Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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Am I remembering correctly, that at the beginning of this case that they would not release any police calls to their address? Or do I have cases mixed up?

I think you are right - a reporter asked and LE declined to answer, so reporter said he was filing an FOIA request, it was a Twitter comment IIRC, which I’m trying to find right now to document & link.
If he did in fact see what she was doing on the baby cam why didn't he scream up at her and hope to interrupt her from what she was doing. Why didn't he run up to stop her from strangling the 2cnd child, surely he could overpower her. Why didn't he call 911 and forceably restrain her until they arrived. Why would his first reaction be to strangle and kill her and not attempt to revive a child or call 911 in hopes at least one of the girls could be saved. Why did he not call 911 after he killed her? Why move the bodies and especially why would he dump the children he loved so much in an oil tank to rot. There are many more answers a jury would want I am just picking these off the top of my head.

Great questions.
I wonder if the neighbors saw/camera recorded the gf coming and going from the house?

Yes, and especially as SW and the girls had been in NC for 6 many cars, the GF, were coming and going and what times., etc.

I know on our security cameras we can review back 10 days from our phones, or computers, and for an additional fee the recordings can be viewed for 30 days. I wonder what the neighbors cameras caught the 6 weeks SW was away...probably pretty telling..
While I do not believe his story, I don't understand the rush to demonize the "bad" person and put the "good" person on a pedestal. It is a sad fact the mothers who appear to be loving kill their children - and having been told your husband is leaving you could be a trigger for such a monstrous act. Killing your wife in a rage after she has hurt your children isn't all that far fetched either.

I think it is helpful to keep an open mind and let the facts play out without a bunch of wild speculation. Some are saying his Dad must have coached him to make up this story, but isn't it just as plausible that he spoke to his dad before confessing so that he could tell him what happened (be it a lie or truth) instead of letting him find out from the police? If you demonize him I guess it isn't possible to see another side to every action or word, but not all killers are ugly and not all pretty moms are saints.

I understand what you’re saying. I think people, including myself are demonizing him because he threw his toddlers in a vat of crude oil and admitted to strangling his pregnant wife.

Most people are aware that marriages aren’t perfect and I don’t think SW was a walking saint (I dont think anyone is; or should be considered as one). I am aware that there are two sides in a marriage and I know marriages are generally just difficult to manage for both people.

Saying all of that: No one deserves to be strangled to death whilst pregnant and buried in a shallow grave by her husband. He admitted to that. He also admitted to dumping his daughters in a well of crude oil.

I’m not sure it’s such a far leap to discern his current “defense” and use common sense in reaching the conclusion that Shanann probably didn’t go strangle her own children and he flew into a rage and just happened to use the same manner of death and strangle her too.

If someone was strangling my kids, I’d grab the first object, (or a gun) and beat the hell out of them... I wouldn’t attempt hand to hand combat if someone else is killing my kids. Secondly, I wouldn’t just then, after my husband supposedly just killed my kids, wrap them all up and go to my job site and dispose of them there. I’m assuming most people would be so freaked out, there’s no way they could or would want to do anything but immediately call the police after that horror... Most could not compose themselves and cover up the deaths of your entire family— especially if you were the victim in that situation. And I definitely wouldn’t just go to work and pretend nothing happened and then lie to the police for two days. It just doesn’t make sense.

So, back to the demonization of Mr. Watts: After some thoughtful consideration; I’ve decided his defense is utterly ridiculous and it’s odd they were all killed by the same manner of death if there were two different killers. I think what he has admitted to warrants negative characterizations because an innocent person doesn’t throw their own babies in a vat of oil and bury their pregnant wife in a shallow grave... And to me, it doesn’t matter if SW was or wasn’t a peach of a wife; she and her kids never deserved that horrid fate given to them by their father and husband.

I also believe, through the manner of their deaths that CW (for whatever reasons) hated and resented his entire family.
I believe the two women behind CW were his mother and sister.
Is it me or were those two women sitting behind CW, cool as cucumbers? If in fact they were family members of CW. I thought maybe they were admin workers for the defense team? On that note, I am Canadian so different court room set up here but all the people sitting on the defense side behind the wood divider, are they random seats or defense side only seats?
I think you are right - a reporter asked and LE declined to answer, so reporter said he was filing an FOIA request, it was a Twitter comment IIRC, which I’m trying to find right now to document & link.

Thank you! My brain has too many windows open right now that it's having a hard time remembering things
Is it me or were those two women sitting behind CW, cool as cucumbers? If in fact they were family members of CW. I thought maybe they were admin workers for the defense team? On that note, I am Canadian so different court room set up here but all the people sitting on the defense side behind the wood divider, are they random seats or defense side only seats?

Yes I had asked the question because they were within the actual space and could have touched CW they were so close but no emotion on their faces that I saw. I did not think any family members could be within that area.
heroin and anabolic steroids do often go hand in hand.

someone mentioned he looked sedated today, which would make sense if he was put on detox meds to get off opiates. i didn't think he did though. just as evil as always..

edit whoops was supposed to quote enelram! still getting the hang of this..
I think it’s funny how so many here are speculating on why C.W. was fired. CO has
“Employment at will” - which means that he can be fired at any time for any reason, as long as the reason isn’t illegal (like fired for sex or race.)

Now of course they may have had awareness that he was trespassing after hours or even had him on video transporting a body - but certainly just being under suspicion of murdering your pregnant wife and children could have been the reason he was let go.
Agree. Of course he was fired after he was arrested. No company would want to be associated with an accused murderer any more than it has to.
CW is going through a big physiological change over the past week.

He went from working out every day, sleeping in a comfortable bed where its quiet at night, taking all these supplements (which include caffeine), feeling all of the euphoric neurotransmitters that are stimulated when someone is having an affair, eating healthy food.... to nearly no physical activity, no caffeine, no love/lust/sex (and the brain chemicals and hormones they affect), eating bad food, sleeping on an uncomfortable cot while its noisy at night, and in case all that wasn't bad enough, he has been outed to his entire social network as a child and family killer.

On just a purely physical level, he has got to be feeling like utter crap.
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