CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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I don't know what the official answer is, but I personally don't think she needs yet another place talking smack about her. We don't know what all she knew or what her situation is... I prefer to err on the side of caution and not post her name here; we can discuss the situation without dragging her name into it, imo.

To answer your question, we aren’t allowed to post the name of the AP whose name is redacted in the affidavit. If MSM names her, then we can as well.

IMO it doesn’t really matter, because she may have just been one of many. Does the who impact this case? Probably not.

Maybe instead, we should discuss what might have happened if he was seen with another woman while SW was away. What if someone told SW? How could that have impacted this case?
I'm not buying his story. Just like knew from the start he was lying through his teeth. I knew they were all dead then.
I'm sure they had an emotional discussion when She got home and foun d her children dead. She must have freaked out. Tried to get away,to get help, but the trap was set. There was no way out.
He's so low,and scummy,and stupid to think he can get away with killing his sweet daughters,and wife, then blame her.
What a coward.
Actually having their bk finished in 2015 they should have been back on a pretty good road by now imo. Filing bk gave them a new start.

If you have a look under MerryB and CattleKate's names there's a whole load of detailed posts, definitely worth reading as they shed a lot of light on this- too long for me to retell here kk.

There's also a brilliant one which ends with why a divorce would've been financially unviable too. ( I'd not previously really believed it could be for CW, as base as just a financial motive.)
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Exactly. It was almost a great idea and he might have gotten away with it. Who would think to look there?? It's too bizarre. Unless, of course, GPS or other security measures would catch him.

I think he couldn't get his wife's body up and into the tanks - it was too difficult and he was out of time.

Earlier in the case I thought he had a grave dug ahead of time, but now I think he planned to put all three in a tank, but in the end, he couldn't physically manage her body.

jmopinion at the moment.

Mental exercise time let's say he did plan on burying her in a shallow grave. Why would he do that?

#1- you don't get life insurance money unless a body is found.

#2 - if she is found, he could say later that she went away with the two children and something happened to her, even though the children aren't found. Another dude killed her that she ran away with that she found online or through her job.

#3 - the property is near/associated with somebody he eventually wants to blame it on after the body is found. It's near a ranch?

Other ideas on scenario he would want her body eventually found?
A genuine question. Something similar was said yesterday. So my question is: Why are we still discussing the case, if we don't want to know motive or that anything we find is irrelevant because at the end of the day it's no excuse?
LOL I know. It seems illogical doesn't it. Still people are curious and feel they need to understand the why's. I think it might be our own need to regain some type of control of the situation. To distance ourselves from the actions of other people. We can say oh we would never do that because we aren't pyscho's or the like and that is basically true. Most people would not committ such a heinous crime because it really isn't in us no matter how angry someone else makes us.

That is why the Nazi thing is an entire mystery to me. I don't think I will ever have the answer as to why regular society went along with it and worse, participated. So it's basically the same reason as above. Our innate curiosity to differentiate between right and wrong behavior which allows us to separate ourselves. Kind of rules of life...people legitamately kill to save themselves or someone else. We all can understand that when they feel they are in danger it is their right to do whatever it takes for the most part to remain safe. The basic rules of the jungle. Kill or be killed. When people act beyond those boundaries and without cause take someone's life it goes against what we are programmed to believe. I say programmed because animals themselves play by the rules. An animal will always allow an enemy an escape route to AVOID taking his life. The enemy gladly takes it and goes on his merry way. No one is harmed. Human's are no different. So when we see it happen it just throws off the natural order of things and makes us uncomfortable and frightened.
He would have known. He would also have known if there was a GPS tracker on his truck. We have them on our technicians' trucks and they think that we go in and see if they are speeding or taking long lunches. But we don't.

Yes, but he never planned to come under suspicion. Had it not been for the concerned friend/neighbor who came by the next morning, he likely thought he could convince LE that they had somehow disappeared or been kindapped or somesuch. Because SW confided in others about problems in the relationship and discussions with her friend the night before, her friend was on the alert for SW and her children.

Sadly, there have been cases of husbands getting away with these kinds of crimes, at least for many years. CW probably thought he could fool LE.

Considering he had an ongoing romantic relationship with someone at work, his plans for the murders and disposal of the bodies likely were premeditated. Disposal of the girls' bodies in the oil tanks were to remove his DNA and to interfere with LE to determine a time of death, IMO. His back up plan is the one he's using now, wherein he tries to blame his wife for their murder. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he did develop this plan. Nothing happened by accident.
LINK Please that CW killed his girls. Link Please!

