Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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She can't really help that she had health issues. Do you have links for the addiction and emotional issues?
On a side note I can't believe that anyone is even considering that SW killed those kids. IMO

I’m not considering anything , I’m just saying, since defense ordered DNA tests , they are the ones who are considering and believing a defendant .There is on of the videos where she talks about her health challenges
Videos emerge of murdered Colorado woman praising 'wonderful' husband | Daily Mail Online

"I thought my life was crumbling underneath me and I didn't have many friends, as those I did have I lost because they didn't understand that I looked fine but felt horrible inside," she says. "I felt a lot of discomforts, a lot of aches, a lot of bad moods." Shanann adds that she initially rejected a Facebook friend suggestion for Chris, but later changed her mind when he sent a request himself.
"Because of my health challenges, I let him in... he knew me at my worst and he accepted me. Through sickness and everything, he's been there. When I first met Chris I pushed him away, I gave every excuse for him to run, I gave him an out every single day... I tortured him... But he stuck around because he was the one for me, I can't tell you how wonderful he is
If little ones were in the house dead for hours before mom came home, decomp gases would lead dogs there. I think he killed them dumped them quickly. SW came home he said kids aren't home, dead she was in grief and he killed her and dumped her in a make shift grave....
Quick, real quick
During voir dire in the Ross Harris (hot car baby death/murder) trial a few (?) years ago, a potential juror said exactly that- and iirc, she was seated on the jury anyway.

Wow. Thanks for the info. Seems wrong to me but this isn’t the place to discuss that. Thanks again, ya learn something new every day.
Nope. Not buying it. My husband tells me he wants to split and, if anything, I'm attacking him... Not running off to strangle my sleeping babies....

I can see her sneaking in to give them a kid goodnight and realizing they were dead leading to an "emotional" conversation.

I really thought he snapped, maybe at the daughter he referred to as rampage, and the rest was an attempt to cover up/deal. But what's coming out now doesn't fit that as well. What an *advertiser censored**.

@jashrema said:
I did NOT see that explanation coming from the husband.
Now we know why husband's attys. wanted the necks swabbed. He wanted to find Shanann's prints or evidence on the girls necks. I am also wondering why the judge refused and if that will impact the case.

Or maybe the defense wants to know if any evidence exists? Whether or not being immersed in oil for 4 days destroys evidence -- just as many of us have asked on this board. Does oil preserve or destroy?
How is oil going to preserve evidence? It's contamination, contamination doesn't preserve evidence.
Here is the DNA expert his defense was using. You got to ask why they used this particular expert, who
"admitted that he had no direct experience in DNA extraction or analysis, that his lab was unaccredited, that he failed his proficiency tests in 2011 and 2012, and that he trained himself to run DNA profiles."
Frederick girls may have been strangled to death, defense motion suggests
Ashleigh Banfield might be floating these theories about the mistress in order to get her to speak out.

If AB says “maybe the mistress was in on it”, it’s an invitation to the mistress to declare herself and deny any involvement.

If the mistress stays too quiet, people will assume she was involved. And when her identity eventually comes to light (and it will), public opinion will be even more condemning.

If she does like Amber Frey, and says “I had an affair with Chris, but he lied to me, too. I had no idea he was married. He is an evil monster and I’ll testify against him to put him away for life.”

If she doesn’t come out now,with a clear statement, Ashleigh Banfield let her know she’ll be smeared.

Her friend called the cops to come over without giving CW a slither of a chance to get home by lunch and stage the scene.

He was probably mentally cussing her friend out his entire ride back home. :)

Dear Dexter,

That's for sure!

He was likely at work making a list of "chores" such as get rid of her purse, medicines, cell phone, etc. He may even have planned to fill the back of that truck with her suitcase, etc. Thrown the children's clothes and toys and books in it to make it look like S.W. "took off with everything needed for her to leave him for her lover."

Her car being in the garage would have been a problem though. Hmm how to move a car without it being noticed. Oh wait! Her lover picked them up in his car - he bought them new child seats. That might work. Oh wait!

If he was clever, he would have sent a text from her phone with a message to him that she was leaving him. Sent a text to Nickole. Sent dozens of texts before he destroyed the phone.

