Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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Unless there's something obvious that points in another direction investigators almost always look at the people closest to the victim or missing person and work their way out. Even if a person is complety innocent I would think it would be a normal response to be somewhat concerned the finger was going to be pointed at you. I believe CW knew everything he said was going to be analyzed. At the time of the interview, I think he knew it was only matter of time before he was going to be held accountable. In my opinion, he planned on coming clean to LE with his story, but he wanted to talk to his dad and to see him in person before he confessed to LE. I really think he was thinking there was a possibility that he was going to be arresting during the interview. I think he looks and acts scared.
jmo, moo, imo


To me too. I watch the interviews and see a terrified man. Up for debate (and it has been a fiery one indeed! ;)) as to whether he's terrified b/c the killed them all or b/c killed SW (Nico) according to his own version. But as MerryB said- we all know now that he lied. If he was going to lie, I think it stands to reason he was going to "try his darndest to do it his bestest". So IMO, it's not about how good of a liar he was. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't but he did.

But I see terror either way. And, for whatever it's worth, the part where he is asked the names and ages of his girls is the part where I see him the most emotional. Maybe even the only part, but I definitely see emotion there.

SW flight had been delayed . So if it had not been and was in time , don’t you think the neighbors would have been more likely to hear or see something during those earlier hours? JMO we have zero evidence he had killed the girls prior . We have CW and girls at a party, her flight delayed I would assume she would FaceTime girls good night or call CW, we have the bedtime of girls at 630ish according to SM and no other motion from home until dog barking early and 5:15 am correct ?
Yes they do. Whether he planned to murder his entire family or not is what I wonder. In some ways, these videos lead me to believe he did. He had his story and appears confident in telling it; they vanished. He has no inclination where they are, blah, blah. Did he come up with those things off the cuff or had he been thinking about what his story would be for some time? What do you think?
It's hard to tell because I think he's a professional liar. I feel like he literally thought he could do what he did and just get away with it all. Fool everyone. There's a smugness about him when he talks about it. The grinning etc. It's really sickening.
Yes I know that as I said, but I’m curious if they discuss each one each time, or do they just get a blanket permission from him to go ahead and act as they see fit. It’s not like he has a cell phone handy. Would he call them everyday in his one hour break, would they hold off filing something until they speak to him, then what happens if he doesn’t call..

I’m just curious how it actually works.

I certainly don’t know, but considering he has a PD I would guess they aren’t having strategy meetings with him a la OJ’s “Dream Team.”
No I think they had enough to arrest him, based on his admissions (SW and disposal of the bodies).

I do not see anything unusual with the evidentiary requests the prosecution has made so far - I would have expected this as the investigation moves along - nor do I see anything unusual in the responses/objections filed by the defense. I would have done the same.

Really, I don’t see anything unusual about any of the motions on either side, except for the request to seal the autopsy report. That does strike me as odd, even under these circumstances - but I’m sure we will learn more about that in the near future.

Thank you for helping with this. Helps me resist reading into these motions, things that are not there.
Good luck with your trial on Monday
SW flight had been delayed . So if it had not been and was in time , don’t you think the neighbors would have been more likely to hear or see something during those earlier hours? JMO we have zero evidence he had killed the girls prior . We have CW and girls at a party, her flight delayed I would assume she would FaceTime girls good night or call CW, we have the bedtime of girls at 630ish according to SM and no other motion from home until dog barking early and 5:15 am correct ?
IMO there would be little to zero noise as he killed the girls. I feel he waited until they sleep and may have used a pillow which is why the cases where thrown away. SW is a different story I have been strangled unconscious she would be fighting but in my experience I was much smaller than my ex and I could only knee him in the back and try and buck him off. I couldn't reach his face he'd push down on my neck and out stretch his harms with his face up away so I couldn't get him. However we yet to find out how he strangled her and with what. So this is pure MOO.
I will only believe CW story if the evidence tells me that otherwise as a mother no way. I am aware mother's kill their children but I don't feel that is the case this time. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it until the trial .
There maybe absolutely nothing negative to say about CW prior to this. He may have been perfect. In the end I don't care if he was the greatest husband, father, son or friend. All that goes out the window now. His final actions wipe out all the good things about him. IMO
I feel this is partly what made him do what he did. He was a perfect man he'd ruin that reputation if he left his wife and children and started a new relationship asap. Everyone would see the real Chris and he didn't want that. This way he could stay the wonderful husband and father that everyone knew him to be. And now he'd be the devastated grieving husband and father, however he was not good enough to pull that off per his interviews he didn't know how to fake that. MOO JMO IMO
I agree, and this isn't unusual for a family annihilator. CW fits the profile to a T. To the point they could put his photo next to the definition in Webster's.

When people kill close relatives: Explaining 'family annihilators'
FBI agent Brad Garrett said, "Just because people look OK on the outside doesn't mean in reality they are."

Family annihilators tend to be white men in their 30s, he said.

Family annihilators don't typically think through the end result -- potentially being arrested -- instead focusing on "the immediate need and gain of the moment," Garrett said.

But "family annihilators are never spontaneous," he said, adding that the crimes are premeditated and build up over week or months.

