Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #44

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NUA talked to Shanann on a daily basis. She knew it wasn’t normal for her to not text or call her because every time they went on a trip like the one to Arizona, she would "blow up my phone the next day about us working our business".

Because SW had been sick while they were away and because she hadn't called or sent texts and had missed her doctor's appointment, she went to the house to check on her ... We know what followed after that so no need to repeat it again.

Did she not also miss her sales team meeting that am?
Child molestation has nothing to do with sexual desire. It is power/control issues imo.

She was a helicopter mom who worked from home. I would think his ability to molest would be very limited in that he had very little time alone with them.

It actually does involve sexual desire. Such people are sexually attracted to children of a certain age. Jmo
To date, all the facts and evidence known to us, supports the multiple charges filed against CW and points to his guilt. CW's own behavior supports that he is guilty.

To date there are no facts and evidence known to us that SW committed any crime. The only consideration that SW may have committed a crime is based on the self-serving accusations of CW, an admitted liar and killer who made the accusations AFTER he knew that he was suspected of the crime.
OK, we'll have to agree to disagree on this :)
About which part, and can you provide facts or evidence that show where I'm wrong? Thanks.
Hi Judy

Which type do you think CW is?

He does seem to be in effect transferring blame to SW in his coverup ...

I wonder if that is more significant than simply trying to get away with murder

Hi MrJitty,

What exactly do you mean by what type?

I have absolutely no doubt he is transferring the blame to SW for murdering the children which is his reason for strangling her.
To date, all the facts and evidence known to us, supports the multiple charges filed against CW and points to his guilt. CW's own behavior supports that he is guilty.

To date there are no facts and evidence known to us that SW committed any crime. The only consideration that SW may have committed a crime is based on the self-serving accusations of CW, an admitted liar and killer who made the accusations AFTER he knew that he was suspected of the crime.

About which part, and can you provide facts or evidence that show where I'm wrong? Thanks.
This is the bit that we'll agree to disagree on - "There is no evidence that SW lied. There are SM interpretations and persons who told a story differently than SW did. That is not a lie."
NUA talked to Shanann on a daily basis. She knew it wasn’t normal for her to not text or call her because every time they went on a trip like the one to Arizona, she would "blow up my phone the next day about us working our business".

Because SW had been sick while they were away and because she hadn't called or sent texts and had missed her doctor's appointment, she went to the house to check on her ... We know what followed after that so no need to repeat it again.
Right, she said she first got concerned because Shanann had not sent her the "Good morning" text she usually did first thing in the morning.
This is the bit that we'll agree to disagree on - "There is no evidence that SW lied. There are SM interpretations and persons who told a story differently than SW did. That is not a lie."
What evidence is there that SW lied? She saw and said things one way, someone else another. That is not a lie. Please elucidate.
Hi MrJitty,

What exactly do you mean by what type?

I have absolutely no doubt he is transferring the blame to SW for murdering the children which is his reason for strangling her.

You article mentions four types of Family Annihilator.

The only thing I've seen (linkable) regarding her first marriage is that her former in-laws are heartbroken.

“I am sick over it, honestly,” said AK of North Carolina. AK’s brother-in-law was previously married to Shanann Watts. “Any family she has here in North Carolina, we are heartbroken.”
Colorado mom and husband described as 'perfect couple' ahead of alleged murders
Thanks! This is interesting if you compare it to her video, where she said she was in a bad relationship. I'm sure you know which one that was (if not I'll find the link). BTW, I found that video to be very interesting as SW contradicts herself in places. I'm not saying that to be mean either.
Excellent point and nicely worded. I’m not aware of any CW supporters on this thread either. Confusing posters who need more information or who are looking at all angles is unproductive and brings a nasty and unwelcome feel to the thread.

With all due respect, there have been several posts on this thread alone discrediting and slandering everyone from LE to the DA to Shanann's doctors in order to support CW. And posts that have stated straight out that the poster believed that Shanann murdered her children. So yes, there are CW supporters. And *those* types of posts bring a nasty and unwelcome feel to the thread, IMO.

