Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #56

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Actually, screw that. Discovery page 573 interview with NK. He told her he would be in 'the field, not the office' Monday morning. He planned it for that weekend
On 8/7 he told his boss he might be staying at a friends house due to marriage problems and to not be alarmed if GPS on his truck wasn't at his home.

He had this planned for some time.

Wow. Just caught up with this thread.

I knew that doll photo was Chris hinting to her what will happen to the kids.

His Google searches confirm what a psychopath/sociopath he is, as if we didn't know already. He didn't know how to feel.

On 8/7 he told his boss he might be staying at a friends house due to marriage problems and to not be alarmed if GPS on his truck wasn't at his home.

He had this planned for some time.

I think he fantasized about it for a long time and finally came to the decision when Shanann took the girls to NC. Then he took steps to provide the details to his family and friends that would support the story he planned to tell of her leaving. Imo
Discovery page 574 interview with NK.

'Chris said he was going to go to work tomorrow. Nichol told him to stay home and help the police. Chris was worried about Shanann seeing his truck so Nichol told him to move his truck so she would not be scared to come home'

There is a LOT in this section
Wow. Just caught up with this thread.

I knew that doll photo was Chris hinting to her what will happen to the kids.

His Google searches confirm what a psychopath/sociopath he is, as if we didn't know already. He didn't know how to feel.

And so typical that his father suggested it was all Shananns doing.
I finished reading the phone convo section. Just as gitana1 wrote out the lyrics to a song in an earlier comment (threads ago) this is what CW did after disposing of his family. Gitana, You were so accurate it is amazing.

Someone said he was a shell of a person, exactly. He had to Google how to love & how to write a love letter, had to supply the words for that letter with lyrics from songs, he completely became the image of whoever his partner wanted him to be, their interests became his facade.

I said earlier that Shan'ann, because of her kind heart, might have tried to fix that "family", CW's family, and she did. She tried so hard! CW and his parents are vile, they tried to squash her emotionally and when they couldn't they rallied around to bash her with their words. They are despicable.

To Shan'ann's family, I am so sorry that they ever had access to your daughter and grand babies. They seem to feel zero remorse or culpability for the way they treated them. I think that all of us here wish that we could have kept Shan'ann and her children safe, you must wish this too, but don't carry that load, please. She was up against something that could not have been foreseen, not by people who think logically and have real emotions, like love and compassion, empathy. CW is defective, his family structure is defective, they don't see reality in the way that normal people do. Shan'ann did the right thing by pushing back and trying to get them to change, no one could know how all of this was adding up in CW's sadistic brain.

I am going to go against the idea that we cannot ever predict these things. If we think normally and as people with well-formed identities and healthy emotions, we cannot. But, if we have enough guidance to tell us what signs to look for in the families that we conjoin with our own, maybe we can begin to understand that we cannot always make excuses for the irrational behavior of others. Maybe we can show our kids to really listen to and obey their inner voice that tells them: You are not being valued, this could get worse very quickly, it's ok to walk away, NOW. It might help in certain instances. I don't know how else to defend against this type of enmeshment.
Kind people are born to be kind, like Shan'ann. People who are used to this type of emotional abuse are sometimes more tolerant of it in their (ex, ha) spouse, like myself (not anymore). There are so very many people who sociopaths and narcissists can manipulate. It sucks.

No "normal" person assumes their spouse will do this, but after reading all of these pages and pages of texts I can tell you that if I had a brother with personality defects, I would provide that safe space for his wife and kids. I would be the one to say, you know, if it doesn't seem ok, let me help you, you could be very right about my brother, maybe you aren't safe with him. Recognizing the personality traits of these disorders is the first step for immediate family members. Usually at least one of us sees that our family is messed the heck up! We need to open our heart to this idea, and even if we don't see it in ourselves (narcissism, sociopathy) we need to be open to what our kids tell us about ourselves.

There will always be the wild card, the person who annihilates their family in broad daylight, but it seems like those are less common (educate me; are they?). I don't know, Websleuths people, how else do we protect our children and grandchildren from this? CW's parents are so typical of this type of familial disorder, even the nuts incident rang true for what I have seen of my own parents. I think extended family needs to step up at some point and do as much as they can to shed light on the dynamics that are destroying lives. CW was at fault for his own actions. Maybe we can make it obvious who the CW's of the world are if we speak up.

The problem is a lot of women see divorce as a "fail". They take the blame for all of the problems. And no matter how much you try to help someone in a bad situation, if she is a perfectionist, she will stick it out, trying to make it "perfect", and fit into a cookie cutter mold of the ideal relationship. When anyone with objectivity, can see it ain't gonna work.

They wear rose colored glasses, and see everything through a filter. If a behavior doesn't fit, it is ignored. The extreme of this is when a man is abusive to her or the children, and she continues to ignore the behavior, because she desperately wants the romantic perfect relationship and marriage. The minute few moments that exists in the relationship that are good, are what she clings to, with a fervent belief that if she works hard enough, it will be the fantasy. Even though the reality disconnect continues to rear its ugly head.

