Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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Could there have been another reason for the unpaid HOA dues, like an ongoing argument between them and the HOA? “We’re not paying the dues until such and such is done to our yard like you said when we signed the contract” Or something along those lines?

No, not in Colorado. I live here and that is the quickest way to find yourself out of a home. I got a violation for leaving my trash can out 2 hours past the time it was supposed to be in. HOAs are everywhere here. At least they bought when I did, it is not uncommon for HOAs now to run between 400-800 monthly. I pay $120 on a $900 a month home payment. Although the price of my home has since doubled and more, to over a half mil for a townhome from under 200k. Where they bought was extremely cheap at the time...I have a friend, single parent teacher making 40k that bought right near them. So it was doable back then, I am also a single parent with no child support.
would an insurance pay ( if she was never found?)
If SW was missing and policy was for death, she would have to be declared dead -- that would take some time. Also, just as there are provisions to deny for suicide, there are also provisions that could make coverage void if CW was the beneficiary, and convicted of murder. In other words, he cannot benefit from her death living mortgage free, or selling the paid house to enjoy the proceeds.
Just want to add, in case it hasn’t been said already, he wasn’t necessarily cheating with another woman!

And if he was fooling around with men behind her back, he may have been less likely to share that with his jogging buddy.

I remember one of the characteristics of narcissists is that they are often very sexually indiscriminant people. While making you feel like you are the one and only best most fabulous lover, they are having side action of any kind, without remorse. Now CW doesnt seem social enough to be that classic a narcissist but someone earlier on had mentioned a closeted kind of narcissist pattern and he might very well be that kind of person.
You know that is really sad. If what her mom's friend said about her planning to leave him was true and what her brother here said is true [bbm], she could certainly have started a new life riding on the wave of her income for as long as it lasts, lived in more humble digs for a couple of years to save as much as she could. then if she chose to move back home to NC where property is much more affordable and possibly pay cash for a home. In the very least, she could have a huge down payment/low mortgage which would allow her the freedom of working a less hectic job, more time with her kids and possibly meet someone else who treated her as she should be treated. He stole that from her and the kids. It just highlights to me what a true loser he really is. I call it small man syndrome and everyone has to suffer because of it.
What? Are you saying SW brother is posting on WS?
I remember one of the characteristics of narcissists is that they are often very sexually indiscriminant people. While making you feel like you are the one and only best most fabulous lover, they are having side action of any kind, without remorse. Now CW doesnt seem social enough to be that classic a narcissist but someone earlier on had mentioned a closeted kind of narcissist pattern and he might very well be that kind of person.

The closet/covert narcissist I was involved with was bi-sexual, constantly wanted me to have threesomes with another man, and had an active profile the entire time we dated. As soon as we broke up, he was dating someone else. And he definitely was not "smooth" or had any game whatsoever. In fact, he was incredibly awkward and not even slightly good-looking. (What was I thinking? lol)
All I know is what she told someone on her Facebook. He talked her into this baby. That's what she said, not what I am saying. Clearly he wanted them all gone, but must not have felt that way at the time they were trying for a baby.
You can't believe everything that is being posted on facebook. I don't think he wanted any more children. If they had issues with finances (which it would appear) having another child was going to make that even worse.
“Retired teacher Joe Duty was shocked Thursday when he heard that Chris Watts, one of his former Pine Forest High School automotive students, was charged with murdering his pregnant wife and two young daughters in Colorado... Those who know Watts described him as a remarkably intelligent youth.... ‘This was one of the smartest students I ever had. The guy had a photographic memory,’ [Duty] said... ‘In fact, I told him before he graduated, I said, '“Chris, if I ever had a student who was going to be tremendously successful, it's you.”' ...
Chris Watts, accused of killing pregnant wife, kids in Colorado, has Fayetteville ties
If people expected him to be very successful but then he wasn't that could have contributed to his overall resentment of his life situation. He could have blamed his wife and children for his lack of tremendous success.
Hi all, working my way through the threads on this awful case.
Started the other day, bookmarked a spot on thread 3 and 12 hours later you're on thread 4 - so apologies if I'm just repeating what other have already said.

- So far haven't seen any rumours of past DV which I would have expected. Just don't u'stand how he got from zero to 100 - 100 being strangling your small daughters & then killing your wife, zero being the individual described by their friends. ( The couple interview.)
- Has anyone seen any reports on what Nicole thinks - she obviously had some strong suspicions, hence calling LE so fast when Shanann didn't make her appointment. ( Or that Nicole had been told by SW she was returning to have a show-down with CW, was leaving him. We hear about that scenario leading to family murder, too often.

