Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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I am a bit behind again, doesn’t take long ... but the prosecution has filed a motion to seal the autopsy reports until trial. Lemme know if this has already been shared and I will delete.[L] MOTION TO DENY DISCLOSURE OF PUBLIC RECORD PURSUANT TO CRS 24-72-204(6)(A).pdf
AAaah, I really wanted learn the COD...It's very hard to form/speculate a timeline without it.
I guess SW lies were 'Life is great and we are so happy'.
Yep, that is a really bad lie - between that and the shoes , well CW just snapped.

I know, how awful of her, right?

Why would anyone even take the time to out such things. Where is the empathy? And respect! Who cares is she had a thousand shoes!! Who cares if she told the world CW was Romeo himself! Nothing she has done is a CRIME or is deserving of her and children being murdered. So what is the point of this?
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You could be totally right but I'm still undecided.
Who is "mom's friend" and where is that info? I must have missed that.
Did the VI witness CW tell SW he wanted a separation or did he/she only hear the info from CW?
Did SW ever mention separation specifically to anyone? (I know what she told NUA)

Not 100% sure, but I think VI has been asked that question and hasn't responded.
Here is mom's friend
Shanann Watts murder case: Friends, family recall life of slain NC native ::
I have heard parents talk about using it to knock kids out on a flight but warning to test it first in case it makes the child hyper. I do not advocate this! Lol.

I’m guessing the Watts knew how the girls reacted to it. Based on their allergy history, I assume they may have taken it.
I was always told children under 12 are not supposed to have it... definitely not under two. Not that it's that important. But I do hope the kids were drugged with something that left them unconscious and they weren't aware of a thing... a little more "humane" if that makes sense. Imo
I want to thank you and others who have been diligent in monitoring the site for updated pleadings filed.

This is very interesting. He is trying to prevent the state from be able to collect his palm prints and DNA.

I think he's going to lose that motion. It's a murder case so yeah, there probable cause to collect such evidence.

What's interesting is juxtaposing his objection with all the people in the Innocence Project who are on death row or life in prison BEGGING for their DNA to be tested.

I mean look, tactically, I would probably be filing the same motion. You want to protect the accused's rights as much as possible and not make the state's job easy for them.

But really? How is getting a palm print from someone charged with five counts of first degree murder, when he claims all were strangled, how is that a constitutionally impermissible search because it's "unreasonable."?

And wouldn't Chris himself be chomping at the bit to prove it wasn't his hands on those babies' necks if he was innocent?

BBM: and that bolded portion is just what I needed to discard the .00000000000001 possibility that SW strangled her babies.
And she's pregnant. Maybe SW wanted to save her marriage because she had two toddlers and a son on the way. When you're pregnant you feel so vulnerable and if I were in SW's situation I would probably leave no stone unturned to try to work things out for the sake of my children. It would break my heart to find out my husband was cheating BUT I could deal with it for the sake of my children. In fact I would do ANYTHING for my children because as a mom its my job to protect them and give them the benefit of a loving two parent family if possible. Its easier to leave a marriage when you don't have kids.

“No stone unturned” - exactly. I have many friends with kids also go through divorce, and they all said the same.. they couldn’t leave until they knew in their heart of hearts that they had absolutely tried everything they could to save their marriage. Two young children and a baby on the way, with some added insight into her personality, no way would she just give up and walk away without trying
It’s 2am after a long weekend of travel. I bet she was dead tired and never could have imagined it would turn out this way. Can’t fault NUA for what she did.
If it’s true that CW wouldn’t let SW talk to the girls, I don’t think NA or SW in their wildest dreams thought CW would have hurt them. Probably that he was just being obstinate. If they suspected for a second the girls might be hurt, I think they would have had the police or a friend do a wellness check before the wheels of the plane left AZ.

I do believe if NA had suspected the girls were hurt she would have gone inside w/SW and that we’d be talking about 5 people dead, not 4.
Exactly. If my husband was trying to murder my toddlers I would be on the phone to 911 faster than hell and then I'd try to save them. I'd call LE first though because that's the first thing that comes to my mind. If there is a life or death situation CALL 911 or paramedics or your neighbor. I certainly would not kill my husband then dispose of my toddler's bodies in a vile, dark, equivalent to acid bath. I would WANT the world to know he was a child murderer I would not try to "protect" him by hiding their bodies away in a hellish place with no dignity.
But, you see, he thought he could go away with it! I am know torn between premeditated or rage! I am leaning toward rage right now. I am sure I will change my mind again.
I was always told children under 12 are not supposed to have it... definitely not under two. Not that it's that important. But I do hope the kids were drugged with something that left them unconscious and they weren't aware of a thing... a little more "humane" if that makes sense. Imo

I think the children’s version is 6 and up. There is an infant version for younger than that. My niece often took some version of it when she was a toddler.

Edited to add: my niece has asthma and is allergic to peanuts and tree nuts, which is why I said I would not be shocked if BW and CW had taken it. The doctor okayed her taking it.
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Every time she posted what a great husband Chris was, while calling him a loser and knowing that he was having sex with other people.