We actually don’t have any proof Shanann was at all dishonest about nutgate. We have the word of an anonymous VI that’s CW’s friend/family against what a dead woman posted in FB and or told her friends. I am not ready to concede that SW’s version is inaccurate. But it’s not a subject we can explore here.

Exactly. We can't sleuth VI's, we can't sleuth their potential motives and have to take what they say without link or verification. But that doesn't mean we have to believe them all. I personally feel that the VI who stated the comments about nutgate - and the separation that was backed up and directly contradicted - had an agenda and a bias. That's not wrong, it's just how it is.

For instance, if my own MIL was a VI & I was gone, I have zero doubt most of what she would say would be lies for many, many reasons, but it would be taken as gospel from some due to the VI status and not able to be questioned or debated.

Yes, and she also said to knock it off with nutgate and ice cream or she'd flee the country. Yet here we are again.
Yes, with imput from the victim's families, I believe.

ETA - I think this case is very hard on both families and I think of them often.

I agree this case would have to be exceeding difficult for both families, and is very likely the worst thing that ever happened to them in their lives. It's heartbreaking.

I'm not so sure that an accused person's family members would be asked for their input, but I do think victim's family might very well be.
With all due respect, there have been several posts on this thread alone discrediting and slandering everyone from LE to the DA to Shanann's doctors in order to support CW. And posts that have stated straight out that the poster believed that Shanann murdered her children. So yes, there are CW supporters. And *those* types of posts bring a nasty and unwelcome feel to the thread, IMO.

Exactly. We can't sleuth VI's, we can't sleuth their potential motives and have to take what they say without link or verification. But that doesn't mean we have to believe them all. I personally feel that the VI who stated the comments about nutgate and the separation that were backed up and directly contradicted had an agenda and a bias. That's not wrong, it's just how it is.

For instance, if my own MIL were a VI & I were gone, I have zero doubt most of what she would say would be lies for many, many reasons, but it would be taken as gospel from some due to the VI status and not able to be questioned or debated.

Yes, and she also said to knock it off with nutgate and ice cream or she'd flee the country. Yet here we are again.
Respectfully - we are not at IT again. I was merely showing an example of where SW was not being truthful.
Would that be related to CW being charged with 5 felony murders? Don't forget you have not seen the more recent videos, no one still living has any idea how videos were edited, how many were private, and so forth. "She cannot always get her way"? Is that like always wanting to get the last word in? How does that relate to being a victim of murder?

I can not find it so I deleted the post !

We are allowing discussion of the defense put forward by CW's legal team.

Being "charged" with anything means you are accused of something. Here we use innocent until proven guilty. For some reason in this case, that core value appears to have vanished.

Like I said - it has been very bizarre.

While at the same time somewhat understandable.

The public sphere has been tainted by the media. On the 15th he was arrested and the media started blaring out the falsehood - he confessed to killing everyone.

The problem was he never confessed to that. BUT his confession was not released until for 5 days until the 20th.

It was a huge story. For five days the media erroneously screamed in headlines that he had confessed to all murders. Five days of non-stop WRONG facts.

That nation had a whole week in that mode. When the confession was released it was interpreted that he had changed his story, when in fact he had not.

IMO If the media had reported the facts correctly the case would be like many others. An alleged killer accused of something, and charged based on that. The alleged perp challenges the allegations.

By that point charged and confessed got all messed up IMO resulting in what has been going on - many believing , before trial and facts, that he did in fact, kill everyone.
I agree this case would have to be exceeding difficult for both families, and is very likely the worst thing that ever happened to them in their lives. It's heartbreaking.

I'm not so sure that an accused person's family members would be asked for their input, but I do think victim's family might very well be.
No, CW's family will unlikely have input. Yes, it must be incredibly hard for them all.
Thanks! This is interesting if you compare it to her video, where she said she was in a bad relationship. I'm sure you know which one that was (if not I'll find the link). BTW, I found that video to be very interesting as SW contradicts herself in places. I'm not saying that to be mean either.
Oh, I'm sure you're not trying to be mean or disrespect the murder victim or her family, and I'm not certain which videos you are referring to, although I'm sure we've seen them. It sounds like one of them may be the one I summarized, IIRC.