-Back on thread 3 a few posters mentioned that Bella looked uneasy in many photos. IDK about that but I can imagine that was an unhappy household just because of the years of dysfunctionality over finances. ( Bankruptcy in 2015, so financial stress before that & presumably bubbling up again leading to next week's HOA court appearance.)
Maybe it's all Bella would ever have known whereas younger Cece would naturally have been more oblivious. Then combine that with the constant duty to dress up and smile for those daily SM shots
“Retired teacher Joe Duty was shocked Thursday when he heard that Chris Watts, one of his former Pine Forest High School automotive students, was charged with murdering his pregnant wife and two young daughters in Colorado... Those who know Watts described him as a remarkably intelligent youth.... ‘This was one of the smartest students I ever had. The guy had a photographic memory,’ [Duty] said... ‘In fact, I told him before he graduated, I said, '“Chris, if I ever had a student who was going to be tremendously successful, it's you.”' ...
Chris Watts, accused of killing pregnant wife, kids in Colorado, has Fayetteville ties

And yet he doesn't come across as the smartest individual in that training/education clip - where he's doing a presentation on relationship breakdown nor in the interview clip where he claimed she was missing.
I’m not saying SWs posts weren’t genuine. They may of been. But they also may of not been. She may of been trying to convince herself and her also her husband that they were a great team. I take social media posts of people I don’t know too well with a grain of salt these days. Her friend Nicole must of known something. If I thought my friend had a great marriage and a great husband, I wouldn’t of assumed the worst immediately. I would assume she got caught up in something or maybe got sick or I would of stopped by before calling the police that fast.

Especially as some of the Instagram pix ( haven't looked at the FB accounts) show that CW is part of the Thrive sell, in some way.
In one of the recent Insta photos, she's tagging their couple shots as #PowerCouple #BossCouple etc and altho I know nothing about Thrive, looks like it's a policy to recruit spouses to double up the revenue - all the references to #Duo and "are you going #Duo?"
Couldn't find a single unposed shot of him - ie. one where he's natural, any time he appears he has that inane smile.Nothing is real ( As with MLM & SM I assume all those photos get junked.)
Yep! Eyes For Lies always calls this reaction Duper’s Delight. They cannot hide the fact that they are enjoying lying, and love that they think they will fool everyone and get away with it.
This is what brought me back to the board. I DVR Ashley Banford and first saw his interview there. When it was over, a shiver went down my spine.

He said that when he went back to the house "nothing" was there.. things, not people.

As he was swaying back and forth, he slowly moved his head from side-to-side, indicating he was lying.

Then there was that huge grin which brought to mind Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias.

After viewing 3 or 4 times, I knew he was lying.

At that point, it broke my heart.
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Whoever posted the wonderful aerials of the well site where the bodies were located, could you post on this thread? It was such an excellent photo and shows so many things.

I found the FoxNews helicopter video. I am firmly convinced after watching all 37 minutes of it that the photo is of a broken culvert that was undermining the roadbed and NOT the site from which SW's body was recovered.

The copter is just randomly flying around a very large area occasionally focusing on wells or tanks to see if there is any suspect activity and they find nothing. Nothing. Watch all 37 minutes of it if you want. It goes on forever seemingly aimlessly flying all over and I was actually worried they'd run out of fuel. That might have been exciting. There are an awful lot of wells & tanks out there, of all shapes & sizes.

The photo was taken near the intersection of County Road 52 and County Road 17.

FOX 26 Houston

You can find the link on post #460 on page 23 of Thread # 2.
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I try to disengage from this type of stuff but there was something haunting me last night over and over again while sleeping.
The message I got from those continuous disturbances was that this case must serve as a message, a wake up call for all women.
Anyone can get caught up with a creep like this. It's not just a weak and vulnerable woman. The smartest and the strongest amongst us can also mistakenly fall for a jerk like this unknowingly at some point in their lives.
If you are in a relationship like this, RUN as fast as you can. If you hear a small voice telling you there's something about him that's not right then leave.
Women deserve better than these crazy unstable time bombs.
No, not in Colorado. I live here and that is the quickest way to find yourself out of a home. I got a violation for leaving my trash can out 2 hours past the time it was supposed to be in. HOAs are everywhere here. At least they bought when I did, it is not uncommon for HOAs now to run between 400-800 monthly. I pay $120 on a $900 a month home payment. Although the price of my home has since doubled and more, to over a half mil for a townhome from under 200k. Where they bought was extremely cheap at the time...I have a friend, single parent teacher making 40k that bought right near them. So it was doable back then, I am also a single parent with no child support.

