Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #5

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Why does it bother you that her friend did an interview? Did it bother you that the neighbors did? Why would you be surprised that his family hasn’t said anything, implying that you want them to, but not want her friend to say anything? Yesterday there were so many posts, “I can’t wait to hear what made her so suspicious” and that is very valid. I think you are being really tough on her friend.

We need to stop judging Shanann’s line of work and how her colleagues are deciding to deal with their grief. They knew her and believe this is what she would want them to do.
. I “liked” this post. And if there was a “love it! Icon I would have clicked it too. Thank you!
“They “were having marital problems and she [Shanann] was getting ready to leave him,” the friend told PEOPLE last week.“

After His Pregnant Wife Vanishes, Husband Said Their Marriage Was Having Problems: Report


Since the prosecution will likely use this as one of their main arguments, I wonder if the defense can object to this on the basis of “hearsay”? And if so, will the judge overrule?(@gitana1 )

Even if he doesn’t allow it I’m sure the prosecution will have much more they can offer!
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Boy you ask a lot of questions!!! I know some answers but I’m going to give you some links to read. I did and one thing I can quickly answer is depending on the tank size, and the roof ( fixed or floating) he may have had as much as a manhole size cover to fit through. Having said that, there would have been as many as 8 bolts to loosen to open the access.

I worked on the Exxon Valdez oil spill for the governor in Alaska. I was waiting to see if the prosecutor identified the type if tank. And as far as the solids in tanks yes there are some. I’ll find a link. The crude pumped out of the ground and into tanks is either sweet or sour. And if it was a crude oil tank then there’s only one shipping destination. A refinery. Keep in mind too the oil is heated to keep it liquid and thinner in order to pump easier through a pipeline. Those bodies were in very warm oil for over 4 days.

The cost to recover them was not cheap for Anadarko. Highly trained specialists are contracted to even open tanks to do anything inside. The vapors are flammable and I would imagine they had a crew come in from somewhere else to do it. Yes the tanks get maintained but that maintenance is customized to environmental laws and requirements in each jurisdiction. Each is different.

I’ll get done links posted. I hope I was helpful.

A big THANKS to you, Charliegizmo49!! Great info!! ;)
Meghan Lopez on Twitter

Just got a copy of nearly 80 documents related to the Chris Watts case. Here’s what I learned:

-Defense asked for Shanann’s nails to be swabbed for DNA

-Defense asked for girl’s necks to be swabbed for DNA

-Defense has been trying to block media coverage to ensure a fair trial

Meghan Lopez on Twitter

In case you want to read through all of the documents for yourself, a website was just created with all of them. In it you'll see a lot of 'expanded media coverage' requests. It basically means the media is trying to get a camera in the courtroom:…

Colorado Judicial Branch
Denver7 News Retweeted
Meghan Lopez‏ @Meghan_Lopez 30m30 minutes ago
Just got a copy of nearly 80 documents related to the Chris Watts case. Here’s what I learned: -Defense asked for Shanann’s nails to be swabbed for DNA -Defense asked for girl’s necks to be swabbed for DNA -Defense has been trying to block media coverage to ensure a fair trial
20 Aug 2018
I don't understand the below from document #4.
Does this mean they can't investigate CW, isn't that what the prosecution is supposed to do and LE.
Sorry I don't understand legal stuff, I'll wait for Gitana.

Defendant requests that this court specifically order that no member of the Office of the District Attorney, law enforcement, or any person or agency specified in Rule 16(a)(3) of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure or their respective agents attempt to obtain confidential information pertaining to Defendant.
Meghan Lopez on Twitter

Just got a copy of nearly 80 documents related to the Chris Watts case. Here’s what I learned:

-Defense asked for Shanann’s nails to be swabbed for DNA

-Defense asked for girl’s necks to be swabbed for DNA

-Defense has been trying to block media coverage to ensure a fair trial

Meghan Lopez on Twitter

In case you want to read through all of the documents for yourself, a website was just created with all of them. In it you'll see a lot of 'expanded media coverage' requests. It basically means the media is trying to get a camera in the courtroom:…

Colorado Judicial Branch
Yeah, I noticed lots of media filings.
Considering the scrutiny that the products Thrive and Burn are going to get in this trial, Le-Vel would be smarter to issue a dignified statement about her loss and not overtly keep shilling these products.
If they were going to do this 2ook thing, they could have at least waited until after the funerals and burials. I read the friends FB page and a couple of people have asked where the extra proceeds are going with no answer yet.Am in no way saying there is anything wrong going on. This is from her page:
"Let’s keep Shanann dream alive helping as many people get their happy back as we can! #thrivingforshanann. "The words unseemly, and distasteful keep coming to mind.
“They “were having marital problems and she [Shanann] was getting ready to leave him,” the friend told PEOPLE last week.“
After His Pregnant Wife Vanishes, Husband Said Their Marriage Was Having Problems: Report


Since the prosecution will likely use this as one of their main arguments, I wonder if the defense can object to this on the basis of “hearsay”? And if so, will the judge overrule?(@gitana1 )

Even if he doesn’t allow it I’m sure the prosecution will have much more they can offer!

