Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #39

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DNA Solves
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Well from what I see, they are either verified as an insider or a friend. If the website here decides which one then the information those folks give might be take a bit differently I guess

Verified posters do not have to say how they know the people in this case. If it says Insider it just means they don’t want to say if they are a friend or family member or coworker or whatever their relationship is. If it says Friend then that means they are ok saying they are a friend. If it says Expert they are an attorney, doctor, etc.
Serena, where did you see that Bella was supposed to start school that same Monday, and not the next Monday? Not that I know any differently, just that I thought it was the following week.

CW gave his interviews on Tuesday. He said that Bella was going to start kindergarten next Monday, i.e. in 6 days' time.
Ab had a dude on that said they can differentiate between normal family touch DNA and strangulation touch DNA, it would be more concentrated, something along those lines.
I think that's the same source that said the drone discovered the bodies in the tanks. It may not always be accurate. Imo
Verified posters do not have to say how they know the people in this case. If it says Insider it just means they don’t want to say if they are a friend or family member or coworker or whatever their relationship is. If it says Friend then that means they are ok saying they are a friend. If it says Expert they are an attorney, doctor, etc.
Thanks for verifying that. Otherwise it would make a difference in the reasons someone spoke out as a friend or just someone who knew stuff and motives for that. Hope that's how it works here IMO
But one was labeled a verified friend the isalybra I believe and the rest insiders

Jack, if you're interested in being a VI and worried about confidentiality, you don't need to be. None of us will ever know who you are unless you tell us. Only Tricia will know. On the other hand, if you're curious because you want to question the validity of our VIs then rest assured that the proper background check is done before they're labeled as such on here. Many times the VIs won't come right out and tell us who they are, but they will clarify their relationship with the victims as much as they can. With that being said, we cannot speculate about their relationship with the victims. That's what's making it difficult to answer your questions: we don't know who these folks are, only that they were somehow connected to SW, CW, and the girls.
Jessica Ridgeway was murdered 6 years ago today. Today is the 6 Year Anniversary of her murder here in Northern Colorado (and not all that far from Frederick. Yes everyone and new locals now here on WS for the Watts family, it has been 6 years today. I will be posting in her threads later this evening).


As I haven’t forgotten about Jessica or other victims, neither will Shanann, CeCe and Bella be forgotten.

May their special spirits be respected and their love for each other remembered. And not desecrated.
Gosh, margarita, I remember a websleuths member wanting to drive the neighborhood after work ... something about a park area??? (before Jessica was found) and we were all ... noooo, it’s dangerous! I can’t find it. Do you remember? Was that you?
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Some reporters aren’t exactly aware of real world realities. No drone can peer inside metal oil tanks, even with FLIR technology.

The site was discovered with the help of the drone. The bodies locations were revealed by CW. The bodies, would have been found by LE regardless.
The drone had already seen the disrupted soil of SW's grave. I doubt they had this technology on the drone but it's going to be a boost for LE in being able to search for bodies.
Jack, if you're interested in being a VI and worried about confidentiality, you don't need to be. None of us will ever know who you are unless you tell us. Only Tricia will know. On the other hand, if you're curious because you want to question the validity of our VIs then rest assured that the proper background check is done before they're labeled as such on here. Many times the VIs won't come right out and tell us who they are, but they will clarify their relationship with the victims as much as they can. With that being said, we cannot speculate about their relationship with the victims. That's what's making it difficult to answer your questions: we don't know who these folks are, only that they were somehow connected to SW, CW, and the girls.
Thanks. Was just wondering how it the connection was verified and if it was censored or figured out cause some were friends and some wer insiders. Thanks
And me, as well. I totally believe that CW killed them all. Any news on the autopsy results? I'm thinking those will clear up a LOT of confusion.

I'm hoping that at least one of the outlets will immediately release them in their entirety, versus nightly dribs and drabs of parts of them. I'm trying to recall which media Outlet usually releases the entire thing from previous cases, versus us trying to have to get them to share with each other.
Could SW’s pillowcase or another one of her possessions like a scarf, or other item she had worn been used?