Colorado is a “super-lien” state. If you are delinquent for six months or more, the HOA can foreclose and it becomes ahead of the first mortgage holder. Colorado HOA Foreclosures

The above source also says some states require the first mortgage holder to be notified of HOA delinquencies so they can pay them in order to protect their position, but it doesn’t state specifically if that is the case in Colorado.
@taylorss said:
“Retired teacher Joe Duty was shocked Thursday when he heard that Chris Watts, one of his former Pine Forest High School automotive students, was charged with murdering his pregnant wife and two young daughters in Colorado... Those who know Watts described him as a remarkably intelligent youth.... ‘This was one of the smartest students I ever had. The guy had a photographic memory,’ [Duty] said... ‘In fact, I told him before he graduated, I said, '“Chris, if I ever had a student who was going to be tremendously successful, it's you.”' ...
Chris Watts, accused of killing pregnant wife, kids in Colorado, has Fayetteville ties
And yet he doesn't come across as the smartest individual in that training/education clip - where he's doing a presentation on relationship breakdown nor in the interview clip where he claimed she was missing.
I saw that video so I know what your saying. However, my auto mechanic is one of the smartest individuals I've ever known; I appreciate him and don't know how I'd survive without him!!
@taylorss said:
“Retired teacher Joe Duty was shocked Thursday when he heard that Chris Watts, one of his former Pine Forest High School automotive students, was charged with murdering his pregnant wife and two young daughters in Colorado... Those who know Watts described him as a remarkably intelligent youth.... ‘This was one of the smartest students I ever had. The guy had a photographic memory,’ [Duty] said... ‘In fact, I told him before he graduated, I said, '“Chris, if I ever had a student who was going to be tremendously successful, it's you.”' ...
Chris Watts, accused of killing pregnant wife, kids in Colorado, has Fayetteville ties

I saw that video so I know what your saying. However, my auto mechanic is one of the smartest individuals I've ever known; I appreciate him and don't know how I'd survive without him!!

Yes aren't there are at least four types of intelligence quotients anyway, one being social smarts, basically.
Also possessing a photographic memory isn't a diagnostic as far as I know and that's why it's not part of any of those IQ tests I know of.

Re the auto mechanic - absolutely agree that having amazing potential at school doesn't always translate to later norms of prof success. (My mum was a sch tchr of 3 decades & I do recall asking her who was the smartest kid she ever taught. It was a guy who ended up working in a factory. Anyway I reckon she wouldn't have been basing that on any criteria around photo-recall which isn't that rare.)

Anyway this MLM stuff is fascinating. Apparently Utah is the epicenter. After looking at that instagram account , especially all those "feelgood" quotes ( aphorisms) on T shirts, on pix hanging in the home, memes I think "hall of mirrors" sounds pertinent for this whole case: Nothing is what it seems.

"Trying to wrap your head around the concept of selling a business opportunity to sell a business opportunity to sell a business opportunity can feel like being lost in a hall of mirrors ....

"To figure out how much the workers make, head back to the hall of mirrors. Tales of newly-minted millionaires circulate like cash, as do stories of people who’ve lost fatal amounts of it. Money is only part of why one joins, though: Here in Utah Valley, distributors preach a gospel of mind-body wellness, founded on healthy supplements and spiritual growth...."

Depending on who you ask, this industry is either a bastion of American innovation or a scam of epic proportions, the Giza of pyramid schemes. Meanwhile, facts that might help you decide which one it is—such as whether distributors earn or lose money, and how much—are difficult to pin down....

At the Q Sciences conference, facts are swept up in avalanches of feelings. One activity consists of standing up and telling the person next to you, “You’re the smartest person I’ve met all day.” A motivational video teaches that success depends not on your circumstances, but your state of mind. “You gotta want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe!” proclaims a voice out of a Rocky movie."

How Utah Became a Bizarre, Blissful Epicenter for Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
She was 15 weeks pregnant so that would be roughly May 12 week or so for a conception . What was the date of her fb video vs her stay in NC? I know he was there the first week but his reaction to the pregnancy news was odd. Could he bc money strain, marital problems or he was cheating and wanting out. But in NC if everyone knew SW wanted to leave , I’m just trying to gage his reaction
One thing that is definitely a red flag to me is the 6 week visit to NC. That is a long time to stay away from your home for no reason other than a "visit". I have not read anywhere that she was there to take care of a sick relative for example or why the visit was so long but it does make me wonder why.
^ Also the paternal grandmother’s alleged refusal to attend the little daughter’s birthday party (if I have that right) - very hard to imagine, but it makes some sense if the g’ma felt that her family ties to SW were being severed.
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