Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #25

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I agree because I would have called 911 while getting my spouse away from the child she was supposedly choking/strangling.
It does not hold up under scrutiny IMO.

I agree. Your first instinct would be to try and save your children’s lives and even if you killed their murderer, your second reaction would be to call 911 or get help. The last thing you’d do is load them all up in your truck and dispose of them.
I think the last two may definitely have something to do with it. I also wonder if he was really being honest about his claim that he was asking for a separation and SW refused to believe it. If he made it known to her that he was serious I would think she would have confided with someone about her feelings and worries. We have heard that she suspected the affair, but why wouldn't she also mention the topic of separation to her friend ( NU something, I forgot) I just wonder how much he really discussed it with her. Maybe he mentioned it before she went away for 5 weeks. It will be very interesting if we ever see that communication in that time. I've even wondered if he were telling her one story and telling everyone else he wanted to separate, and she was basically in the dark. Jmo
I think the last two may definitely have something to do with it. I also wonder if he was really being honest about his claim that he was asking for a separation and SW refused to believe it. If he made it known to her that he was serious I would think she would have confided with someone about her feelings and worries. We have heard that she suspected the affair, but why wouldn't she also mention the topic of separation to her friend ( NU something, I forgot) I just wonder how much he really discussed it with her. Maybe he mentioned it before she went away for 5 weeks. It will be very interesting if we ever see that communication in that time. I've even wondered if he were telling her one story and telling everyone else he wanted to separate, and she was basically in the dark. Jmo
It will very to see what personal communications (without
I think the last two may definitely have something to do with it. I also wonder if he was really being honest about his claim that he was asking for a separation and SW refused to believe it. If he made it known to her that he was serious I would think she would have confided with someone about her feelings and worries. We have heard that she suspected the affair, but why wouldn't she also mention the topic of separation to her friend ( NU something, I forgot) I just wonder how much he really discussed it with her. Maybe he mentioned it before she went away for 5 weeks. It will be very interesting if we ever see that communication in that time. I've even wondered if he were telling her one story and telling everyone else he wanted to separate, and she was basically in the dark. Jmo
Private communications between the two of them will hopefully shed some light on what was really going on in their relationship. You are right, it is very odd that she wouldn't tell her friend (whom she seemed so very close to) if plans for separation had been laid on the table. Unless she really was in denial. I could see someone who worked really hard to build up a "perfect" image of her family not wanting to accept that. I've known people in relationships like that. For some people, their marriage is a direct reflection of who they are and the success of the marriage reflects their personal worth in their perspective of things.
Anyone who is very successful in network marketing is not a quitter...or they would've rapidly succumbed to statistics of "those who didn't make it" in the field, which is the vast majority. They struggle and triumph over many things people never see or hear about in order to be successful. Just from the passion and drive she put into her business, I would speculate that SW would have gone to great lengths to save her marriage. MOO
There is an allergy warning label for true nut allergies it is in the lemon Meringue bar. You can google the image and see it and ingredients . The video is of her daughter tasting it for the first time .
Don't tell me we are back to the treenut allergies again! I thought I messed up somehow and went 2 threads back. I'm not even going to ask...
Where is the link for the mother in law I didn’t see that ? Strange SW gave her daughter something with an allergy warning and the mother in law too .
It's in one of the early threads. SW complained about her MIL on a message board yet she was doing the same thing. That's when I started wondering if the kids really did have allergies or did she make it up to get sympathy and call attention to herself. JMO
I'm still confused by CWs supposed deletion of his FB account.

If it was deleted prior to the murders, did he really think that'd mean an AP or potential AP wouldn't be able to discover a thing about him? A quick Google search on someone's name brings up those whitepages-dot-com type of sites that list your various residences and people you may have been associated with, such as spouse (current and former), parents, and I've even some that show your neigbor's names. Any potential AP would Google him in the beginning of a potential relationship to see what she could find out about him, and his wife's name would appear. Even if he told her they were separated or some creative lie, one glance at SWs FB page which is public would show that they were still living together and actively involved together.

Does anyone think he may have had some other ulterior motive for the supposed deletion? I can't imagine someone would be so naive to post something on FB that LE might find later that'd indicate his guilt. I'm sure SW looked at his page often, too.

