Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #20

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As a lifelong MJ enthusiast, there is no way in hell SW or CW used MJ.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m genuinely curious about what you mean by that. Do you mean they’d have been more mellow? Less materialistic? I’d have described the Chris seen in videos as “easygoing”... But apparently he wasn’t...
Sparks conversation. Everyone is viewed as a potential customer.

"What's that patch you're wearing?" "Ooh! Have you heard about Thrive? Let me tell you about it!"
Agree. I think the sellers would visibly wear them for more sales and most customers would probably discreetly wear them to avoid questions. But they may agree to do a quick photo for a 5% discount or something.
Interesting insight into potential dynamics of their relationship. Thanks for sharing!

Was this whole video posted online? I don't get all of the chit chat at the end??? Seems you'd stopthe recording when you get a call?

I highly encourage those of you who haven’t already to check out the videos SW posted. There are too many to link here, although if I could figure it out I have a few in mind I’d love to discuss. LOL They provide great insight into their relationship dynamic as well as their interactions with the children. Anyone able to link the spray bottle video??
Is it just me or does anyone else think it is odd that those who wear the "patches" are displaying them on their bodies as though they are a badge and they like having attention drawn to them with these patch displays. Why else would they be so colorful and placed on their body where it is unavoidable to not see them.
Not at all because if you were marketing rhinestones , you would drape them on your body and on pins in your hair to announce your product! The patch designs also screamed “ask me about my patch” - “please ask me!” If not for the Watts wearing them, I’d be ignorant to Thrive too! MOO
I didn’t think so, but I figured I’d ask in case I’d missed it somewhere. Probably would have helped her Fibro & Lupus way more than those patches for sure. I’d wondered if maybe that was one reason they moved to CO.
SW may have used medical cannabis because she may have preferred it over pharmaceuticals that could have side effects. Early on I questioned if she really had been diagnosed with lupus because she seems to glow with good health in the videos I've seen. JMO
SW may have used medical cannabis because she may have preferred it over pharmaceuticals that could have side effects. Early on I questioned if she really had been diagnosed with lupus because she seems to glow with good health in the videos I've seen. JMO

Is medical cannabis safe for a pregnant woman???
Not at all because if you were marketing rhinestones , you would drape them on your body and on pins in your hair to announce your product! The patch designs also screamed “ask me about my patch” - “please ask me!” If not for the Watts wearing them, I’d be ignorant to Thrive too! MOO
Agreed Seattle1. I think wearing the patches also feeds into the mentality of "look at me" we so often see these days on SM.
I was in the "lost his temper with one of the kids and everything after was a cover up" camp. Granted it's just one video, but it has me sliding more towards a "slow, simmering anger that built up until he burst" view.
I'm actually thinking your first scenario is more possible. Bella might not have been strangled to death. Only Celeste was strangled.
According to his confession, he did not see SW strangling Bella. Wow, I want to see the autopsy report as soon as possible.
I’m a little hesitant to say this so please don’t get all crazy on me. Does anyone else get the impression there’s more to the jabs towards CW? It’s like she’s saying it jokingly, but she also wants it to sting a little. IDK.....I could be reading way too much into it too.
Actually Tippy Lynn, I also thought that too but was hesitant to mention it but there was a lot of passive aggressive talk going on toward CW .... IMO.
I’m a little hesitant to say this so please don’t get all crazy on me. Does anyone else get the impression there’s more to the jabs towards CW? It’s like she’s saying it jokingly, but she also wants it to sting a little. IDK.....I could be reading way too much into it too.

Nah. Just sounds like good ol' ribbing to me. I'm a S***-talker through and through. I never mean it to hurt. My husband is good about bantering, and will give it right back to me.
I’m a little hesitant to say this so please don’t get all crazy on me. Does anyone else get the impression there’s more to the jabs towards CW? It’s like she’s saying it jokingly, but she also wants it to sting a little. IDK.....I could be reading way too much into it too.

Yep. Being careful what I post so as not to seem victim blaming. No one deserved to die.
SW may have used medical cannabis because she may have preferred it over pharmaceuticals that could have side effects. Early on I questioned if she really had been diagnosed with lupus because she seems to glow with good health in the videos I've seen. JMO
I have a friend who has Lupus and she is one of those people who look like they have just stepped out of the shower and just ironed their clothes even after eight hours at work as an RN. Never a crease or faded makeup nor a hair out of place.
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