Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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When we are talking about MLM scams, it is about the "snake oil and tricks". She only makes her money by turning other people into "promoters", and pushing them to buy diet products, which are over priced to support the pyramid scheme. Most MLM sales directors spend more money than they actually earn. And in order to get people to buy into their products, the directors have to put themselves out on Social Media as having the "perfect fantasy" life; nice cars, exotic trips, parties.

Not victim blaming, it is MLM that forces people to spend beyond their means, with the constant pressure. Maybe CW wanted off the Merry go Round. Combine that with financial problems, a possible explosive relationship, add steroids, other drugs...narcissistic control issues. It is the "Jeffrey McDonald Syndrome".
And his daughters killing by him was about what?
“He has not yet been formally charged and is set to return to court on Tuesday.

"The suspect is presumed innocent until otherwise proven guilty in the court of law," Weld County District Attorney Michael Rourke said at a news conference Thursday.

Authorities have declined to comment on a potential motive.

"Our role now is to do everything we can to determine exactly what occurred and assist in filing the thorough case," Colorado Bureau of Investigation director John Camper added on Thursday.”

Motive a mystery in husband's alleged killing of pregnant wife and 2 young daughters
Ooh, this one I know!

You actually can plead guilty to a death penalty crime and receive the death penalty -- or at least, someone in Kentucky did so. The case went to the Supreme Court of Kentucky when objections were raised by people other than the defendant. The court ruled it was permissible if the defendant was competent, which this man was. So he was able to plead guilty, he received the death penalty, and he was executed within a few years.

Supreme Court case with some details about this: Competence to Plead Guilty and Seek the Death Penalty
Didn't Timothy McVeigh do the same? I cant remember for sure but I thought he did. I know he waived his appeals.
I don't know if anyone's answered how she knew she was having a boy so soon. Nowadays there are genetic blood tests that test for the presence of fetal DNA in the mother's blood. They accurately predict the sex of the baby as early as 10 weeks.

Also, ultrasound technology has vastly improved. I knew via ultrasound at 14 weeks that I was having a boy.
You folks are fixated on her spending and not his. Plus some act like she was selling snake oil and tricking people to support her lifestyle.

She wasn't a gypsy, card reader folks. Lol. Come on.

Agree - he is clearly the psycho. The proof is in the pudding. He wiped out his entire family and thought he was smooth enough to get away with it. He killed them, hid their bodies and then he gave interviews to the media, lied to LE, etc. This was premeditated homicide, IMO, and he fully intended to get away with it. I am just waiting for a girlfriend to surface.

His name, in addition to Shanann's, is on the deed to the house, and my guess is he's also on the mortgage. He was also a party to the 2015 bankruptcy and he knew, at that time, that they had $400,000 in unsecured debt and he also knew his income was insufficient to support their huge mortgage. He is no innocent babe in the woods.

He is an abuser, IMO. He knew his wife suffered from lupus, which is a very serious auto-immune disorder that can kill. I'm sure she had many days when her disease flared and she could barely get out of bed. A full-time job is problematic when you have a disease like this because there is a need to take days off when you are in a flare and the flares are unpredictable and there is no way to tell how long the flare will last. Even the most sympathetic employer eventually gets very tired of this. Shanann also had two small children to care for, which further complicated her employment options.

Given what I know about lupus, I don't think the expensive, 4100 sq ft home was her idea. She didn't need the stress of cleaning it, and she very likely did not have the energy for it. She also didn't need the stress of having a huge mortgage. Given the fact he didn't earn enough to afford the house, he didn't do what a loving and supportive husband and father does. He didn't go out and get a part-time job for himself, and get out from the huge mortgage, which would have simplified her life so she could take care of her health.

He let the burden fall on her shoulders. The poor woman was ILL. MLM likely seemed like a good solution to her and it probably also gave her some hope. She spent a lot of time on social media and that is probably because this was something she could do while laying down or resting.

My heart absolutely breaks for Shanann and for her babies. I think she married an absolute monster and she didn't know who he really was until it was too late. I think he kept upping the game on her constantly, making her jump through impossible hoops until he finally decided he was done with her.

Who knows? Why did Jeffrey McDonald kill his daughters? There are a myriad of factors and potential reasons. The speculation is endless...
Agree. Clean slate? Start over unfettered? Resent them? See them as mere extensions of their mother? Need them gone as part of the cover story as to why the wife is dead? Eliminate witnesses? Lots of possible reasons. Not good or decent reasons, I grant you that!
But that fact that she called LE means she knew something BAD had happened because she and SW had discussed it. Nicole was primed to look for something BAD to have happened. She wasn't going to let CW bs her about a walk or something.......

Absolutely! She knew. Somehow she knew. And I wonder what she showed the police (a text?) to convince them to act as quickly as they did.
And a lot of those trips and stuff are free. They "earn" them.

Even the trips are usually a scam. They will cover the hotel room, but not airfare, transportation, food, drinks, etc. So you essentially get a $1500 hotel room voucher after you sell $50k worth of products.

