GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #57

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Hope CW does not go to NC, so there always will be problems with travel, in case down the track, he wishes visits from the Watts family.
Hope any requests by any Watts members, including CW are forever ignored.

They won't ignore it. They will just deny it. Costs big bucks to move and house a lifer when you consider all the extra security expenses. He'll have lots of time in his Tiny One man cell eating food the cops spit in, to contemplate his sick crimes for the rest of his pitiful life
They won't ignore it. They will just deny it. Costs big bucks to move and house a lifer when you consider all the extra security expenses. He'll have lots of time in his Tiny One man cell eating food the cops spit in, to contemplate his sick crimes for the rest of his pitiful life
Sounds good to me.
Hey Everyone,

With the release of the documents from the Watts investigation, it appears there are many questionable events, issues, Google searches and more concerning NK.

The vitriol being exhibited has taken me by surprise. She was not charged with killing Shanann and her two adorable daughters. No matter what NK did or didn't do it was Chris Watts who committed this crime.

What NK knew along with her actions (among other things) are what everyone is questioning now. I understand with the new information we must allow discussing the new information in the documents.

All I ask is please, dial it back. Save that type of anger for Chris Watts. Remember two people had this affair. Only one annihilated his family.

If you see a post that is over the top in discussing NK please report.

One thing we will not allow is derogatory name calling of NK. You know the words I am talking about.

We have a lot of info to process. I appreciate people who know about the courts and such weighing in to help those of us who need some guidance.

Thank you
I understand and agree, if not for NK we wouldn’t have as clear an understanding of CW’s motives and intentions. But since the beginning of time there have always been women willing and eager to jump in and snatch up some other woman’s husband and children's father when the opportunity presents itself. We all know life changes dramatically once the babies enter the picture. You can’t be that sexy goddess anymore because the baby always seems to start crying just when it starts getting good with him, and the baby always takes priority. Will this ever change? Will we ever learn? When will women stop doing this to one another? Probably not a discussion for WS.
It would be helpful to know what date Nichol started working at the same place as Chris. In other words, what is the absolute first date they would have known of each other?

Nichol didn’t kill anyone. I don’t believe she knew Chris was going to kill anyone. So that’s the big one.

Did Nichol do anything illegal? I don’t know. Is deleting photos, texts, emails and videos illegal (after you have an awareness that a major issue is at hand, and LE will find out about and want to talk to you, or you to them)? How about lying to law enforcement or the FBI? That is illegal. If she had helped Chris cover up or clean up anything, that would be a huge problem. Haven’t seen any evidence of that.

And it’s not illegal to have an affair with a married person, at your place of work. But it’s pretty poor judgment and sh*tty. Or to Google a whole bunch of ridiculous and sketchy stuff. Umm, emotional maturity? However, it looks incredibly terrible to search these things. But lying about it and your thoughts or knowledge behind all of this stuff...hmm. She is a liar, just like Chris.

LE would have found Nichol—quickly—and found her and Chris’s stuff. Ok, she went to the police, I get it. Only because she had no choice. I have nothing nice to say about her. Actually, I’m disgusted and totally pissed. I’m comforted by the fact that people like her, unless they change their ways—which is rare—will have a lifetime of drama and ‘what the f*ck am I doing?’ moments. Good luck with that, and future mates, and job interviews, and everyone Googling you and seeing what you did for the rest of your life. We all make ‘mistakes’. This is ... not that.
If Amber released a book, don’t you think Nichol will? A big difference though is, there was no Watts trial. But, how are you going to feel if Nichol ends up doing TV interviews (Dr. Phil?) and releases a book (‘my summer with the evil monster, Chris Watts).
So what next? Do you think any videos will be released?

