Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #53

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I hope I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that once the autopsy reports are released to the public, it will be even worse when we find out exactly what he did to his family.
I still have a glimmer of hope that CW will redeem himself, confess all, apologize, and beg for God’s mercy. He’s had a lot of soul searching time to think this over. Right away, he had to realize he’d never see Nichole Kessinger again, unless she was on the witness stand testifying against him, and I am truly surprised he plead, “Guilty,” so quickly, and to all 9 counts. Maybe, he’s realized what an evil and stupid act he committed, maybe he hates himself for doing it.
I would guess he has to wear jail garb as he had to wear it at the previous hearings that were televised, and he was fully expected to go to trial still at that time.
Sorry if I was not clear. My point was he would not wear prison garb in the presence of the jury. Preliminary hearings yes, but I don't think I've ever seen a defendant seated at the table next to their attorney wearing prison garb.
I still have a glimmer of hope that CW will redeem himself, confess all, apologize, and beg for God’s mercy. He’s had a lot of soul searching time to think this over. Right away, he had to realize he’d never see Nichole Kessinger again, unless she was on the witness stand testifying against him, and I am truly surprised he plead, “Guilty,” so quickly, and to all 9 counts. Maybe, he’s realized what an evil and stupid act he committed, maybe he hates himself for doing it.
I don’t share your optimism.

I think he pleaded guilty because the evidence against him was overwelming, and he wanted to save face in regards to courtroom revelations.

I don’t think he did it because he actually feels remorse, or felt this was the right thing to do.

I don’t expect a groveling apology, as much as I would love to see one.

I think he is a sociopath, and also a terrible actor.
I still have a glimmer of hope that CW will redeem himself, confess all, apologize, and beg for God’s mercy. He’s had a lot of soul searching time to think this over. Right away, he had to realize he’d never see Nichole Kessinger again, unless she was on the witness stand testifying against him, and I am truly surprised he plead, “Guilty,” so quickly, and to all 9 counts. Maybe, he’s realized what an evil and stupid act he committed, maybe he hates himself for doing it.
I hear you, but I really doubt it. He's evil to the core. As far as I'm concerned, he's forfeited his place in the human race.
I don’t share your optimism.

I think he pleaded guilty because the evidence against him was overwelming, and he wanted to save face in regards to courtroom revelations.

I don’t think he did it because he actually feels remorse, or felt this was the right thing to do.

I don’t expect a groveling apology, as much as I would love to see one.

I think he is a sociopath, and also a terrible actor.
It’s just a glimmer of hope I have! 99.9999999999999% of me agrees with you.
On the media thread, PommyMommy posted a news video from aug 15th. It is night, and in front of the house. The reporter said that LE was towing a truck away that had been parked a few houses down the street, and that Dieter had just been taken away in a little carrier. I had forgotten about the truck. Do we know why he parked the truck down the street or when/how it even got there? CW picked up his dad from the airport and they went straight to the police station I think. Maybe he hadn’t used his truck ? Maybe he drove SW’s car to pick up his dad? Anyway strange that the truck would have been parked down the street. The driveway was empty. Did anyone have a theory about that that I missed?
ETA.... sorry it was actually posted on aug 16th, but it’s from aug 15th. On the 2nd pg of the media thread. I’m sorry I don’t know how to link it here.
It’s just a glimmer of hope I have! 99.9999999999999% of me agrees with you.
I was wrong about him ever accepting a plea deal, so there’s always the chance that I’m wrong about this as well.

If he can draw tears, we’ll never know what it is that he is crying about.

Probably himself though.
On the media thread, PommyMommy posted a news video from aug 15th. It is night, and in front of the house. The reporter said that LE was towing a truck away that had been parked a few houses down the street, and that Dieter had just been taken away in a little carrier. I had forgotten about the truck. Do we know why he parked the truck down the street or when/how it even got there? CW picked up his dad from the airport and they went straight to the police station I think. Maybe he hadn’t used his truck ? Maybe he drove SW’s car to pick up his dad? Anyway strange that the truck would have been parked down the street. The driveway was empty. Did anyone have a theory about that that I missed?
Why it was parked where it was I don't know, but its unlikely CW took it to the airport to pick up his father as it was a company vehicle. IMO
(Which is exactly why it’s a good reason I will not go tomorrow because if anyone victim bashed I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut and probably get charged with contempt and I’d have to call @gitana1 to bail me out.)

