Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #48

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But how do you know that? We don't KNOW this to be true. It's almost like you're saying he didn't do it, he just wants it over with. I'd like to know how you've come to that conclusion.
My post was in response to the DP as leverage to get a plea deal. IMO is that the DP off the table isn't leverage at all, as per DA's press conference.
Christopher Watts' mother: Rescind guilty plea in deaths of daughters, wife

Mother says son’s defense attorneys only wanted to save his life, not properly represent him

Cynthia Watts described her son as someone who never lost his temper and always did what his wife asked of him, “running, not walking.”

“How does he go from a decent person to a killer?” she asked. “If he won’t fight for his daggone self, I will.”
Ugh! I suppose only a mother could love this monster.

I don't believe a word of the bovine fecal matter spewing from CW's mouth.:eek:

And now his mommy is behaving just the way Gitana1 explained in her great post about the mother's of killers like SP/CW etc.

Its sickening to me that she's blaming SW instead of being decent and admitting what he did was evil and unforgivable.

She can still support her son but there is no need to cause further harm to SW and her family.

Exactly. Even if they come to terms with the fact that CW killed them all, they’d just shift the blame to Shanann for abusing him, and pushing him to kill.

I’m fully convinced that they will never see this for what it is:

A brutal crime perpetrated by their son, against truly innocent victims.
Agree, it will always be her fault. Shanann seemed to be a lovely, vivacious, kind person that offered their son the opportunity to have a very happy life with a wife that adored him, they will never see that.
Dad came in on the 15th, right? CW was arrested that night. IIRC in their original statement, LE said they had found the body of SW and had strong reason to believe they had located the bodies of Bella and Celeste. So does that mean they found SW because the drone showed the sheet, and the grave, and then CW told them where the girls were after talking to Dad?
Thats my understanding.
Really looking forward to the 9News report tonight. IMO, CW’s mom has a “why is no one paying attention to me?” vibe to me...

JMO though. As always, there is so much we’ll never know. But maybe his mom will spill more beans in order to get more attention?
Really looking forward to the 9News report tonight. IMO, CW’s mom has a “why is no one paying attention to me?” vibe to me...

JMO though. As always, there is so much we’ll never know. But maybe his mom will spill more beans in order to get more attention?
She might. All she has to hold on to at this point is “attention.”

She’s powerless to stop her son’s plea, and is simply lashing out.
I'm sorry - but I have to ask - how do you know that? I'm genuinely interested to know.

He had phone privileges. He could have called his mother or father or sister any time he had his turn with the phone. But apparently, he never called them. And his attorneys had no way to prevent him from doing so if he wanted to. There was no 'block' of the jail house phone that could block his Mom's number.
I think it's important to realise that Chris's family are also victims of this terrible crime. How bewildering it must be to have your son admit to at LEAST killing his wife. They are clearly going through a grieving process, denial being a step to that. We are all fallible as humans...I am in no way defending Chris but let's ease up on his folks
And the victimization of Shan'ann continues...
Well, lets look at it from their point of view - the last time Cw's father saw him was before his arrest, when Chris told his father 'what had happened'. His father believed him. The next thing his parents know, Chris is going to plead guilty to ALL murders. They are not allowed to discuss this with him, so they can't test their understanding. They have no information at all, whereas I believe that Shan'anns family do know a little more.

I think Chris's parents are desperate for information. When this is available to them, I would hope it makes things clearer for them. I am surprised that the PD team hasn't counselled them as to the reasoning behind the plea, but perhaps they have good reason not to.

They may be "desperate for information" but, IMO, that doesn't mean that they should go on national television (for mutual "exclusive" interviews) and bash SW. He's admitted to killing her no matter how you look at it. He's now admitted to killing the children. To publicly bash her and accuse her of abuse or to allude that she somehow deserved her fate by "triggering" him is not only distasteful, it is unethical.
I had been holding out hope that CW's father was a decent guy caught in an unthinkable situation, but he's either an idiot or a monster along with the rest of them. Mods, feel free to delete this and give me a T.O. I have nothing productive to add.

I am so sorry @Colorado303. Hang in there. We will be there for you.
He knew it was wrong because he hid the bodies and set up false narratives. He maintained logical conversation, lying about certain details.

I don't know the definition of mental incompetence but those are pretty good examples of someone knowing exactly what they are doing.

Mental incompetence I think means Not having the capacity to make decisions. They would be delusional or psychotic, hearing voices and not being aware that the voices are not real. They have no insight into their illness so say if they were hearing commanding voices, they would not realise they were not real. They definitely wouldn’t have the capacity to then go and hide the bodies and any evidence.
Yes. I truly believe that the body of this conversation has been crafted since his arrest and the actual conversation.

100% agree. I think Dad’s comments about not placing girls with Shanann are harvested from delusional supporters and attributed to his son. I’d put decent money on Chris never having said that.

I have no doubt that Shanann would have been in an oil tank had it been possible.

@Colorado303 - my thoughts are with you. I have so much admiration for you. I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this.
They may be "desperate for information" but, IMO, that doesn't mean that they should go on national television (for mutual "exclusive" interviews) and bash SW. He's admitted to killing her no matter how you look at it. He's now admitted to killing the children. To publicly bash her and accuse her of abuse or to allude that she somehow deserved her fate by "triggering" him is not only distasteful, it is unethical.
Agreed - I was just trying to see it from there POV. Perhaps they think this is the only way to get information?
She might. All she has to hold on to at this point is “attention.”

She’s powerless to stop her son’s plea, and is simply lashing out.
He cold heartedly wished this upon his mother by not bothering to let her know about the plea deal. I get the idea the father and mother were in a holding mode for a trial for their noble son who just had to kill his murderer wife.
Agreed - I was just trying to see it from there POV. Perhaps they think this is the only way to get information?
It’s destined to fail if that’s their intent.

They will get all of the (damning) information in less than a week. I hope they come to terms with it then.

I’m not holding my breath though.
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