. Not enough can be said for her. Without her, they might have never been found and he would have gotten away with this. Everyone should be so so lucky to have a persistent, intuitive friend like her.
Wouldn't it be nice if either SW or CW's employer purchased the home, demolished it and created a playground or garden oasis with benches and memorials for SW, BW, CW, and NW.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to live in the home due to the horrors that happened inside.

It would be the ideal situation but someone would buy it to live in if they can get a discount. I couldn’t live there knowing what had happened.
This is what I think happened too. And its appalling to think of him outside grilling.


Do you think he killed them right after the birthday party or later that night? I always assumed he did it later, but I’m not sure. Regardless he knew what he was planning so it’s crazy to me that he just seemed to go about the day like normal and then methodically kill his kids and wife.
I made the mistake of watching the videos on Shannan’s Facebook last night. The girls were just so adorable. Watching Chris’s expressions when playing with them he looked so geniune. That’s what makes this case so difficult for me to comprehend.
I’m in the camp who thinks he got a taste of freedom and grew closer with AP during the 6 weeks Shannan and the girls were gone and simply wanted to start anew. Nothing deeper then that as hard as it is for us to believe. I suspect that with his new body and confidence his AP is someone he thought would be out of his league. He was all caught up in the high of a new lover and for him... out with the old in with the new. Even though we have seen it time and time again it continues to be shocking and horrifying to me.

I agree with some of this but I wouldn’t say his AP was someone he thought was out of his league even before he improved his physique
Eh, I’d live there. I’m not really superstitious or anything so it wouldn’t bother me.

Shanann had dreams of that being family home full of happiness, where kids felt safe and knew they were loved and cared for. She wanted it to be a home filled with cheer at holidays and where the happiest memories were made.

If I lived there I’d just go about returning that house to it’s intended purpose because I think Shanann would like that.

The previous owner of our house passed away. While not in the house, it was a very tragic way. She was a single mother with 3 children. Her mom told me that it would have made her very happy to see a family in it again. We also renovated the kitchen before we put it up for sale. Her mom told me that was one of the things that her daughter wanted to do. It made me feel happy knowing that we could help her happiness a little bit by doing some of the things her daughter talked about.
Do you think he killed them right after the birthday party or later that night? I always assumed he did it later, but I’m not sure. Regardless he knew what he was planning so it’s crazy to me that he just seemed to go about the day like normal and then methodically kill his kids and wife.
I believe SW was supposed to be home around 10pm?
I think they were dead by then. He must have been livid when her flight was delayed.

Chris Watts Seemed Like a Warm Family Man, Friend Says: 'His Entire Life Was Those Girls'

"I believed until the other day that his entire life was those girls, and that he would die for them," Kris Landon told People magazine.

But others have said Watts seemed distant. Michele Greer met the family while they were on vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, earlier this month. "He was just standing there," Greer told Inside Edition of Watts, adding that he appeared indifferent as his daughters happily bounced on a trampoline.
I may be well off the mark but just a few thoughts;

We know that CW persuaded SW to have the 3rd child.. (snipped by me). .

We don’t KNOW that.

People think that because SW posted it on her FB page. But Shanann’s FB didn’t always reflect the reality behind the scenes. (And we all know people who aren’t living the life they portray on SM, I’m not singling her out for criticism!)

It’s my opinion that Shanann wouldn’t have gone along with a pregnancy she didn’t want. No one could fault her for saying “Let’s not push our luck. We have health and finance obstacles. We can revisit this in a year.” I think SHE wanted it, or it wouldn’t have happened. She doesn’t strike me as a pushover.
In terms of timing do you mean who he killed first? I think the only reasonable explanation is he killed the kids first. The flight delay put a real kink in his plans for hiding the bodies and evidence. He could easily have waited to do this until the following night. Everyone would be at home, no airport delays to deal with or worry about, and he could have just gone about his plan. The only reason he couldn’t have waited was if the kids were already dead when she got home.
By timing I meant why did he chose to kill them on that day vs some other time but your explanation is something i never thought of and I bet you are correct
By timing I meant why did he chose to kill them on that day vs some other time but your explanation is something i never thought of and I bet you are correct
This is my first post on here, so I hope I don't mess anything up!

From what I understand, as covered in this article and other studies, the timing of him killing the family on an August weekend is almost textbook family annihilator behavior. 1 in 5 of these cases happen in August and nearly half happen on a weekend. I imagine some of it is connected with school routines not being in session.
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