CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #15

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You know let's face it. Married family life can be hard. And monotonous. And everyone has to pretend they love it. But the reality is sometimes the days can blur into one another and sometimes even a normal person can think, "Is this it? Is this the rest of my life?"

And that's despite loving ones kids passionately and totally.

I don't think we are honest enough about the fact that those feelings can arise.

I will be honest- I remember on several occasions thinking - "The days keep going forward, bringing me closer to death."

Perhaps if we were more honest as a society about the difficulties of day-to-day life, creeps like this would find it easier to just leave rather than massacre everyone in order to try to save face.

The societal pressure to embrace family life as the be all end all, may leave some of these sociopathic types who are more concerned with appearances than they are with their loved ones, feeling trapped because if they leave, they look like the bad guys to all the friends and family and work associates they've fooled into thinking they're Golden Boys.

I have a family member that does multi-level marketing with over 1400 people down line. (One of those people that does the regular online aspirational stuff that you see in this case to her team.)

She just got her People magazine and said that her thoughts are that he freaked out because she may have confronted him about affair/gay and said she was going to tell everybody about his lifestyle. ( this is from an MLM person who has about 3,000 views each time they post something)

Just an aside, thought I would share a viewpoint from someone who does not follow cases at all, that was her reaction when she asked me if I was following the case. As she saw it in People magazine.

ETA.. I just realized I reference the words " those people " when I was talking about her multi-level marketing friends. I said that because I don't do multi-level marketing. Chris did the multi-level marketing with her, he was a member of her team, yet he called them " her"people, not our people I think when he was referring to her/their team. Interesting

ETA #2- I don't believe she would have ever done that, as it does not fit her personality nor the way multi-level people are supposed to do positive things.
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I don't understand this description, of her being 'empty' and not real.

There are so many people that she had close, caring, long term relationships with. And according to every account, she was a loving, nurturing mother that was really devoted to her girls.

She was close to her family and had shared some emotional stuff with them just recently. And she had a very debilitating illness that she fought hard to overcome and to live her life fully in spite of it.

I don't get why she is being described as 'empty' and not real.

These opinions are coming from viewing her SM and watching videos. I get the impression that she was putting her best foot forward while also trying not to get too personal so she can sell a product. So I wouldn’t say they are fake or she was fake, but she was selective. Some people can pick up on that and sense deception when really SW in the videos is just her holding her cards close to her chest. Poker face maybe? While I dislike internet diagnosing people of mental illnesses I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if she had depression. Not major depression, but enough where it could affect her yet she’s able to push through. They went through bankruptcy, were still in debt, she wanted to be a SAHM, but has to find away to be superwoman to make up for what was lacking and keeping them from reaching their life goals — probably what was lacking in CW. Simply, they didn’t make enough money and she was trying to find a way to have status and SAHM status. I think some people are picking this up (or something to this affect) perhaps because they recognize it.

SW was giving a 1000% in my opinion but CW was taking away 950% of her effort. Maybe they both felt they were dragging each other down.

*my opinion is based on real life experience*

My hubby and I at one point made the same as them (in a similar cost of living area.) We bought a house for 150,000. Even after our cars were paid off we struggled. I even had friends who sold mlm stuff trying to lure me, but I couldn’t afford to start it up! You can charge credit cards but you have to make payments on those cards. I just don’t know how they thought they could get by in that lifestyle even after bankruptcy wiped the slate. And how can you get credit after bankruptcy? The stress had to have been huge! I know in my case I was depressed about everything and how things were panning out! The disappointment hurts. But you have to put your big girl panties on and that’s what SW did. CW on the other hand was too immature to handle anything...
TY much. Well okay, I will save those still though.
@PommyMommy is so experienced here and also seems to be the organizer of details. Looping her in.
You're giving me waaaaaay too much credit, lol. My understanding is that you may post screenshots with a link to an approved site. I don't know if a cached version is considered an approved site, so I've reported this post to ask a mod. :)
You're giving me waaaaaay too much credit, lol. My understanding is that you may post screenshots with a link to an approved site. I don't know if a cached version is considered an approved site, so I've reported this post to ask a mod. :)
LOL.... weeeellll..... I like to give credit where it’s due though.
I honestly don’t think it’s allowed, so I’ll just keep em just in case Tricia corrects me or someone PMs me within the rules of TOS.
Here, here’s something. Okay?

“SW sure was caught up in social media. I mean, your husband looks like he is just coming home from work, and you've got the video going to capture his reaction when you break the news that there's going to be a third mouth to feed. I realize this is a younger, more media-savy generation, but it just seems like SW is determined to live in her own reality show, broadcast to her followers in real time.

For him to do what he did, he must have really, really hated that, resented it, and stewed about it. He certainly put an end to it once and for all. The Shan'ann Show was abruptly canceled.”
Sorry I realise you are quoting someones post, but without a name....Ok?
Do you live in Weld County? It's a very conservative county compared to the rest of the state, from what I hear. Do you agree?

I live in Boulder County only about a mile from the County line. Weld is far more conservative than Boulder. It’s agricultural with a lot of farms and ranches. I don’t know about being more conservative than the rest of the State, but it’s probably more conservative than the rest of the Front Range.
I have a family member that does multi-level marketing with over 1400 people down line. (One of those people that does the regular online aspirational stuff that you see in this case to her team.)

