Some of the posts re narcissism are hitting close to home for me. Within that last 2 years, I was swept off my feet and engaged, planning to sell my paid for home (MY HOME, not his), move out of the State, and was about to be coerced into buying an RV (and truck to tow it) so we could snowbird.
Now, I am not a stupid woman, nor young and naive. But, I was lonely and living in a new State (not where I grew up) with no family near, and few friends. I had almost given up the idea of ever meeting anyone. My bad, I allowed myself to be taken in my a narc who, I now believe, is also a sociopath. Little by little I began to see the light. He couldn't hide his true colors for ever, and his lies weren't adding up (they never had, but again, my bad, I glossed over some of the lies in the beginning...what can I say, he was nice to look at, fun and exciting...and he love bombed me to the extreme).
Once I began to really question him, trying to get clarification on some of the loose ends he presented that didn't make sense, I began to see the real deal, and it was UGLY, ANGRY, and right on the verge of VIOLENCE. And yet, there were those who thought he was mild mannered. He'd hoodwinked them just like he did me. In the beginning, I too painted a pretty picture to family and friends, the love bombing stage was glorious, and when it became obvious those bombs might be dangerous to me, for a bit, I was too embarrassed to divulge the truth to family and friends.
I wonder if she'd reached the point of truly seeing who he was, and began to lay her boundaries? NPD (narcissistic personality disorder aka antisocial personality disorder) can be very, very dangerous once the hurt party stands up for themselves, and "outs" the NPD's behavior. Looks up "narcissistic rage" and "narcissistic wound".