I will be surprised if something incriminating shows up on his deleted FB account(with the exception of his affair, although disgusting, is not a crime). Most probably he deleted his account because he was telling one thing to the AP which was in conflict with SW's posts/videos. Maybe he thought it was easier to close his account than to remove his wife (SW) from the friends list. JMO It's the only thing that I could thought feasible.

ps: For the record, I don't condone his actions, previous to the murders or afterwards. I will post my theory of the events, later on. Meanwhile I'm catching up with the threads. I hope I don't get crucify just because I found some kind of logic in regards to the deleted FB account.
It will very to see what personal communications (without

Private communications between the two of them will hopefully shed some light on what was really going on in their relationship. You are right, it is very odd that she wouldn't tell her friend (whom she seemed so very close to) if plans for separation had been laid on the table. Unless she really was in denial. I could see someone who worked really hard to build up a "perfect" image of her family not wanting to accept that. I've known people in relationships like that. For some people, their marriage is a direct reflection of who they are and the success of the marriage reflects their personal worth in their perspective of things.
Anyone who is very successful in network marketing is not a quitter...or they would've rapidly succumbed to statistics of "those who didn't make it" in the field, which is the vast majority. They struggle and triumph over many things people never see or hear about in order to be successful. Just from the passion and drive she put into her business, I would speculate that SW would have gone to great lengths to save her marriage. MOO

And....maybe she was truly in love with him and their family. JMO
So called "flying off the handle" to an imagined, presumed, or diagnosed nut allergy of some kind seems to me to be a protective response, I'll even grant perhaps overly protective response, by a loving mother concerned for her child. Not a mother who would watch her babies die in agony as she strangled them. JMO IMO MOO
Or a controlling response if she gave her own child a Thrive bar with nuts.
Yes. And apparently, she criticized and mocked him for his 'skater boy' clothing style when they first began dating, and he wasn't deterred.

If she was so cold and cruel, why did he stay and have a family with her?

I see them being affectionate in the videos on their trips. I see and hear others describing them as loving and affectionate towards each other.

She couldn't have been that bad if he went ahead and impregnated her for the 3rd time. JMO

This is obviously a very difficult situation being that you know both SW & CW and the girls. It does seem that you are very close to CW . I'm so sorry & you have my condolences . The whole situation is a horror and I can't imagine what his friends and family must be going thru.

I have a few questions , if you don't mind responding.

1. What was Shannan's response when Chris asked for separation? Did you overhear or did he tell you ?

2. You mentioned he cleaned all the time. Is it because he wanted to help out ? Did he feel forced to help out?

3. Did you notice any bickering or arguing between Chris & Shannan during the final week in NC?

Yes, I would very much like to know if anyone actually witnessed him telling his wife he wanted a separation and exactly what SW said or did that leads to the belief that she refused to except it.
Don't tell me we are back to the treenut allergies again! I thought I messed up somehow and went 2 threads back. I'm not even going to ask...

There are so many threads, so many posts, that new people joining the conversation will be bringing up things discussed already, I'm afraid. It's just so much to take in, that the wheel has to be reinvented every so often. On some topics, the mods develop separate threads to try to corral the info as a resource, but this topic is too young for that yet, I think...
I will be surprised if something incriminating shows up on his deleted FB account(with the exception of his affair, although disgusting, is not a crime). Most probably he deleted his account because he was telling one thing to the AP which was in conflict with SW's posts/videos. Maybe he thought it was easier to close his account than to remove his wife (SW) from the friends list. JMO It's the only thing that I could thought feasible.

ps: For the record, I don't condone his actions, previous to the murders or afterwards. I will post my theory of the events, later on. Meanwhile I'm catching up with the threads. I hope I don't get crucify just because I found some kind of logic in regards to the deleted FB account.
Men who cheat are infamous for playing both sides of the field. They will tell the A/P one thing and the wife another. How many mistresses do you hear about that believed the man was going to leave his wife but when it came down to it they never did, and in fact their wives often know nothing about it unless the mistress tells them.
So called "flying off the handle" to an imagined, presumed, or diagnosed nut allergy of some kind seems to me to be a protective response, I'll even grant perhaps overly protective response, by a loving mother concerned for her child. Not a mother who would watch her babies die in agony as she strangled them. JMO IMO MOO

I'm going to take a whole lot of liberty here and try and connect some dots. I'm also probably putting words in people's mouths (not yours johnny, im responding to yours, because im *trying to find the connection) feel free to correct me. My impression or personal opinion is that perhaps these nuggets about the MIL and the nuts, the dog allergy, the bars having allergy warnings, are that they don't align. Typically a parent who's vigilant about allergies is consistent in their vigilance, ie they practice what they preach. Not sure if the throwing out of nuggets is to say she was exaggerating or lying, or to indicate it was to put division between the in-laws and the girls or in-laws and CW, or to paint a picture of mental health issues, I'm just thinking this is the dot connecting maybe some people are throwing out with out saying.

Huge apologies in advance if my assumptions of what folks bringing up just made me look like a jerk. While I acknowledge I'm putting words in several people's mouths, I'm trying to connect the point and think this is it?

Ducking while you throw tomatoes.
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