It's a hearsay exception because she's dead. Colorado rule 804:

13.11 Colorado Rules Of Evidence
I don't believe anti-depressants cause people to kill themselves or others. I think what transpires is people are already having those thoughts and the anti-depressant just gives them the "energy" to do what is already in their mind to do. Energy is the wrong word but can't think of a better one.

On the topic, upthread someone was discussing MLM and the positive affirmations that SW had all around her including in her home. This is very common among young people these days just look on SM and pinterest...thousands of them. I also wish to note that it IS part of the selling program in MLM as well as ANYONE selling anything. Putting yourself in a positive mind frame. I have no personal knowledge but I am going to suggest that SW did not need those around her as much as some people would. By all accounts she had a close family that dearly loved her, her strength in dealing with lupus yet having such a high paced life etc. I take it that she was a self motivated individual that had a healthy positive outlook on life and the confidence she needed to believe in herself.

On the other hand I do NOT see this in the case of her husband. CW appears to me to be a very sullen individual with just about zero pep and confidence in himself. The presentation he gave for his communication class was a TOTAL snoozer. Absolute monotone, uninteresting, no energy or confidence. Watching it made me think perhaps SW had suggested he take that class to gain confidence and learn to better communicate with people. Something that clearly comes natural to her.

So what this makes me conclude is that those positive affirmations around her house were there for one of two reasons or perhaps a mixture of both. She may have been attempting to help her husband have a better outlook on life, become more positive a person and build confidence in himself. If he is a depressed person by nature she may have thought this was a way she could help him and make an extrovert out of an obvious introvert even his teacher said he was quiet and kept to himself.

Alternatively, she may have needed to resort to having the affirmations around her for her own purpose because living with a negative and or depressed person can be very difficult for someone even a positive minded, high energy person like herself. Negative people are energy vampires that literally suck the life out of you. I am related to one of those types and OMG I used to get off the phone with her and think WTH and feel exhausted...I felt myself drained of energy and my soul LOL. Negative Nellies can and do have a negative effect on those around them because you try to help them see the bright side and they have a litany of excuses as to why this suggestion or that can not help them. UGH...toxic people.

I just imagine living with this guy and him acting out either downing everything about her and what she is doing or seeing the negative in a situation and SW pointing to one of those positive affirmations for HIM to read. I would think that over time this would infuriate him and certainly make him feel himself a failure not being able to live his life her way in a positive light. Her being somewhat successful in her business clearly proving she could walk the talk...well that was a double blow to his already low self esteem.

The veil was lifted. As soon as I saw his mugshot I thought to myself, well hello CW, we are finally seeing the real you. With the mask off look at that picture. It's all there, the sullen yet ANGRY look on his face... those ANGRY eyes. A very menacing looking man. The guy is being arrested and yet you can see the defiance in his demeanor simply in a photo. I bet the cops wanted to sucker punch that look off his face. I know I would.

As a very long user of antidepressants, I can tell you authoritatively what they can do to you. When you are a clinically depressed and anxious person as I was these meds can really help. I wish my mother, who had the same thing as me had been willing to try them but back then you couldn't go to a psychiatrist or that would mean you were crazy. So she took lots of tranquilizers and pain meds the doctor prescribed her until she did so much damage to her heart she died of arythmia at the age of 62.

I find that I can live a happy and healthy life on these meds as long as I find the right ones (which I have) and the right dosage (which I have) and most importantly TAKE THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

I have tried taking myself off of them in the past just to see. I've tried weaning, etc... And there have also been times where I was too broke or too busy to refill my prescription and I've gone a week or two without them. It is the WITHDRAWAL that can make you a psychopath, honestly.

After a few days, I notice myself getting short with the kids and my husband and those I interact with. I start to swear much more often than I used to. A few more days, I start getting overly hostile and combative. By a week or two, I am a stark raving lunatic. Throwing things, screaming at the top of my lungs and making a complete mess of my family and my life. Any longer than that, I begin to feel a combination of suicidal and homicidal. Not the point where I want to actually kill myself or kill my family, but I can feel such anger boiling up inside of me that I can definitely see how going any further than that can truly make a person snap. Luckily, I have strong faith and a very loving family and I've managed to get through it and back on my meds. I've also learned a lot of ways with dealing with the stress.