I wish we see the interrogation video, when CW lies +++, is caught on each one, changes story and reveals his pathetic character.
I want to see his stone face crumbling at the end.:):):)
All those around CW, neighbours, work mates, Thrive folk, must be pleased this slime ball is no longer amongst them.:D
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I have started to read the docs and have a long way to go. Thank you so much to the nice poster that sent me the link. I am still pretty much at the beginning and have not got to anything pertaining to what NK has done or said.
I am sure I will have much to chime in about when I do or as I go along. Back to reading.
Ha! While sitting at the Thanksgiving table, I actually had a flash to NK sitting at her family table. AWKWARD!
Yep... I've been cooking all day. (We are eating tonight) I've thought of nothing else all day. How SWs poor family is coping with this day, the Watts family & yes I've been thinking quite a lot about NK as well. Hard. Crazy. I never dreamed in a million years that CW driving 45 minutes with his dead family in his pickup would be the least of the horrid things he had done.
State Prisons have whats called an Interstate Compact on inmate transfers. North Carolina has their own problems. Highley unlikely NC they would want him at all.
Welcome Larry! Thank you so much for being here with us! Sorry if this has already been asked, where in Colorado do you think they will send CW?
Great minds think alike? I have been compiling questions while reading today. Here is what I have so far. (I didn't include posters names in case that is considered personalizing.)
  1. What was the significance of the non-porous bag and the footprint?
  2. What was CW doing on the Saturday night before the murders? Did he use a babysitter?
  3. Was the garage keypad really broken or inoperable? Out of batteries?
  4. What did CW do with Shanann's engagement and wedding rings?
  5. What did the dogs alert on?
  6. Will they ever release the police interview with Chris?
  7. Did Chris Watts know the neighbors had cameras?
  8. What is the history about that doll photo on her FB?
  9. Was NK the only AP or was there evidence he was out trolling for women (or men) on websites?
  10. Was the alleged male AP "TB" for real or was he just inserting himself into the investigation?
  11. NK "deleted" texts & FB posts before contacting LE. Do we know if LE recovered them?
  12. How did Shanann's phone get in the sofa?
  13. What was the content of the texts CW sent in the days leading up to the murders? Will they be made public?
  14. Bella was received at autopsy wrapped in a bedsheet "from retrieval process." Was this one of their bed sheets and was she was found with it?
I would love to see Rourk on a podcast!

In the meantime a few of these are answered in the bizillion Discivery pages:

2) The Sat before the murders is the night he had his friend’s dayghter McKenna babysit, said he was going to the Rockie’s game and went out to dinner w/NK.

3). One of the Dad’s (pretty sure it was Mr Rzucek) said the garage door pad had been broken for a while and was broken when he stayed there.

7). Chris knew the neighbor had the camera because he’d asked him to retrieve info from it before for a truck break-in. What he probably didn’t know is Nate had adjusted the camera angle a bit since then. (not sure the second part is in Discovy docs but Nate (the neighbor) shared that w/me.

14). In at least one of the reports from people there to recover the girls bodies from the tank, it was said they placed the body on a clean white sheet (because of sloughing).
First, I am having a hard time playing catch up on these threads so apologies if this has been addressed.

Three observations:
1. Regarding his argument he had with SW the night of. There's no proof of that. IMO, it was his cover-up as things were very quickly closing in on him. I don't understand why this is taken as fact and analyzed when there is nothing but his word which we know is utterly worthless.

2. SW text messages to a friend, less than a week before she was murdered included (emphasis in bold is mine. The all caps emphasis, however, are SW):

SW: "He has changed, I don’t know who he is.”
Friend: “What do you mean?”

SW: “He hasn’t touched me all week, kissed me, talked to me except for when I’m trying to figure out what is wrong. I just want to cry."

SW: "We’ve never had a problem in our relationship like this. No joke. NEVER. THIS IS TOTAL LEFT FIELD”.

So, six days before, he suddenly changed, his behavior became very distant and remote in a way that SW had never observed.

To me it seems rather obvious....

That he had made the decision to murder his family. To remove the obstacle to the new life he wanted, the fresh start, he needed to dehumanize her, keep his distance both emotionally and physically, if he was going to go through with it.

So I don't see an alleged argument.
More likely? A surprise attack when she was asleep.

Only his sick mind knows what happened but, just like Christian Longo, I find this utterly remorseless and calculated. Just because there is a leg shaking during sentencing doesn't mean he had an ounce of remorse. It's a way to release anxiety, period. He was a cornered animal, listening to the highly emotionally charged statements, so not a surprise this caused some discomfort in him.

