Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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RS&BBM, Do you think that the letter was part of an abandoned plan to also injure himself and blame it on SW? I can see him intending to stab himself in a non-lethal spot just to make it look as if she had attacked him, but not going through with it, and using that as an excuse to murder her. Maybe that plan was too messy--or scary-- for Christopher. (Sorry, but if his mom can infantilize him *shrugs*, I'm just so disgusted with CW and his parents.)

Well, we saw the 'hurting oneself' to make it look, that this was by an attacker, in the van Breda case.
It went to trial. This didn't work.:D
Do you think the DA will reveal all the evidence they have against CW at the press conference after the sentencing on Monday? Like texts, emails, gps tracking, Internet searches, and witness statements. Is he allowed to do that?

I’ve been looking forward to seeing the digital footprint. I hope it’s released soon. :D
I was just referring to the threat of suing the Watts for libel on behalf of Shanann.
I have no idea about wrongful death suits but it sounds like a good idea, except he has no funds available to sue for, does he ?
Just to add to this- i think watts momma would have to say something about the living family for them to file a suit for defamation of character
Well, we saw the 'hurting oneself' to make it look, that this was by an attacker, in the van Breda case.
It went to trial. This didn't work.:D
Yes, quite tmar :D

Textbook self-inflicted injuries. A tiny scratch across his chest avoiding his nipples, when the rest of his family had been axed over the head multiple times. Pathetic.
Serena, thank you - that is exactly, 100% my sentiment.

I will absolutely take satisfaction in finding out those cruel, heartless, and slanderous people are wrong, and I won't feel the slightest guilty for doing so. There is no malice in my heart. I will not be making an effort to say, "I told you so," to them - no, quite the opposite. I will sit back in silent relief when those people are proven wrong. May they redeem themselves, or answer someday for their cruelty elsewhere (I believe in Karma).

Those kind of people are the worst of the worst, IMO. The vile garbage that is being said about SW, the unbelievably disgusting names she has been called...I'm sure her friends, family, and supporters are also eagerly awaiting her name to be cleared.
Which is your right. I'm sure her "thrivers" will also be pleased unfortunately though I feel the damage has been done for their reputation.
IIRC Gitana said you cannot sue on behalf of a dead person - they have no further rights.
And they did it without bashing anyone.

Agree - and also showed incredible compassion. They don't want the death penalty for the man who killed their beloved daughter, granddaughters and the grandson they were never were allowed to meet.
Ok. I am trying to have a mature discussion and so I'm asking questions to better understand others' opinions. I find it very hurtful and upsetting that with every post I am jumped on and being misquoted constantly. I am so saddened by this group and what is being done to people like myself who are just curious and would like to post without constantly being berated and ridiculed. Just because I don't say what CW's mum said about SW was hurtful to her family doesn't mean I don't think it, but I shouldn't have to say it. I am so tired of trying to defend myself when all I've ever done is try and talk about the why of this case and I've never once excused CW's actions. Shanann wasn't perfect, no-one is. I will never comprehend how anyone could do this but it doesn't mean I'm not curious as to why in his mind he thought for 1 sec this was ok.

Allabouttrial- I am very sorry you feel this way when voicing your opinions and questions. I don't believe it is the intent of anyone responding to your posts to personally attack or berate you (MOO). I am happy to have a mature discussion with you (or anyone else) about the NPD characteristics I believe are being exhibited by CW's mother in her interviews. I am not attempting to diagnose her- merely expressing my personal opinion.
Casual dating is not that threatening to the NP because they have established a tell-all philosophy in the home. But once the engagement is announced, the war begins. Suddenly this new spouse is an inadequate, unsuitable, and unacceptable addition who will destroy their Adult Child. There are even threats of not attending or supporting the wedding. (They did not attend, by her own admission) The NP intends for this drama to cause conflict between the Adult Child and the new spouse in hopes that the engagement will end.
There will be a joint family effort to demonstrate to the new spouse that they could never “fit it” with the NP’s family. (By her own admission, they could never get along with. SW). NPs want assurances that they can remain in control of their ACs life. Any indication to the contrary is met with intense rage and verbal assaults. ("What happened to Christopher? SW happened). Remember this is the secret dream of the NP: to prove that they were right all along.
The Frustration of Dealing with Narcissistic In-Laws | The Exhausted Woman
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. (Inability to speak to her son, blaming defense counsel for plea, accusing defense counsel of inadequacy/destroying evidence, letter to judge).
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others. (Pistachios)
  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment.
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted. (Blaming SW for CW's actions).
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves (or their Adult Child) appear superior. (We have seen this in every interview- to the point SW's family released a statement defending her honor).
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior. (Giving interviews to proclaim there is no way her son could have done this, statements to her son not to plead guilty but to fight, victim blaming, inability to accept the plea, negative accusations of defense counsel, letter to judge).
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change. (Inability to accept plea, statements that LWOP is the same as a death sentence, desperation to convince her son not to plead guilty "for something he did not do" without knowing the evidence, accusing defense counsel of "shutting her down" and not letting her speak to or visit her son).
Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
Yea i doubt there is any money to be made- not that Shan’ann’s family wants that but jist more charges- maybe some answers. But JMO but i dount they do anything like that. I think they just want all of this behind them and never to hear from him again.
They want to make a difference in their daughter's memory.