Well poor gitana will be busy with all of us.:):):)
She will have a class action to defend, when we are all in trouble, because we won't stand for 'victim bashing' in Court.
However Prison will be fine for us, as we compare notes, while waiting our release.
We've got the best and the beaches as well.:D
yes you do PI!
for our international friends that means Queensland :)

@Jennifer17 we'll let PI sprook his/her sunshine and beaches to our northern hemp friends and keep our amazing nsw ones to ourself! hehehe:D

ps PI you don't have daylight savings though!!!!:p

pss @tmar your cake shops in Victoria are the best!
sorry o/t !:rolleyes:
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We've got the best and the beaches as well.:D

Aussies will start a riot soon, defending their state.
Yes your beaches are known to be terrific, even through you frizzle in the heat.:D

I won't mention the Melbourne Cup, Our Sports Facilities, etc because we will be thrown out.
Perhaps all can come to Oz and see which state they prefer.
On the media thread, PommyMommy posted a news video from aug 15th. It is night, and in front of the house. The reporter said that LE was towing a truck away that had been parked a few houses down the street, and that Dieter had just been taken away in a little carrier. I had forgotten about the truck. Do we know why he parked the truck down the street or when/how it even got there? CW picked up his dad from the airport and they went straight to the police station I think. Maybe he hadn’t used his truck ? Maybe he drove SW’s car to pick up his dad? Anyway strange that the truck would have been parked down the street. The driveway was empty. Did anyone have a theory about that that I missed?
ETA.... sorry it was actually posted on aug 16th, but it’s from aug 15th. On the 2nd pg of the media thread. I’m sorry I don’t know how to link it here.
On the media thread, PommyMommy posted a news video from aug 15th. It is night, and in front of the house. The reporter said that LE was towing a truck away that had been parked a few houses down the street, and that Dieter had just been taken away in a little carrier. I had forgotten about the truck. Do we know why he parked the truck down the street or when/how it even got there? CW picked up his dad from the airport and they went straight to the police station I think. Maybe he hadn’t used his truck ? Maybe he drove SW’s car to pick up his dad? Anyway strange that the truck would have been parked down the street. The driveway was empty. Did anyone have a theory about that that I missed?
ETA.... sorry it was actually posted on aug 16th, but it’s from aug 15th. On the 2nd pg of the media thread. I’m sorry I don’t know how to link it here.
Yes - we did resolve the truck . CW reportedly helped the friends that had birthday party transport lawn/patio furniture, leaving the truck parked on the street there. However, I think it pretty obvious he was in no hurry to retrieve the truck. That truck was as close to a dead body for LE as far as CW was concerned!
I was thinking more along the lines of what the neighbor with the birthday party that Sunday had said about him - he was always willing to lend a hand or give advice re car trouble, etc. I'm most certainly not saying CW actually had empathy (I don't see how it can be possible and still do this without brain damage/tumor or something) - but I'm sure there are examples from his past that make him appear as if he did. After all, nobody saw this coming. IMO

My ex was viewed as a great guy by many who knew him. People with this personality disorder do favors so that they can collect on them in the future, either by being repaid in actions or words. I had to go into specific detail with mutual friends in order to open their eyes to who my ex really was (this was months after we split, not everyone spills the dirty details of their relationship to their friends while they're still trying to make things work). It was painful to have a few mutual friends who believed his words over my experiences, regarding his actions toward my kids and me.

ETA I don't know how to explain this without personalizing, sorry.
@Thepoet asked me last thread what the impact of victim impact statements have on sentencing.

IMO, the only impact they usually have when there's a plea deal is in the comments the court makes when handing down the sentence.

In other news, I might not be here during sentencing. I do have a brief hearing in the a.m.

Any bets on what the Watts parents will say I think their victim impact statements?

My predication at this point is they will talk about their own suffering as victims losing their grandkids. They are aware of all the comments put there I think and will try to redeem themselves by mentioning special things about Bella and CeCe and how much they love them.

They will talk mostly about how shocking this is. How their son has always been a good, decent person who dearly loved and provided for his children. They will talk about what a good family they have, or allude to it - "We are average people who love our kids, close family. There's never been a hint of trouble."

They will talk about how much they love CW and always will and maybe how they have to accept the plea but will never understand and because this isn't the son they know. So while they accept he has pled guilty they will always have questions and maybe even that they can't accept that he actually did what he pled to.

I have a feeling they won't mention Shanann much. They MIGHT say something kind about her family and their suffering. Like they pray for them and feel for them.

Because they've been advised I don't think they will cause a scene or blame Shanann. Not outright. But I have a feeling the implication that she's at fault or triggered the murders will be there but not implicitly said.

What do you all think?
Sure wish you could call in sick.
It’s just a glimmer of hope I have! 99.9999999999999% of me agrees with you.
You know what? I had one of those glimmers too - for just a teeny, tiny second. I was thinking that CW has had three months to think about what he’s done, he hasn’t had much communication outside of his lawyers and the jail personnel, and "nobody understands him." I thought, you know what? He might actually be dying to say something by now. You know, so we can all understand.

Then I reeled myself back in. We’re talking about CW here. If it doesn’t benefit him in some way, he’s not going to say a word. MOO
According to Scott Reisch’s last podcast, if someone in jail or prison really, really wants to commit suicide, they can find a way. I don’t personally know, but I am assuming he might know something after doing criminal law in CO for 24 years or whatever he said. Hope this helps.
I completely agree with him. Think of the high profile inmates that you'd think would be under close watch. First to come to mind include Ariel Castro and Aaron Hernandez -- both suicides shortly after conviction and/or sentencing; and Philip Markoff while awaiting trial.
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