GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #61

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I have a new theory about NK googling/knowing more about SW/pregnancy. I think she DID google and know a lot. I don't think she wanted CW to know that she knew those things and denied doing it to save face with HIM. Similar to how he didn't want to talk about the pregnancy on TV. He didn't know she knew and wanted to save face.

That’s what I believe too. He believed he would lose her if she knew and his plan to get rid of them was to prevent her from knowing. I believe if she would have told him that she knew, his family would be alive, I think she knows that too, but only in retrospect. I don’t think she will ever tell the truth about that, however her searches tell us all we need to know.
An “innocent”, mislead mistress would have gone to LE Monday night, or Tuesday morning. She would ask to take a polygraph, tell LE she wanted to delete embarrassing photos then hand them her phone, and explain her role truthfully. Instead ( according to Discovery’s 1900+ pages) on Tuesday she scrubbed every single electronic trace of herself. Even things that had nothing to do with the affair. Combined with vilifying the victim!, showing zero genuine remorse and laughing and lying through her interviews.

It looks bad. Real, real bad.
She’s no Amber Fry. Not by a long shot.
Every Police station should have a booklet - the Mark Klaas guide to assisting police with their enquiries. That way LE can quickly exonerate those who have played no part in the crime, and get on to finding those who did. NK could have used one.
I noticed when watching this video that HLN has an episode on the Watts case coming up:

Friday, December 7, 8 pm EST
View attachment 157890

A big Thank You for that, PommyMommy!

I have put it on my calendar. It will be interesting to see what type of "attitude" is presented on that program. o_O
Why was the sheet blood stained I wonder?
That Radar Online article is riddled with wrong facts, so I wouldn't take anything they said as true. It seems like they looked at photos and creating a story for them rather than actually knowing their stuff. They should be ashamed of their sloppy work.
Random thoughts while
listening to the 2 hr ‘confession’ with Chris and his Dad and the 2 detectives:

That male detective has such a soothing voice and gentle way about him. He made me want to confess my sins too. He seems so trustworthy and calming.

Cw denied and denied and is so totally unconvincing. ‘I did not put their bodies in my truck.’ <<They didn’t ask him that but he answered it anyway…

Also, interesting when Daddy Watts asked Chris:

You really think this is going to work?

Chris, in a phony ‘intense’ confession, to the detectives:

I didn’t know what to do…none of this makes any sense…I mean…

Why would she kill my effin girls?

[why would you call them your ‘EFFIN girls?]

“My babies were dead…and

I put my hands around my wife’s neck and did that same thing…”

[ opts—caught in a lie when they did the autospy]

His Dad makes lame attempt to use that FB image of the doll in a sheet to say it was a threat from SW….OOPSIE again. That was Chris that took that pic.

I love how the detective keeps telling Chris he is a ‘good man.’ He knows exactly what Chris likes to hear…stroking the massive ego of a narce.

The most upset he got, and the loudest objection from CW, was when the detective asked if he wanted his coworkers to get the babies out —he freaked out, literally, at the thought of them ‘thinking poorly of him.’
I think maybe because of NK.

after the 'confession, and the detectives leave the room, he says to his dad’…’ thing is, I don’t even know if they believed me or not…’


what do u think made her snap?

Just because she knew about the affair, but I wouldn’t say it… In her heart she knew…

Yah, sure Chris. You make her suspicious over a 56 dollar meal, so she is going to run into her girl's rooms and strangle them to death, seconds later.

LE tries to pin him down to a story—

“ I hear a commotion upstairs,,like pound pound pound…”

I go upstairs in bedroom, look at monitor, see Bella, covers pulled back, she is sprawled out—then 3 or 4 seconds later it goes to other monitor, and I see CeCe room…

[ why did you sit there for 4 or 5 seconds after seeing your baby sprawled out, blue, on the monitor? ]

LE : was she straddling cece?

I walked up from the back…pulled her off, cece was blue, no movement at all, she was limp,

I looked at her and got on top of her and did the same thing, pulled her on to the bed, I just lost it…

I think he got a bit confused there--why did he pull SW on top of the bed. Wasn't she on there straddling Cece?

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This was my exact opinion. For whatever reason I will never understand, NK did not appear in the interview to be particularly devastated for the murder victims nor horrified what she had to have just learned that very day or late the night before. The interview was on the 16th. He "confessed" to where he dumped the bodies only the very night before this. IMO

And one more thing. People here have criticized NK for her vocabulary, her grammar, especially in view of her college ed.Her looks were criticized.

In real life, it does not matter.

I ordered Amber Frey's book and I am reading it.

