CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #13

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I've been lurking for a long time, but thought I'd come out of the woodwork for this. I'm very familiar with the DSM-V and I've spent a large part of my adult life conducting mental health assessments. It should be noted that you can't diagnose without knowing how a symptom or behavior affects the person's life, as impairment in functioning is part of the criteria, so like bluesneakers said, there's no place for internet diagnosis. That said, I haven't seen anything here or on what I've seen of SW's SM that would convince me that she meets criteria for any mental health disorder. Yes, people who are manic may spend a lot of money. That doesn't mean everyone who buys a lot of stuff they don't need has bipolar. People with borderline are impulsive, but so far I haven't seen anything that suggests she's impulsive or has unstable relationships. SW liked a neat house. That doesn't mean she has OCD. (Huge pet peeve of mine. OCD does NOT mean that you just like things neat. It's so much more than that).

Of course we're going to speculate about the mental state of both SW and CW, but it's irresponsible to try to diagnose from her SM.

Thanks and welcome stereopticons

Fascinating post cause we've had loads of speculation over all of the 11 threads, mainly over CW's mental health. We've heard narcissism socio, psycho, speculation about DV and coercive control, that "he snapped" occasionally in posts or he's just plain evil.

Obviously you can't diagnose him , not not even a psychiatrist would do that without his entire back story and many hours with him....... but what view do you take of him Stereo?
Didn't expect that since have been told so many times that the main MLM job was so successful and read so many comments saying so from colleagues and SW.

Am back to where I was back in thread 2 or 3 - it's a hall of mirrors.
Nothing is what it seems in this case.

(Never heard of the brand but assuming another MLM. Shanann's FaceTime clips show how great she is at sales. At the same time I've just seen other clips where CW is really engaging & loving with his kids.)
Maybe she was combining the two to get ahead? If she could sell one product to a customer maybe she could sell two products to the same customer. Or it might have been a case of she helped out a LLR rep sell products who in turned helped her sell Le-Vel products. IME there is a lot of overlap in the MLM world.

Hall of mirrors, well said. Sometimes I want to ask a stranger to check out my SM and see what conclusions are drawn. :)
The photo on that instagram account showing all the clothes WITH THE TAGS STILL ON THEM!! I've seen that in two people who were manic at the time, and buying everything, and I've seen it with a hoarder.

I have an extreme amount of clothes, some I've never worn with tags, doesn't mean I'm gonna murder my children. Sometimes a picutre is just a picture
But your post says she did have BPD with no evidence at all.

With respect a lot of things are posted on here without evidence.

That does not make it okay to diagnose a victim (on a victim friendly site)with a mental illness with no factual evidence. While mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of,it is obvious that the armchair diagnoses of Shannan are meant to paint her as someone so unstable that her poor put upon husband just snapped and killed her.

Alas in reality 1/4 of my Facebook friend list must be mentally ill and will soon be dead if closets fuller than bank accounts,being part of an MLM and making your online image rosier than reality was justification for your partner murdering you.
Welcome, GraceVPrice! Thank you for joining us. :)

This is what I remember too - the basement was above ground enough for windows, but not a door. Would you mind linking the post if it's not too much trouble?

I want to see that too! But not the bags he put in the back seat. :(

Thank you for the reminder, Isalybra. Do you know where the closet is located? I was wondering if he possibly converted the small bedroom next to the master bedroom into a closet?View attachment 144522
I think so, I think those photos on her fb are private. I'll try to go look and see if I can tell.
Thanks and welcome stereopticons

Fascinating post cause we've had loads of speculation over all of the 11 threads, mainly over CW's mental health. We've heard narcissism socio, psycho, speculation about DV and coercive control, that "he snapped" occasionally in posts or he's just plain evil.

Obviously you can't diagnose him , not not even a psychiatrist would do that without his entire back story and many hours with him....... but what view do you take of him Stereo?

Well, evil isn't a DSM-V diagnosis :p

To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of CW. Individuals with mental health disorders are more likely to be the victim of violence rather than the perpetrator. Based on what we know about him, I would speculate he has a cluster B personality disorder. Cluster B includes antisocial (which is psychopath/sociopath), narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders and I can see traits of all of those in his behavior surrounding the murders and his attempted "cover up". I would not be surprised if there was some DV, but again, that's not a diagnosis and is not necessarily associated with any specific disorder. So basically I'm saying I don't know.
Because she had a lot of clothing? Pretty slim evidence to me.
I wouldn't like you to see my walk in closet.

And she was in a very sales-oriented environment and dressed accordingly.

Since when is OCD, BPD?
I know lots of people who claim to have OCD in a joking fashion to explain their excessive tidiness.

So true, and people are like that for many reasons. For me it's because my mom was a hoarder (not as bad as 'Hoarding: Buried Alive') But oh when we cleaned out her house :eek: .
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