Some MLMs also pressure you into reinvesting nearly all of your profits back into inventory. I have a few friends who made ok money for a couple of years and as the trend faded they were left with tons of unsellable inventory. There are a number of class action lawsuits and a number of MLMs dissolved after inquiries by the SEC.

I lost quite a number of Facebook friends when I posted this warning from the Securities Exchange Commission but it is worth reading and sharing: | Beware of Pyramid Schemes Posing as Multi-Level Marketing Programs
A couple of things to note. There are errors in this article but I posted it because apparently there are others like me that think her success really peed off CW.

Another error that is reported all over the place is that she has been selling Thrive only since 2015 when in fact she had been selling it since January of 2013. I think for tax purposes and bankruptcy filings it was not mentioned. This is easily verified by her own postings on her Instagram account. In consecutive months she verifies this. In April 2015 she states she has been selling Thrive for 27 months and in March she states 26 months.

Thrive Healthy Fit Mom (@shanannwatts) • Instagram photos and videos

Did Shanann Watts's sudden financial success drive a fatal wedge into her marriage with Chris?
It has been discussed but I don't think we've ever come to a conclusion what it is - scratch, bite, etc. When I zoom in, I see the red area and also a little higher and to the right what looks like a thumbprint bruise, but I have a pretty good imagination too, so that might be it, lol.

Just jumping off your pic...
I hope Shannan gave him a few scrapes bruises pinches and bites. Would be interesting to know if any areas on his body that we can't see are showing wounds from Shannan.
Agree - he is clearly the psycho. The proof is in the pudding. He wiped out his entire family and thought he was smooth enough to get away with it. He killed them, hid their bodies and then he gave interviews to the media, lied to LE, etc. This was premeditated homicide, IMO, and he fully intended to get away with it. I am just waiting for a girlfriend to surface.

His name, in addition to Shanann's, is on the deed to the house, and my guess is he's also on the mortgage. He was also a party to the 2015 bankruptcy and he knew, at that time, that they had $400,000 in unsecured debt and he also knew his income was insufficient to support their huge mortgage. He is no innocent babe in the woods.

He is an abuser, IMO. He knew his wife suffered from lupus, which is a very serious auto-immune disorder that can kill. I'm sure she had many days when her disease flared and she could barely get out of bed. A full-time job is problematic when you have a disease like this because there is a need to take days off when you are in a flare and the flares are unpredictable and there is no way to tell how long the flare will last. Even the most sympathetic employer eventually gets very tired of this. Shanann also had two small children to care for, which further complicated her employment options.

Given what I know about lupus, I don't think the expensive, 4100 sq ft home was her idea. She didn't need the stress of cleaning it, and she very likely did not have the energy for it. She also didn't need the stress of having a huge mortgage. Given the fact he didn't earn enough to afford the house, he didn't do what a loving and supportive husband and father does. He didn't go out and get a part-time job for himself, and get out from the huge mortgage, which would have simplified her life so she could take care of her health.

He let the burden fall on her shoulders. The poor woman was ILL. MLM likely seemed like a good solution to her and it probably also gave her some hope. She spent a lot of time on social media and that is probably because this was something she could do while laying down or resting.

My heart absolutely breaks for Shanann and for her babies. I think she married an absolute monster and she didn't know who he really was until it was too late. I think he kept upping the game on her constantly, making her jump through impossible hoops until he finally decided he was done with her.

Agree 1000%

Hugs my friend. Because some of these folks don't understand exactly the totality of the actual meaning that you just posted. Much obliged.
He's going to enter a plea of not guilty. Pretty much everyone does at that stage. There's not enough time to discuss a plea deal. His lawyers are going to command him to do so and explain why.

That does NOT mean there will be a trial.

I have a feeling there won't be.

If there is a thread of decency in the SOB he will take the plea and spare her family the nightmare of a trial where they would more then likely have to testify about the validity of a comment her friend gave reporters. She stated that SW's mom confided to her that SW and CW were having problems and that SW planned to seperate from him. That only looks worse for him and the jury will remember this come sentencing time.
I wouldn't assume that they cancelled their 2015 bankruptcy. If they could have paid off their debts why would they have been seeking to discharge them under Ch. 7. The Radar Online story that includes a bankruptcy court doc says it was discharged three months after filed ,which means it went through and the debts were discharged in the bankruptcy.

I assume lots more will come to light about finances and what role (if any) such troubles were playing in the marriage.

Oh thanks for this info. I am not familiar with that! I thought bankruptcy took much longer which is why I thought they cancelled it.
She belonged to a Lupus Support group on Facebook. Numerous comments on her brother's FB page from friends she made over the years dealing with the illness.

She, herself, posted she had Lupus on her Twitter account.

Tragically, she also said she’d never have met CW if she hadn’t had Lupus. She perceived “bad things bring great things”. And she thought moving to CO was the best thing she’d ever done.


  • 4E9B339C-04FD-4252-9FB5-04114A64F78E.png
    380.3 KB · Views: 568
Just jumping off your pic...
I hope Shannan gave him a few scrapes bruises pinches and bites. Would be interesting to know if any areas on his body that we can't see are showing wounds from Shannan.

If you look at his interview it does look like there’s a scratch on his neck. It’s small, but something. Plus he confessed already.
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