She just got her People magazine and said that her thoughts are that he freaked out because she may have confronted him about affair/gay and said she was going to tell everybody about his lifestyle. ( this is from an MLM person who has about 3,000 views each time they post something)

Just an aside, thought I would share a viewpoint from someone who does not follow cases at all, that was her reaction when she asked me if I was following the case. As she saw it in People magazine.
Good point! CW may have feared her telling everyone since she was so in deep with the mlm. He guess he very well feared the humiliation.

Well, I don’t even hope he can live with it now that he is behind bars! I hope the humiliation and shame is eating him alive from the inside out. But I bet it isn’t! I bet, like a child, he’s still blaming her!
"I have no 'inclination' of where they're at" was a big red flag to me too. I think the word he's going for is 'inkling' and he's perhaps mixing it up with 'indication'. But the result is nonsensical. This tells me:

1) That he is not super bright, as some have claimed. Vocabulary is not necessarily linked with intelligence but still most people would have known that was the wrong word to use.

2) He is obfuscating/bullsh**ting. Someone genuinely concerned about his missing family is going to be speaking in plain everyday language and not dressing his speech up with unnecessary polysyllabic words he only sort of knows the meaning of. He is using fancy language to distance himself from events.

In my opinion

I don’t know why his teacher would be way off base. The teacher has had plenty of students so CW stood out to him with his intelligence.

I have friends who are very educated and they speak with a higher vocabulary as it is simply a part of them.

I was impressed with his talking to the reporters. He sounded like a reporter himself. Totally distanced from the
situation. Merely giving info. He could have been talking about his experience walking down the street. That is how much emotiin there was. Except for a tiny bit he tried to exhibit but it fell totally flat. He had no idea of how to mimic the distress an actually upset person would show.
Sorry I realise you are quoting someones post, but without a name....Ok?
I didn’t post a name because I didn’t want to single anyone out. I didn’t want to embarrass them or put them on the defensive. I’m here to get down to the truth, and realize everyone has their own opinion. I don’t want to argue with anyone or make anyone feel bad. Just want to get down to the truth.
I have read almost all of the threads and I have not seen that said once. I have seen it suggested he might have resented SW for working for the company, but not for posting his private life on SM.

I have seen that said. Posts saying that he was tired of her putting his daily life on the internet and making him live his life 'online', in public.
Well well well, I just had a thought. ( or should I say my my my in my best Lieutenant Joe Kenda impression)

There could be some defense spin going on behind the scenes right now!

Could perhaps the defense be feeding information to People magazine just to get things stirred up about it was some Heat of the Moment passion thing vs planned? And the reason other people are coming forward that are associated with defense attorneys that are crooked as some say and giving salacious info to support heat of moment/passion excuse vs. Planning.

This just came to mind because of what my family member said up thread. The People magazine was the only thing she knew about this case.
But are SS of SM cached sights allowed though? The cached site isn’t a direct like to CW SM account.

No, screenshots are not allowed.

Please see excerpt from The Rules: Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, etc.

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  • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
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‘Everyone Liked Him’: Did Colorado Dad Chris Watts Lead a Double Life?

This link is very interesting. Maybe CW didn't want this life. And he was just fed up with pies in the face, pink barrettes, constant happiness. Another child was the last straw.

He lost control. Just like Jeffrey McDonald.

Yes. I think he was quietly seething for quite a while. The dreadful way in which he disposed of his children is a measure of the contempt that he felt for them. IMO
ETA: As I mentioned before, IMO, one has to have some wires loose to be able to do something like this, whether it’s snapping or premeditation. So does that one make one insane? I mean’d have to be insane to do something like this, right??? How could you not be?! I’m asking seriously, help me out here please. Furthermore, I think most of these nutjobs on WS are insane...shooters, have to be! Normal people don’t do many of the things these awful people do!!! End rant.


I have often thought that, too.
Agree. He won't collect but someone very likely will collect the death benefit, assuming CW had continued payroll deductions for this coverage, and it sounds like he did. I can't make an assumption on who will collect, however.

SW was buried in a shallow grave, and Mindhunter13 posted his theory that perhaps CW intended for her body to eventually be discovered and I'm leaning in this direction as well. He may have thought he might be able to collect the death benefit on SW. That is, unless he had plans to go back Monday night and hide SW's body better, but couldn't because LE became involved sooner than he intended.

JMO, I don't think he ever intended for the bodies of the little girls to be found and hoped they would forever be considered missing persons.


BBM. One would have to wonder if CW was going to throw his co-worker under the bus to explain the Anadarko location of the bodies. I just can't figure out another way of explaining their location in a way that doesn't point right back at himself.
Well well well, I just had a thought. ( or should I say my my my in my best Lieutenant Joe Kenda impression)

There could be some defense spin going on behind the scenes right now!

Could perhaps the defense be feeding information to People magazine just to get things stirred up about it was some Heat of the Moment passion thing vs planned? And the reason other people are coming forward that are associated with defense attorneys that are crooked as some say and giving salacious info to support heat of moment/passion excuse vs. Planning.

This just came to mind because of what my family member said up thread. The People magazine was the only thing she knew about this case.
We need Lt. Joe's input on this case!!
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