Amber is a totally different person. She does not have higher education, does not come f from a good family and is not especially beautiful. She is very devout, but I found her interpretation of religion naive. Her language is trivial. And yet... in her life, which was not easy, Amber tried to extract goodness out of everything, her religion, experiences with people, her hard work, and finally, her daughter.

It was not her fault that she, a single mother tired of being a masseuse, fell for "a solid", like she thought, guy, Scott P. After she realized that he was a liar (and possibly, a murderer), she felt compassion towards the humans of whose existence she never had known (Laci and her unborn son). She thought, "he would have been born on my birthday". She was pretty harsh with Scott in her taped interviews. She saw through his lies. She was only in her late 20-es, but so more mature than N.K.

Here is what Amber Frey said in her interview of 2015: "We're doing good. I don't regret anything. As crazy as it sounds as what came out and whatnot, I would do it all over again because it wasn't about me. There was a missing woman carrying a child that if I had something that would help, without question (I would)."

Scott P. is a horrible person, but at least the woman he fell for, Amber F, is a wholesome human being.

In contrast to Amber and her personality, it appears that Shanann, Bella and CeCe were killed for a shallow relationship.
Snipped by me.

I agree about the stepping up, but, I don't know any "good people" who have affairs with married individuals.

One puts aside their "goodness" when they enter into a lie of this magnitude.
I mostly agree, but I do think there are situations good people can get in that teach some hard lessons, although I’m not sure that applies to NK.

For me, it was someone I worked with who also lived in my neighborhood. We both worked late often and were often the last two to leave the building. It started as just casual conversations. Then it became let’s grab some dinner on the way home. Then she started showing up at my house. I knew she had a girlfriend, but honestly they never spent time together so it was easy to forget. She had a colonoscopy and I took her. When she was upset about something, she called me. On her birthday, she went to dinner at the girlfriends house, then came to my house for the rest of the evening. I thought we were friends, until I fell in love. Then I just kept telling myself that their relationship was clearly over. They never spent the night together.

But the relationship wasn’t over. How could it be when neither of them ever said it was? So of course it all blew up in my face and I was the one left holding my shattered heart. I totally deserved it. And I will never do it again.

And the two of them? The one I was involved with moved across the country several months later (accepted a new job without discussing it with the gf). They broke up a couple months after that. I haven’t dated since.
I doubt it was. This is Radar Online after all.

There is no mention of blood in discovery.

It’s always possible, I am thinking those stains are from dirt or clay in the ground. CO is famous for its Red Rocks and the dirt often matches.

They also got the sunflower caption, wrong. They look more like wild Brown-Eyed Susans to me.

That Radar Online article is riddled with wrong facts, so I wouldn't take anything they said as true. It seems like they looked at photos and creating a story for them rather than actually knowing their stuff. They should be ashamed of their sloppy work.
Agree. That's why I didn't copy any of the text. It's always sensationalistic and full of errors. MOO
I had not seen these

And this is part 1 of 6 parts of the polygraph test. When you finish with part 1, part 2 will be below to click on etc etc

as she says no never..... never
I never suggested anything to him blah blah

shes preening her hair.:confused:
not in a nervous way, cool calm like she was sitting at her desk in school listening to a boring teacher.

oh my lordy she is a piece of work

The male FBI agent, SA Coder, sounds to me like he also speaks with vocal fry. This could be the audio quality I’m hearing but it sounds like vocal fry.
I was thinking 1 of 2 things. Either
1. He started to bury the girls too and ran out of time so he decided to put them in the tanks or
2. LE did that while recovering.

I could be wrong on both theroies tho

I believe they went back to dig looking for the stuffed animals & blankets. @MassGuy or @PommyMommy coild probably give you the page number in less than 5 seconds lol
I believe they went back to dig looking for the stuffed animals & blankets. @MassGuy or @PommyMommy coild probably give you the page number in less than 5 seconds lol
Yup. Page 616.

They dug around Shanann’s gravesite looking for the missing blankets and stuffed animals.

ETA: Beat ya @PommyMommy
I believe they went back to dig looking for the stuffed animals & blankets. @MassGuy or @PommyMommy coild probably give you the page number in less than 5 seconds lol
Pg 548 (Discovery pg 616)

After the grid search was completed, I assisted with additional digging around SHANANN’s gravesite with shovels in an attempt to locate BELLA and CELESTE’s blankets and stuffed animals. No blankets or stuffed animals were located. A short time later, Weld County Deputy Coroner, JOEY WEINER, and Forensic Pathologist, Dr. MICHAEL BURSON, arrived on scene to assist with the recovery effort.
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