Claiming Thrive allowed her to spend more time with her kids than her real job did.

I'm not trying to be difficult, but I fail to see how these are good examples of SW's lies.

Do you have other info?

Obviously, it's now known that CW was not a good husband. Even if everything he said was true, he was a cheater.

But prior to this, do you know that SW didn't think CW was great and just lied about it?

Did you hear her call him a loser? I heard her joke about him needing to "take the L". That was public. She didn't lie about who won at checkers. She smack talked, as ppl often do when playing games.

Do you know when she first suspected an affair? Could she have loved him anyway and hoped they'd get past it? Does not announcing her suspicions/knowledge publicly equal lying?

She seemed to spend plenty of time with her kiddos while selling Thrive. Do you have knowledge otherwise? Do you know what hours she worked at previous jobs?

I just don't see any facts or evidence to support the claim that these prove she lied.

But, you see, he thought he could go away with it! I am know torn between premeditated or rage! I am leaning toward rage right now. I am sure I will change my mind again.
If CW thought he could get away with it then he's arrogant and rather stupid. I say rage, not well thought out pre-planning. Even someone with an IQ of room temperature could have planned a better scenario and made up more plausible lies.
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Question about the backing up of his truck that was captured by the neighbor's security camera. Did that camera also have images of him placing the bags in his truck? Bill Carson posted a week or so ago that he discovered the camera was a next door neighbor's camera, not one across the street from the Watts' house. So I wonder if the camera was perhaps located near the neighbor's front door, aimed across the neighbor's front porch onto their own driveway and then also extending into the Watts' driveway, so if he backed up the truck up TO the big garage door, but not INTO the garage, the camera would have picked up exactly what he was loading into it. Compared to if a) he had backed the truck up completely or partially into the garage or b) if said camera was across the street it may be difficult to see what he was loading as the truck would block most of the view. I would think that it would show him struggling with one of the bags (SW) because of weight and size. But maybe this is a moot point as he's already confessed to placing them in the truck.
Probably moot, but the way the truck was backed partially into the garage the camera caught the front of the truck, but not the back part that was inside the garage.
Not 100% sure, but I think VI has been asked that question and hasn't responded.
Here is mom's friend
Shanann Watts murder case: Friends, family recall life of slain NC native ::

Thanks, G, I always like to see the exact wording. Here's the relevant quote:
But Search said Shanann's mother told her another side of the story.

"She mentioned about them having problems, Shanann and Chris," Search said.

Search said Onorati told her the two were planning to separate.

"It's just heartbreaking and devastating for this to happen to such a good person," Search said. "Such cute, good girls. They had a whole life ahead of them taken away unfairly."

IMO it's odd that it doesn't really say when this info was shared by SW's mom. Was Search told this while SW was in NC or was it after the murder? Also the word "separate" is not in a quote from the person, it's in the reporter's words. IMO that could indicate the reporter asked a leading question and the reply was an affirmative but that still doesn't indicate when or what exactly was said.

Of course I may be over-analyzing. I won't be surprised if SW knew, I'm just on the fence until more comes out. The phone records will be very interesting IMO.
I’m sharing this video again for y’all that missed it. Nowhere in his speech does he mention when it deteriorates you should kill your family.

Six years before being accused of murdering his pregnant wife and children, Chris Watts made a video of himself giving a presentation about saving relationships.

Watts, now 33, posted a nine-minute video titled “Relationship Deterioration and Repair” on his YouTube page in April 2012. He explained in the caption that the PowerPoint slideshow was created for a communications class he was taking at the time.

I remember that. From his tone you would think he is talking about something really boring like research method and experimental design. Maybe he picked that subject to help him understand what a relationship is supposed to be like. He doesn't seem to have a grasp on it, like when he says, Sudden would be an example of infidelity and doesn't realize he is saying it wrong. Oh well. And I do actually like science so not to say I think scientists are boring! Jmo
I'm not trying to be difficult, but I fail to see how these are good examples of SW's lies.

Do you have other info?

Obviously, it's now known that CW was not a good husband. Even if everything he said was true, he was a cheater.

But prior to this, do you know that SW didn't think CW was great and just lied about it?

Did you hear her call him a loser? I heard her joke about him needing to "take the L". That was public. She didn't lie about who won at checkers. She smack talked, as ppl often do when playing games.

Do you know when she first suspected an affair? Could she have loved him anyway and hoped they'd get past it? Does not announcing her suspicions/knowledge publicly equal lying?

She seemed to spend plenty of time with her kiddos while selling Thrive. Do you have knowledge otherwise? Do you know what hours she worked at previous jobs?

I just don't see any facts or evidence to support the claim that these prove she lied.

Exactly. In order to believe CW’s version of events, you have to believe that SW could have actually committed the crime. In order to get there, you have to point to a pattern of behavior that demonstrated her ability to have done it, atleast on a psychological level.

You essentially have to ignore the facts as we know them, and focus solely on SW’s social media activity, and information gleaned from that activity, in order to make make your argument.

You have to throw away facts, and make numerous assumptions in order to get to this point. It’s like Occam’s Razor, except the exact opposite.
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