“They’d like to see a law passed to recognize the lives of unborn children like their grandson Nico,” Forbes said. “They’ve set up funds to gather resources to help the Lupus foundation. … They hope this tragedy will bring people closer to God.”
Shanann Watts, Frederick daughters funeral in North Carolina
4 hyphens not 5.
ETA: Or was that intentional?
No it wasnt.. I'm terrible at typing and was trying to use the asterisks but they came out higher instead of in the middle! I was actually trying to make one line. I should have just written the whole " s" word because once I accidentally typed, " he shot at them" with an i instead of an o and it came out as 4 astericks. If that makes any sense.
That letter is a disgrace. Good grief, no salutation, and it doesn't even reference the case or address the judge properly. That's just the first line. I could cite all the reasons why the author should be grossly embarrassed by that trash, but nobody got time for dat! Lol
And it bugs me that the letter is written "on behalf of Cindy Watts...."

What about Ronnie Watts? Should not the parents of this monster CW be presenting a united front?

Way to emasculate your husband, Mother Watts.

Allabouttrial- I am very sorry you feel this way when voicing your opinions and questions. I don't believe it is the intent of anyone responding to your posts to personally attack or berate you (MOO). I am happy to have a mature discussion with you (or anyone else) about the NPD characteristics I believe are being exhibited by CW's mother in her interviews. I am not attempting to diagnose her- merely expressing my personal opinion.
Casual dating is not that threatening to the NP because they have established a tell-all philosophy in the home. But once the engagement is announced, the war begins. Suddenly this new spouse is an inadequate, unsuitable, and unacceptable addition who will destroy their Adult Child. There are even threats of not attending or supporting the wedding. (They did not attend, by her own admission) The NP intends for this drama to cause conflict between the Adult Child and the new spouse in hopes that the engagement will end.
There will be a joint family effort to demonstrate to the new spouse that they could never “fit it” with the NP’s family. (By her own admission, they could never get along with. SW). NPs want assurances that they can remain in control of their ACs life. Any indication to the contrary is met with intense rage and verbal assaults. ("What happened to Christopher? SW happened). Remember this is the secret dream of the NP: to prove that they were right all along.
The Frustration of Dealing with Narcissistic In-Laws | The Exhausted Woman
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. (Inability to speak to her son, blaming defense counsel for plea, accusing defense counsel of inadequacy/destroying evidence, letter to judge).
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and the severity of symptoms vary. People with the disorder can:
  • Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others. (Pistachios)
  • Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special treatment.
  • Have significant interpersonal problems and easily feel slighted. (Blaming SW for CW's actions).
  • React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves (or their Adult Child) appear superior. (We have seen this in every interview- to the point SW's family released a statement defending her honor).
  • Have difficulty regulating emotions and behavior. (Giving interviews to proclaim there is no way her son could have done this, statements to her son not to plead guilty but to fight, victim blaming, inability to accept the plea, negative accusations of defense counsel, letter to judge).
  • Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change. (Inability to accept plea, statements that LWOP is the same as a death sentence, desperation to convince her son not to plead guilty "for something he did not do" without knowing the evidence, accusing defense counsel of "shutting her down" and not letting her speak to or visit her son).
Narcissistic personality disorder - Symptoms and causes
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Did his dad not say the same though?
I believe @gitana1 answered this before. As far as slander or libel, her living family cannot sue on her behalf. The dead have no rights any more, sad as it seems.
Don't know about Colorado, but I believe in some states, if a party has been collaterally damaged, by the actions of another they can sue for damages. The Watts family has damaged the Rzucek family collaterally. I was mostly thinking of a Restraining Order.
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