3. How this case has haunted me as it probably has you too. Today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, my heart is with her family and loved ones of SW and the precious children. I hope the family received a bit of closure with his sentence but I can't imagine how tormented they feel today.

Link to Longo interview who was surprised at his own lack of remorse:
Christian Longo Murders - Death Row Execution Policy
If Amber released a book, don’t you think Nichol will? A big difference though is, there was no Watts trial. But, how are you going to feel if Nichol ends up doing TV interviews (Dr. Phil?) and releases a book (‘my summer with the evil monster, Chris Watts).[/QUOTE

Don't know Colorado law, but in some states there is thing called "alienation of affection." I think Shanan's family would have civil recourse against him on those terms so that she could not profit from this tragedy.
I agree, she would not be free! I can only speak for myself, not others, but my guess is people feel a bit taken back because NK came out and said one thing to the media, yet when reading the documents her story didn't quite add up. However, like the thousands of people, both men and women, who have affairs it isn't really anything new. She would be trying to protect what remains of her dignity, understandably.

I do believe people feel upset because they feel protective of SW and what she went through. It is excruciatingly sad to read all the info towards the end of her life when she desperately tried to save her marriage and he was out having fun.

I most definitely agree that the blame lies solely with him though! He didn't have to go there. And he and he alone chose to do those despicable crimes.

If she lied to LE and hide evidence then she's not an innocent bystander after all.
Copied from previous thread:

"Thanks. I try!!

Perhaps she could be charged. But she won't be. It's nothing in the grand scheme of things and going after crucial witnesses could dissuade witnesses to future crimes who might not have impeccable characters.

Had this gone to trial, NK would've been the star witness besides NUA. Her existence and her relationship and their communications provides motive and explains the timing of the murders."

I remember in Abbey and Libby's Case (Delphi), a few folk were charged on unrelated crimes, initially in the investigation.
It was thought on Websleuths by some, this would hinder others coming forth.
It would be helpful to know what date Nichol started working at the same place as Chris. In other words, what is the absolute first date they would have known of each other?

Nichol didn’t kill anyone. I don’t believe she knew Chris was going to kill anyone. So that’s the big one.

Did Nichol do anything illegal? I don’t know. Is deleting photos, texts, emails and videos illegal (after you have an awareness that a major issue is at hand, and LE will find out about and want to talk to you, or you to them)? How about lying to law enforcement or the FBI? That is illegal. If she had helped Chris cover up or clean up anything, that would be a huge problem. Haven’t seen any evidence of that.

And it’s not illegal to have an affair with a married person, at your place of work. But it’s pretty poor judgment and sh*tty. Or to Google a whole bunch of ridiculous and sketchy stuff. Umm, emotional maturity? However, it looks incredibly terrible to search these things. But lying about it and your thoughts or knowledge behind all of this stuff...hmm. She is a liar, just like Chris.

LE would have found Nichol—quickly—and found her and Chris’s stuff. Ok, she went to the police, I get it. Only because she had no choice. I have nothing nice to say about her. Actually, I’m disgusted and totally pissed. I’m comforted by the fact that people like her, unless they change their ways—which is rare—will have a lifetime of drama and ‘what the f*ck am I doing?’ moments. Good luck with that, and future mates, and job interviews, and everyone Googling you and seeing what you did for the rest of your life. We all make ‘mistakes’. This is ... not that.
yes we are greatful she turned on him and her information would have been instrumental at trial.

when it all came to light the day before sentencing we seen this angelic oh wow I didn't know anything really and didnt even know him until recently and as soon as I seen red flags I contacted police. (that's k-mac breakdown don't quote me)

but from the doco dump we see her intentions where not as pro shanann as were projected.

the ship was sinking and she knew it. there was NO CHOICE but to take a life ring and jumpoff.

the intention is fastly different and as bad taste and in keeping with as having an affair with a man you know is married with little kids.

chris got shanann pregnant by his choice.
what mistress would be cool with that??

lack of honest transparency is the problem with Nicole.
she has brought it all on herself and doesn't deserve the little pity party developing for her imo.

she did what she had to....and NOTHING more.
nothing to do with sinking chris and saving the day…..just saving her own arse from the fall out is all that happened here.

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