Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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I could tell when he got nervous.....his eyes would blink rapidly and/or I could see strains in his neck. Sometimes his mouth seemed nervous too. And I'm just talking about the facial language!
Yes, there are some signs of nervousness, but I think that's normal under the circumstances. I despise speaking in public and would probably show more anxiety being interviewed about ANYTHING - let alone my missing family! Have you watched this video?
Do you have a stuffed animal handy? Maybe a pillow? Grab onto it for 3-5 minutes with both of your hands. Assume the stuffed animal or pillow is a living, breathing human being and if you don't stop, it will die. Can you stop at any time and choose not to kill? Of course you can. He didn't. CW admittedly and willingly put his hands around Shanann's neck and strangled the life out of her, killing their unborn son in the process. He could have stopped when she lost consciousness, or before she lost consciousness or stopped at any time. He didn't stop until she and Nico were dead and he had plenty of time to know what he was doing. MOO
He admitted that and I am not saying he did not kill her and her unborn child . I am stating the possibility of time frame matching husband events with evidence of time they wake up . Imo it’s relative to statement
Unless there's something obvious that points in another direction investigators almost always look at the people closest to the victim or missing person and work their way out. Even if a person is complety innocent I would think it would be a normal response to be somewhat concerned the finger was going to be pointed at you. I believe CW knew everything he said was going to be analyzed. At the time of the interview, I think he knew it was only matter of time before he was going to be held accountable. In my opinion, he planned on coming clean to LE with his story, but he wanted to talk to his dad and to see him in person before he confessed to LE. I really think he was thinking there was a possibility that he was going to be arresting during the interview. I think he looks and acts scared.
jmo, moo, imo

What I can’t get past is that if his story is true, how could he contain his grief? The hysteria I felt if I lost my daughter in a supermarket for just a minute was overwhelming. If she’s late home from somewhere I panic and fear the worst. If something were to actually happen I would literally have no control over my grief/hysteria ... and the last thing I would think about is self-preservation. I just can’t understand this at all.

But I would like to say I appreciate the ideas and angles you bring up, you’re a really great example of being able to discuss all aspects of a case while still respecting the victims .. after a few rough threads I just felt the need to say that! So thanks!
I have known a few compulsive liars in my lifetime. No one ever questions them on their lies because people are too polite, That is unless you get into a confrontation with them.

If he is such a liar and he seems to think he can spin the most outrageous of lies, he must do it all of the time.

Did no one ever notice? No one.
I've not heard anyone that knows him say that in any of the MSM reports. Hmmmm
I think her phone was upstairs, in between couch cushions, because she was going to call 911. She thought he was cheating but most likely didn't know about the affair with a man. IMO she found out that night and railed against him and he was humiliated and embarrassed, didn't want his girls to find out or his relatives, thus the killings.
This is very interesting to me. I found the interviews to be bizarre. BUT I hadn't watched them until well after his arrest and much discussion on here. I think it colored my impression of his behavior in the interviews, knowing he knew exactly where they were. I realize I can't know how I would've felt if I'd seen the interviews with "virgin eyes". But now I have to wonder about the ways in which he perspectives...
Bizarre is right. What I see is someone who had a story in mind and is trying to stick to it, but he can't because oops, forgot about the doors...oops, didn't know about that camera...oops, I said she was in the bed but they found the bed stripped... So many oops! Dang that devoted and loyal friend of Shanann's! MOO
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They are worded that way because they are acting on his behalf. I would imagine that they discuss what they are doing with him first before proceeding and ask him for his input.

Yes I know that as I said, but I’m curious if they discuss each one each time, or do they just get a blanket permission from him to go ahead and act as they see fit. It’s not like he has a cell phone handy. Would he call them everyday in his one hour break, would they hold off filing something until they speak to him, then what happens if he doesn’t call..

