Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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I’ve been following for several days and have finally caught up on reading. I’m kind of new to all this, but here are my thoughts.
1. I really want to believe the dad didn’t make up the defense story for CW. I think that side of the family is just as sad. No matter how they felt about SW, I’m sure they loved their grandchildren and are grieving.
2. SW’s social media is a stark reminder that SM paints the picture you want told. I think SW’s praise of CW was an attempt to build him up and keep him. She had already been divorced once and didn’t want another failed marriage — especially since she lived so far from family.
3. I think (and hope) the girls were killed before SW. This is the part of the story I’m most interested in learning. I want to know when he planned all this.
4. His work has publically announced he was fired on Wednesday. I wonder if he was fired before he was even arrested. Maybe because of the affair with a co-worker or because they had knowledge of his activity near the dumping site — either from tank alarms or other security sources.

It’s just all so tragic. He is definitely a creep.
When defense claimed they wanted the DNA from the girls necks, it was obvious where this was going. Defense was going to say he didn't kill the children, she did. But after being in crude oil, I fail to see how DNA can be found even if it was there to begin with.
on that archived thing last thread

(small font)

he reports that he could never run before because of his ankle and shins

who is gonna real believe that green coffee beans fixes ankles ??

it sure reads like an ad for thrive

" I am taking my thrive experience to the next LeVal"


thats him?

thrive is mentioned in every one 5-9 times

but clicking around on it

it is incredible

it is truly like a cult !

So many of them are like the standard pictures in photo albums on the shelf! (youngins - photo album is like a book where old people like myself stuck in pictures ! Pictures - like your cell phone screen but on large paper!) ha

on that archives thing all those pound things - do you create each one there were tons of them after each thing someone wrote on there?
Her friend called the cops to come over without giving CW a slither of a chance to get home by lunch and stage the scene.

He was probably mentally cussing her friend out his entire ride back home. :)
Trust me, I think a big part of her knew what he did and was scared. She probably didn’t want to “disappear” like her friend if he got home and it was just her and she didn’t tell anyone where she was.
His actions are truly desecration of a human body and quite sadistic. I dont care if he thought he was desperate or being clever. He has a horrible dark pit in his psyche. Beyond just narcissism

It's a complete dissociation of the human being as a person, and not even a stranger

It's killing them again

Dear Herat,

I absolutely agree with you, especially your words "It's a complete dissociation of the human being as a person, and not even a stranger"

This is exactly what I meant regarding him displaying "cognitive dissonance"

I feel that he displayed cognitive dissonance when he was distancing himself from his daughters as S.W.'s friend, Nickole A., described in her interview video. She mentioned that C.W. had been acting this way (indifferently to his family) for at least 3 weeks.

He wasn't showing interest in them because he was in the stage of "dehumanizing" his family in his mind. He had already decided to murder them, in my opinion.

I feel that this article (below) describes him. Especially in the category of "revenge" by killing the children and showing her.

Fathers Who Kill Their Kids as Revenge Against the Mother
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I don't read the charge that way. If a pregnant woman is strangled, it will terminate both her life and her child's life. The strangling is the act that both terminates the pregnancy and terminates her life. The language they use is the charging language in the statute.

These types of charges are usually in situations where a pregnant woman is attacked and loses her baby in some way. For example, she miscarries after being pushed down the stairs in an assault. They're trying to make it fit here since Colorado doesn't have a murder charge for the murder of unborn children.
What you said: That is the way the DA explained it in the press conference.
When defense claimed they wanted the DNA from the girls necks, it was obvious where this was going. Defense was going to say he didn't kill the children, she did. But after being in crude oil, I fail to see how DNA can be found even if it was there to begin with.

me either makes no sense

but this whacko expert that charges 500 an hour to testify for whoever pays for him says he can do it

I’m so hoping the coroner can determine time of death for the girls, and it was before SW’s plane ever left AZ. If he can’t determine TOD or he can but it was after she landed and there’s no proof he was dropping things in oil drums Sumday, who can think of other ways to prove he killed them instead of her?

I don’t believe his claims for a second, and I doubt many people do. But w/SW unable to testify otherwise if there’s no evidence proving HE killed the girls I fear that might be enough for reasonable doubt. Jury may have to say not-guilty to daughters deaths and SW’s death would be manslaughter or 2nd degree murder at best. They can still nail him for minor charges like tampering w/evidence etc, but he’d be out before we know it.

Somebody please tell me I’m wrong. I am just sick. Her poor, poor parents.!!!!

I'm catching up on this so someone may have already thought of this, but I'm wondering if he killed the girls on Sunday after the birthday party maybe the contents of their stomach will show whatever they ate at the party, maybe partially digested. I don't know if the oil will destroy internal evidence like it destroys external evidence like their skin. Yikes it's even weird to write this.

My gut tells me he killed the girls before she got home from her short trip and he'd ready put them in the oil tank.
I'm hoping he allegedly killed the girls well before SW got home. Her plane was running late, right? -- so maybe he did allegedly kill the girls earlier than the "had to" in accordance with her original scheduled time to land.
I do wonder if the girls being in the oil tank will hurt the ME's ability to determine approximate TOD.
I think he did. With her plane being late, why else would he have gone through with it? He didn’t HAVE to kill them that night. If he hadn’t already murdered his daughters thinking his wife would be home by 11, why wouldn’t he just put it off til he had more time. My opinion is that he’d started it, so it had to be finished.
I need fellow ws input here. Could he have killed SW and then brought the kids in and placed her hands on the kids?? Maybe even scraped her nails on the kids?? I only ask because of the defense asking so much about dna. Will the ME be able to tell from exam that he did something like this?? I HATE how he tried to poison her name after killing her!

This is what I was thinking, too. And when I thought that he could have used her hands after killing her to kill the kids in order to try to use that later, I thought to myself “nooooo way. That would be too much”. But with the story he gave in the affidavit, the active affair, putting his family’s bodies in his back seat to drive so far to dump them, and disposing of them while claiming that SHE killed the kids, I would totally believe he did that. He’s sick, sick, SICK!
That we have devolved as a society, where we have to come up with theories on a message board, to explain why it's unrealistic that Shanann would have done this to her daughters, is sad. Lawyers being lawyers. And given that all it takes are some idiot jurors, to create a hung jury, why not throw stuff at the wall. It's not going to work in this case, but the lawyers need work and billable hours, so they have to do something.
Not being snarky, but isn’t the whole point of being a juror is to decide whether someone is guilty or innocent? Wouldn’t said person be excused from jury duty? Why would a judge allow someone to sit on a jury if their religion doesn’t allow them to judge others?

During voir dire in the Ross Harris (hot car baby death/murder) trial a few (?) years ago, a potential juror said exactly that- and iirc, she was seated on the jury anyway.
His interview..

“Celeste she’s just s bubble of energy, she’s...we call her rampage because...she’s got two speeds, go or she’s sleeping...always a trouble maker...yelling at you and Bella...more calm, cautious, mothering, she’s more like me...calm. Celeste is definitely got her moms personality...gung ho and ready to go.”

He’s already trying to set her up. Trying to cover all grounds. Later if that interview is mentioned he’ll go see, I told you what SW was like.
Nope. Not buying it. My husband tells me he wants to split and, if anything, I'm attacking him... Not running off to strangle my sleeping babies....

I can see her sneaking in to give them a kid goodnight and realizing they were dead leading to an "emotional" conversation.

I really thought he snapped, maybe at the daughter he referred to as rampage, and the rest was an attempt to cover up/deal. But what's coming out now doesn't fit that as well. What an *advertiser censored**.
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