GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #57

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I just asked my son to split up this ginormous file for me. I wanted to have interrogation, and the electronic evidence portion separately from the big file. I don't know how he did it but he did. So much easier to read and find information now.

I often tell my kids that the reason we had kids, was so their Dad and I could set up and use our computers and smart phones...:rolleyes:
It's correct in the report. It seems to be a tech glitch that is happening when we copy & paste from the report. It doesn't carry over numbers correctly for some reason. I have been fixing those by hand after I paste them.

I didn't realise this till now so will ensure if I cut and paste again I will proof read
Sad he can stick up for NK because she's been through enough in her life, but he wouldn't stand up to his parents for his wife. What a pig!!!
I’m not positive that’s what he was doing, atleast entirely.

She could expose him, and bring a great deal of heat, depending on what she had to say.

He may have simply been concerned about protecting himself.
Great point. And notice CW said he put SW back in bed. Does he reference her previously being in bed? Otherwise that is clearly a lie.

She got up twice to ask when SW would be home. He reassured her that SW would be there when she woke up in the morning.

Hey @ZsaZsa

Just to clarify, I think we may be speaking of two dfferent situations and people. I am referring to a post discussing CW saying he put SW back in bed (which I feel he is lying about) and it looks like you are referring to Bella, which was earlier in the evening and likely true.
This post is for @MsBetsy and anyone else is interested. In the last thread I mentioned about how Nichol K told investigators that she encouraged Chris to work on his marriage with Shanann. MsBetsy asked for where this was in the documents. Sorry, I posted several times last night in a rage and never mentioned the page numbers. Will be sure to do that from now on.
Starts at discovery page 569 (document page 502)
It is mentioned several times over the course of the interview that Nichol apparently encouraged Chris to work on his marriage. Chris repeatedly said it was Shanann who wanted out. At one point he apparently told Nichol he his trip to NC was to attempt to work on it with Shanann and find out if the marriage could be saved. He later apparently reported that Shanann's mind was made up and it was over. He also told Nichol that their marriage had been purely contractual for a long time, which we know is not true. The interview also does show that Nichol says she encouraged Chris to read articles about helping children through divorce, and he said "the kids will be fine" (dead).
Of course the texts show a different story to that, poor Shanann was beside herself with fear, pain and confusion.
Seems to me NK and CW share an important characteristic: they both believe their own lies! Never have NK's actions matched her words. What is there to believe about NK allegedly encouraging CW to save his marriage; CW agreeing to try during NC visit; when all the while NK continued transmitting nudes to him in NC.
Can m a n i p u l a t i o n be spelled any more clear! Grown *advertiser censored** woman, hardly a victim. CW never deserved a family. He did deserve NK. MOO
Has the possibility of CW being somewhere on an autism spectrum been discussed? With CW’s workers calling him Rainman, his anti-social behavior, and cold robot-like emotions, not knowing how to respond to others expressing emotion, firmly getting stuck on a plan of action, single-mindedness about things like diet / fitness / AP time... I could see his needle moved over quite a bit compared to someone like SW.

Do any other FAs exhibit behaviors that would make you consider them to be closer to the austistic end on the spectrum than not?

I’m not a medical professional but have people in my life that behave this way, so just a thought. MOO.

I have often wondered that as well. I have an uncle and a cousin, his son, who are on the spectrum, as high functioning autistic. [ although , I guess that's not a thing anymore?']

My cousin, who is in his 40's, reminds me of CW in some ways. He is very intelligent, mechanically. He can fix machinery and engines in very creative ways. He is very polite and quiet.

But he is also kind of awkward socially. He needs to be coaxed or told what to do at times. He will always help out at a family event, moving chairs, unloading cars, etc. But he never foresees anything or is pro-active. He kind of 'lurks' and hovers. So someone needs to say ' Hey D, want to go help them move those boxes ?'

People are always bashing SW for ordering him around, but I think he kind of likes that and is comfortable with that dynamic. That way he can stay 'disengaged' and disconnected. 'Just point me in the right direction and tell me what to do, and I'll do it.'
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