I’m just curious how it actually works.
I think her phone was upstairs, in between couch cushions, because she was going to call 911. She thought he was cheating but most likely didn't know about the affair with a man. IMO she found out that night and railed against him and he was humiliated and embarrassed, didn't want his girls to find out or his relatives, thus the killings.
I agree with phone part but that's it. When I finally escaped my ex. He started on me and I pushed talk talk on my phone so it would call last person on my phone which was my mom and she knew to call 911.
I had been planning my escape so I also had recordings on my phone of his abuse (I'm hoping there is some evidence on her phone).
IMO this was as simple as he no longer wanted to be married or a father. He just spent the last 5 weeks with no wife and no kids.
I feel like the girls he killed first and once he knew he could kill them then he knew he could kill SW too. He was probably very worked up by the time she got home just waiting to be able to kill her. I think he wanted it over with asap. I also believe once off work he would have loaded everything up in her vehicle and disposed of it all. Luckily NUA solid his plan IMO
I think her phone was upstairs, in between couch cushions, because she was going to call 911. She thought he was cheating but most likely didn't know about the affair with a man. IMO she found out that night and railed against him and he was humiliated and embarrassed, didn't want his girls to find out or his relatives, thus the killings.

I am so back and forth about how the phone ended up in the couch. I'd like to know if it was powered on or off when they found it. I have this quasi theory that if it was on, she dropped it there during the struggle and he could not find it.

If it was off, I lean toward him hiding it there in a rush when NUA called the police. I think if he knew where the phone was when he left that morning, it would be powered off so it would not ping. Her phone pinging at the house all day would ruin the story that she had left with the kids before he ever got home.
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With the advent of so many types of inexpensive security systems and virtual assistants like Siri, Cortana and Alexa, I think we have become very comfortable and complicit with our privacy being invaded. In fact, we expect all of these devices to take care of everything for us from music to recipes and some spying on the side. These devices are a huge convenience. I can see investigators asking immediately if any such devices are used in the area. Capturing time stamped data (as we have seen here) makes the timeline much more straightforward with fewer "I think it was 0:00" remembrances.

All of that is going to change the face of police investigations, and procedures and rules of evidence will have to evolve, too, so that the evidence is useable but can also be tested and challenged for authenticity. It's really scary what can be done with video editing these days, not just photoshop for still pictures anymore. Savvy editors can make it appear that people are doing or saying things they never did or said.
He admitted that and I am not saying he did not kill her and her unborn child . I am stating the possibility of time frame matching husband events with evidence of time they wake up . Imo it’s relative to statement
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
Shanann Watts
SW and CW gets up at 4-5am everyday . I know for me this is not normal so it seemed odd at first . But once you look at her posts this is everyday. IMO it is highly possible that the murders were not planned . The scene was not cleared up by CW however there had been no mention as to a struggle throughout the home found . To me that could indicate the area was in probability the same place. Which ironically could align with CW statement to the fact of how it happened . The dog distress also fits within this timeline. If he had killed them the night before he would have had to kill the dog IMO because the distress yelps. The dog yelps could have happened IMO at the time of the murders. This would also explain that it was not premeditated .
BBM And I am speaking to this statement. MOO
All of that is going to change the face of police investigations, and procedures and rules of evidence will have to evolve, too, so that the evidence is useable but can also be tested and challenged for authenticity. It's really scary what can be done with video editing these days, not just photoshop for still pictures anymore. Savvy editors can make it appear that people are doing or saying things they never did or said.
Totally! Very easily done.
Right and I'm guessing we won't see any negative comments about him before this either, even at trial. MOO
There maybe absolutely nothing negative to say about CW prior to this. He may have been perfect. In the end I don't care if he was the greatest husband, father, son or friend. All that goes out the window now. His final actions wipe out all the good things about him. IMO
I feel this is partly what made him do what he did. He was a perfect man he'd ruin that reputation if he left his wife and children and started a new relationship asap. Everyone would see the real Chris and he didn't want that. This way he could stay the wonderful husband and father that everyone knew him to be. And now he'd be the devastated grieving husband and father, however he was not good enough to pull that off per his interviews he didn't know how to fake that. MOO JMO IMO
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