Accusing the pregnant wife he murdered of strangling her babies because he told her he wanted a separation sounds like a fine way of ensuring a jury returns a DP sentence, or the maximum punishment allowable.
His story-lie is as self-serving and narcissistic as it is outrageous and unbelievable.
It makes zero emotional or logical sense that his exhausted pregnant wife would react to being told he wanted a separation (if that even happened) by choosing to kill her other babies, much less by the brutal method of strangulation, twice over.
It makes even less sense that he didn't know his wife was strangling his babies in another room until he saw it on a baby monitor (how ridiculous), and that his first (and only) response was ANGER/RAGE towards her, and that he chose to act on that rage by killing her--and their unborn baby--by strangulation, the same way she had supposedly just killed their babies.
And then, yah, right, rather than realizing omg what did I just do, what did she do, and calling the police, he stuck his babies in oil tanks, dug a shallow grave for his dead wife and unborn baby, and showed no emotion that day or the next.
I don't believe a jury will believe that story, and I think they'll hate him all the more if he tries to play righteous victim and blame his dead wife, in order to save his own psycho arse.