I have no doubt that is what the dynamic was in SW's marriage. And no one could change her mindset. I see the frantic, frenetic almost desperate attempt that SW was working at to try to make her husband and family life fit what she wanted.

That is why my blood boils when I hear people say "It takes two people to wreck a relationship.". No, one person can try and try, while the other person cheats, ignores, the other person. The cheater actually hates, loathes and despises the one who keeps trying to make everything work.

An outsider can see only the surface and thinks everything is great. Ones closer to the dynamic, see the dysfunction and try to support their friend. I have no doubt that NUA was close enough to see the dysfunction, and that is why she was so attuned to the fact that her friend SW was in trouble.
This part is interesting in terms of the method of murder

Often in these cases you will see signs of overkill where control is lost - but he seems to have been a much more controlled and organised killer.
Is there an interview of her included in the document or is that just from the Daily Mail?
Righto. Well I am up to page 469.

It seems to me like the Aspen trip Chris was researching was for him and Shanann, she was aware they were going.

I wonder if he was planning for an 'accident' to happen to her there, but then something happened when she arrived back from her business trip (I would guess she immediately raised the discrepancy in the cost for the Saturday night dinner), argument ensues, children wake up and the rest is a horrible, disgusting history

Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I can't keep up , so much information out now
he organised with a work college to be at the site next morning alone at 5pm.
shanann was still in arizona. o_O
Discovery 575

'nichol said she is very financially stable and Chris said he did not know women like her existed. Nichol feels money is the biggest catalyst for this happening'
Yes, I had always wondered if he considered Nichol a step up on the ladder. He kept dropping hints to her that he couldn't afford a 3 bedroom apartment, and the response that he didn't know women like that existed is ridiculous. He probably didn't want her to think he was interested in her money. Jmo
AHHA.......I’m not crazy.

I knew I heard Shananns parents refer to her in court with the pronunciation of “Shannon.” Multiple times.

Page 405. Jeremy lindstrom says her mom called her Shannon but SW pronounced it Sha-Nann
ok Shannon it is mrs R! :-)
Good Morning all & Happy Thanksgiving. Unfortunately it is not happy for everyone.

I think he fantasized about it for a long time and finally came to the decision when Shanann took the girls to NC. Then he took steps to provide the details to his family and friends that would support the story he planned to tell of her leaving. Imo

I do too and I think what finally set it in motion was his affair which started in June/July? Or physical in July I can't remember now.
But that got his plan rolling, he had found someone that was interested in him. At that point he was a busy man plotting and planning to put an end to his family.
Well, I made it through 1,642 pages and hyper-scrolled quickly through the rest and came across the text/search records--read those and will go back to 1,643+ later. Is there anyplace where the audiotapes, videotapes and pictures referenced in here are posted? That's consumed all my time since they were released so I haven't kept up w/the thread. If I repeat points made earlier by others I apologize.

Thought summary:

1) I was bracing myself to read some unexpected dirt about Shanann but there really wasn't anything other than crap her inlaws said. It made me sad to see how much she was hurting her last few weeks and even sadder to see she had an unfounded ray of hope at the end.

2) Nutgate was real. And I honestly believe the inlaw's reaction were one of the causal factors for him killing SW. And I think Daddy Watts had more of an (albeit probably indirect) influence on CWs decision than Mama Watts did. Mr Watts interview summary, his side of the "Chris and Daddy" pre-confession conversation, reading how he behaved after nutgate and that comment on Sunday 8/12 asking CW if he could facetime w/the girls (then answering his own question and saying "no. Bella would probably tell Shanann would have a fit"). Mama Watts still is no saint--that conversation w/Chris' friend in California alone was damning. But texts between CW and SW show the "wedge" Nutgate created was between CW and his Dad, more than Mom. (Me thinks the Mommy-wedge ship had long since sailed).

3) Sorry, but I no longer have any sympathy for NK at all. After reading the texts to her friend saying she didn't think she wanted to marry someone w/kids I think there's a good chance she was a significant reason he killed the girls. She denies ever saying anything like that to CW but I don't believe her. Even if it's true she probably gave off vibes to that effect. While her *advertiser censored* internet searches and graphic texts to her girlfriend didn't endear me to her, to each their own. Same with the sexy selfies (though they did make me question her judgment). I still had some sympathy left for her until I saw the Amber Frey searches (i.e. book deal)--what a greedy *****! I don't mind if she's shaking in her boots knowing that her texts and searches are publicly available.

4) Though I expected to see some, there wasn't much evidence that the murders were pre-planned. But there are things that support premeditation IMO. When he met his co-worker Friday, CW saying he would head to the work site for him on Monday. The timing of NK's message to her friend saying she didn't want a guy w/kids and probability she communicated it to CW directly or indirectly. CW searching for apts for him and the girls w/NK then no longer appearing to be interested in finding one that final weekend.

