Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #50

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I've been about 3 threads behind since August - was close to being all caught up when the whole thread was put on the naughty step :oops: but then BAM guilty plea o_O BAM Cindygate :eek:.

I am the daughter of a covert NPD mother who didn't come to our wedding and been no contact since then so I've found some posts on here very therapeutic and helpful hence poking my head above the parapet - can't remember all the IDs but you know who you are.

I hate the circumstances of how I got to know of Shannan and her little angels but I think her inspirational positivity, charisma and motherly love have touched far more people than the dastardly aspersions cast by other folk. MOO. I hope justice will prevail.

Heading back to quietly lurk again and bolster myself for whatever Monday has in store for us :(
It made me smile that Shanann’s tragedy is bringing positive change to people she never met. I watched a video of hers where she said, “I love helping people.” I think your experience would have made her very happy.
Maybe they can put her in the overflow room and she can watch the televised hearing. She does not need to take up space in the courtroom that is meant for family, friends, and actual verified media. She can sit with the public visitors in a separate room. IMO
Indeed. Although I fear KA may now be right hand to Ms Watts and will accompany the family at the hearing. Which had me thinking today..... I know the media has to put in requests to the court for access into the courtroom at hearings. If the court opens to allow the requested media access, does that generally mean if they allow one then they must allow all requests? Or can they pick and choose who gets access??? I can understand (and hope), in order to avoid a media circus, only allowing a select few "reputable" sources, but I'm not sure how that works.
I am so naive and sheltered, apparently. Why would a podcaster endeavor to erode confidence in the DA of Weld County, using Facebook reviews no less? Referencing episode 15, starting around minute 28:30 forward. This is in no way journalism, and I clearly understand why Websleuths only accepts specific types of media as sources.

But my question is earnest. Why attack the DA? I guess it is a question I may pose to the originators, but I was wondering if those more savvy here might have more insight.

Please delete if simply asking this question goes too far.

I actually lol'd when I heard it. How many criminals and associated friends/family would give a good review to a DA? Literally one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.:D:D:D
I personally still want to know (most likely never will) why SW's mom & sister did not attend their wedding.
CW at that point must not have been saying anything bad about SW as he was marrying her and she was the woman he loved.
So what did the mother and sister see or think that would make them not attend the wedding??
I understand from an above post that his Dad did go. Usually no matter how people feel above a new son-in-law or daughter-in-law they shut their mouths and still attend if that wedding moves forward.
I just find that extremely odd and want to think that something must have been very wrong right from the get go. JMO
According to CW's mother, something WAS very wrong. It was Shanann. Everything was fine and her son was perfect before she came along. I'm sure his mothers and the sisters refusal to attend the wedding set the stage for a very unhealthy relationship between mother and daughter in law. It was supposed to be one of the most important events of their lives, solidifying the union of her son and his wife and she chose not to attend. She didn't even give a specific reason, except to say that they did not get along. I wonder if any of the VI's knows how Shanann felt about that and how much of an impact it had. Imo
I have found out that all relationships are different. What works for one couple doesn't work for others. All relationships need communication. Chris chose not to communicate. I believe anyone that cooks 6 weeks of meals for their husband before they go out of town, would do whatever she needed to do to make him happy. He chose to look elsewhere and then kill them all. He had a choice. My mom used to say all the time, my dad looked like an angel out in public. He wasn't so pleasant at home. Everyone thought she was the bad guy. No one knew the truth but those of us that lived with him. I don't believe Chris was mister nice guy. There is no way he could have been as nice as he portrayed. He had a meanness in him, or he could never have killed is family.JMO

Yes. What an abusive monster. She cooked weeks of prepared meals for him so he wouldn't be without while she was away.
How can you most hurt your future DIL, right off the bat, refuse to go to the wedding, creating forever more continuing questions on the wedding photos, where is Christopher's Mom, was she sick?