DENVER -- Weld County prosecutors on Monday formally charged 33-year-old Chris Watts with nine felony counts, including first-degree murder, in regards to the deaths of his pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and their two young daughters last week in Frederick, Colo.

Watts faces three counts of first-degree murder after deliberation, two counts of first-degree murder – victim under 12/position of trust, one count of first-degree unlawful termination of a pregnancy, and three counts of tampering with a deceased human body, according to Colorado court records and documents filed Monday afternoon.

Read the full arrest affidavit by clicking here.
Exactly. It was almost a great idea and he might have gotten away with it. Who would think to look there?? It's too bizarre. Unless, of course, GPS or other security measures would catch him.

I think he couldn't get his wife's body up and into the tanks - it was too difficult and he was out of time.

Earlier in the case I thought he had a grave dug ahead of time, but now I think he planned to put all three in a tank, but in the end, he couldn't physically manage her body.

jmopinion at the moment.

Does anyone know anything about disabling company car trackers? Can it be done easily. ( We know he's mechanically minded but could he stretch his skills to that. Could you do a temp Faraday cage on them if you could access them?)

It's always bothered me the GPS thing - as in could he really be that dim if he'd pre-planned it some days/weeks in advance.

( LE never disclosed that he has been actually tracked by Anadarko's GPS to that cervi location but we know that they knew he'd been there and it wasn't his " scheduled stop" for the day.)
Yes, to the BBM above.

And it should be really interesting to hear his voice messages/texts to her, the next morning.

I am thinking that he figured out he fooled the cops, so the messages will be very 'scottpeterson' type messages---'hey babe, how ar u and my girls, give me a call when u can' type of BS.

If they are sweet, phony messages, then that makes no sense with his story that he asked for a separation that morning.

Also, his interview, where he said he thought she didn't pick up because she was busy. Well, if he had asked for a separation, why would he expect her to pick up his calls. I would probably block my husband's calls and work on getting the locks changed before he returned home after work.

I can't wait to hear them. And no amount of nonsense about how evil and controlling and crazy CW wants to pretend SW was, will cause a jury to fail to be horrified when they hear those messages.

See he didn't have that story in mind yet when he left those messages, IMO. I think he still felt he was going to be able to stage the scene.

He ran out of time.
If someone breaks into your house, and you have the chance to shoot and kill them, some people would. Someone kills your kids, some people would kill the person that did it. IMO
But then would they take that person and bury them? Would they take the bodies of their babies and discard them in oil tanks? I don’t think so.
Mental exercise time let's say he did plan on burying her in a shallow grave. Why would he do that?

#1- you don't get life insurance money unless a body is found.

#2 - if she is found, he could say later that she went away with the two children and something happened to her, even though the children aren't found. Another dude killed her that she ran away with that she found online or through her job.

#3 - the property is near/associated with somebody he eventually wants to blame it on after the body is found. It's near a ranch?

Other ideas on scenario he would want her body eventually found?
It could be that he couldn't fit SW in the oil container but I like #2 as to why the shallow grave. He really didn't want children to be found IMO.
LOL I know. It seems illogical doesn't it. Still people are curious and feel they need to understand the why's. I think it might be our own need to regain some type of control of the situation. To distance ourselves from the actions of other people. We can say oh we would never do that because we aren't pyscho's or the like and that is basically true. Most people would not committ such a heinous crime because it really isn't in us no matter how angry someone else makes us.

That is why the Nazi thing is an entire mystery to me. I don't think I will ever have the answer as to why regular society went along with it and worse, participated. So it's basically the same reason as above. Our innate curiosity to differentiate between right and wrong behavior which allows us to separate ourselves. Kind of rules of life...people legitamately kill to save themselves or someone else. We all can understand that when they feel they are in danger it is their right to do whatever it takes for the most part to remain safe. The basic rules of the jungle. Kill or be killed. When people act beyond those boundaries and without cause take someone's life it goes against what we are programmed to believe. I say programmed because animals themselves play by the rules. An animal will always allow an enemy an escape route to AVOID taking his life. The enemy gladly takes it and goes on his merry way. No one is harmed. Human's are no different. So when we see it happen it just throws off the natural order of things and makes us uncomfortable and frightened.
I think that's why we are fascinated (and horrified) with these cases. They are so out of our realm that we want to somehow understand, like you say though we never will. Unless, of course our brain malfunctions one day......
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