5) I still think the girls were killed before SW got home--when SW asked him to send her pictures of the girls that afternoon he sent her real-time shots, but when she asked again at 7:46 p.m. he only sent her pictures from earlier in the day.

6) Time after time I saw things that made me realize CW is even stupider than I thought. Too many to try to mention. Not the least of which is not getting a lawyer before all those interviews, searches and the lie detector test.

7) If there was any doubt in my mind that CW might be slightly remorseful and not a complete monster, the doubt was removed when I saw his search for Metallica's "Battery" lyrics the day after he killed them. Have you read the lyrics?

8) The letters he's receiving in jail are frightening and made me want to puke.

9) I'm sorry. Apparently I was wrong when I said NUA saw the neighbor's videotape before calling the police. Was also wrong about CW and SW not discussing sale of the house--though is anyone else wondering if CW sent the email message from SW's account?. She didn't use email much--seems she would have just texted and somewhere in the 2,000 pages it was established she didn't use her computer very often.

Can't wait to get back in the thread and read everyone else's thoughts.
I can’t get over the timeline at the Cervi site. He left home at 5.27am. It takes roughly an hour. He was texting and calling co-workers by 6.30am+. Co-workers on site by 8.30am. He’s laughing and joking and acting completely normal.

He’d just dug a grave, while making phone calls, and held his little dead babies by the arms dropping (shoving) them into oil tanks and listening for the splash. “Oh this one isn’t as full as the other one!” he thinks to himself.

Evil Monster is really the understatement of the year.
Well, I made it through 1,642 pages and hyper-scrolled quickly through the rest and came across the text/search records--read those and will go back to 1,643+ later. Is there anyplace where the audiotapes, videotapes and pictures referenced in here are posted? That's consumed all my time since they were released so I haven't kept up w/the thread. If I repeat points made earlier by others I apologize.

Thought summary:

1) I was bracing myself to read some unexpected dirt about Shanann but there really wasn't anything other than crap her inlaws said. It made me sad to see how much she was hurting her last few weeks and even sadder to see she had an unfounded ray of hope at the end.

2) Nutgate was real. And I honestly believe the inlaw's reaction were one of the causal factors for him killing SW. And I think Daddy Watts had more of an (albeit probably indirect) influence on CWs decision than Mama Watts did. Mr Watts interview summary, his side of the "Chris and Daddy" pre-confession conversation, reading how he behaved after nutgate and that comment on Sunday 8/12 asking CW if he could facetime w/the girls (then answering his own question and saying "no. Bella would probably tell Shanann would have a fit"). Mama Watts still is no saint--that conversation w/Chris' friend in California alone was damning. But texts between CW and SW show the "wedge" Nutgate created was between CW and his Dad, more than Mom. (Me thinks the Mommy-wedge ship had long since sailed).

3) Sorry, but I no longer have any sympathy for NK at all. After reading the texts to her friend saying she didn't think she wanted to marry someone w/kids I think there's a good chance she was a significant reason he killed the girls. She denies ever saying anything like that to CW but I don't believe her. Even if it's true she probably gave off vibes to that effect. While her *advertiser censored* internet searches and graphic texts to her girlfriend didn't endear me to her, to each their own. Same with the sexy selfies (though they did make me question her judgment). I still had some sympathy left for her until I saw the Amber Frey searches (i.e. book deal)--what a greedy *****! I don't mind if she's shaking in her boots knowing that her texts and searches are publicly available.

4) Though I expected to see some, there wasn't much evidence that the murders were pre-planned. But there are things that support premeditation IMO. When he met his co-worker Friday, CW saying he would head to the work site for him on Monday. The timing of NK's message to her friend saying she didn't want a guy w/kids and probability she communicated it to CW directly or indirectly. CW searching for apts for him and the girls w/NK then no longer appearing to be interested in finding one that final weekend.

5) I still think the girls were killed before SW got home--when SW asked him to send her pictures of the girls that afternoon he sent her real-time shots, but when she asked again at 7:46 p.m. he only sent her pictures from earlier in the day.

6) Time after time I saw things that made me realize CW is even stupider than I thought. Too many to try to mention. Not the least of which is not getting a lawyer before all those interviews, searches and the lie detector test.

7) If there was any doubt in my mind that CW might be slightly remorseful and not a complete monster, the doubt was removed when I saw his search for Metallica's "Battery" lyrics the day after he killed them. Have you read the lyrics?

8) The letters he's receiving in jail are frightening and made me want to puke.

9) I'm sorry. Apparently I was wrong when I said NUA saw the neighbor's videotape before calling the police. Was also wrong about CW and SW not discussing sale of the house--though is anyone else wondering if CW sent the email message from SW's account?. She didn't use email much--seems she would have just texted and somewhere in the 2,000 pages it was established she didn't use her computer very often.

Can't wait to get back in the thread and read everyone else's thoughts.
Thanks for summing up it up so well, you are spot on.
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