Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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We will be unlikely to ever get info re his psych exams or visits or any HIPAA info.
Do you think the DA will reveal all the evidence they have against CW at the press conference after the sentencing on Monday? Like texts, emails, gps tracking, Internet searches, and witness statements. Is he allowed to do that?
CW acted very differently, depending on who he was with. He tells his family he’s miserable and scared of his wife. When he’s with SW he says he wants to make a baby. He did say in that pregnancy reveal video, “When you want to, it happens.” When he’s with his and SW’s friends, they say, he’s a loving and devoted husband. When he’s with his AP’s he’s a cheater. Who is Chris Watts?
My point was, does anyone know for sure he told his mother anything negative about Shanann? Or did his mother see things she didn't like and make it all up in her head?
Mrs. Watts explains it all in this article:

“That scares me to death,” she said. “It scares me to death to think that he could have done all of this. And I don’t wanna go there. I don’t wanna go there now.”
“I wake up every morning crying, you know, thinking this is not going to be what’s going to happen every single day,” Cindy Watts said. “It’s just so hard to get through it. I just don’t know how to get through it.”

Mrs. Watts can not face the fact that her precious son murdered his wife and children. In order to make sense of what has happened, she needed to come up with an alternate reality. Ignoring a few facts, exaggerating a few others, and aligning herself with like thinkers has armed her with enough ammunition to postpone facing the inevitable truth. Monday is going to be very difficult for her.
Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters

If she wouldn't blame Shannan, I truly would feel sorry for her! As I said before: what Chris forced his and Shannan's family to go through is unforgivable in my opinion! But as I felt Chris was only sorry for his lost chance to get rid of his family and still be a free man who can do whatever he wanted to do, I have the same feeling that she is only devastated because her son got locked up and not that her grandchildren will never see the sunlight again. But to be fair, maybe she is not able to display it at the moment. But anyway (my opinion) she choosed the wrong way and the wrong words. This will not do him or her a favor (besides maybe a few "hardcore-supporters") and might just fall back on their entire family.
I have a theory about Mrs. Watts; like mother, like son. Narcissists! I believe Mrs. Watts was looking forward to the trial and saw it as her chance for stardom. A loving mother fighting for her son. Her turn to shine. Like so many others. And then, CW ended her plans and dreams by taking a plea deal. To her, that would be unacceptable. So, she goes to battle in the media and goes into attack dog mode against Shanann. I wish the DA or someone would get a restraining Order to shut the Watts family down! @gitana1 Could they do that?

I understand and respect the Rzucek family's need for dignity and respect and I applaud how they have handled the horror and insanity. They are heroes.
Heck, if the Rzucek family did a thing so that they could hire a good attorney and file a libel suit, I and many others would certainly donate.
Mrs. Watts explains it all in this article:

“That scares me to death,” she said. “It scares me to death to think that he could have done all of this. And I don’t wanna go there. I don’t wanna go there now.”
“I wake up every morning crying, you know, thinking this is not going to be what’s going to happen every single day,” Cindy Watts said. “It’s just so hard to get through it. I just don’t know how to get through it.”

Mrs. Watts can not face the fact that her precious son murdered his wife and children. In order to make sense of what has happened, she needed to come up with an alternate reality. Ignoring a few facts, exaggerating a few others, and aligning herself with like thinkers has armed her with enough ammunition to postpone facing the inevitable truth. Monday is going to be very difficult for her.
Chris Watts' parents question plea deal in murder of wife, daughters
IMO She went from one day considering her son some kind of superhero who might get probation for ridding the world of a dangerous baby-killing woman to the next day becoming, herself, the mother of a confessed premeditated baby killing murderer facing LWOP X 3 or more.

She managed, throughout, to ignore desecration of bodies, lack of calling 911, all his proven lies, etc.

This is why she's freaking out, because there is no longer ANY justification for what he did, in her mind. IMO
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In the last few hours of his freedom, who did CW want to talk to--his mother? No, just his father. Now I'm wondering how much he talked to her in the hours between the murders and his arrest, when SW and the girls were still "missing", before he admitted to murder.

He still is apparently shutting his family out, but they're not getting the message. Odd. The Watts have shown us all their character, such as it is. They should be ashamed. All IMO.
I’m not sure that his mother was in Colorado at the time CW was arrested. I don’t remember reading anything about her. Does anyone know?
That letter is a disgrace. Good grief, no salutation, and it doesn't even reference the case or address the judge properly. That's just the first line. I could cite all the reasons why the author should be grossly embarrassed by that trash, but nobody got time for dat! Lol
I know! I'm twitching. I want to send it back with edits. Commas, apostrophes. How could they let something be submitted like this to the judge in their son's case without having it reviewed by an attorney? (Or...anyone.)