Yes and not to say all the people that did attend and CW's mother & sister were no where to be seen. To me I just think it was more than them not liking her. JMO

Right, I’m not saying otherwise. The MIL and SIL not going to the wedding is very hurtful and it shows a level of disrespect like no other. I’m only saying I think it’s possible CW played a role in it somehow.

I don't think that, he was getting married and would have wanted them all there I would think. Whatever went wrong that drove him to do what he did came years later.
I've been about 3 threads behind since August - was close to being all caught up when the whole thread was put on the naughty step :oops: but then BAM guilty plea o_O BAM Cindygate :eek:.

I am the daughter of a covert NPD mother who didn't come to our wedding and been no contact since then so I've found some posts on here very therapeutic and helpful hence poking my head above the parapet - can't remember all the IDs but you know who you are.

I hate the circumstances of how I got to know of Shannan and her little angels but I think her inspirational positivity, charisma and motherly love have touched far more people than the dastardly aspersions cast by other folk. MOO. I hope justice will prevail.

Heading back to quietly lurk again and bolster myself for whatever Monday has in store for us :(
Thank you so much for popping in. Please know that I'm personally very appreciative for all the posters that share their very personal, intimate, experiences on this site. For all the quantifiable hours spent reading and/or researching PD's, it's the personal accounts that bring it full circle for me, and for that I'm ever grateful. #shinelikeshanann
Yes and not to say all the people that did attend and CW's mother & sister were no where to be seen. To me I just think it was more than them not liking her. JMO

I don't think that, he was getting married and would have wanted them all there I would think. Whatever went wrong that drove him to do what he did came years later.
No one drove him to murder his little girls and pregnant wife. That is his doing.
I do think that the evidence was a driving force in the plea deal, but there may be more to it than that.

This guy is clearly obsessed with his image, and what other people think of him.

There may be secrets that he doesn’t want to be revealed in an open court, especially AP’s testifying against him.

If one or more of these AP’s is in fact male, that may be a bridge too far for him. It doesn’t matter what we think about that sort of thing (fortunately, most people embrace that now), but to him, he might find that especially embarrassing.
I did think that until I saw the parents interviews. They really have cemented for me the extent of his very serious personality disorder/s, and dysfunctional upbringing. The blame game runs very deep in this family. I think he's deluded enough to think he would win, albeit with a little discomfort, but he could reinvent himself in a new State once it was over because that is the nature of delusion and being pathologically dishonest and a manipulator, always charming the people he meets. No one in his life knew him. He thought he could pull this off, that's how deluded he is. He could lie to his father's face and pull out the tears. An out and out sociopath. And I don't think they buckle so easy, there is always another lie ready or person to blame - think Jodi Arias. (MOO)
Is anyone local going to go to the sentencing? I'm considering it, but also feel it's going to be a circus, and going would only contribute to said circus. At the same time, I want to be there as steadfast, although silent, support for Shanann, the girls and Nico, and their family, and to be able to see, in person, a historical and horrific case be resolved. I'm torn :oops:
You should go, do not let the crazies keep you from doing something out of respect for Shanann and her family.
Is anyone local going to go to the sentencing? I'm considering it, but also feel it's going to be a circus, and going would only contribute to said circus. At the same time, I want to be there as steadfast, although silent, support for Shanann, the girls and Nico, and their family, and to be able to see, in person, a historical and horrific case be resolved. I'm torn :oops:

Please go for all your WS buddies who support SW and children. We need your eyes to report on what the news will skip over. Like, does CW look at his parents at any time, what kind of shape is he in, crying, subdued, head bowed?

And how does his mother act? That should be worth all the Circus atmosphere you have to deal with.

You know all the questions we have been asking on here. You may come back with answers to some of them.

