Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #45

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I'm surprised some don't see the difference in a husband/wife confessing to killing their spouse but not confessing to killing their children. I can think of several reasons for him to only confessing to killing his wife. Hoping for lesser charges, not wanting his family, SW family and friends to think he murdered his own children, not wanting the world to think he murdered his own children, not to mention other people in prison don't take kindly to child murderers. A parent killing their own child is always looked at worse than a spouse killing a spouse and rightly so. Any mother or father who can murder their own child is a monster.
I dont think anything about CW. I do however, think about this case often. I simply want more information.

Likewise - he is a murderer and he stuck his kids in oil. Not a fan.

Trust me.

I just think his confession makes sense.


I was not just blown away that someone who murdered his wife and stuck his kids in oil might try to lie on the porch.

The whole thing is sad.
There's a difference between being charged and being convicted. IMO it wouldn't give the girls or their family and friends any respect or justice to to say we charged someone we're good we don't need to look at the entire picture or have a trial.

He'll get his trial, if he doesn't plea bargain. I very strongly believe he will be convicted of all charges, if this goes to trial. There's already plenty of evidence that's available that says he killed them all, IMO, and my guess is, there will be even more evidence at trial.

I have little doubt that if this goes to trial there will be attempts to disparage SW's character, to try to cast doubt, because, IMO, that is CW's only to try to avoid a conviction of all charges. He's already going to prison for a long, long time as he's admitted to murdering SW and Nico.

I believe it is supremely disrespectful and unfair to SW to have her character torn to shreds, and she cannot defend herself and she's a victim. I also believe it is supremely unfair and disrespectful to the little girls, whose bodies he treated worse than trash. He couldn't even squirt out a tear for them when he gave his media performances.

IMO, it's supremely unfair and disrespectful to SW's family and friends, who have already had to endure incredible tragedy and loss. This will be another hideous nightmare for them.

If the attempts to disparage are anywhere close to what I've seen on the Internet - lol. Good luck. The truth, IMO, is going to show CW is an even worse monster than anyone thought was possible, JMO.

LE report of a long term ongoing affair.
Respectfully snipped by me for focus.

This is incorrect. The affidavit states: "
"A two day investigation revealed Chris was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker which he denied in previous interviews" (3 LINE BLACKOUT)
Colorado Judicial Branch

No "long-term." No "ongoing." (Although "actively involved indicates "ongoing.") MOO
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I'm surprised some don't see the difference in a husband/wife confessing to killing their spouse but not confessing to killing their children. I can think of several reasons for him to only confessing to killing his wife. Hoping for lesser charges, not wanting his family, SW family and friends to think he murdered his own children, not wanting the world to think he murdered his own children, not to mention other people in prison don't take kindly to child murderers. A parent killing their own child is always looked at worse than a spouse killing a spouse and rightly so. Any mother or father who can murder their own child is a monster.

I agree any mother or father who can murder their own child or any child is a monster. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact that it actually happens. Without evidence and proof given by the court on who's responsible it's next to impossible for me to stand up for someone.
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where I am confused on this is it was reported that they showed him satellite stuff. I may be recalling wrong. Anyone remember that or am I confused?

CW circled three areas on a map or satellite image and showed LE where he hid the bodies. LE already knew someone was in a clandestine, shallow grave as that was seen by drone, as well as the bedsheet that CW forgot about at the dumping ground.
I'm surprised some don't see the difference in a husband/wife confessing to killing their spouse but not confessing to killing their children. I can think of several reasons for him to only confessing to killing his wife. Hoping for lesser charges, not wanting his family, SW family and friends to think he murdered his own children, not wanting the world to think he murdered his own children, not to mention other people in prison don't take kindly to child murderers. A parent killing their own child is always looked at worse than a spouse killing a spouse and rightly so. Any mother or father who can murder their own child is a monster.

I agree with you. And I thought that CW saying he'd tell the "truth" after being confronted with the drone pics, but only after speaking to his dad, was very telling. I think he wanted to break it to his dad himself with his own spin, the whole "she was evil, I had to do it for the children" story, in hopes that his family would believe it and be willing to support him despite it coming out that he was a liar and murderer.

I think being seen as killing Shanann was one thing, especially if there were already biases there (my belief and speculation only). Killing their grandchildren would be entirely another and unforgivable in their eyes, to him.

All JMO.
He'll get his trial, if he doesn't plea bargain. I very strongly believe he will be convicted of all charges, if this goes to trial. There's already plenty of evidence that's available that says he killed them all, IMO, and my guess is, there will be even more evidence at trial.

I have little doubt that if this goes to trial there will be attempts to disparage SW's character, to try to cast doubt, because, IMO, that is CW's only to try to avoid a conviction of all charges. He's already going to prison for a long, long time as he's admitted to murdering SW and Nico.

I believe it is supremely disrespectful and unfair to SW to have her character torn to shreds, and she cannot defend herself and she's a victim. I also believe it is supremely unfair and disrespectful to the little girls, whose bodies he treated worse than trash. He couldn't even squirt out a tear for them when he gave his media performances.

