Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

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TY @MerryB
Trinket is indeed the VI I was referring to. So if CW asked for a separation numerous times to SW, how does this fit then:
Via affidavit
“Chris said he woke up at 5am and began talking to Shanann about a marital separation and informed her he wanted to initiate the separation.
My comment, can’t get it to unbold:
I do have quite a few thought on this, but want to hear others explain it first so I don’t “askew the WS pool.”
This is a summation by LE not the actual words spoken in the interview with CW. We don't know what was said before, in-between or after.
Someone mentioned her using chiropractors and mid wives... Maybe she was exploring different medical options such as holistic approach. That would definitely explain seeking out different doctors. If it's true she went to a chiropractor, I have no idea if it is, but I know they have methods that seem very "different" than the traditional medical approach.
I think you might be surprised, many hospitals are affiliated now, and many promote non western holistic type help for the patient. When I was pregnant, via health insurance at the orientation I was given a choice between midwife and traditional obgyn, among other non traditional delivery options. MEO with the exception that all of this took place and still does to a bigger extent in Colorado.
This is not directed at those who need more evidence to believe C.W. killed them all. This is directed at those who believe that SW killed her kids, and thus, CW’s story is true.

Specifically, what evidence can you point to that makes you feel this way?

Why do you think this scenario is more likely than the alternative?

How do you discount CW’s post offense behavior?

Some of us are trying to understand your point of view. Thanks!

Yes, this is what I'm looking for as well. I genuinely want to understand
Yes, and if you constantly state that you believe his fantasy story, you are accusing her of killing her children.
And if the only evidence you (using you in the general) have is that she took her children to the doctors too often, it is a very weak case.
There’s a mountain on one side. A molehill on the other. No matter how much you manipulate the molehill, it will never be a mountain.
Yes, the arrest affidavit was what I was referring to. I think you mentioned something about his lawyers wanting make him look favorable so I wondered what document you were referring to.

Oh, apologies for the confusion. What I was trying to say was that I wondered why his lawyers did NOT make him look as favorable as they could have (with respect to the affidavit not mentioning anything about how he could have tried to revive the children). If I were his lawyer, I would have tried to be sure his confession included something about how he tried to save the kids- to make him appear more favorable. I was just digesting (outloud) the fact the affidavit said nothing about that. And I'm not a lawyer, so I really have no business trying to decide what I would do ;)

In the future I should probably digest privately or I'll create confusion :D
Could he have killed one of the girls first and kept the other one alive for a while? I’m thinking about how some other cases have been mentioned here where there was significant time in between killings. Maybe there was not only time between the murders of the girls and Shannan, but time between the killings of all three of them.
Like he was struggling with what to do with the remaining child, after maybe he killed the one that (maybe) witnessed his violence toward her Mom? I mentioned yesterday that I would still like to know why LE says all 3 were killed in the house.
IIRC, there was a poster several threads back that mentioned their neighbor worked with CW at his previous auto dealership employer. Does anyone else remember that? I was wondering if that poster could find out if CW installed GPS tracking on vehicles while working there. I'm thinking it would have been impossible for him to be unaware (even in a panicked state) that his movements would be tracked.

I have a theory CW might have detached the GPS tracking (not disabled) and attached it to a portable battery, so he could remove it at will, along with his cellphone. If he did any planning, perhaps he thought a GPS tracking system could be an alibi for his whereabouts. I don't believe we know for certain that they found the CERVI 319 site by tracking his truck. Drones could have been used at many of the sites and they could have just gotten lucky and found that site so quickly because of the sheet being spotted.

Sorry if this has been addressed already. I'm a couple days behind due to moving from SoCal to the Bay area. My cats were really freaked out but they are starting to settle in now.

But the company most likely imo would know he detached it, reattached it & certainly question why.
Daily doctor appointments was probably short-lived while they were doing allergy tests. There are a TON of tests they'll do, and they'll spread them out over days instead of doing them all at one visit.

And considering that comment was made on an appointment of CeCe being allergy tested, that's what I'm going with.

Also, Certified Nurse Midwives are medical professionals and not "holistic" medicine. They deliver babies in hospitals just like OBs do.
I understand but some chiropractors use the holistic approach and some people that are into the natural way of doing things prefer to use midwives. They most certainly do come to your home to deliver if that's what one is looking for. You don't have to set foot in a hospital. That's what made me ask if she leaned towards that approach. I haven't seen an answer and I don't know if Trinket is still here or even if she would know. Just to add, there are midwives who believe in the holistic approach. I did not say that all do. Just some. Jmo
Lol yes I wouldn't guide you to that post for a sincere explanation of anyone's theory who hasn't convicted him yet.
In hopes to bridge the divide again, may I point out that I do not believe the vast majority here who have stated, as I have, that a jury could likely convict on the evidence we have thus far do not in any way mean he is done, should be strung up, and throw away the key. It is merely an intellectual excerise to point out that IF there were no more significant evidence found and revealed, he would appear guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I absolutely want and look forward to a fleshing out of the case and more evidence coming to light. He absolutely deserves a fair trial with all pertinent evidence having been gathered and properly analyzed. I just think the difference between us lies in that many, many murder cases have been considered fairly adjudicated yet found guilt with this much or even less evidence. It is a snapshot view we have right now. I do find, however, that there is some irony to the idea that cause of death and DNA/trace evidence could be lost for good because C.W. and no one else decided to dump the bodies in crude oil and let all bodies remain hidden and decomposing, thereby irrevocably damaging evidence of who did it, for as long as he could. So yes, I do find it perplexing to say we cannot disbelieve his most recent version of events unless the physical evidence proves it when he tampered significantly with that evidence on purpose. But just my 2 cents.
I'm still confused by CWs supposed deletion of his FB account.

If it was deleted prior to the murders, did he really think that'd mean an AP or potential AP wouldn't be able to discover a thing about him? A quick Google search on someone's name brings up those whitepages-dot-com type of sites that list your various residences and people you may have been associated with, such as spouse (current and former), parents, and I've even some that show your neigbor's names. Any potential AP would Google him in the beginning of a potential relationship to see what she could find out about him, and his wife's name would appear. Even if he told her they were separated or some creative lie, one glance at SWs FB page which is public would show that they were still living together and actively involved together.

Does anyone think he may have had some other ulterior motive for the supposed deletion? I can't imagine someone would be so naive to post something on FB that LE might find later that'd indicate his guilt. I'm sure SW looked at his page often, too.
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