In a vast majority of family annihilation cases, Garrett said, the suspect either commits suicide or confesses.

"Like anybody else that commits some horrible, horrendous act, and they do it based on emotion and immediate need or gain," after arrested, he or she confesses because "they see the reality of what they're facing" and often creates an "alternative version of what happened."
I will only believe CW story if the evidence tells me that otherwise as a mother no way. I am aware mother's kill their children but I don't feel that is the case this time. Of course this is just my opinion and I'm sticking to it until the trial .
And while I may not agree I totally respect that Davia :)
What I can’t get past is that if his story is true, how could he contain his grief? The hysteria I felt if I lost my daughter in a supermarket for just a minute was overwhelming. If she’s late home from somewhere I panic and fear the worst. If something were to actually happen I would literally have no control over my grief/hysteria ... and the last thing I would think about is self-preservation. I just can’t understand this at all.

But I would like to say I appreciate the ideas and angles you bring up, you’re a really great example of being able to discuss all aspects of a case while still respecting the victims .. after a few rough threads I just felt the need to say that! So thanks!

@Tigerlily75 - Thank you so much - that was very nice of you and I appreciate it :)

I agree with you. There's no way I could control my emotions and grief in this type of situation. Because of that, it makes it hard to think anyone can.
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IMO there would be little to zero noise as he killed the girls. I feel he waited until they sleep and may have used a pillow which is why the cases where thrown away. SW is a different story I have been strangled unconscious she would be fighting but in my experience I was much smaller than my ex and I could only knee him in the back and try and buck him off. I couldn't reach his face he'd push down on my neck and out stretch his harms with his face up away so I couldn't get him. However we yet to find out how he strangled her and with what. So this is pure MOO.
I survived domestic violence as well and I’m sorry For your experience . I strongly feel the dog would freak with two dead kids in house . Also he could’ve already cleaned and loaded them into truck if such a case . Neighbors would have not thought odd if his truck was in garage overnight imo . What evidence supports they died early ?
I think her phone was upstairs, in between couch cushions, because she was going to call 911. She thought he was cheating but most likely didn't know about the affair with a man. IMO she found out that night and railed against him and he was humiliated and embarrassed, didn't want his girls to find out or his relatives, thus the killings.
I agree with this scenario. I think there was a struggle and the phone ended up there.
I’m probably one of the few here that believes this was premeditated. I believe those weeks SW was away he was really enjoying the single life with his AP no one to tell him what to do, where to go, what to eat, how to do stuff yada yada. He was enjoying his freedom alone to do as he pleases. He got used to that and then when he had to watch the girls the three days after SW left the girls got on his nerves and put a halt on his affair with AP and freedom which deep inside infuriated him. I believe murderous thoughts were running through his head while she and the girls were gone and that’s when eventually the thoughts became reality.

The reason I believe he just didn’t leave is SW is smart she would have eventually subpoenaed him for Divorce and he did not want to pay spousal and child support until all three kids were 18 and sometimes 21, nor split up the property and other assets. He was hoping the missing family story would work. This reminds me of the McStay family in CA the parents and their two little boys who went missing found years later found buried in the CA desert in shallow graves. Killed by a business partner named Charles Chase Merrit. I live in CA and this case still hasn’t gone to trial. Aaarrrgghh.
Seems like he was kinda cocky. Makes me think of people that get away with a lot of stuff and their confidence builds with the ability to do so.

That's what I think. This is a guy who left sheets and pillowcases in the kitchen trash can at home, that matched the sheets found at the oil tank scene. And he sat at work and watched his doorbell cam!
I survived domestic violence as well and I’m sorry For your experience . I strongly feel the dog would freak with two dead kids in house . Also he could’ve already cleaned and loaded them into truck if such a case . Neighbors would have not thought odd if his truck was in garage overnight imo . What evidence supports they died early ?
No evidence yet since we don't know. I am waiting for the facts to come out. And since SW is deceased we have one side of a story and that is CW side. I believe there is truths to his story but not all. I'm choosing to not believe him. ALL is just MOO and I will have zero problem admitting I'm wrong if the evidence shows that.
I am glad you SURVIVRED dv, it's a miserable life for sure.
I’m probably one of the few here that believes this was premeditated. I believe those weeks SW was away he was really enjoying the single life with his AP no one to tell him what to do, where to go, what to eat, how to do stuff yada yada. He was enjoying his freedom alone to do as he pleases. He got used to that and then when he had to watch the girls the three days after SW left the girls got on his nerves and put a halt on his affair with AP and freedom which deep inside infuriated him. I believe murderous thoughts were running through his head while she and the girls were gone and that’s when eventually the thoughts became reality.

The reason I believe he just didn’t leave is SW is smart she would have eventually subpoenaed him for Divorce and he did not want to pay spousal and child support until all three kids were 18 and sometimes 21, nor split up the property and other assets. He was hoping the missing family story would work. This reminds me of the McStay family in CA the parents and their two little boys who went missing found years later found buried in the CA desert in shallow graves. Killed by a business partner named Charles Chase Merrit. I live in CA and this case still hasn’t gone to trial. Aaarrrgghh.
But Charles Merrit hasn't admitted his guilt right?
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