I really do wonder if they had consulted any attorneys before he took this plea deal? Had/have they consulted with anyone who gave them realistic information on this situation? Wouldn't that be your first step if your child was charged with murder? Did they and they just didn't want to hear it? I guess if you have enough money to throw at this, there will be an attorney out there willing to put on the outrageous defense you direct. But in most cases, an ethical and realistic legal team is going to strategize with the best they can do with the evidence they are up against. If you want full on circus and a mockery of the legal system, it's true, you probably won't get that pro bono. And that does not qualify as inhumane treatment!

I wonder if CW has shown any remorse for what he has done. That seems to be the part of this that has been lacking from him and his family. I wonder if he has admitted to his legal counsel that he did this. Not just "agreed" to plea, but actually gave them the real details of the murders he committed. If he did and mom is trying to get in there yammering how he shouldn't take this if he didn't do it... his legal team knows so much more than she does. He is an adult. I understand her frustration and desperation and I almost sympathize with how lost his parents are going about this legal situation, but there is a reason this woman has been sidelined throughout the process.
Okay, thanks. Another one looking for a few minutes of fame. Disguting.
Maybe a minute or two of fame from a few assorted lunatics and true crime newbies. But their reputations are going to be permanently tarnished among those who regularly follow true crime. And the listeners they still do have probably aren't going to stick around after next week and keep sending them money. MOO
Killer Chris Watts' parents blame dead, pregnant wife for murders
Convicted killer Chris Watts’ doting parents don’t believe he murdered his pregnant wife and two young daughters.

Not for a minute.

Instead, they’re pointing the finger at his “abusive” and “manipulative” late wife Shanann as the real culprit.

So strained were relations between the two women that the couple didn’t attend their son’s 2012 wedding, the distraught mom added.

The parents told ABC 11 that Chris’s relationship with Shanann was abusive and she isolated him from his family.

His mother doubled down, claiming that Shaanan was the one who was capable of murder.
At least I appreciate the more accurate headline to this reporting than many others! I believe it points out the ridiculous nature of some of the assertions by CW's parents.
The reality is that there will likely be no apology, or public admission of having been wrong by most of the people who have publically taken the side of of a confessed killer.

The post is not suggesting that anyone will ever be “gleeful” about the death of 3 vibrant people either. Nobody is “gleeful” here. It merely expresses that there will be relief borne out of redemption when SW and her children are finally vindicated once and for all.

Serena, thank you - that is exactly, 100% my sentiment.

I'm just saying that "I told you so" implies somewhat of an undercurrent of sticking your tongue out and taking satisfaction and pleasure in doing so.

I will absolutely take satisfaction in finding out those cruel, heartless, and slanderous people are wrong, and I won't feel the slightest guilty for doing so. There is no malice in my heart. I will not be making an effort to say, "I told you so," to them - no, quite the opposite. I will sit back in silent relief when those people are proven wrong. May they redeem themselves, or answer someday for their cruelty elsewhere (I believe in Karma).

Those kind of people are the worst of the worst, IMO. The vile garbage that is being said about SW, the unbelievably disgusting names she has been called...I'm sure her friends, family, and supporters are also eagerly awaiting her name to be cleared.
At the time, Dad believed SW and the girls were missing. Probably thought he was going to aid in the search -- but Thayer's could have told him that CW had no interest in organizing or participating in a search party.
Another fly on the wall wish....I'd sure like to hear that discussion between the 2 of them during the ride from the airport to Frederick.
Mrs. Watts seems in total denial what the charges against her son actually entail and the legal criminal penalties for them. The DA was not willing to take anything off the table but the death penalty. And the only reason they conceded on that was because SW's family did not want it, the realistic likelihood of it ever being implemented, and putting everyone through a lengthy, emotional, and expensive trial weighed with the strength of the case against CW. I believe they thought they had enough to get a death penalty conviction if needed.

She also seems to think it's unconstitutional if the public defender's office doesn't put on a Johnny Cochran type case. I guess if you want that - then pay up. Pull in every resource and fight. Don't take amateur "counsel" from a podcaster who emails judges to call the defendant's mommy. And there is no guarantee that even an experienced, top criminal defense attorney can do a thing to get CW acquitted. But if you don't want a public defender for a death penalty case, then go find a Colorado criminal defense attorney!

Ironically as others mentioned here, by NOT letting CW discuss the case with her and inadvertently say something on record, his terrible, inhumane public defenders are demonstrating how they are protecting his constitutional rights and best interests.
I am very puzzled by their lack of hiring an attorney to consult/advise with, help them understand the process on this case since for 4 months they have been unhappy with his defense team. Maybe they have but I think we would have heard about it if they did, idk. It seems lots of talk but no real action which I find telling.
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