Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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I agree with this scenario. I think there was a struggle and the phone ended up there.
No evidence of affair with a man . In fact no main stream network has touched that story neither has AB since backlash from it. He was with an AP from work . If leaving SW for her I’m sure SW would not take the news calmly. She was Imo the one more likely to be angry .
I don't think speaking in past tense is evidence of guilt (although I do think CW is guilty). I think it just happens. In this interview he also refers to the girls in present tense, at 1:33 "Bella is four and Celeste is three".

Past tense is usually considered significant by the professionals who analyze these kinds of things. I have to say, I’ve never referred to my daughter in the past tense. They’d also only been missing a day at this point, and this was Tuesday, why wouldn’t he think Bella would still start school the next Monday.. surely they’ll be found by then ..

Like someone else mentioned, he was consciously talking about Bella and Celeste in the present tense and then slipped up IMO.

All a bit moot now I guess though, since we all know for sure he was lying. Still, it’s interesting to watch it after the fact.
SW flight had been delayed . So if it had not been and was in time , don’t you think the neighbors would have been more likely to hear or see something during those earlier hours? JMO we have zero evidence he had killed the girls prior . We have CW and girls at a party, her flight delayed I would assume she would FaceTime girls good night or call CW, we have the bedtime of girls at 630ish according to SM and no other motion from home until dog barking early and 5:15 am correct ?


I would imagine, based on what we know about SW, knowing her girls would be asleep when she got home she would’ve talked to/FaceTimed with them that evening. Especially since it was Bella’s first day of Kindergarten the next day. That’s a big deal.

I tend to agree with you about the timeline. I think CW & SW got up at 4 AM as the SM posts you shared show they often did. I think whatever confrontation there was happened around that time, hence the dog wailing around 5:15. IMO CW then scurried to get rid of the bodies in a panic, and left for work by 5:27. It explains why there was absolutely no clean-up/staging done at home as well.

Even if he’d just gotten rid of her purse & phone that would’ve helped the narrative that she took off. JMO
I’m probably one of the few here that believes this was premeditated. I believe those weeks SW was away he was really enjoying the single life with his AP no one to tell him what to do, where to go, what to eat, how to do stuff yada yada. He was enjoying his freedom alone to do as he pleases. He got used to that and then when he had to watch the girls the three days after SW left the girls got on his nerves and put a halt on his affair with AP and freedom which deep inside infuriated him. I believe murderous thoughts were running through his head while she and the girls were gone and that’s when eventually the thoughts became reality.

The reason I believe he just didn’t leave is SW is smart she would have eventually subpoenaed him for Divorce and he did not want to pay spousal and child support until all three kids were 18 and sometimes 21, nor split up the property and other assets. He was hoping the missing family story would work. This reminds me of the McStay family in CA the parents and their two little boys who went missing found years later found buried in the CA desert in shallow graves. Killed by a business partner named Charles Chase Merrit. I live in CA and this case still hasn’t gone to trial. Aaarrrgghh.
Yes and from some videos and post and some of SW own words it feels as if she could have been a bit over bearing and yes she was smart and would have gotten ugly in court I'm sure. Just MOO
Past tense is usually considered significant by the professionals who analyze these kinds of things. I have to say, I’ve never referred to my daughter in the past tense. They’d also only been missing a day at this point, and this was Tuesday, why wouldn’t he think Bella would still start school the next Monday.. surely they’ll be found by then ..

Like someone else mentioned, he was consciously talking about Bella and Celeste in the present tense and then slipped up IMO.

All a bit moot now I guess though, since we all know for sure he was lying. Still, it’s interesting to watch it after the fact.
I was watching a program recently discussing this and they were saying talking in past tense is not a sign of lying, but switching back and forth from present to past can be an indicator of deception. MOO

I would imagine, based on what we know about SW, knowing her girls would be asleep when she got home she would’ve talked to/FaceTimed with them that evening. Especially since it was Bella’s first day of Kindergarten the next day. That’s a big deal.

I tend to agree with you about the timeline. I think CW & SW got up at 4 AM as the SM posts you shared show they often did. I think whatever confrontation there was happened around that time, hence the dog wailing around 5:15. IMO CW then scurried to get rid of the bodies in a panic, and left for work by 5:27. It explains why there was absolutely no clean-up/staging done at home as well.

Even if he’d just gotten rid of her purse & phone that would’ve helped the narrative that she took off. JMO