But, when it is happening, it seems perfectly normal and logical to you. Of course, why wouldn't I want to break every dish in the house because someone forgot to let the dog out and she pooped on the carpet? It is very difficult to come back to reality and remember that oh yeah-I haven't taken my meds. Sometimes when my family will ask, "did you take your meds?" I get even madder! Now, however, I am very good about taking them, refilling them and doing LOTS better. They still make me a bit crazy when they forget to let the dog out and she poops on the rug, but I live with it.

Now that said, I've NEVER actually thought about killing myself or my family. I've felt so depressed that I wanted to die, but only because I was too miserable being alive, if that makes sense. And I'd never actually physically harm my precious family even though I have hurt them emotionally with my withdrawals in the past. Luckily they've forgiven me and still love me.

So that said, I get how withdrawal from meds can make someone do something they wouldn't normally do and if mixed with other issues, i.e. substance abuse, or just an already twisted soul that can push someone over the edge.

However, I will say this. A person who would do something like that and go off the deep end and perhaps kill their family is actually going to do one of two things. They are going to kill themselves. Or they will immediately regret and confess. They won't cavalierly do an interview on their front porch throwing out lies after lies after lies.

CW is, in my opinion, a sociopath. As I have said before, he has always been one and always will be. He mimics what he thinks a good guy is supposed to look and act like. And for whatever reason, he felt he would exposed and did what he thought he needed to do to save his secret.
First, it's as good a time as any.

Second, I'm not in the state of Colorado. Thankfully criminal law in Louisiana extends to the unborn.

Yes and there’s the worst case I’ve ever read


that is horrific. Heinous and inhuman.
My basis for not being the correct time is;

1. Allowing the proper time and emotions for grieving by family, friends and the community.

2. I worked as staff writing new law for 27 years.

Significant changes involving any emotional issue. IE guns abortion murder rape, should be done and changed through a very careful public process it should offer time for everyone to give an opinion. It is arduous to begin with and 100 times worse to correct a single stupid mistake.

Most importantly nothing will alter the statutes effective the moment the 3 were killed.

So in conclusion take the time to do it properly. Let public emotion settle down. Itherwuse ur is possible for tempers to flare and further pain and suffering occur.

I apologize for spelling. Hands aren’t good today.
BBM : My divorce was not easy at all and we didn't have anything to fight over. I literally walked away with the clothes on my back and my kids blankets. I didn't fight for anything at first and gave my ex the house. After my ex started abusing his 2nd wife I took him back to court, it got really ugly and lasted over a year and we were in court once a month and I paid over $15,000 on attorney fees. In the end I did get sole custody and was award $900.00 a month in child support as I cover all medical. Needless to say I have never seen a dime nor do I care he's out of our lives.
My point here is divorce is very expensive and messy and most likely he'd pay a big junk monthly for 3 children IMO
You're right, I shouldn't have said easy, perhaps more that it's a legal and socially accepted option, chosen by many people as an alternative to staying in an unhappy marriage, and provides an escape hatch so no one has to be socially shunned, or kill themselves or others.

Fortunately, men in the US almost never decide to kill their children just so they don't have to financially support them after divorce.
I don't understand the below from document #4.
Does this mean they can't investigate CW, isn't that what the prosecution is supposed to do and LE.
Sorry I don't understand legal stuff, I'll wait for Gitana.

“Defendant requests that this court specifically order that no member of the Office of the District Attorney, law enforcement, or any person or agency specified in Rule 16(a)(3) of the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure or their respective agents attempt to obtain confidential information pertaining to Defendant.”

No judgement here

just sharing

certainly not diagnosing anything - doing what we do throwing out food for thought in trying to put this tragedy tougher.

Fantasy bonding generally results in different response types by gender- generally speaking.

It a coping mechanism

For a woman attempts to deal with these intense feelings often result in formation of behaving and thinking that as a cluster the Borderline Personality Disorder.

It often becomes Narisstic in the male.

The worst combination (male N and female BPD) known on the planet!

There is often like a magnetic field (!) The female Borderline is wildly attracted to the Narcissist male, while the N male is often wildl
:y attracted to the B female.

The results are usually castasrophic

borderline personality disorder may experience mood swings and display uncertainty about how they see themselves and their role in the world. As a result, their interests and values can change quickly.

People with borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad.

An individual who is seen as a friend one day may be considered an enemy or traitor the next. These shifting feelings can lead to intense and unstable relationships.

  • Efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment, such as rapidly initiating intimate (physical or emotional) relationships or cutting off communication with someone in anticipation of being abandoned
Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors, such as spending sprees,

some persons with BPD are high functioning in certain settings, their private lives may be in turmoil.