I could go on and on and on.

But the truth of it is he likely didn't make a list. He probably thought it was "all good". He may have thought he'd already got away with it.

Yes thank goodness for Nickole at the door. She knew.

Thank God for the Nickole Atkinsons of this world. The ones who truly love us.
If little ones were in the house dead for hours before mom came home, decomp gases would lead dogs there. I think he killed them dumped them quickly. SW came home he said kids aren't home, dead she was in grief and he killed her and dumped her in a make shift grave....
Quick, real quick

I agree....Almost.....

But now I have a second theory. Wife comes home late. They begin to argue about the affair. Dad was sick of babysitting as it was, because he was used to it just being him and his mistress. He gets angry and kills wife, or maybe had planned it ahead. Realizes now he is stuck with kids. He kills kids, probably partially in their sleep. Buries them all. Maybe he cannot lug the wife up the stairs to the oil thing or something, thus the shallow grave.

I feel dirty even talking about it. I can’t imagine someone who can do it.
There is no doubt in my mind that he killed his children and wife. His lie to try to get out of this makes no sense. If she killed the kids why would they have been put on his work property.

Good point. I can't see a pregnant woman with lupus climbing that ladder with a dead child. Two times. And how did she get into the place? I feel sure that areas like that are locked down tight.

IMO, this man gets more stupid, every time I read something about him here or in MSM.

I just don't see an out for this man, other than the only one.
Nope. Not buying it. My husband tells me he wants to split and, if anything, I'm attacking him... Not running off to strangle my sleeping babies....

I can see her sneaking in to give them a kid goodnight and realizing they were dead leading to an "emotional" conversation.

I really thought he snapped, maybe at the daughter he referred to as rampage, and the rest was an attempt to cover up/deal. But what's coming out now doesn't fit that as well. What an *advertiser censored**.

I agree! If my hubby/so wants to split and gives me a "moment" to think about it, and I snap, I'm surely NOT going to harm my little ones. IF I snapped, he would be the one who would need help! And "if' he loves his little ones SO much, he would never have disposed of their bodies the way he did. I have faith that justice will be served in this case.
Wow, take off for a couple hours and all this happens! First off does anyone have the link to the affidavit?

As far as CW goes, well, well now...he is going to play this one out to the end isn't he. That ego of his still believing he can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Was not in the least bit surprised that he is putting the blame of the girls death on SW. After all, this is what it was always about, his hatred for his own wife. It was pretty obvious by the defence request for DNA swabs from the children's neck and their nails be preserved that this was the route he was going. Shame her and slam her to the end. His jealousy of her exists even after her death it seems. What a life she must have been living trying to placate that enormous ego of his. If only she had learned earlier that she was wasting her time and energy on this jerk she may have escaped with her life and her childrens. But that is not the type of person these guys go for is it. They go after the loving and nurturing ones because they understand they are the type that will put up with their narcissism by using their trusting and loving nature against them.

RIP Shannan, take solace in knowing that we all see through him and a jury will as well. Justice will prevail.
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They didn't state that was her cause of death, but in killing her her the pregnancy was terminated.

I kind of interpret it differently:

On or about August 13, 2018, Christopher Lee Watts with the intent to terminate unlawfully the pregnancy of a woman, namely: Shanann Watts, feloniously and unlawfully terminated the pregnancy of the woman. Further, the woman died as a result of the unlawful termination of the pregnancy, in violation of 18-3.5-103(1),(2), C.R.S
Why wouldn’t he put Shanann in the oil tank too if he drove them all at the same time?
If SW strangled her kids like CA claims it would be obvious on their little necks. She had her nails freshly done on August 8 per her FB page and they were quite long as you can see in this picture.

I can’t wait for this all to come crashing down on him.


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I’m late reading all this but, wow just wow.
Does he really think this is believable? Why would he load the bodies in the car instead of calling the police to report what happened.
I am praying that they get his dna off those precious angels.

Also, he says his wife was in the process of strangling the 2nd baby. That means it wasn't a done deal. Wouldn't he knock out his wife and begin CPR, and CALL AN AMBULANCE? Children can be unconscious for awhile and be revived. He didn't even try.
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