My purpose

Here is a summary (since this video is 15 minutes long) of the video for anyone who doesn’t have time to listen or can’t access Facebook. If you can listen, please do, as it exemplifies everything our two VI’s @isalybra and @Colorado303, Shanann’s family and her friends say about her. It is positive, uplifting and inspirational.

She's in her office and says it’s a mess, so she's cleaning while the kids are sleeping and found one of her baby pictures. She holds it up for her viewers to see and tells them “it's totally CeCe,” but that she sees Bella in it too. She says she wants to do this live to talk about herself (vs. Thrive). She was inspired to do so after talking to a friend from high school who she's talked to off and on for the last couple of years but never really any in-depth conversation to get to know what's going in their life and vice-versa.

One thing that she has learned about herself is that she loves, loves helping people. She says she was in a place for a long time where she was very insecure, didn't feel good about herself, wasn't happy, was in a bad relationship and went through a really awful divorce. She lost her confidence and had to start over financially. Everything that she had doubted before came flooding back. Her boss at the time took her under her wing and helped her regain her confidence. In short, she went through a long struggle with her ex, but credits him for making her a better person. She says she always sees the good in the bad and promises her viewers that if you dig deep enough into your struggle, you'll see the good and the positive in it.

She was diagnosed with "health challenges" in 2010 which put her in a really bad place. She didn't feel good about herself and lost many friends because they didn't understand what was happening. She says, "I looked like this still, but my inside felt awful." At the same time she was in this bad place, she says, "I met my Chris." She says that he's been the best thing, besides her children, that has ever happened to her. He understood her struggles, was okay with her cancelling dates or reservations last minute because, "ten minutes ago I felt amazing, and then ten minutes later I didn't."

She believes that things happen for a reason and that God works in mysterious ways. She believes he places people in our lives at the right time. Her struggle that year helped her see her husband. She initially ignored his friend request, deleting it - fast forward 6 months to when she was diagnosed with her health challenges...he sent her another friend request and she said, "What the heck. We're never going to meet, it's just Facebook, right?" And they met, and they fell in love and she says, "I couldn't ask God for a better man in my life because he's so supportive. He takes care of me, he's becoming funnier…” “he's sexy, he's good looking and he does take care of our girls. He's probably the best father I could have asked for, for my children."

She says she has people in her life that just talking to them, makes her a better person. She says, "Make sure you have people in your life who encourage you and motivate you and compliment you." She says, "Find your purpose." She says the reason she loves Thrive so much is because she found a purpose and she feels amazing.

She says she felt like a failure because she never completed college she started into a bad relationship and quit college to take care of him so he could go to college, then never started back. When she did, she was diagnosed with her health challenges that limited her ability to concentrate and focus, which was really hard for her because she's not a quitter. If she fails, she picks herself back up.

And now, even though she didn't finish college, she has a purpose. It's a blessing to be able to help somebody and she no longer feels like a failure. She doesn't feel like she has to prove anything to anybody but herself, her kids and create an example of a good person for them - of a leader. That's her goal. At the end of the day, she wants to help whoever it is who wants a better life for themselves or their family. "I love helping people," she says. "I love motivating. I love encouraging. I love sharing passion with others. I love that." She defines success as being able to make a difference in someone else's life. She says that is huge for her.

She says, "I love you guys. Find your purpose in life. Find your purpose in every day. Find what it is that drives you to be a better person and cling onto it. Like, run with it." She says if anyone needs motivation, someone to boost them up, or someone to talk to, "I'm here." She says she can never have too many people to help motivate her, encourage her and to help make her a better person. She says, "You don't have to join my team...there's so much negativity in the world that we lose that positive feeling."

She wishes her listeners a wonderful day and tells them to do something today to make somebody else smile and be a better person. She tells them to teach their kids to be positive instead of, “…all this negativity we have going on. There's just too much of it. Our kids deserve better. I want my kids raised in a better world, so we need to make a better world, so make somebody happy today, find your purpose..."

She says that every day she writes down what she's grateful for. Today she was grateful for her children, of course. She's grateful for waking up feeling great and she's grateful that her job cut back her hours this week. She looked at the positive and now she has time to help other people. She has more time to spend with her kids and that's what she's grateful for.
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