Loss, neglect and bullying

ntense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days

People who have a close family member, such as a parent or sibling with the disorder may be at higher risk of developing borderline personality disorder.

Many people with borderline personality disorder report experiencing traumatic life events, such as abuse, abandonment, or adversity during childhood. Others may have been exposed to unstable, invalidating relationships, and hostile conflicts.

The relentless posts about how incredible he is (going to extreme measures to avoid abandonment. Nonstop sharing of how great he is --which we now know can be probably termed somewhat delusional moo )

Fear of abandonment. People with BPD are often terrified of being abandoned or left alone

impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable intense relationships, distorted self-image, extreme emotions and impulsiveness.

Imo his narcissistic traits are a bit muted and not glaring because he appeares to be covert introverted narcissist

NIMH » Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder - Symptoms and causes

BPD OVERVIEW - Borderline Personality Disorder
As a very long user of antidepressants, I can tell you authoritatively what they can do to you. When you are a clinically depressed and anxious person as I was these meds can really help. I wish my mother, who had the same thing as me had been willing to try them but back then you couldn't go to a psychiatrist or that would mean you were crazy. So she took lots of tranquilizers and pain meds the doctor prescribed her until she did so much damage to her heart she died of arythmia at the age of 62.

I find that I can live a happy and healthy life on these meds as long as I find the right ones (which I have) and the right dosage (which I have) and most importantly TAKE THEM EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

I have tried taking myself off of them in the past just to see. I've tried weaning, etc... And there have also been times where I was too broke or too busy to refill my prescription and I've gone a week or two without them. It is the WITHDRAWAL that can make you a psychopath, honestly.

After a few days, I notice myself getting short with the kids and my husband and those I interact with. I start to swear much more often than I used to. A few more days, I start getting overly hostile and combative. By a week or two, I am a stark raving lunatic. Throwing things, screaming at the top of my lungs and making a complete mess of my family and my life. Any longer than that, I begin to feel a combination of suicidal and homicidal. Not the point where I want to actually kill myself or kill my family, but I can feel such anger boiling up inside of me that I can definitely see how going any further than that can truly make a person snap. Luckily, I have strong faith and a very loving family and I've managed to get through it and back on my meds. I've also learned a lot of ways with dealing with the stress.

But, when it is happening, it seems perfectly normal and logical to you. Of course, why wouldn't I want to break every dish in the house because someone forgot to let the dog out and she pooped on the carpet? It is very difficult to come back to reality and remember that oh yeah-I haven't taken my meds. Sometimes when my family will ask, "did you take your meds?" I get even madder! Now, however, I am very good about taking them, refilling them and doing LOTS better. They still make me a bit crazy when they forget to let the dog out and she poops on the rug, but I live with it.

Now that said, I've NEVER actually thought about killing myself or my family. I've felt so depressed that I wanted to die, but only because I was too miserable being alive, if that makes sense. And I'd never actually physically harm my precious family even though I have hurt them emotionally with my withdrawals in the past. Luckily they've forgiven me and still love me.

So that said, I get how withdrawal from meds can make someone do something they wouldn't normally do and if mixed with other issues, i.e. substance abuse, or just an already twisted soul that can push someone over the edge.

However, I will say this. A person who would do something like that and go off the deep end and perhaps kill their family is actually going to do one of two things. They are going to kill themselves. Or they will immediately regret and confess. They won't cavalierly do an interview on their front porch throwing out lies after lies after lies.

CW is, in my opinion, a sociopath. As I have said before, he has always been one and always will be. He mimics what he thinks a good guy is supposed to look and act like. And for whatever reason, he felt he would exposed and did what he thought he needed to do to save his secret.

Well said and truth spoken from the heart. I’m with you on this one.
How investigators will use social media in the Watts family murder case

“Investigators will be taking a critical look at the social media postings of a Colorado mother who was allegedly killed by her husband, says a former FBI profiler.”

My friend and her husband always grab the other ones' phone when they aren't looking and post really wonderful things about themselves on the other's accounts. For example, he will grab her phone and type - "my husband is so sexy I am the luckiest woman in the world!" She does the same thing. It's funny and we always call it out when we see it - "hacked again!!!"

Many of Shannan's posts seemed written that way. Just saying.
Few weeks before the murder she visited her MIL , who was careless with kids . She didn’t keep nuts away from children who were allergic to them . Someone posted screenshots of SW complaining about her MIL in one of the allergy groups. She used f- words a lot and also said that she made her husband to call his mother and give her a speech regarding safety of the children with allergies . Someone posted screenshots of that post .
I've been wondering where his family is at??
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