I think it’s odd that it was requested for DNA to be examined from the girls by the defense. It seems if they would be bold enough to emphasize that, that he may have “thought ahead” in thinking he could outsmart experts with yet another one of his series ot blunders.
Yes, thats a very good point. If he used a scarf belonging to SW, there would be more of her DNA, possibly. But then there's the problem of the oil...but the kids DNA would be on the scarf...i just don't know.
She chose to tell us her relationship to the victims, so she is a verified insider who we know is a friend (of the victims).

We have another verified insider who also chose to tell us she was a friend.

Finally, we have a 3rd verified insider who wishes to keep his/her identity private. We don't know her relationship to the victim.

There is no "verified friend" label. I hope this makes sense! :)

Perfect sense. It's a choice Thanks for making that clear
Wait, did I miss something? Do we know that now? I thought we were still just speculating on it.

I probably did not express myself well, sorry. I am speaking about it as the working hypothesis that many had mentioned. As I have said, I am surprised that he could do it and not sure it is a reasonable assumption. (All the more so that SW should have entered her daughters' rooms upon arrival, to kiss them or check on them. This is what I would expect from a mom - unless he killed her before she went upstairs).
The drone had already seen the disrupted soil of SW's grave. I doubt they had this technology on the drone but it's going to be a boost for LE in being able to search for bodies.
Absolutely. Thats incredibly useful technology, as modern equipment requires you to push a device over the area you are searching.

Doing that from the air, would allow you to at the very least, determine areas where ground technology could be utilized.
I probably did not express myself well, sorry. I am speaking about it as the working hypothesis that many had mentioned. As I have said, I am surprised that he could do it and not sure it is a reasonable assumption. (All the more so that SW should have entered her daughters' rooms upon arrival, to kiss them or check on them. This is what I would expect from a mom - unless he killed her before she went upstairs).

Shew, I've been thread hopping a lot today and I thought I'd genuinely missed an update. Thanks for explaining! :)
We still don’t know the order of the killings. There is no evidence to indicate that the kids were killed prior to Shanann’s arrival.

It’s entirely possible, but we just don’t know.

As I have said, it looks very unlikely to me because you have to be extremely bold to take such a risk given highly possible flight delays. But several posters spoke about it as the possibility, so I am answering them/my own thoughts.

BTW, sorry for grammar mistakes in my post - I changed it and erased some words, accidentally.
I probably did not express myself well, sorry. I am speaking about it as the working hypothesis that many had mentioned. As I have said, I am surprised that he could do it and not sure it is a reasonable assumption. (All the more so that SW should have entered her daughters' rooms upon arrival, to kiss them or check on them. This is what I would expect from a mom - unless he killed her before she went upstairs).
That's what I think, that he killed her before she even got a chance to see the girls. I think he would have killed them first just because it was easier, and he wouldn't have to deal with any kind of confrontation. Jmo
Thank you. That says the drone revealed fresh dirt near the tanks. But not that they knew there were bodies in the tanks. Unless that's how they figured it out. Could be. I would think eventually it would come to their minds they might be in there along with a feeling of dread and disbelief. And horror.

They had the GPS data from the truck, so they knew the only possible locations where the girls could be. And the drones would show there were no other graves like the one he had dug for the mom, anywhere nearby.

And he probably had a work order, showing he had worked on the
As I have said, it looks very unlikely to me because you have to be extremely bold to take such a risk given highly possible flight delays. But several posters spoke about it as the possibility, so I am answering them/my own thoughts.

BTW, sorry for grammar mistakes in my post - I changed it and erased some words, accidentally.
And there was a flight delay. I think that interfered with his plan considerably. Jmo

I still think something might have happened where her phone was found. Maybe.

Maybe he couldn’t find her phone? If he didn’t hide it himself.

JMO, maybe he put it there on purpose because he wanted her phone to be found in the house? I think that might have worked if he led LE to believe this was an abduction scenario. JMO, I do think that *might* have been his original plan, but was screwed up when NUA called LE because the front and more specifically the back door was locked from the inside, and that proved she didn't out that way and that no one could have gotten in that way.

I understand the house had a kind of security system that records when doors to the house are open, closed, etc. I don't know what to think about that. Is this something he could have disabled?

He may have known about the next-door neighbor's security cam that showed CW's garage. It appears he was careful to cite the exact times NUA dropped SW and when he left that morning.

Maybe I'm just giving him too much credit for even having a master plan - lol. But I do think he had one.

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