Good luck if you go. We will still love you if choose not to go. :)
I think Mrs. Watts thinks if she can convince enough people that her misunderstood little boy is a victim of an abusive wife and an incompetent public defender, she can make it all go away. She thinks she’s fighting. I thought it was very interesting when she said when Shanann first went missing she thought Shanann left and took the kids with her. She actually believed CW’s ridiculous story. I guess his father did, too. Something about this family. I can imagine CW thinking, “Well, my mom and dad believe my story, great, it works, so everyone else will.”
What I couldn't understand is how the father said he believed him when he said Shanann killed the girls. He said he was crying and said of the way he disposed of them, " I just couldn't put the girls with her after what she did!" Yet he seperated the two girls from each other as well. Very strange. Imo
Indeed. Although I fear KA may now be right hand to Ms Watts and will accompany the family at the hearing. Which had me thinking today..... I know the media has to put in requests to the court for access into the courtroom at hearings. If the court opens to allow the requested media access, does that generally mean if they allow one then they must allow all requests? Or can they pick and choose who gets access??? I can understand (and hope), in order to avoid a media circus, only allowing a select few "reputable" sources, but I'm not sure how that works.
The court room will welcome all media, including KA just as they would welcome you-- providing you abide by security screening at the entrance. Also, for what it's worth, KA c/o media group "MRS Productions" did
in-fact file a "show request" with the Court requesting Expanded Media Coverage (EMC) at the sentencing hearing on 11/19/18. (i.e., permission to tweet and take photos during proceedings).
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What I couldn't understand is how the father said he believed him when he said Shanann killed the girls. He said he was crying and said of the way he disposed of them, " I just couldn't put the girls with her after what she did!" Yet he seperated the two girls from each other as well. Very strange. Imo
MsBetsy, no way IMO CW looked dad in the eye and told him he dumped the kids in the oil tanks. Maybe he said he didn't bury them together. I wonder if that meeting was the last time he saw either of his parents before the plea hearing last week.
What I couldn't understand is how the father said he believed him when he said Shanann killed the girls. He said he was crying and said of the way he disposed of them, " I just couldn't put the girls with her after what she did!" Yet he seperated the two girls from each other as well. Very strange. Imo
It seems CW can turn on the tears when he is affected by something but could not manage one tear when he was pleading (sort of) for his family's return, when he knew that they were dead and in oil tanks and a shallow grave.
I very much understand not wanting to believe that your child has done this. However, it appears that he has done exactly what Cindy Watts wants to think he has not. There is no shadow of doubt on his guilt no matter how much she prefers to point her finger at her daughter in law who is now deceased. She is dead because of her son. HE HAS CONFESSED TO THIS. The last thing her family needs to listen to is that this was not his (Chris Watts) fault.

If he doesn’t want to talk to her, that is between them. It is not the fault of Law Enforcement, or him being coerced into a false confession.

The fact that she continues to cast aspersions on her daughter in law in order to bolster her son’s position is the big problem here. She not only appears to be insensitive, she also appears delusional (this goes for her husband as well).

It is understandable to want to protect your children. However, when you’re throwing their victims under the bus to do it, all bets are off. There is something to be said for knowing when to say one’s piece, and when to hold one’s own council.

A pregnant woman was senselessly murdered and her 2 children were also taken down in an act of selfish betrayal that involved 2 families and several loved ones. It may be terribly painful for any parent to accept that their child was the perpetrator of such an atrocious act, but basking in denial doesn’t afford compassion, much less justice to ANYONE.

Thank you. Well said.
Yes and not to say all the people that did attend and CW's mother & sister were no where to be seen. To me I just think it was more than them not liking her. JMO

I don't think that, he was getting married and would have wanted them all there I would think. Whatever went wrong that drove him to do what he did came years later.

If that’s the case I wonder if he tried talking them into going or if he ever tried to mend the relationship between his mom and wife.

I can’t imagine not supporting my son and his wife on their wedding day or their relationship. No matter what my thoughts were on their relationship I would do whatever I could as a parent to support them and to be there for them.

After reading so many personal stories of posters on here who have experienced troubled relationships with their parents or in-laws I consider myself extremely fortunate. My parents have both passed away, but they were wonderful parents, not perfect, but very good parents and I love my in-laws.
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