IMO, it's supremely unfair and disrespectful to SW's family and friends, who have already had to endure incredible tragedy and loss. This will be another hideous nightmare for them.

If the attempts to disparage are anywhere close to what I've seen on the Internet - lol. Good luck. The truth, IMO, is going to show CW is an even worse monster than anyone thought was possible, JMO.


If CW is guilty on all charges I hope he pleads and avoids a trial.

If it goes to trial there's no doubt SW will have her character looked at and possibly shredded.

I realize SW is a victim, but so are Bella and CC. IMO they all deserve truth. No matter how hard it is to get to the truth or what the truth is - they deserve it.
I'm surprised some don't see the difference in a husband/wife confessing to killing their spouse but not confessing to killing their children. I can think of several reasons for him to only confessing to killing his wife. Hoping for lesser charges, not wanting his family, SW family and friends to think he murdered his own children, not wanting the world to think he murdered his own children, not to mention other people in prison don't take kindly to child murderers. A parent killing their own child is always looked at worse than a spouse killing a spouse and rightly so. Any mother or father who can murder their own child is a monster.


I am in the exact opposite corner!

I really do not believe he thought that after confessing to murdering his wife and placing his babies in oil he really thought he could get some "OK" sentence.

In a global story.

Like how could I think if I tell them all this I may be out in 40 years.

IMO there is too much frantic stuff stupid stuff which only aligns with the confession.

He was done. Moving on.

From all the video he was an emotionally available father to his kids.

IMO people are understandably trying to deal with the oil . I think that was related to being freaked out.

Oh my god I just killed my wife and my kids are dead. Now what do I do ?

We are allowing discussion of the defense put forward by CW's legal team
They used the term active ongoing - so I just assumed that meant meaningful - but that is only my interpretation . moo
Not really, The affidavit says "Chris was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker which he denied in previous interviews"

Nothing about ongoing, long term. Nothing to imply "meaningful".

It could have started the week before, to fit the description of "actively involved".

He committed murder. He acknowledged such.

BBM wrong, he did not acknowledge that he committed murder.
He'll get his trial, if he doesn't plea bargain. I very strongly believe he will be convicted of all charges, if this goes to trial. There's already plenty of evidence that's available that says he killed them all, IMO, and my guess is, there will be even more evidence at trial.

I have little doubt that if this goes to trial there will be attempts to disparage SW's character, to try to cast doubt, because, IMO, that is CW's only to try to avoid a conviction of all charges. He's already going to prison for a long, long time as he's admitted to murdering SW and Nico.

I believe it is supremely disrespectful and unfair to SW to have her character torn to shreds, and she cannot defend herself and she's a victim. I also believe it is supremely unfair and disrespectful to the little girls, whose bodies he treated worse than trash. He couldn't even squirt out a tear for them when he gave his media performances.

IMO, it's supremely unfair and disrespectful to SW's family and friends, who have already had to endure incredible tragedy and loss. This will be another hideous nightmare for them.

If the attempts to disparage are anywhere close to what I've seen on the Internet - lol. Good luck. The truth, IMO, is going to show CW is an even worse monster than anyone thought was possible, JMO.


RE: There's already plenty of evidence that's available that says he killed them all

can you link some of this evidence I have not seen anything? TY
If CW is guilty on all charges I hope he pleads and avoids a trial.

If it goes to trial there's no doubt SW will have her character looked at and possibly shredded.

I realize SW is a victim, but so are Bella and CC. IMO they all deserve truth. No matter how hard it is to get to the truth or what the truth is - they deserve it.

If CW had any respect or concern for anyone except himself, he'd stop lying and accept responsibility for what he's done and show some compassion for the rest of his victims, and they are numerous. JMO.
Respectfully snipped by me for focus.

This is incorrect. The affidavit states: "
"A two day investigation revealed Chris was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker which he denied in previous interviews" (3 LINE BLACKOUT)
Colorado Judicial Branch

No "long-term." No "ongoing." (Although "actively involved indicates "ongoing.") MOO

Has anyone ever heard of anyone admitting an affair when the wife has just been found dead?

Kind of classic stuff no?

We are allowing discussion of the defense put forward by CW's legal team
It's not a scientific proven fact that he saw Bella turning blue while SW was strangling her. CW said that he saw Bella turn blue while SW was strangling her. Like it or not, it's my opinion that that statement doesn't prove or disprove anything.

So you possibly believe him when he says that she killed the babies, but don't believe him when he says he saw Bella turn blue?
RE: There's already plenty of evidence that's available that says he killed them all

can you link some of this evidence I have not seen anything? TY

Gitana1 put together an excellent summary of the evidence that exists. You can find it at the beginning of each threat. I'd post it, but I need to run. I'll try to remember to post it when I get back.
Has anyone ever heard of anyone admitting an affair when the wife has just been found dead?

Kind of classic stuff no?

We are allowing discussion of the defense put forward by CW's legal team

Well, if the wife was just found dead, but your defense is that she killed the babies, and you over reacted, then it makes no sense to deny the affair. JMO
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