This is where I'm at as well. It fit's the timeline, their normal morning wake up time and with the dog. jmo
Mom who killed kids after husband asked for divorce gets 120 years in prison
Many times women snap when feel as if they are being abandoned
Much more don't though. It's pretty rare, men leave wives and children daily.
I personally had a thought of suicide more than once and one day I told myself I can't leave my kids here to take the abuse alone, how selfish would I be. I'd have to take my children with me, that 1 second thought made me sick and feel stupid, I screamed at myself JUST LEAVE YOU IDIOT. I dealt with 18 years of mental, verbal and physical abuse yet I had enough sense to leave and not kill myself or my children. So in my opinion it's very rare for a women to kill their children though I do understand it does happen. I also had every reason to harm my husband and there was time I had the right to save my own life but I didn't. Thank God most of us have sense and control and wouldn't take another person's life. MOO IMO JMO
We know CW lied during his interviews . To go off of his character based upon every single relative of SW, neighbors , friends if the past and present and even every verified insider we have not one single person has called him a habitual liar , nor creepy . In fact he seemed loved by everyone . We have him telling authorities where bodies are. We have him confessing to SW so I’m unclear and bewildered as to what evidence shows he is a professional liar ? The psychologist interview watching the interview only speaks he was hiding something which at that point he was. What about his statement can be deemed false with evidence thus far?
Past tense is usually considered significant by the professionals who analyze these kinds of things. I have to say, I’ve never referred to my daughter in the past tense. They’d also only been missing a day at this point, and this was Tuesday, why wouldn’t he think Bella would still start school the next Monday.. surely they’ll be found by then ..

Like someone else mentioned, he was consciously talking about Bella and Celeste in the present tense and then slipped up IMO.

All a bit moot now I guess though, since we all know for sure he was lying. Still, it’s interesting to watch it after the fact.


Maybe so, I don't know the answer to that, but I know that it's unreliable to put much weight on it.
I was watching a program recently discussing this and they were saying talking in past tense is not a sign of lying, but switching back and forth from present to past can be an indicator of deception. MOO

And that's what CW did!

Maybe so, I don't know the answer to that, but I know that it's unreliable to put much weight on it.

And that's what CW did!
Which could imply he was lying because he had hid the bodies in the oil tanks and shallow grave, after murdering his wife when he saw her kill his girls . The interview fits both ways moo
I agree, and this isn't unusual for a family annihilator. CW fits the profile to a T. To the point they could put his photo next to the definition in Webster's.

When people kill close relatives: Explaining 'family annihilators'
FBI agent Brad Garrett said...

But "family annihilators are never spontaneous," he said, adding that the crimes are premeditated and build up over week or months...

Snipped and BBM for brevity

I notice that he says "never" and seems confident of premeditation if we are to assume CW fits the obvious profile of a family annihilator. So does this mean we can assume this was definitely premeditated?

ETA: I don't think so- and I think many people on the thread think the murders were likely spontaneous. So while I totally agree there are many aspects of this case that fit a typical family annihilator, I do not agree it's a closed deal and that CW fits all of them. JMO of course.
I am so back and forth about how the phone ended up in the couch. I'd like to know if it was powered on or off when they found it. I have this quasi theory that if it was on, she dropped it there during the struggle and he could not find it.

If it was off, I lean toward him hiding it there in a rush when NUA called the police. I think if he knew where the phone was when he left that morning, it would be powered off so it would not ping. Her phone pinging at the house all day would ruin the story that she had left with the kids before he ever got home.

I had never thought of that! That is why I like this site as it gives other people's ideas that I would have never thought of. Thanks.

I would love to see the fingerprint patterns on that phone!

but I wonder, why would he take it in the first place if he was going to bring it back? It's not like he was going to turn it on while he was doing his work that morning?
Mom who killed kids after husband asked for divorce gets 120 years in prison
Many times women snap when feel as if they are being abandoned

A woman snapping and killing her children isn’t the unbelievable part. The unbelievable part is that he too snapped and then killed his wife and DIDN’T save his kids.

A normal response on his part would be to restrain her, or throw her against a wall, or hit her or knock her unconscious or something, quickly, to get her OFF Celeste and save her life.

Call 911. Scream. Yell. Run to the neighbours for help. Anything!

Where in history is there a case like the story Cw is telling? It just makes no sense,
Snipped and BBM for brevity

I notice that he says "never" and seems confident of premeditation if we are to assume CW fits the obvious profile of a family annihilator. So does this mean we can assume this was definitely premeditated?

ETA: I don't think so- and I think many people on the thread think the murders were likely spontaneous. So while I totally agree there are many aspects of this case that fit a typical family annihilator, I do not agree it's a closed deal and that CW fits all of them. JMO of course.
I agree as that point stuck out to me too. I see no evidence of this being planned for weeks. It was all too last minute IMO to have been anything but spontaneous.
A woman snapping and killing her children isn’t the unbelievable part. The unbelievable part is that he too snapped and then killed his wife and DIDN’T save his kids.

A normal response on his part would be to restrain her, or throw her against a wall, or hit her or knock her unconscious or something, quickly, to get her OFF Celeste and save her life.

Call 911. Scream. Yell. Run to the neighbours for help. Anything!

Where in history is there a case like the story Cw is telling? It just makes no sense,
I agree and then lets not forget disposes of the bodies and goes on tv to plead for his family o_O
A woman snapping and killing her children isn’t the unbelievable part. The unbelievable part is that he too snapped and then killed his wife and DIDN’T save his kids.

A normal response on his part would be to restrain her, or throw her against a wall, or hit her or knock her unconscious or something, quickly, to get her OFF Celeste and save her life.

Call 911. Scream. Yell. Run to the neighbours for help. Anything!

Where in history is there a case like the story Cw is telling? It just makes no sense,
In reference to restraining CW we don't know yet that he didn't do exactly that. IMO
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